In the huge jade barrel, a charming young woman was taking a bath, but after Feng Xiaoxiao saw the situation in the room clearly, she felt sick for a while.

What swayed in the jade barrel was not clear water, but blood that was so red that it was a bit black, and it was as tall as a person. The young woman rolled freely in the blood, and a long black tail stirred up waves of blood mist.

There are more than a dozen corpses of young girls piled up next to the jade bucket. There is a dazzling blood red line on the neck, and the wolf demon is also among them. The blood-stained body has a big hole in the chest. The young woman turned into a giant python, and the snake head drilled It entered his chest, and with the sound of chewing, blood blossomed.

The thick bloody smell filled Feng Xiaoxiao's nostrils, making her dizzy for a while. It was the first time she had encountered such a brutal scene in so many live broadcasts.

She stabilized her mind, took advantage of the gap between the snake demon's chewing, and cut her finger with the black iron blade, and blood beads gushed out and dripped on the talisman.Turning around, he pasted several talismans in the gaps between the door and the window sill.

A few talismans surrounded the monster inside like an iron bucket, the snake demon felt a burst of heat, and its black scales seemed to fall off.She threw away the wolf demon's body, looked around with cold amber eyes, broke through the beam with a long roar, and fell into the courtyard outside the house.

"Where did the stinky Taoist priest come from to deal with me!" The snake demon regained its human form.

Feng Xiaoxiao said badly in her heart, and ignored her, cut through the Qiankun bag with the black iron sword, picked up the remaining talisman, and shouted, get up!
All the Fu Lu flew up and surrounded the snake demon.

"Heh, I want to kill this lord with just this little skill, stinky Taoist priest, this lord is not the idiot who has only practiced for a hundred years like the wolf demon!" , swinging and knocking Fu Lu into pieces.

It's now.

Feng Xiaoxiao held the black iron sword tightly in both hands, and rushed forward as fast as possible, with a puff, the sword edge sank into the snake demon's abdomen, and stinky blood gushed out.

"You! Look for it! Die!" The snake demon snapped off Xuan Tie's sword body, wrapped her powerful tail around Feng Xiaoxiao's body, threw her into the air, and strangled her tightly.

All the sensations in the live broadcast space are real, including the pain. Feng Xiaoxiao only felt a convulsion in her body, her internal organs seemed to be squeezed together, and her brain became dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

This is the feeling of being on the verge of death. Feng Xiaoxiao has experienced it countless times since the live broadcast, and every time she is in pain, but she still survives, and is she going to fail this time?

Damn side quest, let her deal with bosses of this level at least upgrade her equipment!

The barrage in the live broadcast room jumped rapidly, Feng Xiaoxiao's vision was blurred, and just when she was about to faint, a familiar chuckle sounded in her ears.

"Little Loach, the person who touches this deity will end up miserable."

"Who is Little Loach? I am the Millennium Snake Demon King!" The snake demon burst into flames instantly, staring at the visitor with a pair of dark and prey eyes.

Then, she was stunned.

The moonlight was like water, pouring silver light all over the ground. The young man in a black robe stood under the moonlight, his jet black long hair scattered behind him like a waterfall, and his eyes fell like a waterfall.
There are galaxies imprinted in the eyes that are as clear as glass, and the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, and there is a bewitching glow when they look sideways.

"Who are you?" The snake demon couldn't help being bewitched, and murmured.

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