There is a small bar on the first floor of the hotel, which is specially provided for the leisure of the guests in the hotel.

Zhao Lingxi found this bar when he came to the hotel a few days ago, and didn't pay much attention to it at first.

It's just that, now, her mind is full of the conversation between Cheng Huaiqing and Song Yuwen just now, and a deep sense of powerlessness surges up from the bottom of her heart.

She walked aimlessly, and unconsciously reached the door of the bar.

A wry smile appeared on his face, and he walked in unexpectedly.

"Lingxi, you drank too much, let's go home!" When Zhao Lingxi woke up, she felt that she was being supported by someone.

This vast film and television base is full of buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are alleys and alleys between the red walls and black tiles. At this time, the lights are dim and there are no people.

The filming base has a regulation that the lights in various shops and stores at night cannot be brighter than the crew, which is not conducive to the filming of the crew, especially for costume dramas, there is no electric light, so naturally it relies on weak candlelight. If the lights are brighter than the crew Yes, it must have an impact and delay the work of the crew.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi in his arms, annoyed and funny, she was no better outside than at home, this girl was really big-hearted, she could get herself so drunk.

Cheng Huaiqing reluctantly raised his head and looked at the road ahead. When he came just now, the sky was measured, but now it was dark and the lights on the side of the road were not very good. It seemed that he would have to grope his way back later.

"Come on, Lingxi, I'll carry you!" Cheng Huaiqing grabbed Zhao Lingxi's hand and put it on his shoulder. How could Zhao Lingxi be so cooperative and obedient.

Seeing Cheng Huaiqing smile foolishly: "Come on Lingxi, I'll carry you"!
She repeated what Cheng Huaiqing said to her just now, and leaned against Cheng Huaiqing again in the next second.

Cheng Huaiqing had no choice but to go up the stone steps of the alley again, looking at the drowsy Zhao Lingxi, he didn't know what to do with her: "Huaiqing, I don't want to go home, I won't see you when I go home, so I won't see you again." it's your turn"!
Cheng Huaiqing put his ear close to Zhao Lingxi's mouth, and heard her words clearly, he didn't think it was funny.

"Ling Xi, let's go back to our own home, why can't we see you anymore, look at you, you can't drink and you still drink so much."

Sure enough, a drunk woman's mind is muddled, the more you disturb her, the more muddled she becomes.

Zhao Lingxi seemed to have heard Cheng Huaiqing's answer to him, and suddenly sat up straight, first opened his eyes wide, then slowly closed them, but did not close them completely, and when he opened them again, his eye sockets were filled with crystal clear tears. seconds will overflow.

"I don't want to go back, it's not home, there is no Huaiqing, there is no home, there is a bad woman living there, she always stares at me, I don't want to go, I don't want to go"!
She shook her head, and tears fell from her eyes. Cheng Huaiqing kept looking at her, and could clearly see his handsome face reflected in Zhao Lingxi's eyes. Zhao Lingxi's inexplicable tears made Cheng Huaiqing feel a little uncomfortable. He was about to raise his hand to wipe away the tears from Zhao Lingxi's face, but she pushed him away.

"You go, you go, you are not my Huaiqing, no"!
Zhao Lingxi didn't hold onto Cheng Huaiqing's sleeve with much strength. From a distance, it looked like she was throwing herself into his arms, but Cheng Huaiqing couldn't feel much of her strength.

Zhao Lingxi has never been so out of order. In Cheng Huaiqing's impression, she has always been sensible and distressing, and occasionally a little playful.

But it's this kind of her that attracted Cheng Huaiqing. She must have been exhausted the past few days, and rarely followed him to such a distant place. Before, she took care of him day and night in the hospital, and now she was asked to accompany him to go out to shoot, Is it because Zhao Lingxi is Cheng Huaiqing's wife that he wants to ask her to do so?
But her situation tonight really put her in a bad mood. She has always been a very measured person, but she drank so much wine and still sat on the ground and refused to go home. Cheng Huaiqing looked at the sky and saw a bright moon early It has been hung high, without any cloud cover, and it seems that the moonlight today is particularly beautiful. Fortunately, it is late at night, and there are fewer people coming out, otherwise tomorrow's headlines will probably be me again.

Men are generally weak in emotion, and he still hasn't noticed why Zhao Lingxi has become less talkative recently, and also treats him indifferently.

Thinking of this, Cheng Huaiqing put away his irritated emotions, looked at Zhao Lingxi again and said seriously: "Lingxi, I didn't go anywhere, I'm here, and you really drank too much, we have to go back Home, come and I will carry you"!
Zhao Lingxi, who was almost lying on the stone steps, didn't react much. Knowing that Cheng Huaiqing got up and wanted to help her up from the ground, what she said made Cheng Huaiqing's hands freeze in the air. Zhao Lingxi said, "Huaiqing, are you It's not that she hasn't liked me for five years!" As soon as those words were said, Cheng Huaiqing saw the tears from the corners of her eyes fall together.

What did Zhao Lingxi say five years ago? This made Cheng Huaiqing a little flustered. Did something happen to Lingxi?

"You like Song Yuwen, don't you? I'm stupid. I can't be a competent assistant at work. I always ask you to take care of me. I know. Although you tell me everything, I once thought that you were a little bit to me. Unusual feelings, but, that Song Yuwen, I really don't like her, she always looks at you like that, calls you so intimately, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, you know, Cheng Huaiqing, I, Zhao Lingxi, can't stand that!"
"Cheng Huaiqing, I, Zhao Lingxi, can't bear that!"
Zhao Lingxi gritted his teeth when he said these words, the tears on his face could no longer be stopped, but looking at Cheng Huaiqing, he seemed to be sober.

"I see that you cooperate with her so tacitly. I feel like I'm redundant. Every time I see you and Song Yuwen together, I'm really angry. Cheng Huaiqing, can't you see that I'm angry?"
Tonight, Zhao Lingxi has already mentioned Cheng Huaiqing's full name more than once. Cheng Huaiqing finally understood what she meant by her illogical words. This girl is still remembering what happened five years ago. After getting to know Zhao Lingxi, Zhao Lingxi became his manager, Cheng Huaiqing was moved by Zhao Lingxi's innocence.

Hearing these words, Cheng Huaiqing felt the inexplicable pleasure in his heart come from, idiot, we are already married, no one is someone else's, we are each other's.

It is common to see that Zhao Lingxi and Song Yuwen can still get along well. It turned out that Zhao Lingxi's recent reticence was related to Song Yuwen. He recalled that Song Yuwen had been taking care of his daily life when he was busy shooting these days, so he couldn't take care of Zhao Lingxi. Cheng Huaiqing thought it was a very transparent matter, but he was really careless.

Cheng Huaiqing was still contemplating, when suddenly Zhao Lingxi's face enlarged and moved closer, he aimed at Cheng Huaiqing's mouth and kissed, and smacked his lips after the kiss:

"I stamped it, you are mine now, no one else can take it away"!
He gently touched his lips, Zhao Lingxi's temperature was still there, and he couldn't help laughing: "We already stamped it, but it's just stamped on the marriage certificate, but it's okay to stamp a few more , can we go home then?"
Cheng Huaiqing's voice was very gentle, for fear of offending Zhao Lingxi, it was indeed his own fault these days.

Zhao Lingxi nodded obediently, and put his arms on Cheng Huaiqing's shoulders. Cheng Huaiqing gently moved Zhao Lingxi from the ground to his back.

Zhao Lingxi buried his face in Cheng Huaiqing's neck, and their ears were close to each other. Although they lived far away from here, Cheng Huaiqing didn't feel tired. On his back was the most beloved baby in his life.

"Lingxi?" Cheng Huaiqing called her softly, "Huh?!" Zhao Lingxi agreed on his back.Seeing that she was still awake, Cheng Huaiqing spoke what was hidden in his heart.

"Ling Xi, I don't know how important I am in your heart, but I can tell you today that you are unique in my heart. Even after ten or twenty years, no one can replace you in my heart." The place in your heart, you have to trust me, just like I trust you!"
Zhao Lingxi just said "um" a few times very cooperatively, as if he was responding to what Cheng Huaiqing said to him, and Cheng Huaiqing was not angry with her current attitude.

Still Gu himself said: "As for Song Yuwen you mentioned, you don't have to worry, she won't be your threat, we are just working together, even if she has other ideas, it's just hers. I have nothing to do, and you won't have to worry about me saying that I like her!"
The road home was long and secluded. In the middle of the night, Cheng Huaiqing carried Zhao Lingxi on his back like this, and walked step by step in the alley of the "Imperial Palace" of the film and television base.

His voice was low and his back was broad and firm. Zhao Lingxi fell asleep on Cheng Huaiqing's back, but Cheng Huaiqing still talked to her all the way, even though the person on his back was asleep and couldn't hear anything.

The sun shone on the snow-white quilt, and the person in the quilt turned over gently, stretched out a white hand to touch around, lifted the quilt covering his face, Zhao Lingxi rubbed his head , How could her head hurt so much, she lowered her head and rubbed it slowly, trying to recall what happened last night, all she remembered was that she drank a lot of wine, and then, there was no more.

"Wake up, brush your teeth and wash your face, and drink hot milk first, so you can sober up!" Cheng Huaiqing was putting breakfast on the dining table, when he saw Zhao Lingxi who had woken up, he shouted at her.

Zhao Lingxi let out an "oh", not quite sober yet, went into the bathroom, washed her face with cold water, looked at herself so scribbled in the mirror, suddenly realized something, rushed out again immediately, looked suspiciously Cheng Huaiqing was preparing breakfast.

"Don't you have another show today? Why don't you go?"

Cheng Huaiqing sat down and looked at Zhao Lingxi, and helped her straighten her forehead hair: "I asked the director for leave and said you drank too much, I want to take care of you"!
Well, what is this? I'm already sober, so I don't need to take care of him, but seeing that Cheng Huaiqing hasn't changed his clothes, I really don't plan to go to the theater.

But looking at Cheng Huaiqing's subtle changes, Zhao Lingxi felt very surprised. After just one night, he seemed to have changed, but he couldn't tell what changed, so let's just clean up his image first.

Zhao Lingxi thought while brushing his teeth in the bathroom, maybe it was because he drank so badly last night that he frightened Cheng Huaiqing, so that he was not in the mood to film today, ask him later.

"Huaiqing, last night, me, am I okay?" Zhao Lingxi asked Cheng Huaiqing when she came out of the bathroom, Cheng Huaiqing remembered her drunk temper last night, and almost couldn't help laughing, but it seems Zhao Lingxi I can't remember, it's better this way, Cheng Huaiqing will never forget what happened last night in his life.

"It's nothing, your wine taste is quite good, come, sit down and drink milk"!
Hearing what Cheng Huaiqing said, Zhao Lingxi was relieved to have breakfast. He didn't eat anything last night, so he was really hungry.

Grabbing the milk glass that Cheng Huaiqing handed over with both hands, he raised his head, and the milky white liquid kept disappearing from the glass.

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