Rubbing his still swollen head, a helpless smile appeared on Wutong's face.

This dream was really inexplicable. Although she had seen Cheng Huaixian's abnormality, she still couldn't figure out why she was with him and would be sold out by him in the end.

Although she wasn't sure whether Cheng Huaixian's liking for herself was from the bottom of her heart.

However, one thing she can be sure of is, with Cheng Huaixian's extremely possessive desire, how could he exchange his girlfriend in name?

Not to mention other things, even he himself would feel that he couldn't save his face.

And, what about Huaiqing?

Wutong didn't know why, but he started to struggle with that dream after waking up.

After struggling for a while, Wutong really couldn't figure it out. In the end, he could only shake his head, stretched out his hand habitually to stroke his protruding belly again, and sighed:

"Forget it, it's just a dream, as long as we have nothing to do now, that's luck."

Soothing himself like this, after a long while, Wutong raised his head and glanced out of the window, and saw that the sky outside the window had already darkened.

She sighed silently in her heart: Cheng Huaixian's temper has become more and more irritable during this time, I wonder if she will do anything to Huai Qing downstairs?
And the other side.

After Zhang Tianyi returned to the country, after many investigations by his subordinates, he found a woman who looked almost like Wutong in his former subordinates.

After what happened last time, Chu Linger actually survived, and she is recuperating in the city's second hospital now.

According to reports from his subordinates, after the last incident, Chu Linger became a vegetable, and it was Hu Jieming who kept her in that hospital.

However, Hu Jieming didn't know what he was busy with these days. He hadn't visited her in the hospital for a long time, and he didn't even know that Chu Linger woke up.

After receiving this news, a coquettish light appeared in Zhang Tianyi's pupils behind him, his slender and fair five fingers were tightly clenched together, and on the back of his right hand, the blue-purple veins looked very obvious:

"Cheng Huaixian, I heard that you are very infatuated with that woman Wutong recently, then I have a gift for you."

He couldn't believe it anymore, Cheng Huaiqing was able to quickly distinguish between the real and the fake Zhao Lingxi, this Cheng Huaixian also had that ability.

After confirming this idea in his heart, Zhang Tianyi sent a special person to the Second Hospital to stay for a while, and as soon as Chu Linger woke up, he would be notified immediately.

In the Second City Hospital.

"You, what do you want?" Looking at the enlarged handsome face in front of her, Chu Linger's pupils instantly enlarged, and she stepped back slightly.

She remembered that the last time those two people went to Shiya Mountain Villa to save Wutong, they also saved her from Zhang Zihong's clutches.

But, why, after she had slept for so long, could she still see that terrifying devil-like face when she woke up?

"Why didn't you retreat?" Zhang Zihong crossed his arms and looked at the panicked deer-like woman in front of him with a playful face, and his mood improved inexplicably.

Even though he knew that the woman in front of him was just a substitute for that woman, his heart still couldn't help but move with her.

Another woman's face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. If Cheng Huaiqing hadn't been able to see through it at the beginning, then he must be living a very happy life with that woman now, right?
Thinking of the woman's rejection of him, Zhang Zihong's face became cold as if dripping water, and the eyes of the woman in front of him also carried the hatred.

The slender fingers pinched Chu Linger's delicate and small chin vigorously, and the cool voice hit Chu Linger's heart word by word, "I remember you followed me for a long time before, why, now Are you afraid of me"?
"No, no." Chu Ling'er didn't dare to look at Zhang Zihong, and wanted to lower her head, but found that she couldn't break free from the restraint on her chin.

She lowered her eyelids slightly, covered her eyes with long black and thick eyelashes, and said weakly, but those slightly trembling eyelashes betrayed her heart.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" Although Chu Ling'er was wearing a large hospital gown, she just woke up, not long after, her face looked very pale, and she was much thinner than normal people .

However, this treatment made Zhang Zihong look more protective, and his heart became inexplicably irritable. His dark brown pupils were deep and deep, as if they could suck people in, and his fair fingers were also a little harder.

"Suck." Couldn't help it, Chu Linger frowned deeply, tears rolled in her eyes, but she endured it deeply again, she was afraid that he would be even more angry because of her tears.

"No, I didn't hide, I just, just..." Her voice was waxy, and she tried her best to endure the pain from her chin, not to struggle, for fear that if she was not careful, she would annoy the man in front of her.

"Just what?" Zhang Zihong's voice was still cold, and he could see every little move of Chu Linger, including her deeply frowned brows and the marks under his fingers.

Letting go of his hand, his eyes were fixed on Chu Linger's white chin, his masterpiece, before Chu Linger had figured out how to answer his question, Zhang Zihong said leisurely, "Does it hurt?"

Chu Ling'er looked at him in surprise, her big bright eyes were full of Zhang Zihong's figure.

Is Zhang Zihong in front of you still Zhang Zihong?

"Why don't you talk?" Zhang Zihong said lightly, "I can't talk because of the pain? Huh?"
"No, it doesn't hurt." Chu Ling'er was duplicity, the left side of her cheek was still burning with pain, but she could only try her best to endure the tears welling up in her eyes, not daring to reach out to rub them.

"If it doesn't hurt, then get in the car." Zhang Zihong said without looking at Chu Ling'er again, turned around, walked with long legs, and walked to the door of the ward.

"I..." Chu Ling'er looked at Zhang Zihong's merciless back, took a deep breath, and said as if mustering up her courage:

"I, I, now, I don't seem to be Mr.'s person..."

Hearing Chu Linger's words, Zhang Zihong, who was about to walk outside the door of the ward, suddenly froze for a moment, turned his head, and the slender Danfeng eyes flashed with a dangerous light:
"What did you just say, say it again if you have the ability"?
Chu Ling'er lowered her head very low, not daring to look into Zhang Zihong's eyes, but even so, she could feel the cold air emanating from Zhang Zihong's body.

Trembling voice said: "I, my body has not fully recovered, I can't leave this hospital now..."

"Really?" As he spoke, Zhang Zihong's body was already in front of Chu Ling'er, and he lifted Chu Ling'er's collar with his big hand, and said with a piercingly cold voice:

"I didn't expect you to have been lying in the hospital bed for two years, and you have learned some backbone, and you dare to talk to me like that."

When he was talking, he didn't even look at Chu Ling'er, who was strangled by him, and his face was a little blue, and he strode towards the hospital door with big strides.

Seeing the cold air emanating from Zhang Zihong's body, the passing nurses in the hospital didn't dare to stop him, but secretly recorded it in their hearts.

When they reached the gate of the hospital, Zhang Zihong threw Chu Ling'er onto the marble floor at the gate.

Seeing that the driver had already opened the back door of the black Cayenne in front of him, he said coldly: "I'll give you a minute, if you still can't think clearly, then you will bear the consequences."

After finishing speaking, he stepped onto the Cayenne with big strides, as if he wasn't the one who brought Chu Linger out.

"Oh." Chu Ling'er's mind was still a little unresponsive, she looked at Zhang Zihong who was sitting in the car nonchalantly, and kept bombarding his cold voice that reached the bottom of her heart just now, struggling to stand up from the ground, Resignedly walked over.

Seeing that Chu Ling'er got into the car obediently, Zhang Zihong ordered the driver to drive.

The nurse at the front desk didn't pick up the phone until the breathless black Cayenne parked at the entrance of the hospital disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Come here!" Seeing that Chu Ling'er sat far away from him on purpose, Zhang Zihong frowned almost imperceptibly, and his voice was cold without any warmth.

"Huh? Oh." Hearing the voice, Chu Ling'er felt a hundred reluctance in her heart, but she still walked towards him little by little.

"Ah!" Zhang Zihong suddenly stretched out his hand impatiently, and grabbed Chu Ling'er close to him.Arms draped casually over her shoulders.

Chu Ling'er moved her lips, and after touching Zhang Zihong's closed eyes, she closed her mouth obediently.

"Hmm..." Chu Ling'er, who was sleeping, babbled, and suddenly opened her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She pushed him hard, but Zhang Zihong remained motionless, moved from the corner of her mouth, his sexy thin lips swept past her pink lips, and kissed her hard.

Glancing across Chu Linger's rebellious eyes, Zhang Zihong's eyes were so dark that he seemed to be able to absorb everything, and his voice was cold and emotionless, "I just told you to get up."

Before Chu Linger had time to react, another kiss was placed heavily on Chu Linger's lips, "Concentrate"!
Suddenly bit Chu Ling'er's fleshy lips hard, and said three words coldly.

"!" A sense of unease spread throughout her body, Chu Linger struggled with all her strength, but no matter how hard she struggled.

Zhang Zihong didn't loosen it a little bit, but a button on the shoulder strap fell off during the struggle. Chu Ling'er felt a chill on her chest, and her face turned pale.

When Zhang Zihong saw the tenderness and roundness of her chest, his gaze became even hotter, and his big hand slipped into his clothes, caressing her smooth back.

Chu Linger's body trembled, her eyes were slightly squinted, and her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, all of which showed her nervousness now: "No, don't".

The voice was low, as if a mosquito was humming, "Here, this is the car..."

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