So Cizern put away the map.Aaron watched his movements and couldn't help asking: "You haven't been to the Death Swamp, have you?"



Sizern and Bai Ling said at the same time, because Bai Ling said so tacitly with Sizern, she smiled and glanced at Sizern, but Sizern didn't notice.

An Zi also said no in the not-so-fluent common language. An Zi has been learning the common language here. The speed of speech is not too fast, and the sentences are simple, and An Zi can still understand.

"Did you not bring your equipment?"

An Zi was empty-handed, and Sizern took a map that seemed useless to him.If they say yes, Aaron will probably go crazy. Do these guys have common sense?Sizern seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. He raised his left hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, kid. We have all the equipment with us."

There was a silver ring on the middle finger of his left hand. After hearing him say that, Aaron realized that these people in front of him had the legendary space storage device.It's not that he is too ignorant, it's just that this thing is too rare. He has only heard it from others, so he didn't think about it all at once.

Aaron looked at the three of them one by one, and saw that there was no tension or worry on their faces, and it seemed that they didn't feel at all how dangerous the place he was going to be later.Aaron looked at them, and his heart suddenly brightened. The three people in front of him were different from the ones he had met before. They were real masters.It's not that they lack common sense, nor are they reckless, they just have absolute confidence in their own strength.

"Now take us to the place where your accident happened!" said the Elven Prince.

So Aaron led the way, and Sizern, Bai Ling, and An Zi followed in turn.

The trees here are unusually tall, and the more you go in, the taller they are.The ground is overgrown with weeds and thorns.They shuttled among the trees, and Aaron jumped from tree to tree like an ape, jumping from tree to tree all at once.The humidity in the air is getting heavier, the fog is getting thicker, and the ground has turned into a swamp unconsciously, and the vegetation here is still flourishing.But the trees are no longer as tall as before.

The entire swamp was covered by thick fog, and the daylight could not be seen. It felt eerie and eerie.

Aaron fell to the ground, and the others followed him to a stop.

The ground under my feet is still solid, but maybe I will step into the swamp with my next foot.It's just that the scary thing here is not the swamp, but the things hidden in the swamp and the fog that spreads all over it.

"When we came here, all the members of the group had hallucinations with different symptoms."

"The fog here does have hallucinogenic powers," Sizern said.

"But we made preparations before we came, so it's not a big deal. But at this moment, a huge shadow appeared in the mist, it was the blue-scaled sky-swallowing python." There was fear in his voice, "None of us thought about being here There will be an S-level monster here, it raised its huge snake tail from the swamp and swept me out, and I couldn't resist even one blow."

He clenched his fist, nails digging into his flesh. "I fainted, and when I woke up, it was gone, and so were my regiment members. I searched here for two days and two nights and only found Mycroft, who had been poisoned, had a broken leg, injured It's serious, I have no choice but to take him back first."

"I asked Mycroft, what happened, where did everyone go, and Mycroft only remembered that everyone ran away, and then he was blown away by the strong wind from the Qingling Swallowing Python, fell into the forest, broke I lost my leg, and fell into a coma after being poisoned by the miasma. Later, I issued an S-level mission and begged the city lord to send someone to look for them, but I couldn’t find anyone.”

"Maybe they were eaten! If they were eaten, of course they can't be found. After all, they are S-level monsters, and you have no resistance at all."

Bai Ling said harshly, and Sizern gave her a reproachful look.An Zi looked at this and that suspiciously, and felt that she really needed to practice the common language quickly.

"They didn't. Even if Mycroft and I can survive, so can they. Even if some of them die unfortunately, there will always be survivors, and I will find them." Aaron said stubbornly.

Sizern patted Aaron on the shoulder and said, "Don't pay attention to Bai Ling's words, she is just too pessimistic." He looked at the map, "We must come to a satisfactory result. Now let's discuss Where to start looking!"

Bai Ling said, "Don't bother, I have an easier way."

She walked under the tree on the shore of the water grass, put her hand on the tree, closed her eyes as before.There was a faint green light from her body, and then the leaves of the whole tree became verdant, and the surrounding trees and water plants suddenly became greener and more colorful, and they swayed slightly with Bai Ling's breathing.The soft green light slowly spread out, and the area became wider and wider. Even though there was no wind, Bai Ling's clothes and long hair fluttered slightly. Those grasses and trees swayed gently, as if they were dancing generally.

Seeing this scene, Sizern is no longer surprised. Bai Ling has integrated his consciousness into the vegetation of the entire Death Swamp.

Bai Ling slowly opened her eyes, and she looked at Aaron calmly and indifferently: "There's no need to look for them, they're gone."

Aaron said loudly, "Why do you say that?"

The goblin looked at him condescendingly: "The normal range of my consciousness is about 2000 meters, but in such a place with lush vegetation, I can expand the range of my consciousness by a thousand times or even further with the help of vegetation. My spiritual sense can cover the entire Death Swamp, but I haven't detected any traces of anyone except us, so it can only be said that your team members are all dead."

Aaron didn't have time to shock her terrifying mental power. He was trembling all over, his face was pale, and he looked at Bai Ling angrily: "I don't believe it."

"Wake up! It's been two months, why do you think they are still alive, the water, grass, mist, and even the soil here are all poisonous, the deeper you go, the deeper the poison, and there are countless poisonous insects and beasts, Plus the sky-swallowing python you fear, do you think they can really survive?" Bai Ling pressed his shoulder, and his golden demon eyes met his emerald eyes.

The boy pushed her away, bowed his head in silence, his thin body trembled, and his fingers turned white.

An Zi looked at him, and asked Bai Ling loudly, "What did you tell him?"

Bai Ling gave her a cold look, but said nothing.

The elf came over and put his hands on the young man's shoulders. He said gently: "Sometimes my eyes can deceive us, let alone my consciousness? This world is something that can isolate spiritual power. As far as I know, there are good things." Several kinds, probably more that I don’t know. You’ve made it this far, so why give up because of what others say? If you don’t try your best, you’ll regret it later. Come on, kid, do what you think That’s right, we’re all here, and we’ll accompany you through every inch of land here, and I only hope that no matter what the outcome is, you can face it bravely.”

The boy lowered his eyes and nodded.

"So, please tell us now! About your mission, why are you here?" Sizern said.

In the mercenary code, the most important one is to keep the employer's privacy confidential, but at this time, he can't take care of it.

Aaron said: "One day two months ago, a middle-aged man wearing a magician's robe came to our mercenary group and said that there was an S-level mission and asked us if we dared to take it. We are all licking blood with the tip of a knife Those who live in life, who dare not. But when he talked about the dead swamp, I hesitated."

"That place is basically a narrow escape. I can't take my people to that kind of place to die. But he offered a sky-high price of 100 million gold coins, and everyone was shaken. Aren't we mercenaries just for money? It's just that I don't want to accept it." Yes, but most people are tempted. They probably think that 100 million gold coins are worth the risk. In the end, I decided to vote..."

Aaron said that he regretted the decision at the time. He said: "[-]% of the people agreed, and I couldn't refuse. But I made an agreement with my employer not to enter the center of the dead swamp, otherwise I would not answer anything. He agreed. , He promised too simply, I became suspicious, so I decided to ask him what the task was about first? He said he wanted to find Lan Feng."

"Lan Feng?" An Zi looked at him suspiciously. Lan Fengcheng, Lan Fengcheng, has been here for so long, and the word is very familiar.It's just that An Zi didn't know why he said this word.

"A blue maple is a tree," said Sizern.

Bai Ling also looked at him suspiciously. Bai Ling knew all the plants on the earth. After coming to this world and staying in the Ansebunal Mountains for a few days, she also knew almost all the plant species in the Western Yuan Continent. She was originally a flower As long as the demon sweeps the grass and trees with his consciousness, he can read all its information.Blue maple, is there such a plant?I haven't heard of the plants here!
Seeing that she didn't understand, Sizern explained: "Do you know how the city of Blue Maple got its name? It's because of this kind of tree. The shape of the leaves of Blue Maple is no different from that of ordinary maple trees, but The color is blue, especially at night, it will emit light blue light, so it is called blue maple."

"2 years ago, there were a lot of blue maples in Ansebunal, but later a potion master discovered that blue maple can not only greatly delay aging but also restrain many poisons, people flocked here from all over the world. A batch of blue maples have been cut down and transplanted, but the supply is still in short supply. The more the supply exceeds the demand, the higher the price of the blue maple, and the more desperate people are to find this kind of tree, so that the blue maple has disappeared here more than 4000 years ago. "

"Mercenaries, the explorers have traveled all over the Ansebunal Mountains and have not found a single blue maple, and the survival rate of the transplanted blue maple is also very low. Now this kind of tree is hardly seen."

Bai Ling sneered after hearing this: "Human beings are always greedy and don't care about the consequences."

Sizern looked at the misty swamp and said: "The Death Swamp is also in the Ansebunal Mountains, because it is extremely dangerous, few people dare to set foot here, if there are blue maple here, it is not impossible Your employer is a potion master!" Cizern said, looking at Aaron.

Aaron nodded in surprise, not knowing how he guessed it.

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