Because when Cheng Huaixu asked her what she needed, she said that she could do anything, Aunt Jiang saw Cheng Huaixu and felt that he should be able to help her husband with his extraordinary appearance and extraordinary clothes.

Originally, it was just a fluke to mention the matter of her husband's appreciation, but Cheng Huaixu actually agreed.She was really grateful to Cheng Huaixu, so she reached an agreement with Cheng Huaixu to come to the teacher group to find a job as a cleaner.

Originally, today's opportunity was just right, but Cheng Huaixian didn't put the design drawings in the office, he really missed the opportunity.

Aunt Jiang didn't sleep all night, and she was thinking about what to do tomorrow so that she could get the design drawings through Huaixian's office.After much deliberation, it was dawn, and Aunt Jiang got up with difficulty to make breakfast for her son who was going to review and her husband who was going to work. She simply ate two bites and then went to work.

Aunt Jiang, who had just entered the door, was worried to death here, but she didn't expect to be told by the manager that the president was looking for her as soon as she checked in at the department.When Aunt Jiang heard that Cheng Huaixian was looking for her, she trembled in her heart, thinking that Cheng Huaixian had discovered something, but if she hadn't guessed, she might have guessed wrong, and if she ran away with a guilty conscience, she would have no chance.

Aunt Jiang tried to ask the manager, the president, if he had said what was going on, and asked him to reveal something.The manager shook his head and said he didn't know.

When I wanted to ask Aunt Jiang to do something, I was held back by a phone call, so I had to wink at her to let her go up.

Aunt Jiang felt that it was not good to go too slowly, so she could only bite the bullet and go up.

She still greeted the secret room when she passed by, and when she was about to walk in, the secretary stopped her when she remembered something.

"That aunt, I forgot to say that the president said that he has something to do on the road and will be here later, so the aunt will wait inside first."

Then she gave a smiling expression like this. She is not kind to everyone, let alone an aunt, but it seems that the president thinks highly of her.

"Okay, I see." Aunt Jiang felt that she was really lucky today. She just got the design drawings while she was waiting for Cheng Huaixian. It seemed that God was helping her.

Aunt Jiang concealed her excitement and walked towards the office at a pace she thought was the most normal.The secretary didn't see anything unusual about Aunt Jiang, and continued to make Cheng Huaixian's schedule.

Time flies like a cloud, and it is the end of February in a blink of an eye, and the Cheng Group's harvest this month can be regarded as a big bumper harvest.

Fortunately, Cheng Huaiqing's incident did not affect the entire Cheng family's property. Cheng's father looked at Cheng Huaixian's recent achievements and smiled until the wrinkles on his face appeared.

He had always liked Cheng Huaixian very much, but when he thought of Cheng Huaiqing, he still couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his heart.

It would be great if the other two sons were like him. Cheng Huaixian has been very busy recently, and what he gains must be lost. Naturally, he has neglected Zhao Lingxi's affairs a lot, but he is also very sure. Under the nose, there is no trick to find out.

Under the special care of the special ward, Zhao Lingxi's body is much better than before, but this day, without any clues, without any external disappearance, she still feels anxious and restless.

What's ridiculous is that she lives in the same hospital with Cheng Huaiqing, but she can't visit him. She has too many things and doubts to figure out, but she can't start.

It was nine o'clock, and she looked at the clock on the wall. Fortunately, she could still know the current time. After calculation, it should be the time for the head nurse's ward rounds. The format of each hospital is similar, and shifts are handed over at 08:30 in the morning. At [-], the ward rounds began in turn, and it should be around nine o'clock when I arrived at Zhao Lingxi's side.

This is also a discovery of Zhao Lingxi these days. Zhao Lingxi has already got up and sat on the sofa to read the magazine. The magazine is changed every day, so it will not be so boring.

Sure enough, Zhao Lingxi's guess was correct. After a quarter past nine, the head nurse came in with two young head nurses.

"How's it going today? You're in good health. You look ruddy. Your husband is really considerate. Although he doesn't have time to take care of you, at least he's willing to spend his time on you. It's rare."

Cheng Huaixian had been here a few times before, Zhao Lingxi didn't see him, but he heard him talking with the head nurse outside the door, and the head nurse mistakenly thought Cheng Huaixian was her husband.

The head nurse inquired about Zhao Lingxi's physical condition, while the other two young head nurses made the bed for Zhao Lingxi, and quickly put on new sheets and quilt covers.

Zhao Lingxi is now used to those people treating her as Cheng Huaixian's wife, thinking that it would be much more convenient for her to carry such an identity, so she didn't explain, but said:

"The body is good, but are these daily cares necessary?"
Zhao Lingxi let the head nurse fiddle with her body, thinking quickly how it would be more appropriate to ask Cheng Huaiqing about it. After all, Cheng Huaiqing was once a celebrity. Although he was not in the same department, he should have heard of it.

Listening to Zhao Lingxi's question, the head nurse still had a smile like a spring breeze on her face. While doing the work at hand quickly, she replied:

"That must be done. Your husband specifically told you that your belly is growing day by day and your body will change at any time. So just be patient and you will be fine soon."

Zhao Lingxi pretended to cooperate and nodded, thoughtfully. The head nurse thought she was tired of this kind of inspection every day, so she asked, "What's the matter? Ma'am, is there anything you're not used to here?"
"No." Zhao Lingxi listened to the head nurse's question, "The configuration of your hospital is really good. I should live in the best one. I think there are VIP rooms on the downstairs floors, but it's not as good as this." .

When the head nurse heard what Zhao Lingxi said, the expression on her face couldn't help becoming proud. Just as the inspection was finished, she took the equipment away and said:

"That's natural. The downstairs can't compare with us and our upstairs. No matter how famous people are, they may not be able to live in. That's why I said that your husband treats you very well."

Zhao Lingxi's words received good feedback. She was sure that the head nurse would definitely say that her department was superior to others.

Zhao Lingxi nodded in satisfaction: "That's really good. Before I moved in, I heard that Cheng Huaiqing, the last actor in the entertainment industry, also lived here. I really want to meet him if I have the chance. Who told me that I am his fangirl? "!"
Zhao Lingxi couldn't hide the look of admiration on Zhao Lingxi's face, and the head nurse had no idea that Zhao Lingxi was trying to trick her.

"Let me tell you a secret. I just heard that Cheng Huaiqing was living here. That's why I told my husband that I would come here to raise a baby. Don't tell him. Hey, do you know he's been discharged from the hospital?"
After hearing this, the head nurse thought she had met Cheng Huaiqing's brainless fan, and burst out laughing. Unexpectedly, Zhao Lingxi, who is already the child's mother, still has the heart of a star-chasing girl. No wonder her husband explained it early, saying that he could not reveal anything about Cheng Huaiqing to Zhao Lingxi. It turned out that her husband had already known about her little thoughts and had been vaccinated first.

Of course, as medical staff, protecting the privacy of patients is their principle, and even fans can't tell a thing or two.

I had no choice but to spread my hands and said apologetically:

"I didn't expect that you have reached this level of star chasing. It really shocked me. You rich people chase stars like this. You don't have to worry about being pregnant."

Listening to the head nurse's words, Zhao Lingxi pulled out an awkward smile, why didn't she say it out, could it be that her expression was not perfect enough, which made her suspect that she was trying to trick her.

Before Zhao Lingxi finished thinking, the head nurse said again: "However, this is a hospital after all, we don't care how you chase stars outside, but here you must listen to us, and the patient you mentioned , we have the right to protect his privacy, so, the road to star chasing is long, you should try to see for yourself."

After the head nurse checked and left the ward, Zhao Lingxi sighed and pulled her face down. The first plan failed, and she couldn't know whether Ye Xing was better or not, which gave her a headache.

The nurses' mouths were too tight, and they couldn't get any useful information from such a question. It seemed that it was really difficult.

Zhao Lingxi felt that she couldn't sit still like this. Cheng Huaixian hadn't been here for a long time, and the number of people looking at her outside the door had obviously decreased.

If she guessed right, it was because it was the end of the month, and the people around Cheng Huaixian had been dragged away for accounting, and now there were not enough people, so some people were evacuated.

This time period is an excellent opportunity. If you don't seize it, it will be too difficult to get out in the future.

Zhao Lingxi walked back and forth in the room, and after passing a group of cabinets, she accidentally found a door behind the wardrobe, which was slightly opened, revealing a crack.

If it wasn't for the good weather today and the sunshine coming in, Zhao Lingxi would not have discovered that there was a door inside. Zhao Lingxi was delighted, what if there was a new way?

She walked around the closet and pushed open the door. There was indeed a cave inside. It was a small study room with some sundries in it. There were desks and bookcases. With an old Lenovo laptop.

With a computer, it is a different situation. Although the computer is old and broken, it is the only tool she can use. She plugs it in and sees that the computer is on. It can be used, only one network is missing.

Seeing this, Zhao Lingxi couldn't help showing a look of joy on her face, but she quickly concealed the expression on her face.

After Zhao Lingxi called the nurse and asked for the wireless password, the nurse didn't think too much about it. She didn't know that Zhao Lingxi was actually imprisoned here by Cheng Huaixian, and it's quite normal to need a network.

The computer started up normally, and Zhao Lingxi's rosy cheeks were reflected by the shining blue light, and everything was slowly developing in a good direction.

It's just that the computer is turned on, who should I contact?
In the past, my biggest reliance here was Cheng Huaiqing, but now that the world has changed, no matter how firm Zhao Lingxi's heart is, he has become hesitant at this moment. If Cheng Huaiqing has never thought of himself, then what should I do.

There is no one in such a big city that I can contact, so what if I do, who would believe such absurd things as saying that I was imprisoned?
For a moment, she was very melancholy. Zhao Lingxi didn't have many things to search for in her mind. She suddenly thought of Yang Xiaoxiao, who had a "life-and-death friendship" with her.

After thinking about Yang Xiaoxiao, Zhao Lingxi's face showed a look of joy, and he stretched out his hand to stroke Weilong's stomach, and murmured softly:

"Xiao Xiao, the hopes of my child and I rest on you."

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