Too Much to Chase His Wife: The Movie Emperor Wants to Hug

Chapter 252 Chapter Huaiqing restores memory

Cheng Huaixian and Cheng Huaixu, one is a hidden smiling Buddha, while the other is vicious, no matter who wins the battle, it will be disadvantageous to Cheng Huaiqing in the end.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingxi's small hands hanging on both sides suddenly clenched tightly into fists, and he kept thinking of the solution in his mind.

The wind in October was a little bit cool, and a gust of autumn wind gently patted Wutong's face, Zhao Lingxi shivered shiveringly, and then his thoughts came back.

Turned around and walked into the house.

Sighing helplessly, after thinking for a long time, she still didn't have any thoughts, and suddenly remembered that she hadn't visited Cheng Huaiqing in the hospital for a long time.

He ran to the kitchen to make a pot of porridge, and then took him to the hospital.

Chen Haiyang parked the car not far from the hospital building, Yang Xiaoxiao pushed the co-pilot's door open vigorously, she got down and straightened her wrinkled clothes, took a picture on the car window, and only opened the rear seat when she thought it was ok. The door of the seat was opened, and the woman who got out of the car was wearing a dark green windbreaker, her hair was well curled behind her ears, and she looked elegant.

Yang Xiaoxiao made a gesture of invitation with her hands, and looked at the woman with aura with a smile on her face: "Mr. Liang, please come here."

Liang Meiyun was not used to seeing Chen Haiyang, who is usually bold and unruly, respecting her so much: "Xiao Xiao, you are about the same age as my daughter, please call me auntie."

Liang Meiyun, one of the best psychological masters in China, has created a set of hypnotic techniques that has won the satisfaction of many customers. They all say that after taking the class of Teacher Liang, all knots can be opened. The value is no longer what it used to be.

Yang Xiaoxiao scratched her head: "Mr. Liang, I heard from Sister Chen that you can't usually invite me. Now you can come to my friend's door in person. We are very grateful."

"That's right, Mr. Liang, many of Yang Xiao's novels are correct." Chen Haiyang also echoed from the side.

Liang Meiyun smiled, she is very handsome, maybe anyone who studies psychology is very good at building her own heart, but Teacher Liang's face can't tell her real age at all:
"Then according to what you said, I am also very honored to meet Cheng Huaiqing in real life today. I want to see if he is more handsome than on TV. My daughter is arguing every day about how Cheng Huaiqing is. I have to ask for an autograph later." ".

Unexpectedly, Liang Meiyun is also a slave to her daughter, so she talks a lot about her daughter.

"Then let's go up quickly, otherwise Ling Xi will be in a hurry."

The three of them got on the elevator talking and laughing, and went to Cheng Huaiqing's VIP ward.

Cheng Huaiqing half leaned on the bed, staring at Zhao Lingxi on the side of the bed carefully, her thick eyelashes drooped, covering a pair of bright eyes, the white rice porridge in Zhao Lingxi's hand was steaming, she blew gently, Cheng Huaiqing I am very grateful for this injury. I am very happy to see such a different Zhao Lingxi.

"What are you staring at me for? My makeup is messed up?" Zhao Lingxi looked up and saw Cheng Huaiqing staring at him like this. He gave him a somewhat embarrassed look, and a blush flashed across his face.

"No, I think you are beautiful." All the love words would not look frivolous as long as Cheng Huaiqing uttered them, on the contrary, they would be sweet and boring.

"Yo yo, are we disturbing some people's two-person world?"
Yang Xiaoxiao's head poked out from the crack of the door, just in time to see the scene of Cheng Huaiqing's love words, and thought that Zhao Lingxi could really stand Cheng Huaiqing, if it were him, he would just throw him down.

Zhao Lingxi scolded: "Little"!
Obviously Zhao Lingxi didn't see Chen Haiyang and Liang Meiyun who were still standing outside the door, and dared to say anything to Yang Xiaoxiao.

Yang Xiaoxiao laughed triumphantly: "I don't want it, I want to watch it, not only I want to watch it, but also Teacher Liang and Sister Chen."

When Zhao Lingxi heard Yang Xiaoxiao mention that there were other people behind, she got up nervously and almost poured the boiling porridge on her body, but Cheng Huaiqing immediately took it to prevent the tragedy from happening.

"Sister Chen, why are you here too, who is this?"
Zhao Lingxi stared at the three people in a daze, not knowing what to say. Cheng Huaiqing also sat up straight on the bed, looked at Liang Meiyun and carefully sized him up: "If my guess is right, this is Professor Liang Meiyun, a national professor of psychology. Let's go."

Yo.The four people present looked at Cheng Huaiqing in surprise, and they didn't introduce anything, Cheng Huaiqing thought of it, which surprised Liang Meiyun, and asked: "Mr. Cheng, how do you know that I am Liang Meiyun, not another psychologist. "

Cheng Huaiqing smiled: "Professor Liang laughed. It's not that Huaiqing has seen you, but the older brother mentioned you, saying that you like to wear dark green clothes, and you always like to roll your sleeves up to five centimeters above your wrists, which just fits perfectly." .

The rare smile on Cheng Huaiqing's face almost lit up the entire ward, even Liang Meiyun, who was over half a century old, couldn't help being stunned when she saw the smile on Cheng Huaiqing's face.

However, she only played for a moment, and soon realized that she had lost her composure, and smiled awkwardly at Cheng Huaiqing.

I am very satisfied with his memory and ability to observe carefully: "Do you think he is a person with mental illness, his brain is so bright, he will be fine without seeing a doctor."

When Zhao Lingxi heard what Teacher Liang said, she thought she was not very happy and would not see Cheng Huaiqing, so she immediately said: "Mr. Liang, Huaiqing looks healthy, but since the accident last time, he I just lost my memory, you want to..."

Zhao Lingxi didn't speak, but the people in the room instantly understood what she meant.

"Ling Xi, since Teacher Liang is here, he won't just leave like this, don't worry."

Chen Haiyang looked at Zhao Lingxi's appearance, and walked forward with some distress, and hugged her to let her relax.

"You girl doesn't believe in my ability, Zhao Lingxi? The wife who made Cheng Huaiqing risk the world, remember one sentence, care will lead to chaos, everything has cause and effect, if your husband's knot can be untied today, it will also be solved." It’s a kind of cause and effect, I won’t stand by and watch”?
Zhao Lingxi really shouldn't have distrusted Mr. Liang just now, and treated the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart, which really failed Sister Chen's painstaking efforts, and Mr. Liang worked so hard to see a doctor for Huai Qing.

"Professor, let's start, Ling Xi, don't worry, I can survive." Cheng Huaiqing comforted his wife, reassuring her.

"Okay. Do you know that the symptom of amnesia is the most unreasonable disease in psychology. It is not schizophrenia. It can be cured through a two-pronged approach. He just can't remember it. It doesn't mean that this memory is gone. In fact, the most important problem is that people with amnesia don’t want to remember.”

How is this possible, it is obvious that I can't remember it, how can I say that I don't want to remember it, I really can't remember it.

"Come on, Mr. Cheng, remember what I said first, as long as you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it."

Cheng Huaiqing stared closely at Liang Meiyun's eyes, "Now my method is acupuncture, which stimulates the cerebral cortex and wakes up your subconscious mind. Remember, you will want to remember, you will, and you must."

As if the whole air was frozen, Cheng Huaiqing slowly closed his eyes, Liang Meiyun slowly applied the needle, her voice was deep and heavy, but penetrating, directly hitting the deepest part of Cheng Huaiqing's soul.

"Mr. Cheng, tell me, what did you see?"
Liang Meiyun stared at Cheng Huaiqing and asked, the three girls beside him didn't understand, Cheng Huaiqing was asleep, how could he answer Teacher Liang's question.But that's not the case, Cheng Huaiqing really spoke.

"A mass of black mist, a mass of black mist, enveloped me and I couldn't see the road ahead." Cheng Huaiqing's words really shocked people.

"Is it black? Well, there is a box of matches in your pocket. If you light it up, you can see a door." Liang Meiyun felt a little heavy in her heart, and rarely heard patients say that they saw black fog.

Cheng Huaiqing didn't open his mouth this time, as if he was really looking for the matches in his pocket. Within 3 minutes, he smiled, a smile as if he had found a treasure: "The door, I saw there is a door"!
Liang Meiyun breathed a sigh of relief, the situation is not bad.

However, before Liang Meiyun's air was fully released, Cheng Huaiqing immediately said: "But there is a lock on the door, I can't open it".

Too bad, Liang Meiyun frowned tightly, the most feared thing was that the door was locked and couldn't get in, that is, he couldn't see Cheng Huaiqing's heart, which meant that there was a lot of fear there, he was afraid, he locked the lock himself.

"Okay, don't worry, I can open it for you, don't worry, just stand by the door and I'll find a helper."

Liang Meiyun's so-called "helper" is to add another needle to Cheng Huaiqing's head: "Look, Mr. Cheng, who is here."

This is the key. The person I saw in the dream is the key to unlocking the lock. Under the thick fog, Cheng Huaiqing turned slightly and saw the girl. The pure white dress looked like an angel, and the faint smile on her face was very warm. Cheng Huaiqing yearned very much: "Ling Xi, I knew it was you when you came."

When Zhao Lingxi heard Cheng Huaiqing calling her like this, he still only had her in his heart, and she was moved to tears.

Liang Meiyun also smiled, Cheng Huaiqing's softest and deepest memory has appeared before her eyes, fortunately he still has Zhao Lingxi: "It turns out that Zhao Lingxi is here, then you two can hold hands to open this door, don't look at it With a lock, you can do anything you want as long as you want."

Cheng Huaiqing kept smiling, but suddenly his face changed, becoming ferocious. After struggling for a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes and let go of the bed sheet.

Cheng Huaiqing's eyes were clear, as if he could see through everything: "Ling Xi, I dreamed about you just now. I dreamed that we were eating lunch together on the set, being scolded by the director together, and together..."

Everyone present looked at Cheng Huaiqing in amazement. Cheng Huaiqing finally remembered these things and these experiences. He remembered the past with Zhao Lingxi. Zhao Lingxi ran over to wrap Cheng Huaiqing regardless of the presence of outsiders. Cheng Huaiqing gently whispered in her ear Say: "Thank you, Ling Xi".

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