Waking up the next morning, Sizern had just finished washing when he heard someone knocking on the door again.He walked over and opened the door.Bai Ling stood outside the door. She was wearing a water-green dress today, her hair was braided into a few small braids around her ears, and she looked as fresh and sunny as a new leaf after a spring rain.Holding a big box in her hand, she smiled when she saw him open the door and said, "Morning."

The elf prince also said, "Morning."

Then, Bai Ling lowered his head and said embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry yesterday. I came to apologize. This is a gift." He said and handed over the box.

Sizern wasn't really angry either, but Bai Ling said something so solemnly, if he didn't accept this gift, I'm afraid she would be paranoid.The elf prince took her gift and opened it.In this big box there are several hole flutes neatly arranged, including jade, bone, purple bamboo, metal, ceramic, etc. There is also a thick stack of music scores under the hole flute.

"This is?" the elf looked at her in surprise.

"These are all hole flutes!" Bai Ling said, "Didn't you be very interested in An Zi's hole flute yesterday? Look, I have more hole flutes than her collection. These are made of jade, this is made of bone, and this is purple bamboo." Made, this is metal, this is ceramic.”

"But it turned out to be your collection. You must have put a lot of thought into collecting them. How can I win people's love. Besides, I haven't learned the hole flute yet, so I don't need it if you give me so much."

"You can't, I'll teach you. Then this one is an apology, and the others can be regarded as greeting gifts from the teacher to the students." She pointed to the jade hole flute and said.

Sizern smiled, and said, "Then you, teacher, are really generous!"

Bai Ling raised his head and said, "That's right, your teacher, I'm from a local tyrant."

"Local tycoon?"

"It means rich and powerful, ah, don't worry about these details. Take a look at these music scores again. The few sheets above are simple introductory Xiao scores, and the others are Beethoven's pieces." Bai Ling pointed to the thick stack of paper explain.

Sizern glanced at the xiao score, picked up Beethoven's score and read it carefully, the more he read it, the more he couldn't put it down.Bai Ling smiled and said, "I knew you liked it. Although you didn't show it yesterday, you've been salivating over it for a long time, right! I didn't sleep all night before silently uttering all his songs."

Sizern lowered his head, and the more he watched, the more excited he became, "Mr. Beethoven is really amazing, these pieces, these pieces are simply divine comedy, Bai Ling, Bai Ling, do you really want to give me all of these?"

He grabbed Bai Ling's arm and said excitedly, Bai Ling nodded, looked at his excited look, and thought: Seeing you so happy is not in vain, I have spent a whole night writing silently.Beethoven, you are still of some use!

"No, no, no, Bai Ling, I can't have these." The elf prince said suddenly.

Bai Ling looked at him puzzled, and said, "Although I like Mr. Beethoven's works, didn't you say that Mr. Beethoven didn't want his works to be published?"

"I'm not publishing it to you!"

"But you gave it to me. I can't guarantee that they won't be passed on from my hands, so I can't take them." He handed them back to Bai Ling.

Bai Ling stuffed it back into his hand, "Let's spread it, let's spread it! Anyway, Mr. Beethoven will not climb out of the grave to settle accounts with you." If he dares, I will stuff him back, "You just take Let's go!"

"But that's not what you said yesterday."

"Oh, I just lied to the Marchioness yesterday. It's too troublesome to publish. Besides, can you be the same as her?" She whispered the last sentence.


"It's all right, just take it! So much nonsense, you still hold grudges, you just don't want to forgive me."

"I do not."

"Then take it." Bai Ling interrupted him.

At this time, Butler Bruce came to invite Sizern to have a meal.Bai Ling didn't want to go and watch them eat, so he let Sizern go by himself.She went back to her room alone, ready to catch up on a good night's sleep.Cizern also told her to rest well, and then left.

After breakfast, the Santo and Cizern talked about some things in the study.Afterwards, Catherine invited him to go for a walk, but Cizern wanted to go back and read the score that Bai Ling gave him, so she politely declined.He returned to his room and stared intently at Beethoven's scores. The more he looked at them, the more fascinated he became. He immediately wanted to go to the piano stand and play these pieces himself.Then, he heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Miss An Zi, why is it you?"

Seeing An Zi standing outside the door, Cizern was very surprised.An Zi was holding a pot of purple hyacinths in her hand. She hesitated a bit, then gave the pot of hyacinths to Sizern, and said in a not-so-fluent common language: "Here, apology, gift."

Cizern smiled at An Zi's awkward and serious look.He picked up the hyacinth and said with a smile, "Thank you, your flower."

An Zi looked up at him cautiously, and said, "Aren't you angry?" (Common language)
In fact, he is really not angry!He said, "I'm not angry at all!" After speaking, afraid that she might not understand, he slowed down and said, "I, no, angry, angry."

He spoke word by word.An Zi bowed to him after hearing this, and left with brisk steps.Her lavender dress fluttered gently, and the silver jewelry on her body made a crisp sound when it collided, like spring water jingling after the ice and snow melted in early spring.She walked into the garden, looked up again, and saw Cizern still looking at him, smiling at him, really smiling.As soon as she turned around, she disappeared among the flowers.

Sizern looked at the hyacinth in his hand and thought: What a cute little girl.

He stood there for a while, and was about to enter the door to put down the pot of hyacinths, and then he heard a crisp voice shouting: "His Royal Highness Sizern, His Royal Highness Sizern—"

Ye Qingqing came from the other side of the corridor, holding an exquisite food box and a picture book in her hands.

"Miss Ye Qingqing." He greeted with a smile.

Ye Qingqing looked at him with a big smile, then handed him the food box, and said in common language: "Please eat." Her pronunciation was quite accurate, but she could still hear her accent, but her voice was very nice.

Isn't this smile, this movement exactly the same as that of Bai Ling and An Zi?

He put the hyacinth on the window sill, took Ye Qingqing's food box, and opened it to see that there were exquisite snacks inside.Sizern asked: "Did you make it?" He had never seen such dim sum before, and it was probably Ye Qingqing's specialty.He really guessed right.Ye Qingqing is very good at making snacks and dishes. Her grandfather is a retired veteran cadre, so he started cooking when he had nothing to do.Ye Qingqing's parents are busy with work, so she grew up with her grandparents, and she has been able to cook by their side since she was a child.

Ye Qingqing nodded.Sizern picked up a piece, put it in his mouth, and praised: "It's delicious! Your craftsmanship is so good, even the royal chefs in the elf palace can't make such a dessert."

Ye Qingqing didn't understand all of them, but she did understand the first three words, and she took out the album with a smile on her face and handed it to Sizern.Sizern opened it curiously, only to see three very cute little girls on the first page.The painting style is exaggerated, but surprisingly cute, and it can be seen that it is based on Bai Ling, An Zi, and Ye Qingqing. (Q version)
On the first page, three little girls are holding hands, happily.Then when I turned the second page, I saw two little girls ignoring each other with angry faces, and the third little girl stood in the middle with a frowning face.On the third page, the third girl is drawn thinking, with several bubbles above her head, and in the largest bubble is a picture of three girls holding hands.On the fourth page, Sizern couldn't help laughing at the Q version of himself.I saw the Q version of Ye Qingqing standing in front of the Q version with his hands clasped together, looking like he was about to cry.
Ye Qingqing watched him look at the painting from the side. She has been painting this album for a long time.That guy Bai Ling, except for Sizern, doesn't give good looks to anyone else, An Zi's violent temper can't be counted on her to persuade Bai Ling, she should rely on herself!Bai Ling listened to Sizern the most, and Sizern was so easy to talk to, so you must ask him for help!It's a pity that she couldn't speak the language, and then she thought of drawing it, Ye Qingqing felt that she was really a genius.

Originally, Ye Qingqing planned to draw the whole thing as it was, but she considered that she might not be able to finish the painting until next year.Just the fact that they came from another world is enough for her to draw a whole bunch of explanations.It also involves the settings of Bai Ling, a goblin, and An Zi, the future master of Taoism. She has to draw a lot of pictures to explain the elf prince who knows nothing about the earth's culture.After much deliberation, I simply adapted the entire abbreviated version.

Ye Qingqing admits that the adapted version is somewhat different from the real plot, okay!Larger discrepancies.

Ye Qingqing looked at Sizern's side face, his fair skin was really as white as porcelain, and he couldn't even see the pores.The first time Ye Qingqing saw him, he thought he looked like an elf prince, but it turned out that he really was an elf prince.When watching "The Lord of the Rings", Ye Qingqing was immediately caught off guard when the elf prince appeared.Ye Qingqing suddenly had a big brain hole, if only she had a mobile phone, she and Sizern took a photo together, and it would definitely be dazzling to bring back.I also don't know what the father of His Royal Highness Sizern, the king of elves, looks like.

Sizern looked up with a smile after reading it. He had met countless people who asked him for help, but this was the first time he had seen such a unique way of asking.

"Do you want me to help you reconcile Bai Ling and An Zi?" He slowed down his speech.

Ye Qingqing nodded like a chicken pecking rice, she looked up at him pitifully, as if you will cry if you don't help me.

All right!It turned out that Dim Sum was here to bribe him.

Sizern smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will help you."

Ye Qingqing cheered when she heard the word "help you".She bowed deeply to the elf prince, and skipped away.Ye Qingqing's footsteps are so easy that she almost floats up, the prince is indeed a good person.

Cizern placed the gifts of the three of them on the table, and moved his eyes from Bai Ling's flute and musical score, to An Zi's hyacinth potted plant, to Ye Qingqing's snacks and picture album.The corners of his mouth raised slightly, thinking that the three girls were very cute.He turned to the page in Ye Qingqing's album where the girls were holding hands. What kind of hatred do such cute girls have?As soon as they met, they wished they could swallow each other alive.

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