reborn daughter is a bit sweet

Chapter 14 Alan stole all my jewelry!

After Xu Lanyi finished saying this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little awkward, and Alan suddenly felt that he was really scared, and he didn't know how the second lady knew.

She raised her head and looked at Zhou Ziqin begging for help, as if she had only one way at this time. She knew that she was now dependent on the mother and daughter, so she didn't dare to say anything lightly.

After hearing what Xu Lanyi said, Xu Lanyan was also a little surprised. She didn't understand how she knew it. Didn't she always care about these things?
Both Zhou Ziqin and Xu Lanyan feel very strange now, they really don't understand what's going on, this is not a trivial matter, you must know that Xu Songqing hates such things the most.

"What's going on here?" Xu Songqing shouted suddenly.

Xu Lanyi thought it was funny. It turned out that in this family, even a servant could bully her so easily, but now she wanted to see what Xu Songqing would do.

"Song Qing, don't listen to this girl's nonsense, how could Alan do such a thing, I brought her here." Zhou Ziqin said quickly.

She didn't know where Xu Lanyi knew about this matter, but she felt that this matter was a bit strange, and this girl had changed too much.

Now she really doesn't know whether this Xu Lanyi was pretending before, after all, this appearance really made her look a little different.

But this won't make her lose her mind. After all, in this family, Xu Lanyi has no status except for her use value.

So even if Xu Songqing really knew the so-called truth, she didn't have to worry about what he would do to their mother and daughter.

"Father, wouldn't you rather trust a servant from the countryside than your own daughter?" Xu Lanyi said deliberately pretending to be aggrieved.

Although she knew that Xu Xu Songqing didn't care about her daughter at all, but now she still had so much use value, so he probably wouldn't just ignore it.

She knew that Xu Lanyi was bullied like this by the mother and daughter because she was too stupid, but now that Duan Moli's soul has entered this body, she will not let this kind of thing continue to happen.

In her previous life, she was focused on fighting, and she died before she had time to enjoy her life. Therefore, since she has no worries in this life, she will start fighting villains.

The mother and daughter actually thought that she was at the mercy of others. Do you think Xu Songqing is really a fool when you say this?
"Lan Yi, tell me what's going on?" Even though Xu Songqing favored Zhou Ziqin, Alan was just an outsider after all.

No matter whether he has feelings for Xu Lanyi or not, all the things she owns now belong to the Xu family after all. Anyone who steals them is against him.

So at this time, he would not listen to Zhou Ziqin's words and let this matter go. This is indeed impossible.

"Father, you also know that my mother died early. I was actually reluctant to wear the jewelry she left for me, so I kept it as a treasure. But a few days ago, I found that these jewelry were much missing."

Xu Lanyi felt that she was telling a story now. Although she had never met the mother of this body, since she used this body now, she should be responsible for it.

So no matter what Xu Songqing's attitude is, she must make this matter clear now.

While talking, she tried her best to suppress her tears. At this time, she still needs some tears to add to the atmosphere, otherwise how could it be more realistic?
Seeing his daughter burst into tears, and mentioning his dead ex-wife, Xu Songqing, no matter how hard-hearted, was a little moved at this moment.

He and Lan Tianqing also had feelings at the beginning, and he felt a little owed to that woman who died in depression. He still felt a little uncomfortable after hearing her name at this time.

"Dad, I really cherish these jewelry, but she actually stole my jewelry while giving me something." Xu Lanyi continued to cry.

While pulling out a napkin to wipe her tears, she must be more realistic at this time, so that Xu Songqing will be more moved.

This Alan just relied on his relationship with Zhou Ziqin, so he dared to play wild on the tiger's head. If she left Zhou Ziqin's mother and daughter, she would not know what it was.

So she must establish her own status, at least for the Xu family's servants to see. She, Xu Lanyi, is the dignified second lady of the Xu family, and no one can bully her.

After saying this, she continued to cry, regardless of her own image. Anyway, at this time, it is best to be as realistic as possible.

She didn't believe that a person like Xu Songqing who wanted face could really care nothing about this matter.

"In the Xu family, you dare to do such a thing, Alan, is it true that no one in the Xu family has taught you the rules?!" Xu Songqing's voice was a little cold, and Alan felt his knees tremble suddenly.

She also didn't expect that Xu Lanyi would know about this matter. Before, Xu Lanyan told herself that it didn't matter how much she took, saying that Xu Lanyi had no brains at all.

But looking at it now, the fact is not like this. She just took one quietly before, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't hear what Xu Lanyi said, so she became more courageous.

At the beginning, she actually didn't have such an idea at all, but as she became more and more courageous, she gradually became a little happier and became more unscrupulous.

At this time, I actually regretted it a little, but there was nothing I could do. Who made her do such an excessive thing?
So even if I regret it now, it seems that there is no way to go back to the past, but this time I don't know how the second lady will deal with me.

She really regrets it now, looking at Zhou Ziqin, she doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with her, but will the master let her go directly?

She didn't know why she suddenly became obsessed with ghosts, but no matter what, she felt very regretful at this time, and really wanted to return everything.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry master, I know I was wrong, I was really wrong." Alan cried and knelt down and said.

She knew what she was saying now, and there seemed to be no way to hide it. At this time, maybe Zhou Ziqin would separate herself from her.

After Xu Songqing heard this servant say this, he suddenly felt furious. It seemed that this matter was really strange. He turned around and stared at Zhou Ziqin.

Although there is no evidence that this matter is related to her, he still knows something about it, but it is his wife after all, so he can only take sides now.

"Hurry up and return everything to Second Miss, and deduct one year's salary from you!" Xu Songqing said very angrily.

Seeing his appearance, Xu Lanyi felt much more at ease even though she knew that he was just pretending.

Looking at Zhou Ziqin and Xu Lanyan's appearance, it was as if she had eaten shit, which made her feel more comfortable. It seems that revenge is actually very pleasant.

Alan suddenly felt as if she was discouraged. One year's salary, so how can she send the money home this year?
You must know that there is still a sick father in her family. If there is no relief from her money, what will happen to the father's medical expenses?She really felt like she was going to collapse now.

However, she believes that she and her wife are fellow villagers, so she will definitely help her, as long as she begs her well later, there is still hope for everything.

Even if this matter is resolved in this way, Xu Lanyi is not reluctant. After all, it is not bad for her to be able to do this.

And seeing the appearance of Zhou Ziqin and Xu Lanyan, she also felt very comfortable in her heart. From the looks of it this time, they must be very angry.

Who let them bully Xu Lanyi like this all the time, and now they finally let them suffer the consequences, but she felt that maybe it won't be long before these two women will definitely play tricks again.

"Song Qing!" Zhou Ziqin shouted unhappily, thinking that he would take care of his own face and not pursue it.

"You also go back to me and reflect on it carefully, and see who you are looking for." Xu Songqing said unhappily, obviously unable to hold back.

And Xu Lanyan originally wanted to say a few words, but Zhou Ziqin pulled her clothes in time, so it's better not to say anything at this time.

Seeing that Xu Songqing was indeed unhappy, Zhou Ziqin and Xu Lanyan did not say anything more, so they had to shut up at this time, otherwise it would be bad if they really angered him.

"Okay, let's all go, Lan Yi, you have a good rest, don't cry." Xu Songqing said comfortingly with a fatherly look on his rare face, it was really surprising and "moving"!

Several people were about to leave from her room, but when Xu Lanyan walked to the door, she turned her head on purpose, and then gave Xu Lanyi a vicious look, feeling extremely hated in her heart.

At first, I just wanted to tease this woman, but I didn't expect to be defeated by her instead, so I really hated this stinky girl in my heart.

Seeing Xu Lanyan like this, Xu Lanyi made a grimace instead. She felt that at this time, she really felt that her victory was in sight.

It really made herself more happy, but she didn't want to piss off the mother and daughter so quickly, after all, there was still a good show waiting to be seen!

Seeing Xu Lanyi's appearance like this, Xu Lanyan suddenly felt like stomping her feet. She really didn't expect this girl to be so courageous now.

Just now, she was still in tears, but now she looks like this, it's really pissing off.

But even if she is lucky this time, she will not be so lucky next time. This time, she and her mother have suffered great humiliation, and she will definitely not let this woman have an easy time.

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