While Hu Jieming was thinking about this question, he scratched his head tangledly. Looking at him through the rearview mirror, Father Hu naturally knew what he was thinking, and sighed helplessly.

He opened the mouth and said: "Jie Ming, everything has been the best arrangement so far, so don't think too much about it."

"Huh?" Hearing Hu's father's words, Hu Jieming suddenly glanced at him, but he only saw the back of the seat in front of him.

Hearing Father Hu's sigh, his heart suddenly became quiet.

Although he knew that Father Hu in front couldn't see him, he still nodded subconsciously and said, "Yes, Dad, you are right."

After finishing speaking, he leaned back on the back chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Hu's mother was a little puzzled by the interaction between the father and son, and said silently in her heart: You two are hiding something from me again.

However, thinking that she was angry with Father Hu just now, she doesn't want to talk to him now.

His eyes swept over the two of them, but he didn't speak anymore.

Cheng Huaixian sat on the sofa outside Zhao Lingxi's ward, crossed his legs, spread his hands on the sofa, and looked at the three people in front of him with a gloomy expression.

The three people in front of them looked like ostriches at the moment, their heads were so low that they were about to see the back of their heads, and they were so angry that they said in a cold voice:

"You can't even look down on a woman, what else can you do?"

When he thought of Cheng Huaiying coming to release his surveillance, he felt uneasy. Although his sister was innocent by nature, the more she was, the more she would ruin his good deeds.

"..." Hearing Cheng Huaixian's sharp reprimand, the three bodyguards stood up straighter and straighter, their heads were so low that their necks were about to be broken, and none of them dared to look at Cheng Huaixian.

"Why are you all keeping your heads down! Is it very comfortable to get paid and not do anything?" Cheng Huaixian specially emphasized the word "cozy".

Hearing Cheng Huaixian's irritable voice outside the ward, Zhao Lingxi frowned slightly.

He stretched out his hand and stroked his protruding stomach. Now Cheng Huaixian was getting more and more moody.

However, from what he said just now, Cheng Huaiying should have escaped.

"Talk! Are you all dumb?" Cheng Huaixian was originally angry here because of the bidding, but now even his subordinates, with their useless appearance, are clearly following him.

"Never again next time." Hearing Cheng Huaixian's furious voice, the three of them lowered their heads, looked at each other, and said in unison.

They knew that what Cheng Huaixian hated most was shifting responsibility from each other after his subordinates did something wrong, so they didn't explain it at all.

Hearing what the three said, Cheng Huaixian didn't know why, his previous good temper was like a deflated balloon, and the cold voice seemed to come from underground:

"Next time? Do you think there will be a next time?"

While talking, seeing the three people in front of him tremble at the same time, Cheng Huaixian got up and walked to the door of the ward.

When he was about to walk to the door, he turned around suddenly, looked at the three people behind him, and said:
"You have been with me for two or three years. In fact, I can't bear to drive you away."

As he said that, seeing the three of them raised their heads slightly to look at him, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "However, I think you all know that my subordinates, Cheng Huaixian, have never raised useless people, so..."

"Master..." Upon hearing Cheng Huaixian's words, the three of them raised their heads one after another, looked at the half-smile expression on Cheng Huaixian's face, and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Although Cheng Huaixian is very strict in his work, but on weekdays, they follow Cheng Huaixian, the benefits are indispensable.

What's more, if they are expelled from the Cheng Group, then it will be a problem for them to find a job again in the future.

Cheng Huaixian naturally saw the pleading in the eyes of the three, but he pretended not to see it, fiddled with the fingers of his left hand with his right hand, and with a smile on his face, he said softly:

"From now on you are officially fired."

He said words that determined the fate of others, but he acted as if he was chatting with them about family matters.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Huaixian walked out of the door without looking back. With the door of the room closed, the three of them couldn't even see his back.

Although the three bodyguards were very unconvinced and dissatisfied, they couldn't refute it, because the mistake this time was indeed that they were not serious, and they couldn't blame others.

Cheng Huaixian was leaning on the elevator thinking about where Cheng Huaiying would go after he escaped, and when he thought that his wishful thinking might end up in the hands of his silly sister, he couldn't help but let his anger flare out.

First, Cheng Huaixu colluded with Zhang Tianyi, stole his bid, and charged him with such a big crime, and now he is his only biological sister...

When Cheng Huaixian thought that those people who were against him in every way were actually his family members, his face became very bad.

But now that everyone in the city knows about the bidding, why don't you go back and explain it to your father?

As long as Cheng Huaiying hasn't told what happened before, no matter how hard she escapes, she won't be able to escape my grasp.

As soon as Cheng Huaixian got out of the elevator on the first floor of the hospital, he found a group of reporters surrounding the door and couldn't get out at all.

How could there be a group of reporters? Didn't the news of Cheng Huaiqing's hospitalization not be disclosed at all?

"Oh, did you know? The reporters at the door are all here to block that young master of the Cheng family." The two nurses chatted as they passed by.

"Why block him?" Another little nurse asked inexplicably.


What was said later was not heard clearly as the two little nurses walked away.

Come to block me?It must have been arranged by Zhang Tianyi again. Zhang Liang seemed to make such a disturbance that the whole world would know that he would not let it go.

Cheng Huaixian cursed in a low voice and wanted to go out through the small back door of the hospital. Few people knew about this small door, so no reporter appeared here.

Because Cheng Huaixian went to the hospital directly from the competition site today, he didn't bring his briefcase back to the company, nor did he bring his keys.

"Ding dong" because there is a big iron gate in the old house, which is usually opened because of the electric remote control, but now I can only ring the doorbell.

"Sister An, go and see who it is." Cheng's mother, who was waiting for Cheng Huaixian, heard the doorbell, and hurriedly asked Sister An to see who was here, because Cheng Huaixian would not knock if he had a key, so he thought it wasn't Cheng Huaixian.

"Oh, good." Sister An, who was busy in the kitchen, answered, shook her hands soaked in the water to wash the vegetables, picked up a dry rag beside her and wiped it casually twice before answering the phone.

"Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"

After Cheng Huaixian heard Sister An's voice, he took a deep breath, suppressed the grievance in his heart, and returned to his previous appearance of a modest gentleman, and then said: "I am Cheng Huaixian, and I don't have a key."

After all, we are back home, so we should pay more attention to some things.

"Oh, young master, I'll open the door for you right away." Sister An hung up the phone and pressed the button next to the phone that said door.

After pressing the button, he ran to the gate to open it for Cheng Huaixian to prepare home shoes.

Cheng Huaixian entered the door to change the number of home shoes and walked to the living room. He didn't see Cheng's father, but only saw Cheng's mother on the sofa with her back turned to him.

He glanced around the hall, but did not see Cheng Huaiying, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Mom, where's Dad?"
Cheng Huaixian knew that Cheng's father must be very angry now, but this time he was obviously being calculated by someone in this competition, the hateful Zhang Tianyi.

When Cheng's mother heard that it was Cheng Huaixian, she hurriedly stood up and blamed in a low voice: "Why are you coming back now? Isn't the competition over in the morning? Do you know that your father has been waiting for you?"
Cheng's mother has been thinking about how to intercede for Cheng Huaixian later, because judging from Cheng's father's face, she knows that it is not very good.He had a gloomy face all morning and didn't say a word.

Although she is a woman who does not manage the company, it is not a trivial matter to be falsely accused of plagiarism. She is afraid that Cheng Huaixian's reputation and reputation will be affected and she will be dismissed.

"Mom, I have to deal with some personal matters first, so I came back so late."

"Is Dad in the study?" Cheng Huaixian heard that Cheng's father had been waiting for him for a long time, so he thought he should explain quickly.

"Well, I'll go up with you and see if I can help you." Cheng's mother followed Cheng Huaixian up to the second floor.

"Dong dong." The heavy wooden door made a sound.

Cheng's mother knocked twice and didn't hear any sound from inside, so she turned the lock and opened the door by herself and went in.

What I saw when I went in was darkness, Cheng's father drew the curtains and turned off all the lights.

"Why is there no light!" Mother Cheng reached out and groped for the switch on the wall to turn on the light, then went to open the curtains and fasten them.

"Dad." Cheng Huaixian shouted like Cheng's father with his back turned to him.

"You're back, and you're running around after such a big incident. Are you capable?" Cheng's father yelled at Cheng Huaixian in dissatisfaction.

"Dad, it's not my fault." Cheng Huaixian thought that Cheng's father also believed that he had plagiarized, so he quickly explained:

"You have also seen the blueprint I designed before, it is clearly my original..."

Cheng's father didn't wait for Cheng Huaixian to finish speaking, he stood up from the office chair, pointed at Cheng Huaixian and said, "Then how can you be accused of plagiarism and make it known to everyone? You are doing this to the Cheng family. You're trying to discredit Cheng, you know?"
Cheng's father's face was flushed with anger, and he was panting.

Seeing that Cheng's father had asthma symptoms again, Cheng's mother hurried forward to help Cheng's father to sit down, then found out the anti-asthma medicine from the drawer, and poured out two pills for Cheng's father to feed.

Cheng's mother watched Cheng's father swallow the medicine, and then said: "It's not that you don't know that your son was falsely accused, how could he plagiarize? Why are you so angry, and you can easily damage your body?"
Hearing Cheng's mother's words, Cheng's father sighed and shook his head, saying: "It's really a woman's opinion"!
After finishing speaking, he took another look at Cheng Huaixian, and then returned to Cheng's mother's face:

"What's the use of knowing it? Does Cheng's shareholder board of directors believe it? Will people all over the country believe it? If you don't understand, don't mix it up, do you know?"
While speaking, Cheng's father glared at Cheng's mother angrily, and seeing that she stopped talking, he pointed the finger at Cheng Huaixian again:
"I believe you didn't plagiarize, but you didn't even do a good job of keeping your own project secret, and let others take advantage of it, and someone dumped a basket of plagiarism on your head. Do you feel good?"
While talking, Cheng's father slapped the table heavily and roared angrily.

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