The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 115 Is She Even More Important Than Me?


The two swords collided, and the two sword qi tore the ground that was already full of scars, causing sand and dust to fill the sky.Bai Ling met his eyes, hardened his heart, and swung his sword again.With the snap of their fingers, dozens of tricks were dismantled.Bai Ling only wanted to kill An Zi, but Sizern could block her every time. She stepped on the Hetu Luoshu footwork, and her sword moves became faster and faster, and Sizern's sword also became faster and faster. quick.

Sizern's swordsmanship was far superior to Bai Ling's, but he didn't want to hurt Bai Ling, so he didn't dare to use his full strength.But Bai Ling didn't care about it, and in the end he even gave up his defense and used the style of killing one thousand enemies and damaging himself eight hundred.Sizern watched her collide with his sword, and immediately retracted his sword to avoid it.But Bai Ling turned around and immediately went towards An Zi.

"Bai Ling—"

Knowing that he had been duped, Sizern's figure instantly disappeared on the spot, and he struck out in a hurry, without controlling his strength, with a "shua" sword, Bai Ling screamed, and blood dripped to the ground drop by drop.She clutched her arm and looked at Cizern, who stood in front of An Zi, with only pain and sorrow in her eyes.Obviously, they had seen her full of murderous intent just now, but seeing her so fragile now, everyone couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Sizern looked at her bleeding arm, the glaring red pierced his heart like a knife, and he called Bai Ling's name tremblingly: "Bai Ling."

Bai Ling looked at An Zi behind him, smiled sadly, and said, "Is she even more important than me?"

Her words fell in the wind, she closed her eyes, her body scattered into countless white roses, and disappeared into the wind.

Cizern watched her leave, feeling confused. When he was about to catch up, he heard Ye Qingqing shouting behind him: "An Zi, An Zi, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

He turned around and looked at An Zi who was dying. He half knelt down to check her condition. An Zi's condition was very critical.Cizern didn't care about chasing Bai Ling anymore, and immediately healed Anzi's injuries.




The deep valley is full of trees.

The wind blows through the forest, the leaves rustle, and the shadows of the trees dim and flicker as the leaves shake.

Bai Ling was sitting on the trunk of the big banyan tree, with one leg bent, holding a crystal bell in her hand, her face was pale, she coughed suddenly, and then spit out a big mouthful of blood.She tightened the chain of the [Demon Emperor Bell] in her hand, and looked down at the crystal bell. Sure enough, it was too much effort to drive the [Demon Emperor Bell] with her current skill.

Bai Ling opened the barrier, sat cross-legged, and used his energy to heal himself.

Sizern's disappointed eyes kept appearing in Bai Ling's mind. She was in a state of confusion, and her demonic power ran around her body indiscriminately, causing her injuries to worsen.Bai Ling vomited blood profusely, she clutched her chest, her vision began to blur, and then she passed out on the ground, unconscious.

The [Demon Emperor Bell] in her hand gave off a faint soft light, the surrounding flowers and trees swayed her body slightly, countless green light spots appeared from the surrounding vegetation, and then gathered towards Bai Ling, and gradually the whole valley Send your own vitality to Bai Ling.The vegetation around Bai Ling suddenly grew faster, and the vines intertwined and intertwined to form a sealed space, enveloping her.

The fog in the valley slowly thickened, and Bai Ling fell unconscious.




Bai Ling was injured by the backlash of the [Demon Emperor Bell], and An Zi who was injured by her [Demon Emperor Bell] was worse than her.Ye Qingqing was in a hurry.She was relieved when she got the promise from Sizeren that An Zi would have no serious problems.An Zi's injury was indeed serious, but with Sizern's superb medical skills, coupled with her Kunlun School's longevity and innocence, and Biyou Heart Sutra's recuperation, her life was not in danger.

When An Zi was in a coma, Cizern asked Ye Qingqing what happened, and Ye Qingqing told him what happened.After hearing this, Sizern first asked Prime Minister Karen about the time of Lisanna's death as determined by the autopsy results. Karen told him that it was around eleven o'clock to twelve o'clock yesterday.Then Sizern asked the slaves serving Bai Ling that no one saw where Bai Ling was at this time, and then a female slave said that Bai Ling was reading in the room at this time and had never gone out.

According to the rules of the palace, the slaves who serve are not allowed to rest without the permission of the master.Bai Ling didn't let the female slave back down at that time, so she had been waiting outside to be dispatched, and Bai Ling's window was open again, so she kept seeing Bai Ling reading a book.

The battle between An Zi and Bai Ling caused an uproar in Wangcheng. Somehow, the news spread that Bai Ling was the suspect who killed Lisanna, and now it was a huge wave.The aristocratic circle almost exploded, and the noble ladies and ladies almost immediately identified Bai Ling as the murderer and strongly demanded to arrest her.

In the eyes of those noble ladies and ladies, Bai Ling is undoubtedly the incarnation of the evil goddess Andania, who is specially here to seduce their husbands and lovers.

The men held the opposite opinion. They firmly defended Bai Ling. A beauty like Miss Bai Ling must be the incarnation of the moon god Avne, so how could she be a murderer.The two-sided voices made the king's head dizzy.

The king saw the patriarch of the Karev family kneeling in front of him——Duke Leilei, with a splitting headache. He could understand Duke Leilei's hatred for Bai Ling. Both of his sons and daughters were killed and injured by her.But to catch her, what a joke.After watching her fight with An Zi, he knew that even if he dispatched all his troops, he would not be able to take down Bai Ling!
Anyway, Bai Ling is an elf, so it just happened to annoy His Royal Highness Sisarn.The king wisely kicked the ball to His Royal Highness Sizern, and he sent someone to look for Sizern, and it happened that Sizern also wanted to find him.

Sizern brought the female slave over and proved that it was not Bai Ling's hands. He told the king and Duke Leilei that he would definitely assist them in catching the real murderer.

An Zi woke up the next day, and the first thing she said when she woke up was: "Where's Bai Ling?"

Ye Qingqing said: "I don't know, His Royal Highness Sizern is looking around. But it wasn't Bai Ling who killed Lisanna."

"Not her? She admitted it in front of me. "

"Hey, it's not that you don't know Bai Ling's character. If you ask her like that, even if she didn't do it, she won't bother to explain it."

Then Ye Qingqing told An Zi about the female slave, An Zi lowered her head after hearing this, she knew she was blaming Bai Ling.There were many ways to trick that slave girl, Ghost.

But she didn't even defend herself when she questioned Bai Ling, so why would she bother to make any alibi for herself.She regretted her recklessness, but she also knew that even without Lisanna's trigger, she and Bai Ling would have a fight to the death, but it was only a matter of time.

She is the Demon Emperor, she is the next head of Kunlun, they can only live one.

In the afternoon, Sizern came over to treat An Zi. He was amazed at An Zi's recovery ability. Considering a human's physique, her recovery ability was already beyond the sky.An Zi knew that this was due to her long-term practice and the Longevity Technique and the Biyou Heart Sutra.

At that time, Ye Qingqing was also there, and Sizern did not leave after the diagnosis and treatment. He looked at the two of them and said, "Miss An Zi, Miss Ye Qingqing, although it is a bit rash to ask. But I really have no choice but to ask now. Now, what's the story between you and Bai Ling? Miss An Zi, what happened between you and Bai Ling?"

Seeing his serious expression, Ye Qingqing and An Zi knew that they couldn't hide anymore.

An Zi sat on the bed, leaning on the cushion, her face was still a little pale, she lowered her head and said, "His Royal Highness, Bai Ling is actually not an elf."

Sizern looked at her in shock, Bai Ling is not an elf, how could it be possible.She is not an elf, why is the natural breath on her body so strong, it is almost one with the world tree.

Sizern has had many speculations about the doubts and mysteries of Bai Ling. He has made many assumptions, but he has never doubted that she is an elf.

An Zi looked up at him, she said: "She is the demon clan, the queen of the demon clan."

"Yaozu?" Cizern repeated this unfamiliar vocabulary, and he had a premonition that what An Zi would say next would be even more unexpected.

"If I say it, you may not believe it. Actually, Ye Qingqing, Bai Ling and I are not from this world. Our hometown is a place called Earth, and the country we live in is called China. There are human beings there just like here. Huang Humans with white skin, humans with white skin, and humans with black skin. But there are no elves or demons there, but there is a creature that is close to the demons, that is a demon. All kinds of demons, Bai Ling is a flower demon .”

"Flower Fairy?"

"Animals, plants, and other things will absorb the essence of the sun and the moon from the heavens and the earth, and thus transform into a human form or gain human intelligence and become a demon. I don't know what kind of flower Bai Ling evolved from, but she She can manipulate plants and has a strong natural aura on her body, so she must be a monster like flowers and plants. You mistakenly think she is an elf, and you are also misled by her aura!"

"Then why did you become enemies?"

"The monster race is cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and many of them will improve their cultivation by sucking the blood of humans. So from the very beginning, we humans and the monster race are opposed, just like you and the demon race. The monster race is born Stronger than most human beings, so ordinary people can only die when they meet them. We monks of Taoism and Taoism exist to eliminate demons. If we talk about the grievances between Bai Ling and me, it has existed since birth. She killed Many of us, and we have killed many demons. Now you understand!"

Sizern was silent, he understood, but he really didn't expect it to be like this.

No wonder Bai Ling sometimes acts ignorant of common sense, no wonder her aura is so similar to his, but her demeanor is nothing like their elves.

"Then why are you here?"

"Before coming here, Bai Ling and I also had a fight. Her [Li Shang Yu] brought us here. Ye Qingqing and I followed her because we wanted her to send us back."

"So, your tolerance to her is just to go back?"

An Zi nodded.

Cizern looked at her and asked, "What do you think deep down in your heart. Do you also want to kill Bai Ling? Miss Anzi."

An Zi met his eyes, and suddenly found that his usually gentle eyes were full of oppression at this moment, An Zi couldn't help looking away, she lowered her head and said, "Yes."

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