Too Much to Chase His Wife: The Movie Emperor Wants to Hug

Chapter 286 My third sister-in-law is such a person

Zhao Lingxi bent down to pick it up, and unexpectedly discovered that these were all unfamiliar passages, and the lines between the lines were not her writing style.

Turning her mind, there is no surprise: her work has been tampered with and changed.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt like being drenched in ice water.

Who is it?To frame yourself like this.

She remembered that she didn't seem to offend anyone?
Zhao Lingxi was so distraught that she didn't go back to work. She really couldn't figure out what went wrong. This manuscript was obviously written by herself, and there would be no pornography involved.

Although she has just entered this circle, it hasn't been long, but how can she not know what to do and what not to do.

Could it be that someone deliberately changed his script?
Zhao Lingxi tried hard to recall the situation last night, as if she glanced at the study room after washing, and noticed that the lamp on the table was on, now that she thinks about it, she knows that someone must have gone in, it's not that she made a mistake and didn't turn it off desk lamp.

Thinking of it this way, she couldn't help but feel a little shivers down her spine.

But who would it be? There are only family members in the Cheng family, and there will be no other strangers.

The scope of the Cheng family is so small, it should be easy to check.

Zhao Lingxi put away her unbearable emotions, and was walking towards the Cheng family's old house, intending to take a closer look at this manuscript by herself, how many places have been revised, and everything that has been done will always leave clues.

The moment Zhao Lingxi pushed the door and came in, Cheng Huaiying happened to be squeezing juice in the kitchen, seeing Zhao Lingxi coming back so early, she didn't know why.

"Yo, why did you come back so early today?"
Cheng Huaiying looked eastward and westward while talking, but his eyes kept focusing on the document in Zhao Lingxi's hand.

The above title is very familiar, it is the file in the computer last night, Cheng Huaiying saw that Zhao Lingxi's expression was not very good, could it be that she did too much last night.

However, after thinking about it, she didn't care much about what she did, it was just a script, so there was no big deal.

Zhao Lingxi would usually talk to Cheng Huaiying, but today he didn't bother arguing with her and went upstairs alone.

Cheng Huaiying walked over lightly and raised her head to observe Zhao Lingxi, seeing that she entered the study without raising her head, it seemed that things were not going well.

Cheng Huaiying was a little happy to have succeeded, poured out the squeezed juice in a good mood, and sat on the sofa to read a book.

Zhao Lingxi opened the file on the computer, and sure enough, most of the plot in the file had been deliberately modified, and those vulgar words made Zhao Lingxi feel disgusted after reading it.

However, these fragments have no preface, and the writing level is not very good, obviously downloaded directly from the website.

With a clue, Zhao Lingxi browsed the historical records of the website. Very good, the website records are not deceiving, and the name of the login is displayed. Zhao Lingxi suddenly became angry. It turned out to be Cheng Huaiying. her manuscript.

Why would she do that?
Zhao Lingxi stood up, took the manuscript, and rushed down the stairs. Cheng Huaiying, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, was stunned. What kind of wind did Zhao Lingxi have today? Just now, he didn't say a word, but now he is in a panic.

"Why are you doing this"?
Zhao Lingxi threw the stack of papers in front of Cheng Huaiying, and it scattered, messing up her hair.

"You're crazy, Zhao Lingxi, you actually threw paper at me!" Cheng Huaiying got angry, stood up, and questioned Zhao Lingxi loudly.

"Am I crazy?" Hearing Cheng Huaiying's words, Zhao Lingxi laughed coldly twice, "Hehe, I'm crazy."

While talking, he approached Cheng Huaiying.

Zhao Lingxi's face was frighteningly cold at the moment, Cheng Huaiying was forced by her to back away in small steps.

The slender high-heeled shoes on her feet became unsteady, and she fell back heavily. Fortunately, there was a sofa behind her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

Zhao Lingxi didn't intend to pull her up at all, and said in a cold voice:

"Cheng Huaiying, I thought you were the kind of young lady who grew up being held in the palm of your family's hands. It's inevitable that you have a bit of a young lady's temper, but I didn't expect that you not only have a bad temper, but also a vicious heart. Look at what you do Things, why did you hurt me so much?"
Zhao Lingxi's chest heaved in anger, Cheng Huaiying looked at the documents scattered on the ground, but still refused to admit it: "What nonsense are you talking about, what did I do, I really don't understand."

"I don't know, right? Okay, then I'll let everyone talk about it. Anyway, the records on the computer website can't be falsified. Just wait and see how you can explain this to your family."

Zhao Lingxi said harsh words, Cheng Huaiying never expected that her record was left on the website, she panicked and immediately changed her face: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I remembered, I'm really sorry, really , I didn’t do it on purpose, I did this wrong thing because I was delusional for a while, you must not tell your parents and brothers, or I will be beaten to death.”

Cheng Huaiying's face was full of tears, and she pulled Zhao Lingxi's hand, completely losing the momentum she had just now.

Zhao Lingxi couldn't bear the emotional card the most. Since Cheng Huaiying had admitted that she did it this time, as long as she could come forward and explain it to Chang'an Films in person, she didn't intend to make matters worse. After all, she was also her sister-in-law. A broken face does no one any good.

"You admitted it, right? You know that I'm going to be blocked. Do you understand? You almost ruined my future. Well, you can follow me now, go to this company, and explain this matter clearly. Then I will Consider not making things big, you agree or not."

Cheng Huaiying immediately agreed: "Okay, sister-in-law three, I will obey you, I will go with you, I will never dare again next time, please forgive me."

He promised, but at a place Zhao Lingxi didn't see, Cheng Huaiying rolled his eyes, wiped away the tears on his face with the other hand, and a calculating smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, you wait for me. I'll go upstairs to get my bag. Let's go now." Seeing that Cheng Huaiying's attitude of admitting his mistake was not bad, Zhao Lingxi confessed, turned and ran upstairs.

Only then did Cheng Huaiying return to the expression she had just now, she stood up expressionlessly, wiped away the tears on her face with her hands, her eyes were ruthless, Zhao Lingxi, I will make you pay for today's humiliation.

"Let's go, Huai Ying."

Zhao Lingxi ran down, picked up the materials on the ground, organized them, and put them in the bag.

"Okay, sister-in-law three."

Zhao Lingxi didn't pay attention to Cheng Huaiying's cold tone when he said this. It happened that Cheng Huaiqing's car was parked at home, so Zhao Lingxi and Cheng Huaiying went out together. The two of them looked at each other silently along the way, and soon arrived at the downstairs of Chang'an Film Company.

Zhao Lingxi called the editor surnamed Li. Editor Li didn't understand why Zhao Lingxi turned back again. Didn't President Ling make it clear to her?

Zhao Lingxi's attitude was very firm, and she kept saying that she was the victim of this incident, and then Boss Ling agreed to let her come up again to negotiate.

"Miss Zhao Lingxi, do you have anything else to say?"
There are many strangers in Mr. Ling's office, Zhao Lingxi is hesitating whether to tell the truth about the matter, whether the presence of so many people will affect Cheng Huaiying, but she has a clear conscience and can't care about so much.

"Mr. Ling, this is my sister. She accidentally left the wrong manuscript on the computer last night. I was too careless."Zhao Lingxi said it very tactfully, for fear of affecting Cheng Huaiying's reputation, she still had reservations.

Everyone present looked at Cheng Huaiying, and Cheng Huaiying smiled and said, "Mr. Ling, actually, there are some things I really don't want to say."

When Zhao Lingxi heard Cheng Huaiying speak, a bad thought immediately flashed through his mind.

Sure enough, I heard Cheng Huaiying go on to say:

"My third sister-in-law has always been such a person. I have told her many times that she has made mistakes and she has to bear it herself, but she won't listen and insists on dragging me. I think your company is big, and I don't want to blame my third sister-in-law Your reputation has been discredited, so I'm still telling the truth."

As he spoke, he turned his head on purpose, looked at Zhao Lingxi, and said sincerely, "Sister-in-law San, I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

The expression on Cheng Huaiying's face was very embarrassed, as if Zhao Lingxi really threatened her to do something shameful.

Zhao Lingxi pointed at Cheng Huaiying, and took a few steps back: "Cheng Huaiying, what did you tell me when you were at home, why are you opening your eyes and talking nonsense now?"
"Sister-in-law three." Cheng Huaiying looked at the resentful expression on Zhao Lingxi's face, and smiled complacently, but there was a very tangled expression on her face: "I know the script this time is very important to you, but I don't I can take the blame for you at will."

"You!" Listening to Cheng Huaiying's words, Zhao Lingxi instantly understood why she agreed so readily just now, and pointed at Cheng Huaiying with her right index finger trembling.

His lips trembled violently, not knowing what to say.

Cheng Huaiying looked at Zhao Lingxi's expression, and the pride in her heart was even more magnified, but her face still had the tangled expression just now: "Also, it's not easy for Mr. Ling's office. I can't deceive Mr. Ling, right? no"?

Sensing Boss Ling's gaze on her, Zhao Lingxi suddenly felt at a loss for words.

Cheng Huaiying was going to kill Zhao Lingxi today.

Boss Ling's face was even uglier than last time, looking at the two ordinary people in front of him like a clown, the uncle slammed the table hard and made a "boom".

The sound immediately attracted the eyes of both of them.

I only heard Boss Ling say in a cold voice: "Zhao Lingxi, you should have had enough trouble. If you are wrong, you are wrong. I was thinking about Cheng Huaiqing's face before, so I didn't tear myself apart with you. Now you..."

After speaking, he waved his hand mercilessly.

People directly drove Zhao Lingxi and Cheng Huaiying out of Chang'an Films, and decided that they would never accept any manuscripts from Zhao Lingxi again.

"Cheng Huaiying!" Out of the gate of Chang'an Films, Zhao Lingxi looked at Cheng Huaiying who was beside her with a smug face, and almost bit out her name.

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