Xu Yanruo walked beside Feng Youyou nonchalantly, and said to her, "The manager is looking for you."

In fact, this was just an excuse to get her to leave.

Of course Feng Youyou understood Xu Yan's gesture, and couldn't help but feel happy. It seems that they got the key, so they can withdraw.

She turned her head to look at the caretaker who was helping her move the table, and said with a smile, "Brother, thank you, you can go back quickly, I'm fine here."

When the guard heard her words, he waved his hands to indicate that it was okay, then put down the table and turned to leave.

The two got the key and left quickly. They wanted to give the key to the system to change their line and complete their final task.

Both of them couldn't wait. After going around for so long, they finally completed the third task.

The two people who were immersed in the excitement didn't realize that their every move was being watched by the two people secretly.

Those two people were Elizabeth and Qin Mo. They were near the safe, and they could clearly see the process of Feng Youyou and the others stealing the key.

The two watched Feng Youyou and Xu Yan go further and further away with the key, but they just stayed where they were and didn't go out to stop them.

"I really don't understand why you let Feng Youyou get the key." Elizabeth was a little aggrieved and couldn't help but blame Qin Mo.

She didn't even understand what Qin Mo meant. He was obviously with them, so why did he still help Feng Youyou and the others?Just let them get the key on purpose, and just watch them go.

Elizabeth looked at him with complicated eyes when she thought about it, he really couldn't figure out what this man was thinking.

"Quiet." Qin Mo didn't answer her question, but just said something lightly, frowning, but as long as he looked carefully, he could see a hint of impatience in his eyes.

He has his reasons for everything he does, and when does he need others to comment.

He naturally disdains someone who talks casually like Elizabeth, and it annoys him to hear her twittering in his ear.

What he hates the most is this kind of talkative woman, I really don't know what to say.

"But it's because of Feng Youyou that we suffered from confinement." Elizabeth didn't listen to Qin Mo's words, but complained from the side, looking at Feng Youyou's back full of resentment.

Thinking of the time when they went to prison, they were really desperate.

The people who used to please them taunted them in various ways after they entered, revealing their original colors, and they also changed from a policeman whom everyone respected to a prisoner.

And all of this is because Feng Youyou and the others stole treasures to make them like this.

Now seeing that they got the key so smoothly, I am naturally dissatisfied.

If Qin Mo wasn't by her side, she would have rushed up to snatch the key back.

"It's because you guys are not doing your job well. Who are you blaming?" Qin Mo gave her a cold look and couldn't help explaining.

The woman also had the nerve to say that with so many guards patrolling and such strict anti-theft, they even stole two treasures one after another, so there is nothing to complain about now.

If it wasn't for their incompetence, would he be able to do it himself?
"I..." Elizabeth was momentarily at a loss for words, and stomped her feet angrily.

Because she couldn't refute what Qin Mo said, she was wondering whether he was with her or with Feng Youyou, every word he said was belittling her.

He didn't expect Qin Mo to say such words suddenly, his eyes flickered coldly, she would not let Feng Youyou and the others go.

Qin Mo looked at Elizabeth's appearance, of course he knew what she was thinking. Judging by this woman's temperament, Feng Youyou and the others made her suffer so much. It would be a ghost if she didn't do something.

Thinking of it, his eyes froze, and he stared at her closely.

"Let me tell you, you guys must not do anything, or you should know my methods." Qin Mo reminded warningly.

He didn't want Elizabeth and the others to ruin his plan.

The tone was extremely cold, as if people were in an ice cellar, Elizabeth felt goose bumps all over her body caused by Qin Mo's low air pressure.

The original thoughts in her mind were gone, she didn't dare to disobey Qin Mo's order, and she didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

At this time, Elizabeth's heart was even more tormented. After Qin Mo said so, she must not dare to take any action. Could it be that she could only watch Feng Youyou and the others win without doing anything?
Here, Feng Youyou and Xu Yan returned home immediately after getting the keys.

When several people got together, ZR saw that the key was full of thoughts. Now as long as the key is handed over to the system, they will win.

"Let's hand over the key to the system to make changes." Feng Youyou said happily from the side.

This was their last mission, and she was looking forward to their victory, she could even imagine how their victory was lagging behind.

"Yeah." ZR glanced at her, responded, then turned on the system and handed over the key.

Several people waited eagerly, without blinking their eyes, just waiting for the notification from the system.

"Sorry, your mission failed." The system flashed a green light, indicating that their mission was not completed.

"What's going on here?" Feng Youyou was very surprised, maybe there was something wrong with their eyes, otherwise how could they see such news.

Feng Youyou was very puzzled, not understanding where the problem occurred.

They clearly completed all three tasks according to the system's prompt, why the system still said that they failed the task? Could this be teasing them?

Compared to their doubts, ZR, who is so smart, understood what was going on in an instant, and turned cold when he put his face down.

"I think we have been cheated, this key is fake."

ZR gritted his teeth and said, he really didn't expect that they would lose in the last mission.

"What?" Feng Youyou couldn't believe it, the key she got back was actually fake, what did she say?How could she get the key so easily? All this seems a little too easy. It turns out that the key is not real.

"I'll go back and continue to look for the real key." Feng Youyou said and wanted to go back and continue to look for it.

Since the key is fake, then she will go back and get the real key, so that their mission can be completed?

"Yuyou, don't go, it's useless." Seeing this, ZR quickly grabbed her hand to stop her movement.

"Why?" Feng Youyou asked in confusion after hearing this.

"Because once this mission fails, it cannot be recovered." ZR was a little annoyed, it was because they were too eager for success, which made such a mistake.

He has already figured out the rules of this game. This game can only go all the way to the end, as if there is no turning back.

ZR sighed, now that he has handed over the key, it means that there is no room for retention.

"Hey, did our mission fail like this?" Feng Youyou was a little bit unwilling. Have all of them been working in vain for a while?How could she be content with such a result after finally completing three tasks.

It's all because of her, and it's all because of her carelessness that caused such consequences. She got the key back, and she didn't see clearly that this was Mr. Z's trap.

"Mr. Z, I'm going to settle the score with him." Xu Yan said the name through gritted teeth, and then slapped the table with his palm. Now he hates Mr. Z so much that his teeth itch.

He actually slandered them behind his back, gave them a fake key, made them fail the mission now, Xu Yan now has the heart to kill him.

Everyone was immersed in a sluggish atmosphere.

At this moment, "Ding..." A message popped up suddenly.

"Due to the failure of your mission, the world of "Cat and Mouse Game" ended, and the Great Time family lost to thousands of worlds."

Several people are unwilling, but the matter has settled down, and there is no way to change it.

After the game ended, several people returned to reality.

Feng Youyou and the others suddenly felt a change in front of them, and when they opened their eyes again, they all returned to a familiar place.

"We're back." Feng Youyou looked around, only to realize that the game was completely over, and they lost completely.

"Tsk tsk, who is this? How is it? How does it feel to lose the game?"

At this time, Elizabeth and the others appeared in front of Feng Youyou and the others, seeing their decadent faces, they said sarcastically.

"I don't know what it's like to lose, but I know it's good to win." George also added fuel to the sidelines.

It's just that the delicious taste in the mouth can't be hidden.

"Hahaha." A few people laughed at them mercilessly.

It turned out that they all came back after the game was over, and the first thing they did when they came back was to see Feng Youyou's defeat.

"Come here if you have the ability." Xu Yan rolled up his sleeves, he couldn't see their faces, Zhengchou had no place to get angry, if they came over, they wouldn't even know their mother if he didn't beat him up.

"Come on, you think I'm afraid of you, it's because of you that we were arrested." Seeing Xu Yan like this, he suddenly became angry.

He didn't forget the suffering they suffered in prison, thinking that life at that time was particularly miserable.

"Hehe, it's not because you are not enough." Xu Yan sneered, and Huanhuan looked at him disdainfully.

He jumped the wall in a hurry, didn't he, and even dug up those things to say.

If the key and the others were strong enough, how could they have stolen the treasures again and again, and it is really ridiculous to still say these things to him now.

"Yes, we are not capable enough. But we who are not capable enough have won the victory, while the guys you think you are self-righteous will be criticized." Elizabeth glanced at them and said ironically.

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