Ye Qianwei seemed to have entered another world, leaving only her body here, and she couldn't feel the pain from the men tossing her body, and her senses were completely sealed off.

By the time Li Kui and Cheng Huaiqing felt the dilapidated house, the person who kidnapped Ye Qianwei had already run away, leaving only Ye Qianwei lying naked on the ground like a dead body.

Li Kui's eyes turned red on the spot, clamoring to kill those people, Cheng Huaiqing stopped him, and first checked Ye Qianwei's situation.

Ye Qianwei seemed to be out of breath. Cheng Huaiqing tested her common carotid artery and found that she was still alive, so he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to Li Kui, but his frown could not be relaxed.

Li Kui tentatively called out "Qiwei, Qianwei".

Ye Qianwei also didn't respond. Li Kui hugged Ye Qianwei, only to find that Ye Qianwei suddenly opened her eyes, and her face froze before she could express her joy, because Ye Qianwei had already picked up the scarred man on the ground. The dagger pierced his heart without hesitation.

Fortunately, Cheng Huaiqing noticed something was wrong when Ye Qianwei opened her eyes, and immediately stopped her, but Ye Qianwei closed her eyes again with all her strength, and fainted in Li Kui's arms.

Cheng Huaiqing took off his clothes and wrapped her tightly in panic, Li Kui gently hugged her and walked out, and said with guilt and regret: "I'm sorry, we are late, Qianwei, I'm sorry".

As he spoke, tears fell on the dark fabric and disappeared.

It is said that men do not cry easily, but they have not reached the sad part.

Seeing Li Kui holding Ye Qianwei in his arms, his robust body trembling non-stop, Cheng Huaiqing felt a pang of pain in his heart.

If it was normal, he might still laugh at Li Kui, but now, he can completely understand Li Kui's mood.

If it was Zhao Lingxi who happened these things today, he would probably collapse too.

Going forward, he patted Li Kui on the shoulder, and sighed: "Okay, things have happened now, and if you delay yourself, you should figure out how to solve things."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned his back and said to Li Kui: "Aren't you a doctor? Didn't you see that Qian Wei was covered in welts when you just came in? What you should do now is to help her deal with the wounds on her body first." The wound, and then she went to the hospital for a good examination."

After finishing speaking, he strode out and couldn't help sighing in his heart. If this matter happened to him, he might not be as good as Li Kui.

Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's words, Li Kui finally recovered from the excitement he had just been feeling, and while Cheng Huaiqing was going out, he reached out and unwrapped Ye Qianwei's coat.

Just now he was only in a hurry and didn't pay attention.

It was only now that Ye Qianwei's clean and clean body was covered with scars, some of which looked very heavy, and after another night of tossing, it was obviously turned outwards.

The wound looked very red and swollen, and some places had even suppurated, as if ferocious centipedes were entrenched on Ye Qianwei's body.

When did Ye Qianwei receive such treatment? Li Kui held her in his arms, listening to her inaudible breathing, felt that his heartbeat became like her breathing, and it might stop at any time.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of footsteps coming in from outside that Li Kui's mood recovered a little, and he quickly wrapped Ye Qianwei's body.

Then he turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Cheng Huaiqing stood at the door with the emergency medicine kit in the compartment he carried, and knocked on the door first. When Li Kui looked back at him, he raised the medicine kit in Li Kui's hand and walked inside.

Seeing that Li Kui's face was still ashen, he sighed, but he didn't know what position he should take to comfort him, so he put the medicine box beside Li Kui, with his big hand on his shoulder Patted and said:
"Okay, now help her treat the wound here, I'll go to the door to see if those people have left any evidence."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out again.

It wasn't until he saw Cheng Huaiqing's figure completely disappeared from the room that he first spread out his coat on the ground, then put Ye Qianwei's body on the ground, and adjusted her to a comfortable posture.

Then, he turned around and reached out to open the medicine box behind him.

Although Li Kui usually looks very inconspicuous, when he meets a patient, he immediately changes his face.

Taking a deep breath, he kept meditating in his heart, the one lying in front of him was just a patient, and he couldn't bring his emotions to work.

After going through this big concept three times, he put on the doctor's special gloves, and began to examine Ye Qianwei's body bit by bit.

Even if Li Kui saw the scars on Ye Qianwei's body, she couldn't help feeling a little shocking.

However, he kept reminding him in his heart that he was a doctor, so he finally calmed down and concentrated on prescribing Ye Qianwei's medicine.

"Huh..." After giving Ye Qianwei the medicine this time, Li Kui felt as if he had fought a battle. He didn't let out a long sigh of relief until he finished taking all the medicine.

He hugged Ye Qianwei up, picked up the suit jacket on the ground, shook the dust on it, and wrapped Ye Qianwei up again.

When walking out of the dilapidated house with Ye Qianwei in his arms, Li Kui suddenly turned his head and glanced back, looking at the house that waited for the move to bring bad luck to Ye Qianwei's life, a flame of hatred burned in his eyes.

If he hadn't hoped to find evidence of the group who framed Ye Qianwei through this house, he would definitely light a fire and burn the house down now.

After placing Ye Qianwei on the back seat of the car, he said next to Ye Qianwei as if making a promise: "Qi Wei, don't worry, even if I chase you to the ends of the earth this time, I will definitely kill those who hurt you!" people who were found and brought to justice.”

After finishing speaking, she leaned over and kissed Ye Qianwei's forehead, seeing Ye Qianwei's small baby face, which still looked terrified even in her sleep, felt as if she had been severely scratched in her heart.

With a pale face, he backed out of the car, looked at Cheng Huaiqing who had walked to the west corner of the room, and shouted: "Huaiqing, have you found anything after searching for a long time?"
When Li Kui called him, Cheng Huaiqing was bending over to look for something in the northwest corner of the house. Hearing Li Kui's voice, he didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he picked up a golden button from the ground and held it in front of his eyes. His handsome brows were tightly knit together, and his eyes were always fixed on the button in his hand.

"Huaiqing, what's the matter?" Seeing that Cheng Huaiqing hadn't answered his question, Li Kui trotted over.

Seeing the button in Cheng Huaiqing's hand, he asked, "This is..."

Hearing Li Kui's question, Cheng Huaiqing shook his head and said, "I just looked around here, and judging by the condition of this house, it should have been abandoned for many years, so no one else will come here, so I It is estimated that this button may have fallen from the kidnapper at that time."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Li Kui again, and said, "I have already called Li Kaige just now, and his people will probably arrive in a while. As for whether it is true, we will wait until they finish their investigation."

"En." Li Kui nodded, looked at Cheng Huaiqing beside him, and was about to speak when he heard Cheng Huaiqing say:

"How about this, although you have already treated the wounds on Qian Wei's body just now, but our current conditions are too crude, I am worried that some inflammation may be caused in the later stage, if that is the case, it will be a big trouble up".

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Kui's cold face, patted him on the shoulder again, and said, "I can fully understand your current mood. When Ling Xi had an accident, I was even more anxious than you are now." .

After finishing speaking, he continued to add: "I'll wait here for Li Kaige and the others to come over. I'll tell them about the situation here, and you can take Xiwei back to the hospital first, so I can feel relieved." .

Although he still doesn't know what happened, but since Zhao Lingxi's accident last night, and Ye Qianwei's accident now, he has to suspect that all these things are caused by him.

"En." Li Kui nodded after listening to Cheng Huaiqing's analysis, and said, "Good brother, thank you for your hard work."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the car.

Cheng Huaiqing was right, Ye Qianwei was injured so badly, and he just dealt with it briefly, maybe it would cause inflammation or something.

In addition, Ye Qianwei has been pampered and pampered since she was a child. Whenever she has suffered such an injury, the antibodies in her body will be much weaker than ordinary people, and it will be troublesome if she accidentally causes a tetanus or something.

Seeing Li Kui driving Ye Qianwei away in the car, Cheng Huaiqing's black eyes flashed a hint of depth, but he recovered quickly.

Li Kui and Ye Qianwei had been in the house just now, so he hadn't had time to check the house yet. Before the police arrived, he went to look for it first.

And at this time, in the hospital, Zhao Lingxi felt that she had slept for a long time, and even her head was a little dazed.

Her eyes hadn't been fully opened yet, she turned her head vaguely, and saw that the ward was empty, only the sound of her breathing sounded in the ward.

She thought her eyes were blurred, so she tentatively called out: "Huaiqing..."

When her voice fell, the death-like silence returned to the ward. Zhao Lingxi's eyes dimmed for a moment, and she shouted again: "Huaiqing..."

There was still nothingness in reply to her.

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