Probably not, since Cheng Huaiqing asked her out, he must have arranged the work at hand before meeting with her at ease.

Thinking in this way, Zhao Lingxi opened the text message Cheng Huaiqing sent her, lowered her head, and read it again, but she still didn't see any problem, so she had to continue to wait.

However, seeing that there was no sign of Cheng Huaiqing outside the glass door, a bad premonition suddenly flashed in Zhao Lingxi's heart.

In order to suppress the sudden premonition in her heart, she had no choice but to continue writing on her mobile phone. There is no script to be completed today.

The man with the scar watched Zhao Lingxi coming for a long time, but there was no one else coming by her side, and she didn't order food, so he was a little puzzled.

After greeting the waiter in the restaurant and whispering a few words to him, the waiter went straight to Zhao Lingxi.

Looking at Zhao Lingxi, the waiter had a polite smile on his face, and spread out the menu in front of Zhao Lingxi: "Hello, lady, are you ordering now?"
Zhao Lingxi looked up and saw the waiter holding the menu and greeting politely with a smile. Zhao Lingxi was a little embarrassed, but occupied the restaurant seat without ordering: "Oh, sorry, I'm still waiting for someone."

As he spoke, he looked at the waiter still bent over and smiling politely: "Then give me the menu first, I'll order first."

Listening to Zhao Lingxi's words, the waiter pushed the menu that had just been opened in front of Zhao Lingxi, and said with a smile: "Okay lady, please take your time."

While watching Zhao Lingxi flipping through the menu, he introduced her to the special dishes in the store.

The conversation between Zhao Lingxi and the waiter was heard clearly by the man with the scar: "Let's wait a little longer. Since we are waiting for someone, maybe it is not a coincidence."

He raised his hand to tell the brothers to calm down, maybe this woman is waiting for Ye Qianwei.

Zhao Lingxi lowered her head and looked at the price list, but her mind was not on it. There seemed to be a variety of dishes on the menu, but none of them entered her eyes.

The more she thought about what happened today, the more strange it became. It was true that Cheng Huaiqing sent this text message, but Cheng Huaiqing made an appointment with him but he didn't show up. Zhao Lingxi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

There are too many dangers around her, this feeling is the same as the last time the accident happened in Hangzhou, it has a taste of conspiracy.

Thinking of this, she was even less interested in the price list in front of her. She closed it directly, turned her head to look at the waiter beside her, and said:
"Let's have a latte first. My friend hasn't arrived yet, so I want to wait."

The waiter took the menu and politely withdrew. Zhao Lingxi picked up the phone anxiously, and dialed Cheng Huaiqing's number after hesitation.

After a few rings, someone picked up the phone: "Hello, Ling Xi, what's the matter?"
When Zhao Lingxi picked up the phone and heard Cheng Huaiqing's question, he knew that things were not that simple.

Frowning, Zhao Lingxi asked him: "Huaiqing, didn't you ask me out last night?"
When she spoke, she kept her voice low on purpose. She felt that there should be pranksters staring at her around here.

Cheng Huaiqing on the other end of the phone seemed to be busy with something. Hearing what Zhao Lingxi said, he quickly replied:
"No, Ling Xi, what's the matter with you, didn't I tell you the day before yesterday that I have to make an announcement today, so I won't go home for dinner, you can tell your parents."

On the other end of the microphone, Zhao Lingxi faintly heard that there seemed to be someone else talking beside Cheng Huaiqing, but she couldn't hear clearly because of the distance.

Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's answer, Zhao Lingxi remembered that Cheng Huaiqing had mentioned this to her the day before yesterday, and she forgot because she was too busy these two days.

Just as Zhao Lingxi was about to speak, the waiter came up with coffee, this stop just blocked the sight of the group of people looking at Zhao Lingxi.

Looking at the coffee handed over by the waiter, Zhao Lingxi had no choice but to take it with a smile, and the doubts in her heart continued to be magnified.

And behind her, the man who came in later was looking at the man with the scar beside him worriedly, and said:
"Brother, who did you say she was calling? Why hasn't the woman in the photo come? The master didn't say anything"?
Scar Man's subordinates were very worried about whether the operation would be successful, which meant whether they could get paid as they wished this time.

Regarding this issue, the Scar Man was equally concerned. After waiting for so long, they still hadn't seen their target person appear, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

However, upon hearing the question from the younger brother beside him, the man with the scar deliberately replied with a straight face:
"Don't worry, the head hasn't received a letter yet. He must have other plans. Keep an eye on me. I'll go out for a while."

As he said that, the man with the scar got up and was about to leave his seat. When he passed by Zhao Lingxi, he deliberately turned his head to look at her.

Although the man with the scar didn't know Zhao Lingxi, he was not an ignorant person. Some time ago, the headlines that appeared in the news every day, wasn't this Zhao Lingxi? Who was it?
He didn't stop, he just left the Rose Restaurant and thought about it, how could Zhao Lingxi be here?

I heard before that this Zhao Lingxi is also the one who gives her a headache. If she wants to be the successor of the Cheng Group, she must first get rid of the two brothers, and this Zhao Lingxi is really not ordinary. The attack on Cheng Huaiqing in Hangzhou was also caused by this woman. Otherwise, Cheng Huaiqing would have met Hades long ago, so why would he threaten his master again.

The man with the scar took out Ye Qianwei's photo and spat. This woman hasn't appeared yet. Their plan is very careful, so they shouldn't reveal anything. Why didn't she come?
You turned your head and glanced at Zhao Lingxi who was sitting there through the glass door. A ferocious smile suddenly appeared on his face. It seemed that the real master didn't come, but he came to die instead.

It was completely dark, and there were more and more pedestrians on this road.

The man with the scar looked up, and by the light of the street lamp, he looked at the clock on the building across the street. It was past seven o'clock in the afternoon.

They had been waiting here for four full hours, and it was past the time for dinner. If Ye Qianwei didn't show up, Zhao Lingxi had to be replaced.

The longer she stayed in the restaurant, the more scared Zhao Lingxi became. She wasn't sure if the surroundings were safe. She seemed to be stirring the coffee gracefully, but no one knew that her heart was beating violently.

Because the danger this time is invisible, it is obviously to deal with him, otherwise he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to send him a text message with Cheng Huaiqing's mobile phone, and make an appointment to meet him.

Just wanted to leave, but Zhao Lingxi was not stupid, and suddenly thought that since this person wanted to ask her out, she would definitely show his face, so she was not in a hurry to go back, and waited quietly.

The scarred man went and came back again. Zhao Lingxi was still in the same posture, but she was a lot more vigilant, observing everyone who passed by her, and she could feel the dangerous message from the scarred man.

It's just that in this restaurant, there are surveillance cameras everywhere, and nothing can happen.

"I have arranged everything, that woman is more valuable, we will do it in a moment."

Cheng Huaixu didn't give the man with the scar a message for a long time, and he couldn't make up his mind, but he couldn't return empty-handed, so he decided to kidnap Zhao Lingxi and follow up to plead guilty.

"But brother, she seems to be waiting for someone, it's not easy for us to start in the restaurant!"
That subordinate was really talkative, the man with the scar gave him a contemptuous look, "It's okay, I've inquired about it, this restaurant holds a staff meeting every day at 07:30 in the afternoon, and this family has a rest in the middle, she can't just ignore it." Let's not go, we'll wait another hour, and when she goes out, we'll be fine.

Sure enough, at 07:30, none of the waiters in the restaurant could be seen. Zhao Lingxi didn't see them sitting in it, and the person who sent the mysterious text message didn't show up. She decided to leave first, and go back and talk to Cheng Huaiqing.Zhao Lingxi picked up her bag and was about to go out.

"Brother, she's really leaving." Seeing Zhao Lingxi carrying her bag, a man gave the scarred man a wink and said anxiously.

When the man with the scar heard what his brother said, he immediately asked them to get ready, follow Zhao Lingxi first, and don't act rashly, it would be difficult for her to find out that it would be difficult to handle.

Zhao Lingxi went out, followed by the group of men in black. They were very skillful and followed Zhao Lingxi without her noticing.

Zhao Lingxi was only thinking about who sent the text message with Cheng Huaiqing's mobile phone. Generally, the mobile phone is a personal item except during filming or at home. When Zhao Lingxi thought of this, a few figures jumped out of his mind.

Especially when the figure in her mind was fixed on Cheng Huaiying's body, her pupils suddenly enlarged a lot.

Now, in that family, only Cheng Huaiying is the most likely, and her actions today are indeed very suspicious.

However, thinking of Cheng Huaiying, Zhao Lingxi suddenly shook again.shook his head.

Although it is possible for Cheng Huaiying to do such a thing, with her brain, after successfully asking herself out, she will definitely not hide from her and come out to see her.

And, most importantly, if it was really her, what was the purpose of her suddenly asking herself out?

Moreover, I have been waiting in the restaurant for so long, and she has not yet appeared, and there is no danger to myself. This is really not like her style of doing things.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingxi gradually walked away.

The wind at night was a bit cool, she stretched out her hand and tugged at her coat, wrapping herself tighter, but she still felt gusts of cold wind pouring down her neck.

Glancing at the hurried people around her, Zhao Lingxi suddenly regretted that she came out in a hurry today and didn't drive.

However, at this point, here, it is really not very easy to take a taxi.

Seeing that Zhao Lingxi was about to leave the downtown area, the group of people were about to strike, and their pace became faster and faster. Only then did Zhao Lingxi feel that someone was following him.

Looking back, it was already too late, the fierce eyes of the man with the scar on his face gradually enlarged, Zhao Lingxi had no time to shout, and his face was full of horror.

It never occurred to her that someone would lay hands on her.

A burst of pain came from his head, and then it was dark, and he fell unconscious.

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