Zhao Lingxi raised her head in doubt, and looked at Cheng Huaiqing who was lying beside her.

Cheng Huaiqing suddenly had a smile in his eyes, bent down, and gently kissed Zhao Lingxi's exposed skin.

Zhao Lingxi's body trembled suddenly, her face turned red, and she asked in a trembling voice, "You, what do you want to do?"
"Huh?" Cheng Huaiqing felt Zhao Lingxi's nervousness, and a wicked smile flashed in his eyes, "Of course it's disinfection."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Zhao Lingxi, directly tore off Zhao Lingxi's pajamas with his big hands, and kissed densely, one after another, on Zhao Lingxi's skin with red rash.

When his eyes swept over the scars on Zhao Lingxi's body, his eyes darkened, deepening the kiss.

Zhao Lingxi pulled his lips helplessly, feeling the breathing of Cheng Huaiqing, who was kissing him, gradually getting heavier, and in his mind was the appearance of him when he came to save him tonight, closed his eyes, and said to himself silently in his heart He said: "Let's indulge this time."

No matter how extraordinary the night is, the footsteps of dawn will come as promised.

A ray of sunlight in the morning mischievously passes through the closed windows and penetrates into the room through the cracks in the beige curtains, blatantly reminding the people in the room that it's time to get up.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Cheng Huaiqing slightly moved his stiff neck, a strange light flashed in his black eyes.

Zhao Lingxi, who completely opened his heart to him last night, left him so unsatisfied.

He licked his lips and twisted his body a little, only to realize that Zhao Lingxi was like an octopus, with slender arms tightly wrapping around his neck, long legs exposed in the air, a flat Putting it on the bed, the other straddled him.

She didn't know where the quilt was kicked, and the pure cotton nightdress on her body was pulled back high because of her unrestrained posture, even her white underpants with strawberry patterns were exposed. What caught Cheng Huaiqing's eyes was his masterpiece of hard work all night.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi in this state with some amusement, she was not sleeping, she was just practicing her small grasping hand.Break off Zhao Lingxi's fingers one by one, and free her neck from the circle she set.

Gently lifted Zhao Lingxi's long legs that were riding on him, a look of distress flashed in her eyes, how insecure this silly girl is, she is so dishonest even in her sleep.

"Hmm." Zhao Lingxi turned over, spread herself flat on the bed, tried to open her eyes, the little stars in front of her were overwhelming, and dizziness was the only feeling she felt right now.

"Lingxi?" Cheng Huaiqing heard Zhao Lingxi's voice, turned his head and glanced at Zhao Lingxi, who was not sleeping, and his eyes fell on her slightly flushed face.The light in his eyes dimmed, and in the next second, his big hand with strong knuckles had already covered Zhao Lingxi's head, damn it, it was so hot!
Cheng Huaiqing casually put the bath towel thrown aside on his body, and went outside to get the medicine box. Fortunately, there were some cold medicines in the room.

While Zhao Lingxi was still in a daze, he made a cup of cold pills and brought it to Zhao Lingxi's side.

Supporting Zhao Lingxi's head with his big hands, he carefully fed her cold medicine.

Zhao Lingxi frowned tightly as soon as the slightly bitter cold granule entered his mouth, and his little hands fluttered in the air, vaguely wanting to overturn the cup of cold granule.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi's subconscious movements, and a smile flashed in his eyes. After so many years, she still hasn't changed, and she is still so afraid of taking medicine.

Thinking of this, he brought the cold medicine to his mouth and took a small sip.

Thin and cool lips covered Zhao Lingxi's chubby lips, and the medicinal juice passed from his own mouth to Zhao Lingxi's.

Zhao Lingxi's consciousness was still a little fuzzy, feeling Cheng Huaiqing's approach, she only felt a burst of coolness, and couldn't help but want to lean up, completely forgetting the cold medicine that passed from Cheng Huaiqing's mouth to hers.

Zhao Lingxi's initiative made Cheng Huaiqing's body tremble, and the signal from under his body made his eyes darken.

With a helpless smile on her face, she looked at Zhao Lingxi, who was unconscious, and gently pulled Zhao Lingxi's small face from him with her big hand, and took another sip of cold medicine. The smell of the medicine in her mouth reminded her that Zhao Lingxi was still alive. sick.

The brave did the same way just now, passing the cold medicine in his mouth into Zhao Lingxi's mouth.

After about half an hour, Cheng Huaiqing fed Zhao Lingxi a cup of medicine with difficulty.

Putting the cup on the bedside table, and adjusting Zhao Lingxi's body to a comfortable position, he stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Looking at Zhao Lingxi, who was still lying quietly on the hospital bed with a satisfied face, a smirk flashed in his eyes:
"This time, you took the initiative to provoke me. I will remember it first, and I will return it when you are better."

He turned around and got into the bathroom to wash off the thin layer of sweat that just broke out on his body.

Then he walked out of the apartment.

When Zhao Lingxi woke up again, her head was groggy, and she opened her eyes after a lot of effort, her body was extremely limp.

He licked his lips habitually, and the familiar smell of cold medicine spread on the tip of his tongue.

Something seemed to flash through Zhao Lingxi's mind, but it was so fast that she couldn't catch it.

Turning his head with difficulty, the other side of the bed had already become cold, and Zhao Lingxi vaguely remembered what happened last night in his mind.

There was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, no matter what, he was only hers last night.

The wind blew the curtains, and the sun shone into Zhao Lingxi's eyes. Only then did she realize that it must be getting late now.

I reached out to grab the mobile phone on the bedside table, accidentally touched something with my fingers, and only heard a "bang", and the sound of porcelain breaking came from my ears.

Zhao Lingxi turned her head back with difficulty, only then saw the broken cup on the ground, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, it turned out that everything in her mind just now was not her fantasy.

The finger lightly lights up the phone, and nine twenty-five is displayed on the screen.

The first thing that came to Zhao Lingxi's mind was: It's over, I'm going to be late!

But in the next moment, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, does she still need to go to work?Or can you still go to work at the "Star Magazine" company?

Throwing the phone on the side of the bed casually, Zhao Lingxi struggled to sit up from the bed, her feet touched the ground, a deep sense of powerlessness came from her feet.

With a sound of "dong", Zhao Lingxi's feet went limp, and his whole body fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the entire apartment was covered with thick Persian carpets, so Zhao Lingxi was not hurt by the fall.

However, even so, she still felt that all the strength in her body had been sucked away.

Grasping the edge of the bed with both hands, relying on the strength of the bed, he managed to support himself up, and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling dizzy all over the place.

When Cheng Huaiqing came back, he happened to see Zhao Lingxi sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze.

"Ling Xi, what are you thinking about?"

"Lingxi?" Zhao Lingxi's body was startled suddenly, her body movements were too large, she slid off the bed and sat on the ground again.

Looking at Cheng Huaiqing blankly, how long has it been since he called her by her name like this?

Cheng Huaiqing and Zhao Lingxi fell to the ground, put the porridge he bought on the table, trotted to Zhao Lingxi, and picked her up.

"Sleep more if you feel uncomfortable, what do you do when you get up?"

"I'm going to the company to do a handover." Zhao Lingxi said in a weak voice. She didn't expect that a small cold would make her so weak.

"Don't worry about the company's affairs." Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi tenderly, put her on the bed, found a comfortable position, and leaned against the back of the bed.

Seeing Zhao Lingxi looking at him in astonishment, she rubbed her head, "I asked for leave for you, your task today is to have a good rest."

"Don't you need to take pictures today?" Zhao Lingxi leaned against the head of the bed and looked at Cheng Huaiqing strangely. Shouldn't he be busy taking pictures recently?
Listening to Zhao Lingxi's question, Cheng Huaiqing's big hand rubbing her hair suddenly paused, his eyes were dim.

However, looking into Zhao Lingxi's eyes, a gentle smile soon returned to his face, "I haven't been too busy recently, it's almost time for me to wrap up."

"Finished?" Zhao Lingxi's mind was fuzzy, and she always felt that something was wrong, but now she couldn't think of it for a while.

He frowned and stopped worrying about these things.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi's frowning, moved his big hand down gently, smoothing the wrinkles on her forehead, and asked warmly, "Does your head still hurt?"
Zhao Lingxi didn't speak, just shook his head and answered everything.

Seeing this, Cheng Huaiqing went outside and brought the two porridge he just bought.

"This porridge from Li Ji is very good. Come, try it." He said, he put a portion of porridge on the bedside table, and lifted the lid of the portion in his hand.

As soon as the lid is lifted, the aroma of rice spreads in the air.

Zhao Lingxi swallowed instinctively, only to realize that her throat was dry and sore.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi amusedly, with a rare tenderness on his face.

Scooped a spoonful of white rice porridge with a spoon, put it on his mouth and blew it gently, and then handed it to Zhao Lingxi's mouth.

Zhao Lingxi looked up at the smile on Cheng Huaiqing's face, always feeling that something was different about him today.

However, now her brain is really not suitable for functioning, and she lowered her eyes again, eating the porridge delivered by Cheng Huaiqing.

Soon, there was only a small half of a bowl of thickly boiled white rice porridge left. Zhao Lingxi looked at the spoon Cheng Huaiqing handed in front of him in embarrassment, and whispered: "I'm full."

Her words were accompanied by a loud belch.

Cheng Huaiqing rubbed her head, a smile flashed in his eyes, he put aside the leftover porridge that Zhao Lingxi had just eaten, and laid Zhao Lingxi's body flat on the bed.

Said softly: "You can sleep a little longer."

"Yes." Zhao Lingxi closed her eyes meekly.

Cheng Huaiqing picked up another bowl of porridge and ate it by himself.

"I can't sleep, I want to watch TV." Cheng Huaiqing had just eaten a few mouthfuls of porridge when Zhao Lingxi suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Cheng Huaiqing, and said something.

Hearing what Zhao Lingxi said, an unnatural look flashed across Cheng Huaiqing's face, but it was quickly replaced by a gentle smile, "Good boy, sleep well when you're sick."

After finishing speaking, he put the porridge bowl in his hand on the bedside table, patted Zhao Lingxi's body, and hummed the song "Little Time" that he used to sing to her.

Zhao Lingxi, who was sick, had an exceptionally docile temperament. Even though she was very dissatisfied with Cheng Huaiqing's behavior of coaxing children, she still lay down obediently, listening to Cheng Huaiqing's magnetic voice, which slowly flowed into her ears.

Soon, she fell asleep again.

Cheng Huaiqing glanced at Zhao Lingxi who was breathing evenly, closed the door of her room lightly, walked outside, and turned on the TV.

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