
Seeing Zhao Lingxi's distraught appearance, the man squatted down and helped her up vigorously.

The driver on the side saw the two people acting in slow motion, and couldn't help saying: "Sir, do you still want to take a taxi?"
"No, no..." Before the "sorry" in the man's mouth was finished, the driver gave him a hard look, and the man drove away cursing.

Zhao Lingxi's knee was severely scraped to the ground by the impact just now, and even the long overalls she was wearing were worn out, and the worn-out knee and the hole in the pants looked like Very hideous.

Seeing Zhao Lingxi's appearance, the man had no choice but to reach out and help her to the side. He didn't even bother to help his beloved car up, and asked Zhao Lingxi with concern: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Is it okay?"
When Zhao Lingxi was helped aside by the man, she sat casually on the side of the road with her arms around her knees, her body twitching slightly, looking very helpless.

Seeing that Zhao Lingxi didn't answer his words, a look of worry flashed across his face, the man couldn't help reaching out and gently pushing Zhao Lingxi's body.

Zhao Lingxi couldn't sit still at all, and was pushed by the man, and immediately fell to the side.

A flash of panic flashed in the man's eyes, his body reacted faster than his brain, and his big hands quickly supported Zhao Lingxi's unbalanced body, which allowed Zhao Lingxi to avoid the second injury.

The sudden shaking of his body made Zhao Lingxi wake up suddenly, raised his swollen walnut-like eyes, and looked at the man in front of him.

The man was wearing a simple white sportswear, and his clean-shaven handsome face was full of worries.

Smelling the clean breath from this man, Zhao Lingxi's swollen eyes flickered, her lips moved slightly, and she spit out a few words intermittently: "You, can you take me away?"
"Leave?" The man watched Zhao Lingxi raise his face, and then he saw clearly that Zhao Lingxi's small face was covered with dust, mixed with tears, he couldn't see her original appearance at all, and repeated her words with some doubts: " You just leave with me, your family, don't you worry?"
"Me?" Zhao Lingxi heard that the man did not refuse her request, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he shook his head, and temporarily smoothed the strands of hair, floating in the air with her shaking head: "I , I don't know, I just know I've lost my memory, I can't remember anyone..."

"Then you..." The man took a look at the clothes on Zhao Lingxi's body, and saw that the work clothes, which were originally small in size, looked very loose on her body. For some reason, a pang of distress suddenly surged in his heart.

Zhao Lingxi saw the man's entanglement, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his calf, not caring that the dust on his hands stained his white sports trousers, with a pleading look in his eyes: "Please take me away, I don't want to stay in this city any longer."

The man looked at Zhao Lingxi's pitiful appearance, and replied following her question: "Then where do you want to go?"
"I..." Meeting the man's serious gaze, Zhao Lingxi shook his head vigorously, and said, "I don't know, as long as you take me away, you can go anywhere."

The man stared at Zhao Lingxi's appearance, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, he looked up at the bicycle lying alone in the middle of the road but was not run over by other cars, and wanted to help it over.

Zhao Lingxi thought that the man was going to leave, so she became even more flustered in her heart. She hugged the man's leg with her small hands, and said in a panic, "Please, don't leave me alone, please..."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but shed tears again, the dust falling from her face stained the man's white sweatpants, and gray flowers bloomed on the snow-white sweatpants.

Looking at Zhao Lingxi's appearance, the man couldn't bear to refuse her any more. He squatted down slightly, held Zhao Lingxi's shoulder with his big hands, looked into Zhao Lingxi's eyes, and asked, "Have you considered it? Are you sure you want to leave with me?" , what if your family can’t find you”?
Looking at the man's deep eyes, Zhao Lingxi had a feeling of wanting to escape, pursed his lips, tried hard to restrain the feeling in his heart, looked into the man's eyes seriously, and said:

"I think about it, I'm leaving."

"Okay." The man supported Zhao Lingxi's body, suddenly sighed heavily, let go of Zhao Lingxi's shoulder with his big hand, and said, "I'll push the car over first."

Zhao Lingxi heard that the man didn't want to leave her behind, so she let go of the arm that hugged the man's calf, and stared at the man's movements with empty eyes.

Seeing the man, he ran to the middle of the road to help the car over, made a phone call in front of her, and then sat beside her, and her heart settled down.

With her head lowered, the nails with blank eyes, and a row of ants crawling past her feet, she raised her head and looked at the man until the man's voice came from her ears, "I don't know what my name is either. ".

When speaking, she subconsciously concealed the name Cheng Huaiqing told her.

The man looked at Zhao Lingxi's panicked eyes, and asked again: "Then why did you leave here?"
"I..." Seeing the man's bewitching eyes, Zhao Lingxi swallowed hard, moved away unnaturally, and said, "I just don't want people who knew me to think of me as a fool. I……"

When she spoke, there was an unconcealable sadness in her voice.

What Zhao Lingxi said, I immediately understood in my heart that Zhao Lingxi must have some difficulties, so I will not continue to delve into it.

The atmosphere between the two fell silent, until a silver Rolls-Royce stopped in front of him, Zhao Lingxi raised his head, his lips wriggling: "This, this..."

"What's wrong? Surprised?" The man looked at Zhao Lingxi, and a warm smile flashed across Jun's face: "If you want to worry that I'm a bad guy and don't want to leave with me, it's too late to regret it now."


Listening to the man's words, Zhao Lingxi lowered her head even more. Even though her face was completely covered with dust, she couldn't hide her sudden blushing.

He looked at his dusty clothes, and finally landed on the man's muddy pants that he rubbed against. A flash of guilt flashed in his eyes: "I..."

While talking, she felt the man's eyes warmly staring at her all the time, as if mustering up a lot of courage, she said coyly: "I want to leave, but, but I'm afraid that my clothes will get dirty your car".

Hearing Zhao Lingxi's words, the man's smile widened even more, his eyes swept over Zhao Lingxi's body, and he said, "If that's the case, after you get to my place later, just wash my car."

Zhao Lingxi didn't hear the joke in the man's words at all, and nodded seriously, and then got into the back compartment of the car under the man's gaze.

And the man got into the carriage after Zhao Lingxi's actions.

Lying on the car window, looking at the scenery outside the car window, there was a void in his eyes.

The car drove for about 20 minutes, and finally stopped next to a single-family apartment.

This apartment is not much bigger than Cheng Huaiqing's apartment, but it looks very luxurious from the outside, Cheng Huaiqing's simple style is completely different.

With Zhao Lingxi's eyes, she looked at the apartment in front of her, and knew that the man had walked around to the side of the car and opened the door for her. Only then did she react, smiled awkwardly at the man, and walked down.

When she got out of the car, she turned her head and looked at the car seat behind her, which still had dust on her body. Embarrassment flashed in her eyes, she lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "your car……"

The man also followed Zhao Lingxi's gaze to see the dust on the car, glanced at Zhao Lingxi again, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about washing the car first, you should wash yourself first"!
Zhao Lingxi listened to the man's words and thought she was making fun of her.She lowered her head even more. Seeing the man taking the lead to walk into the house, she limped along.

Seeing Zhao Lingxi standing at the door suddenly, the man was unwilling to go in. A smile flashed across his eyes, he took a pair of disposable slippers from the shoe rack, handed them to Zhao Lingxi, and said, "It's okay, there are people in this room every day. to clean."

After finishing speaking, instead of looking at Zhao Lingxi's embarrassing expression, he turned around first: "If you think you can leave this city by standing at the door, then you should just stand there."

"I..." The man's words made Zhao Lingxi's nerves tremble, and he didn't care too much, so he put on a pair of disposable slippers and walked into the house.

After entering, he stood in the center of the room, seeing that the man's voice had disappeared from the room, and was at a loss in embarrassment.

At this moment, the man suddenly came down from the second floor. Zhao Lingxi turned around when she heard the sound of footsteps. Seeing that the man was still holding a new set of women's clothing, her eyes flashed, "This is..."

The man looked at Zhao Lingxi's eyes, a smile appeared on his face, he shook the clothes in his hands, and said, "This is made in my own factory. You should wear it similarly, so I took it off."

While talking, he walked to Zhao Lingxi's side, and without giving Zhao Lingxi a chance to refuse, he stuffed the clothes in his hands into Zhao Lingxi's arms, and said, "Look at the clothes on your body, go and change quickly." .

After speaking, he pointed to the bathroom beside him.

Zhao Lingxi followed the man's gaze to look at the gray clothes on her body, nodded, and walked towards the bathroom.

When she came out of the bathroom, she had already put on the white professional suit that the man handed her. The man's vision was very accurate, and the professional suit looked very decent on her.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man who had been sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Lingxi who was walking towards him, with a flash of surprise on his face.

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