Too Much to Chase His Wife: The Movie Emperor Wants to Hug

Chapter 391 Zhao Lingxi is really important to me

She wanted to escape quickly, if she was captured this time, she would definitely have no chance to escape again.

Now, I have to say that the genes of the Cheng family are very strong. Although Cheng Huaiying usually looks like a fool, she is not stupid at all when it is critical.

"What kind of broken place is this! I have been allowed to stay here for so long, and my parents didn't send anyone to look for me. It seems that I have to restrain myself in the future, or something will happen one day, my parents What should I do if you don't come to me?"
Cheng Huaiying walked a long way alone, only to find the shadow of a taxi, and stopped a taxi without hesitation. The moment the driver stopped the car, she pulled the taxi in the astonished eyes of the driver. He opened the door and sat in.

It wasn't until she got into the taxi that the expression on her face relaxed. She reached out and patted her heaving chest, shouting excitedly in her heart: finally free!

However, as soon as she was free, all kinds of questions kept popping up in her mind.

Why does the elder brother seem to be a different person? Could it be that the elder brother did all these things alone?

Is Zhao Lingxi also the eldest brother who wants to be locked up?
It's very possible, she thought of Zhao Lingxi's attitude towards her elder brother before, it didn't look like a good face.

Although I don't like her very much, she treats me pretty well and doesn't say or do anything at home to get revenge on her.

However, why the eldest brother would do this is really hard to understand.

Various questions kept circling in Cheng Huaiying's mind, lingering.

The driver looked at the strange woman beside him, the expression on his face kept changing, and he couldn't help but say:
"Miss, where are you going?"
The driver's voice brought Cheng Huaiying's thoughts back.

After thinking about it for a while, I feel that no one in the family can believe it anymore, so I still have to go to the third brother.

Just when he was about to report the place name to the driver, the powerful genes belonging to the Cheng family jumped again, and suddenly thought:

It's better to change clothes first, and go to see the third brother in this state, I'm afraid she will be discovered by the elder brother's people before she reaches the hospital, right?

As soon as this idea came up, Cheng Huaiying immediately reported to the commercial street not far from the Central Hospital, and decided to go there to buy clothes with a different style from her own before going to Cheng Huaiqing.

This old town is not very close to the central hospital, and the car drove for a while before arriving at the pedestrian street.

However, when the car stopped, Cheng Huaiying remembered that she ran out in a hurry, leaving her handbag and so on in that place just now.

Fortunately, the clothes shops she frequented knew her well. She was a well-known financial backer, and she even helped pay for taxi rides.

However, all of these were recorded in Cheng Huaiying's account.

Cheng Huaiying thought that if she continued to do her own way as usual, Cheng Huaixian would soon find out that Cheng Huaiying had escaped, so she went to the store and chose a set of clothes that looked very shabby, but the price was expensive. She stood in the mirror Looking at this outfit with satisfaction.

"Why did Ms. Cheng change her style recently? The style of the previous outfits is the least favorite of yours."

The clerk looked at Cheng Huaiying, admiring herself in the mirror, with a satisfied expression on her face, and greeted her very warmly.

Children from rich families really look beautiful in whatever they wear.

Cheng Huaiying listened to the clerk and explained casually:
"Recently I found a new job and asked to try a different style. My previous style was too ostentatious. I didn't think it was very good, so I tried something else."

After speaking, he said to the clerk again: "Wrap my previous suit for me, and put it in your store first. I will take it when I come to pay for this suit in two days." .

Although the clerk didn't know the reason why Cheng Huaiying came out in such a mess today, but with such a big tree like the Cheng family around, it was impossible for Cheng Huaiying not to pay.

He agreed very politely, but he was envious in his heart that the reasons why rich people buy clothes are so capricious.

Cheng Huaiying saw the clerk carefully taking care of her original clothes, and added:

"Well, also, don't tell my family members, my job salary is not as good as I imagined, so I want to fight for myself first."

Listening to Cheng Huaiying's words, the clerk smiled and nodded, you are rich and you are beautiful, you are right.

"Miss Cheng is really different from other rich ladies. She can support herself. I believe that a person like Miss Bai can shine everywhere."

The clerk's words made Cheng Huaiying laugh, and the gloomy mood that Cheng Huaixian had been locked up in was much better. She looked at the clerk with a smile and said:
"As long as you are the best at talking, then I will send you a set of clothes. You can store what you like in my account and just charge it to my account."

The clerk couldn't believe his ears, there really were pies in the sky.

Seeing the clerk's flattered look, Cheng Huaiying continued to add: "However, I still hope that my family members will not know."

The clerk nodded vigorously and watched Cheng Huaiying leave.

Cheng Huaiying is still a child, she doesn't know what ambitions and plans Cheng Huaixian has, she just thinks that the family is happy together, and being with the person she likes is the most important thing, but the things that her elder brother is doing now make her very happy can not understand.

However, the pedestrian street is only 300 meters away from the central hospital, and not long after, a well-dressed man appeared in the central hospital.

The moment she arrived at the hospital, Cheng Huaiying's heart was relieved, there was someone she trusted the most.

There are all kinds of people living in the Central Hospital, so Cheng Huaiying's appearance did not attract much attention.

When she appeared at the door of Cheng Huaiqing's ward, Cheng Huaiqing was awake.

Without even knocking on the door, Cheng Huaiying saw through the glass window of the ward door that Cheng Huaiqing was sitting on the bed and reading the newspaper, and pushed the door of the ward a little anxiously.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Cheng Huaiqing raised his head, and his eyes shifted from the newspaper in his hand to Cheng Huaiying.

At first, he didn't recognize that it was his little sister Cheng Huaiying, until Cheng Huaiying took off his hat, Cheng Huaiqing was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

However, looking at Cheng Huaiying's expression was not very good, he also put away the smile on his face, and looked at this reckless younger sister with a puzzled expression.

Which song is she singing, why does she look so anxious?
However, when Cheng Huaiqing's eyes fell on Cheng Huaiying's clothes again, his brows suddenly frowned.

The clothes on Huai Ying's body were obviously not her style.

However, he didn't speak at all, he just stared at Cheng Huaiying calmly, waiting for her to speak first.

Cheng Huaiying stood still at the door of Cheng Huaiqing's ward, leaning on the wall, looked around, made sure there was nothing unusual, and then walked in.

Cheng Huaiying appeared in front of Cheng Huaiqing wearing clothes that did not match her temperament.

Cheng Huaiqing could clearly feel Cheng Huaiying's nervousness now. Even the atmosphere in the ward had changed since she came in.

After thinking about it, in order to break the current atmosphere, before Cheng Huaiying opened his mouth, he deliberately asked in a relaxed tone:
"Huaiying, what are you singing about? This dress doesn't match you at all, okay?"
As she said that, before Cheng Huaiying could speak, she asked again: "It's almost four o'clock, why did you come here at this time?"
Cheng Huaiying's face was full of grievances, and she had just escaped from the devil's lair with great difficulty, but was ridiculed by her third brother, stomped her feet bitterly, and shouted: "Third brother"!
When the voice fell, she had already run over and hugged Cheng Huaiqing.

Cheng Huaiqing was sitting on the hospital bed, and before he could dodge in time, he was already tightly hugged by Cheng Huaiying.

Cheng Huaiqing was about to talk about her, how come she is still like a child when she is such an adult?
But Cheng Huaiying hugged Cheng Huaiqing, sobbing softly, her arms around his back were still tightening.

Cheng Huaiqing's brows that had been stretched just now frowned again, what's the matter, he didn't even say anything to her, why did he start crying?
It's rare for Cheng Huaiqing to see his younger sister cry so sadly. On weekdays, she chatters heartlessly and is always the happiest person. Sometimes she really wants to be like her, live for herself, and live a more comfortable life.

Looking at her appearance, she must have encountered something that she couldn't let go of. She raised her right hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows. When her hand fell, she patted Cheng Huaiying's back again, and asked softly. :
"What's wrong, tell third brother, who bullied you"?
While speaking, Cheng Huaiqing's eyes softened, and he patted Cheng Huaiying's back lightly.

Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's magnetic voice, Cheng Huaiying stopped crying, but still couldn't help sobbing, and said:
"Third Brother, Third Brother, I should really listen to you and not worry about family affairs."

"Huh?" Hearing Cheng Huaiying's words, Cheng Huaiqing raised his eyebrows.

Cheng Huaiying got out of his arms, took a deep breath in Cheng Huaiqing's arms, wiped the tears on his face with his sleeve, and said:
"You know the elder brother, he, the elder brother actually did it for, for Zhao Lingxi"!
Cheng Huaiying deliberately lowered the voice of Zhao Lingxi's three words, and secretly glanced at Cheng Huaiqing.

These days, Cheng Huaiqing already had a superficial concept of Zhao Lingxi, and now he heard Cheng Huaiying mention it, and he was more able to confirm the real existence of Zhao Lingxi.

His expression changed immediately, he held Cheng Huaiying's shoulder with his big hand, looked into her eyes, and asked, "Who did you just talk about? Zhao Lingxi? What happened to Zhao Lingxi? What does it have to do with Cheng Huaixian?"
Hearing that Cheng Huaiqing subconsciously cared about Zhao Lingxi first, Cheng Huaiying couldn't help but feel sore in his heart, Dou Da tears fell down again.

He also said in his mouth: "Third brother, look at you, no matter what time you put Zhao Lingxi in the most important position, even now that you have lost your memory..."

As she said that, seeing Cheng Huaiqing's changed expression, she suddenly stopped talking, and said coquettishly, "I'm your real sister, okay?"
Hearing Cheng Huaiying's words, Cheng Huaiqing became more certain in his heart. What Hu Jieming said before was true, and Zhao Lingxi was really important to him.

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