The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 20 Interesting Woman

Yite returned to the Rose Palace in the endless abyss, and a young man with short blond hair went up to meet him: "General, you are finally back, and I am planning to find you?"

This blond young man is Yi Te's adjutant, named Quinn.Quinn followed behind him and said, "General, the king is here."

Yi Te paused slightly, then continued to move forward.

Yit walked through corridors with exquisite oil paintings and exquisite murals. Quinn stopped outside the balcony of the west side hall, and only Yit went in.After walking a few steps, Yit saw Lancer sitting on a white carved bench.

He was sitting under the usual big crystal chandelier, holding a thick book in his hand. He was wearing a purple robe, and the hair on both sides was tied up casually. Under the light, his handsome face seemed strange The magic of resistance.


Etta knelt on one knee and lowered his haughty head.

"Get up!"

Lancer's voice came from above his head, but Yit didn't stand up immediately. He looked up and saw Lancer's eyes were always looking at the thick book in his hand. Lancer came back about the matter of Sizern, so it must be impossible for Lancer not to know. .Lanser's character, Yate, is the clearest, and he is extremely defensive, especially for his younger brothers.

Sizern injured Carlos, but he chased him but failed to catch anyone, and he didn't bring back Sizern's body. If there was no explanation, Lancer would definitely not let him take it away so easily.

Yi Te lowered his head and said in an extremely humble manner: "The minister is not effective enough to let the invaders escape, please punish the king."

Lancer looked up, his violet eyes were oppressive, and he said, "Stand up and talk."

It stood up against his pressure, and carefully explained the matter of chasing Sizern and meeting Bai Ling, "...the magic equipment used by that female elf is very strange, and her magic power is also very special, especially It doesn't feel like magic, like an unknown energy in Ravenfeld."

After hearing this, Lancer became pensive, with a smile on his lips, but it didn't necessarily mean that he was in a good mood.He said: "That's a coincidence. When I passed by Angamini, I also met a woman. The magic equipment she used was also very special, and her power was also very interesting."

Etta looked up at him, and Lancer said, "Do you still remember the black dragon sealed in Angamene?"

"Black Dragon—Ganath."

"That's right, I let it out, and then I met a very interesting woman." Lancer said, with a faint smile on his lips, and the stubborn girl came to his mind again.

【Five days ago, Angamine】

The river is gurgling, and a butterfly rests on the aquatic plants by the river.

Suddenly, the water plants shook and the butterfly flew away.I saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl slowly getting up from the river.She was wearing jeans and a white shirt, but now she was soaked and there was river mud all over her jeans and white shirt.

She stood up, the sun was shining on her young and beautiful face, she looked at the lush woods around her, her beautiful big eyes were full of doubts.

Ye Qingqing stepped on the thick pile of leaves, surrounded by towering trees that could only be embraced by several people, from time to time he could hear the chirping of birds between the branches and leaves.

She was sure she was in the forest now, but she couldn't understand why she was in the forest.She still remembered that she was going home before, and then she met, yes, a goblin who wanted to suck her blood, and then she was rescued by a girl named An Zi, and then they fought, and suddenly a light flashed on her It seems to be dizzy.

And then...she woke up, right here.What happened when she was in a coma, and who won.Could it be that the goblin won the battle, moved her here, and then wanted to eat her slowly?The more Ye Qingqing thought about it, the more likely it was.

She looked at the dense forest around her, and seemed to think that the goblin would jump out of there immediately.No, she can't sit still.She has to escape.Thinking of this, Ye Qingqing immediately started running.Ye Qingqing didn't know how to run out, she just wanted to get out of here, she randomly chose a place with less weeds and ran wildly.

I don't know how long they ran, anyway, Ye Qingqing couldn't run anymore.She leaned on a tree, gasping for breath, her head was covered with sweat.

The clothes on her body were also dried, and then wet with her sweat.She sat under the tree and looked at the still dense forest around her.She wasn't with her cell phone or her bag, and she didn't see her when she woke up by the river.What could she do now?The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

The grass suddenly swayed, Ye Qingqing sat up, looking over there with vigilance and fear.

With a gust of wind, a white tiger jumped out from the grass, its golden eyes stared at Ye Qingqing, and approached step by step.

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