He pressed Zhao Lingxi's body under him, fixed Zhao Lingxi's small face with a pair of big hands, and looked into her eyes with dark brown eyes: "I'm still on the road, how dare you go to bed so early."

When he drove all the way back, he saw that all the lights in the apartment were off, and only the street light at the door was flickering faintly. He was very upset!
"I..." Zhao Lingxi opened his mouth when he heard Cheng Huaiqing's nonsensical words, and his pink lips moved slightly.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Cheng Huaiqing's kiss fell, and his thin, somewhat cool lips pressed against Zhao Lingxi's, savoring her beauty little by little.

Those two pink lips were like poison, attracting his full attention and making him want to stop. He didn't want to hear Zhao Lingxi's explanation, but just talked with her favorite

Feeling the warmth and humidity on his mouth, Zhao Lingxi pursed his lips tightly, with a flash of rejection in his eyes.

He deliberately ignored Zhao Lingxi's rejection.

Cheng Huaiqing smeared every inch of Zhao Lingxi's lips with his breath, and was not in a hurry to deepen the kiss. He propped himself up with both hands, and looked at Zhao Lingxi's rejection eyes: "You just said that an assistant's duties don't include thinking about me, then , what about the duties of a mistress? Including missing me?"

After finishing speaking, without giving Zhao Lingxi a chance to react, he lowered his body and put Zhao Lingxi's small earlobe in his mouth with his sexy lips.

Feeling Zhao Lingxi's body suddenly froze, Cheng Huaiqing's eyes flashed with satisfaction, Zhao Lingxi could only be her woman, no matter what method he used, he would never let her escape again.

Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's words, Zhao Lingxi's body suddenly tensed up. It turned out that the value of her existence by his side was his mistress.

Pushing away Cheng Huaiqing who was making trouble in his ear with his little hand, he asked in a cold voice: "Then, please tell me, Mr. Cheng, what is my duty?".

Looking into Zhao Lingxi's eyes, three cool words came out of his mouth: "please me".

"Huh?" Zhao Lingxi widened her eyes in surprise, and looked at Cheng Huaiqing in front of her strangely.

"I said, please me." Zhao Lingxi's strange eyes hurt Cheng Huaiqing's heart, as if he was afraid that she would not hear, he repeated what he just said in a low tone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cheng, isn't your request a little too much?"

"Really?" Cheng Huaiqing didn't give Zhao Lingxi a chance to dodge, "You don't want to be my girlfriend, then you can only be my mistress!"

As he spoke, he took Zhao Lingxi's left hand and placed it between the two of them, looking at her with darkened eyes: "Where's the ring?"

Seeing the slender little hand in front of her, Zhao Lingxi remembered that when she was in S City Hospital, she put the ring on the bedside, and when she woke up, the ring was gone.

She wondered if she had fallen on the floor, but when she was able to get out of bed, she forgot about it.

Seeing Zhao Lingxi staring at his hand in a daze, Cheng Huaiqing held Zhao Lingxi's small hand and pulled Zhao Lingxi's thoughts back to reality: "Why don't you talk? Are you thinking about how to explain it?"

Cheng Huaiqing's voice was cold and emotionless, and he looked at Zhao Lingxi with only anger in his eyes, "If it's a useless excuse, then you don't need to say it."

"Why don't you talk?" Cheng Huaiqing's big hand suddenly squeezed Zhao Lingxi hard.

She quickly adjusted her expression, looked at Huai Qing, and said coldly: "It's not that you don't want me to say it?"

"Don't you even bother to explain?" Cheng Huaiqing stopped his hands and turned to take off the only fig leaf left on Zhao Lingxi's body, "Whether it's a girlfriend or a lover, no matter what, you are my woman, and you can only be my wife." I am Cheng Huaiqing's woman."

Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's domineering voice, Zhao Lingxi closed her eyes in pain. She knew that no matter what, she was doomed tonight.

He didn't struggle at all, and let him do whatever he wanted.

In two or three strokes, Cheng Huaiqing released the restraints on his body, adjusted Zhao Lingxi to a suitable position, and leaned over to press down.

The moonlight was soft and the lights were warm, illuminating the ambiguity of the room.

The next day, when Zhao Lingxi woke up, she stretched subconsciously, her sore body reminded her of what happened last night.

Turning around, the other side of the bed was already cold.Touching the cold window sheet, there was still his breath on the quilt.

Zhao Lingxi put her face on the bed sheet and closed her eyes. The memories of last night gradually flooded into her mind. She clearly remembered that last night he went from being crazy at the beginning to being gentle at the end.

His skills were superb, and before she knew it, she had already fallen in love.

If she had never left five years ago, then she must be very happy, right?However, now, his tenderness has become an injury to her.

He opened his eyes and raised his head slightly, just in time to see a small note lying on the bedside table.

Zhao Lingxi's eyes flickered, she struggled to sit up, reached out to take the note, Cheng Huaiqing imprinted herself in her eyes as wildly and unruly as his signature:
"Baby, you did a good job last night, stay at home obediently, remember to miss me!"

Looking at the familiar handwriting on the note, Zhao Lingxi seemed to see Cheng Huaiqing's playful eyes. What made their relationship like this?She didn't want to be his mistress, not at all.

He resentfully rolled the note in his hand into a small ball, and threw it out vigorously.

Looking at the balls of paper rolling on the dark brown carpet, Zhao Lingxi felt that she saw Cheng Huaiqing's angry eyes, and remembering his furious appearance last night, she couldn't help shivering, got out of bed silently, picked up the paper on the ground The dough, laid flat, was placed in the drawer of the bedside table.

He simply tidied up the pajamas that he tore into pieces yesterday, looking at the pieces of pajamas in his hands, there was a hint of moisture in Zhao Lingxi's eyes, and the alarm clock on the phone suddenly rang at this moment.

It was only then that Zhao Lingxi remembered that she had to report to the "Star Magazine" company today.

He ran to the bathroom and took a shower, the bruises and purple marks on his body were all left by Cheng Huaiqing.She put on light makeup, put on a set of business attire, covered up all the marks on her body, and then went out.

After entering the "Star Magazine" company, it was still the supervisor from yesterday who received her, and did not give her a chance to ask questions, so she just stuffed her into the office of the editorial department and explained a few words to the director of the editorial department. Face went out.

Zhao Lingxi didn't know how she had offended him, looking at his black face, all the questions were swallowed in her stomach.

The only thing that is certain now is that she was really hired.

Now that you're here, let's work hard.

"Your name is Zhao Lingxi?" The director of the editorial department took a look at Zhao Lingxi, and there was a soft light behind the thick wine bottle glasses, pointing to a desk in a corner, "Where do you sit first, I will teach you later you."

"Yeah." Zhao Lingxi smiled and looked at the handsome director in front of him, "Thank you, director."

"Yes. The director's thick hand patted Zhao Lingxi's shoulder, you go first."

After listening to the director's words, Zhao Lingxi walked towards her desk, and when she passed by a desk, a whisper suddenly broke into her ears:

"She is Zhao Lingxi? I ​​heard that when she came for the interview yesterday, she was late and even lied about helping an elderly person with heart disease. The supervisor didn't even let her interview!"

"That's it!" A girl wearing a chiffon floral shirt glanced at Zhao Lingxi disdainfully, "I didn't even have an interview, I really don't know how she got in here?"


When Zhao Lingxi passed by, the voices of the two fell temporarily, but she walked away, and the discussion sounded again behind her.

Zhao Lingxi walked quietly to her seat, she also wanted to know what happened yesterday.

The director sent to guide Zhao Lingxi was an old employee, with a black suit on her body.Showing her curves perfectly, she held a pile of documents, twisted her waist, walked to Zhao Lingxi, and slapped the documents on the table in front of Zhao Lingxi.

"My name is Anna, and I will be your person in charge from now on. These are what you need to read today. You can start reading them now. Ask me if you don't understand anything after reading." The voice was cold, as if Zhao Lingxi had something to do with her. What kind of hatred is general.

Looking at the pile of documents in front of him that was taller than two Oxford dictionaries, Zhao Lingxi raised her head with doubts in her eyes.

Anna glanced at the doubt in Zhao Lingxi's eyes, pointed to the document in front of her impatiently, and said, "These are things that new employees must know, and there are things you need to know about your future work." As she spoke, she turned to Zhao Lingxi. Rolling eyes, "Not everyone can get in the editorial department of our Star Magazine."

After speaking, just like when he came here, twisting the waist of the water snake, thinking "dud-duk" with the high heels knocking on the ground.

Zhao Lingxi rubbed her forehead, did she offend someone as soon as she joined the company?
Sitting helplessly on the seat, she began to flip through the documents that Anna had just placed in front of her.

"Zhao Lingxi, right?" Zhao Lingxi was flipping through the documents in front of her quickly, when a thin voice came from above her head, Zhao Lingxi raised her head, and the girl who was talking about her just now stood in front of her condescendingly: "This is Today's form, fill it out and give it to me before work."

As he spoke, he threw a folder with a blue cover in his hand in front of Zhao Lingxi. With a wave of burgundy, he turned his head and walked back to his seat. There was only an extra folder in front of Zhao Lingxi, which proved that she had just I looked for Zhao Lingxi.

After her, another girl who just talked about Zhao Lingxi also threw a folder to Zhao Lingxi in the same way, asking her to help with it, and then quickly disappeared in front of Zhao Lingxi.

Zhao Lingxi looked at the two extra folders in front of her, and took a look at the people around her. It was the first time she entered the workplace, she didn't understand everything, and she could only follow what others said.

Seeing that no one was looking at her, Zhao Lingxi heaved a sigh of relief, now she should be able to read the documents with peace of mind, seeing that no one will trouble her again, right?

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