While talking, the two of them came out of the classroom, looking at Feng Youyou and Jiang Heng, who were also a little happy.

"Why are there only the two of you? Didn't you go to find other people?" Feng Youyou looked at the two of them with some doubts, hoping to get news about other people from them.

Qiu Shui didn't have the previous hostility towards Feng Youyou, but said to her very friendly: "We didn't find them either, but we found an old newspaper, which recorded the story of how the murderer took revenge!"

As soon as the contents of the newspaper were mentioned, Qiu Shui couldn't help shivering, with deep fear on his face.

Feng Youyou took the old newspaper cautiously, and found that the newspaper was quite old in terms of paper quality, but the writing on it was still clearly visible.

After reading it from the beginning to the end, Feng Youyou found that the place described in the old newspaper was exactly the opposite of the person who died strangely between them, which immediately cast a cloud over her face.

Seeing the sudden change in Feng Youyou's face, Jiang Heng immediately took the old newspaper from her hand, glanced at it, and immediately said in horror: "Then, doesn't this newspaper predict where the next person will die? "

As soon as Jiang Heng's words fell, Feng Youyou, who had been thinking for a long time, raised his head and said with deep eyes: "No, we want to prevent this from happening."

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Qiu Shui and Mu Yan: "Where did you find this newspaper?"

After the timid Qiushui knew the meaning of the old newspaper, he still hadn't reacted, and the fear was still on his face.

Seeing her like this, Mu Yan coughed lightly, and then said calmly, "We found it in the library."

After getting this news, Feng Youyou immediately rushed towards the library, and the others followed closely behind her.

When they arrived at the library, Mu Yan walked ahead and led them to the page of the newspaper that he got before, but when he saw the newspaper on it, his eyes widened in surprise.

Then he picked up the newspaper and looked at it one by one. The more he read, the more nervous he became, and finally his body trembled a little.

Seeing Mu Yan's reaction, Feng Youyou and the others quickly walked to where Mu Yan was, picked up those newspapers and found that they were exactly the same as the one Qiu Shui had held before.

Such a change made Qiu Shui murmur in horror: "This is impossible, there were no such newspapers before."

After listening to Qiu Shui's words, Feng Youyou's eyebrows furrowed tighter and tighter, thinking about why this happened.

While Feng Youyou was thinking, Qiu Shui suddenly took Mu Yan's hand and shouted: "Go, let's get out of here, the next person will definitely die in the library. I'm still young, what else do I have to do? I don't want to die!"

Perhaps because she was too scared, Qiu Shui seemed a little incoherent when she spoke, and at the same time, everyone could clearly feel that she was on the verge of collapse.

Mu Yan was as scared as Qiu Shui in his heart, so when Qiu Shui took his hand to leave, he didn't struggle at all, but rather agreed with her.

Seeing this, Feng Youyou immediately stopped in front of them, and said to them: "I know you will be very scared after going through these things, but since the murderer has already appeared, why don't we just follow the plan?"

"But aren't we waiting to die here?" Although Qiushui felt that Feng Youyou's words made sense, she still couldn't control the fear in her heart.

Feng Youyou can fully understand Qiushui's mood at the moment, but she knows that running away cannot solve all this, so she walks to Qiushui, stretches out her hand, holds her hand, and then says to her: "Even if it's you and Mu Even if you leave here at this time, there is no guarantee that the murderer will not find you, so why can't we take the initiative to attack?"

At first, Qiu Shui was very hesitant, but she touched Feng Youyou's fearless eyes, and she could feel the warmth from her hands, so she nodded, "Well, we will believe you this time."

At night, everyone sat tightly together, no one dared to sleep, and they all paid close attention to the situation around them.

But although they were all very nervous, they didn't find anything unusual. The surroundings were so quiet that they could even hear each other's breathing clearly.

Because it was too peaceful, Mu Yan and Qiu Shui felt a little sleepy, they started to pillow each other's shoulders, and gradually fell asleep.

This situation lasted until midnight, Qiu Shui and Mu Yan were awakened by the slight sound of footsteps, but they did not dare to make a sound, until the sound of footsteps approached, Mu Yan and Jiang Heng immediately stepped forward, grabbed hold of the footsteps master of the sound.

I thought that person was the murderer, so both Mu Yan and Jiang Heng acted a bit harshly.

But after the 'murderer' was subdued by the two of them, he tremblingly begged for mercy: "Please don't kill me, the others are already dead, just let me go!"

Feeling that the voice was not right, Mu Yan raised the man's head, only to realize that he was one of the people who were unwilling to leave with them before, and his name was Zou Kai.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng immediately asked eagerly: "What did you say? Everyone else is dead?"

"Yeah, I'm the only one left, and they all died very badly!" Zou Kai burst into tears as he spoke.

When Zou Kai was crying, he didn't have any image that a man should have, and he looked extremely fragile.

Everyone knew that he was feeling sad, but they didn't know how to comfort him, so they had to wait for him to cry enough before Feng Youyou asked, "Then how did you find this place?"

Zou Kai looked at Feng Youyou with his red and swollen eyes from crying, thought for a while, and then said to her: "I saw the words 'If you want to find clues, go to the library!' on the wall!" I thought it was a reminder from the system, so I came here."

After hearing her words, Feng Youyou was not in a hurry to express her opinion, but thought about what Zou Kai said in her heart.

If what he said is true, it means that someone deliberately gathered everyone in the library, and then deal with it together.

Thinking of this, Feng Youyou looked directly at Zou Kai, and asked softly, "Do you still remember the location of that wall?"

After all, in this ghostly place, it is easy to take you as the direction, so Feng Youyou decided to confirm with Zou Kai in advance.

Zou Kai only hesitated for a moment, then said to Feng Youyou affirmatively: "That wall is not too far from here, so I still remember it."

"Okay, now you can take us to find that wall!" Feng Youyou had a good sense of scale when speaking, and tried to speak in a soft voice, lest something bad would scare this man who had only experienced the test of life and death. child.

Zou Kai was a little scared at first, but when he saw Feng Youyou's fearless appearance, he gained a little more confidence, so he walked in front of the crowd and said to them: "I'll take you there now, you all Follow me!"

Just when everyone was about to follow Zou Kai to find the wall, Qiu Shui suddenly said, "I'm afraid, can I not go?"

Qiu Shui's voice was trembling, and her hands were clenched tightly, which showed that she was indeed very scared.

Seeing Qiushui like this, Feng Youyou couldn't force her anymore, so he had to say to Mu Yan: "In this case, you can stay here with Qiushui!"

Hearing this, Mu Yan nodded heavily, and then stood beside Qiu Shui again, watching everyone leave.

When Feng Youyou left, he told the two of them to pay attention to safety with some uneasiness, and then followed Zou Kai to find the wall.

Although Zou Kai said earlier that the wall was not too far away from the library, Feng Youyou and the others followed behind him, turning countless corners and walking for a long time before arriving at the place he said.

When they saw the wall, they found that it was clean, and there was no line of words that Zou Kai said.

Zou Kai immediately stayed where he was when he saw this, and kept repeating: "This is impossible, I was still there when I left."

"Did you remember the wrong place?" It stands to reason that Zou Kai couldn't lie to them, so Feng Youyou decided to make sure with him.

Zou Kai held his head, recalled for a while, and then continued: "No, it's here, I remember it clearly!"

"Did you read it wrong?" Compared to Feng Youyou's good temper, Jiang Heng seemed a little dissatisfied, and there was a questioning feeling between the lines.

"Please believe me, I really didn't remember wrongly, and I didn't read wrongly, this is here!" Repeated questioning has already made Zou Kai's emotions a little agitated, but in order to cooperate with them to find out the truth, he still patiently explained with.

Judging from Zou Kai's performance, he didn't lie. In order to verify what he said, Feng Youyou shone the flashlight on the wall, and found that it was still wet and had some fine sand on it.

The situation in front of me can only prove that the words on the wall were removed by these fine sands, but if you don't look carefully, you won't find these traces at all. Thinking of this, Feng Youyou couldn't help but ask the remaining two people: "You Have you ever seen anything like this?"

If Zou Kai knew that those words could be removed in this way, he had already said it before, and there was no need to be questioned, so when asked by Feng Youyou, he immediately shook his head, saying that he had never heard of it.

Jiang Heng and Feng Youyou were also full of doubts. He walked to Feng Youyou's side with his long legs, touched a little sand with his hand, and then put it on his hand to examine it carefully. Then he replied helplessly: "I haven't seen it either. Pass."

"It's fine if you don't know. We'll study it when we have a chance. Now let's think about how to deal with the matter in front of us!" Feng Youyou began to look around, wanting to see if there were any other clues left.

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