Too Much to Chase His Wife: The Movie Emperor Wants to Hug

Chapter 232 What's the matter with you

There was a mocking smile on his face, thinking about it, he just made things difficult for him in the ward, how could he be deceived by his appearance in front of his mother who was so gentle and gentle?

However, considering that Cheng Huaixian is Cheng Huaiqing's second brother, after all, they are family members, so how could they help an outsider like me.

"Lingxi, don't be like this, it's a little kindness from Master Cheng to come to see me!" Liu Minrong knew that Zhao Lingxi would get no benefit from this stalemate, and even she might be implicated in the future, so she had to come out Make a round.

"Mom, why should we be afraid of him? You and I know what he has done to you. I only regret that there is no evidence. Otherwise, I must take the legal route. What's wrong with the high status? I don't believe it. There is no Righteousness exists!" Zhao Lingxi became anxious, and her voice was a little louder, which made Liu Minrong a little stunned.

Cheng Huaixian couldn't bear Zhao Lingxi's incessant chatter, and she had never been told by a girl like this before: "Zhao Lingxi, I came to see my aunt with all my heart today, and I didn't ask you to come here to question my teacher. You are too sensible, just listen to it, if you keep saying something unrealistic with this attitude, I can only hire my lawyer!"
This Cheng Huaixian actually bit back, Zhao Lingxi was about to refute, but Cheng Huaiqing said: "Enough is enough, this is a hospital, my aunt needs to rest, second brother, you are so kind, why are you arguing with Lingxi, and you Lingxi Xi, you go out and tell everyone in the hospital, shouldn’t these words be said here?"
After finishing speaking, his eyes swept across Cheng Huaixian and Zhao Lingxi coldly.

Cheng Huaixian's face darkened when he heard Cheng Huaiqing's words, and he said to Liu Minrong: "Auntie, since there are people here and I'm not welcome, then I'll go back first, and I'll come to see you some other day."

Cheng Huaixian deliberately bit "Jian Tian" hard. Although he still had a smile on his face, his voice sounded like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, which made Zhao Lingxi shudder coldly.

After Cheng Huaixian left, Zhao Lingxi comforted Liu Minrong briefly, then pushed Cheng Huaiqing to his ward.

This time, Cheng Huaiqing saw that Zhao Lingxi was in a bad mood, so he didn't make things difficult for her anymore. When Zhao Lingxi asked to go back first, Cheng Huaiqing immediately agreed.

Walking out of the hospital, confused as if he had lost his soul, walking alone on the silent road.

A slender white figure appeared on the street. Zhao Lingxi was born fair, with a kind soul under her bright eyes and white teeth.

Since she lost her memory, she felt that there was always a vague figure in her mind, she couldn't remember who the other person was, and she couldn't remember the past. The tighter you pinch, the more it will be lost from your fingers.

The five or six centimeter-high shoes made a crisp sound in the quiet alley, but she still walked steadily.

However, in the shadow behind him, the creeping black shadow was slowly approaching Zhao Lingxi, his footsteps were very light, the sound of Zhao Lingxi's shoes overshadowed his, the black shadow was hiding in the shadow with professional means and body skills Next, approaching Zhao Lingxi step by step.

Just when Zhao Lingxi was about to step out of this alley in three steps, a sharp pain came from his neck, and he lost consciousness instantly.

However, between half-comatose and half-awake, all the memories rolled in his mind, like a slide show, and the pictures that appeared in Zhao Lingxi's mind were both familiar and strange.

Before the world turned around, Zhao Lingxi clearly felt that someone quickly snatched the bag from his hand and disappeared into the alley, so fast that no one noticed his every move here, Zhao Lingxi was unconscious.

When she opened her eyes again, what she saw was the white ceiling of the hospital, and the white curtain that made people feel cold when she looked at it. After moving the hanging needle on the back of his hand, there was a sharp "hiss" pain, which made Zhao Lingxi more than half awake.

She had no choice but to give up, put her hands back on the hospital bed, and quietly waited for the doctor to arrive.

Gently stroking his neck with his hand, he didn't quite remember how that moment happened, and he didn't know who was going to hurt him, his neck was swollen, and it was estimated that it would be black and blue in a while, who hurt him, Zhao Lingxi still didn't realize the change in herself, she could already remember the past.

"Girl, you're awake, thank God!" The curtain was lifted by a pair of rough hands, revealing a kind face, it was a stranger.

The other party was a little nervous, and after thinking for a while, he said shyly, "Girl, I am a sanitation worker in this area. I saw you fell down in the alley alone, so I took you to the hospital!"

As kind as she is, the words in her eyes are full of simplicity, and her eyes softened. Fortunately, this aunt, if it weren't for her, she probably wouldn't be discovered by others.

"Girl, what happened to you, you fell down in the alley for no reason, it's scary"!
Zhao Lingxi smiled at her, her throat was so stiff that it was difficult to make a sound, she gestured for the woman to sit down with her hand, and she drank a mouthful of water to moisten her throat before speaking.

She wanted to tell the woman the real reason, but her eager eyes did not make her worry anymore, she just said: "I have always been in poor health, I have low blood pressure, I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, so I passed out! "

The woman looked at Zhao Lingxi carefully, and said with concern: "Girls, don't pay attention to eating in order to keep in shape. Look at you, you are so thin, and you don't know how to take care of yourself. You can't avoid things like today when you are out alone." .

Zhao Lingxi smiled guiltyly, only to hear the nurse shout: "Bed 34, what's your name?"
The nurse opened the curtain and took a notebook to record something, "My name is Zhao Lingxi".

"Well, okay, you can leave after hanging up this bottle of water, and settle the medical expenses by the way." The woman got up and asked about Zhao Lingxi's condition, knowing that she was fine, she continued to sit down with confidence.

"Girl, your name is Ling Xi? It looks like you must have been born in a coastal city, right?"
After Zhao Lingxi heard this, his eyes flickered. He had never thought about such a thing before, but after hearing what the woman said, he paid a little attention in his heart.

However, he said jokingly: "I don't know much about this, but, auntie, have you ever studied poetry?"

The woman immediately laughed: "Where did my old lady come from? I just listened to the poems read by my granddaughter. After listening to a lot, I remembered it. By the way, girl, I can't send you off later, I have to I'm rushing back to pick up my granddaughter, I'm sorry."

Zhao Lingxi realized that she had wasted a lot of time for this woman, and blushed a little embarrassedly: "Auntie, please go back quickly, I am not seriously ill, I will definitely come to thank you in the future."

"What are you talking about, girl, thank you so much!" The woman was a little annoyed.

Seeing her true temperament, Zhao Lingxi immediately changed her words: "Yes, yes, I will go to your house to taste your handicraft in a few days."

The old woman smiled with satisfaction after listening to Zhao Lingxi's words, and waved goodbye to Zhao Lingxi.

As time passed, Zhao Lingxi lay quietly on the hospital bed again. It was a blessing in disguise. That stick reminded her of the past by accident. The memory was divided into fragments. Zhao Lingxi always felt as if she had forgotten something again, and it was It was a very important thing, she rubbed her slightly sore temples, she always had such a vague memory.

Zhao Lingxi went through the formalities and left the hospital. At this time, it was completely dark. She reached out to stop a car and went home to sleep.

It was the next morning when I woke up, the smell of food was wafting in the room, Zhao Lingxi didn’t close the door, the whole room was filled with the smell of pork ribs, the figure who was busy in the kitchen, she smiled slightly, so she just walked in without making a sound Who else is at home.

"Xiao Xiao, is it cooked? I'm hungry!" Zhao Lingxi yelled at the people in the kitchen, full of energy after falling asleep.

That person ran out of the kitchen in a hurry. Her fat figure was fast. She rushed into Zhao Lingxi's room, sat down on her bed, and looked at her from top to bottom.

"What's the matter with you, I heard from your colleague that you are sick, how could you, a goblin who has never been sick for thousands of years, be sick?"
Zhao Lingxi naturally wouldn't lie in front of this best friend, and didn't explain, but turned her head slightly so that she could see the wound on her neck.

Yang Xiaoxiao withdrew the joking expression on her face, and said nervously: "What's the matter, was beaten"?
Attacked!In broad daylight, how could Zhao Lingxi meet gangsters? Yang Xiaoxiao was so nervous that she forgot to take care of the fire in the kitchen. It was Zhao Lingxi who reminded her and hurried to shut it down.

The two sat on the table and drank the soup. Yang Xiaoxiao watched her motionless, and Zhao Lingxi pushed her: "What are you looking at, you don't know me anymore"?
"You seem to be different." Zhao Lingxi looked at Yang Xiaoxiao on the opposite side, smiled mysteriously at her, and said, "I remember you didn't know how to cook before. When did you learn this? Could it be because of you?" That foreign boyfriend"?
Yang Xiaoxiao's words suddenly popped out of Zhao Lingxi's mouth, and a surprised expression flashed across his face.

Staring blankly at Zhao Lingxi's face, she held Zhao Lingxi's little hand with her fleshy hand, and said incoherently, "Ling, Lingxi, you, you just said, what did you say? Say it again."

Looking at Yang Xiaoxiao's expression, Zhao Lingxi felt a flash of doubt in his heart. He took his little hand out of her hand, touched her forehead, and said, "What's wrong with you? You suddenly became nervous early in the morning. "?
While talking, he withdrew his hand and put it on his forehead to feel the temperature, and said to himself: "You don't have a fever, why did you talk nonsense when you woke up early in the morning?" "?
"You!" Yang Xiaoxiao looked at Zhao Lingxi's movements, slapped her little hand off, stared at Zhao Lingxi's small face, afraid of missing any expression on her face, and said:

"Honestly, what's wrong with you?"

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