"Let's not go." Zhao Lingxi glanced at the wall clock hanging on the wall, "It's not too early now, I'm going to do something simple, and we'll clean up the kitchen after we're done eating."

Last night, the little hand took away Cheng Huaiqing's big hand, carried the plate on the table, and walked towards the kitchen.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi's appearance, and at the moment Zhao Lingxi turned around, he grabbed a corner of Zhao Lingxi with his big hand.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Lingxi held the plate, turned around to look at Cheng Huaiqing behind him, and asked with some doubts: "Is there anything else?"
"You're not happy." Cheng Huaiqing looked into Zhao Lingxi's eyes and said seriously.

"No way..." Zhao Lingxi twitched the corners of her mouth, with a stiff smile on her face.

"You won't lie." Cheng Huaiqing stood up, his dark brown eyes still staring at Zhao Lingxi's, and said with certainty.

Zhao Lingxi moved her lips, and before she could speak, Cheng Huaiqing took the plate in her hand with his big hand, and held her small hand in both hands.

He said very sincerely: "I'm sorry, when you were surrounded by my fans today, I couldn't rush back."

After finishing speaking, he kissed Zhao Lingxi lightly on the forehead, "Although I know that explaining is useless, I still want to tell you what happened at that time. I didn't mean not to pick you up."

"Well, I see." Zhao Lingxi looked into Cheng Huaiqing's eyes and nodded seriously.

In fact, she was unhappy not because Cheng Huaiqing didn't pick her up today, but because of Hu Jieming's words: "Your idol is so busy, how can you have time to spend all day around a woman"?
Who said that Hu Jieming said these words just to appease the emotions of those fans, but it also caused quite a stir in her heart.

She and Cheng Huaiqing were not from the same world. Thinking of this, a trace of sadness flashed in Zhao Lingxi's eyes.

It was Cheng Huaiqing who was telling her what happened today in every detail, but Zhao Lingxi only listened to what he said that the fans blamed her because he was injured, thinking that she didn't take good care of him. he.

There was a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth. In fact, in the eyes of most people, even if they accepted her, the two of them were not equal.

Cheng Huaiqing talked for a while, but found that Zhao Lingxi was not interested.

The big hand gently squeezed Zhao Lingxi's small hand: "What's the matter? Why are you in a daze, are you still unhappy?"
Cheng Huaiqing's gentle voice rang in Zhao Lingxi's ears, and the strength from his hands made Zhao Lingxi look back into Cheng Huaiqing's eyes, and said hesitantly, "No, no."

"You can't lie".Cheng Huaiqing pulled Zhao Lingxi into his arms, and repeated the question again, "So, if you have anything to do in the future, just tell me, okay? If I did something wrong, or if I didn't do something well , I can change it."

"Huh?" Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's lack of confidence, Zhao Lingxi raised his head slightly, looked at Cheng Huaiqing with a little sad eyes, and looked at him suspiciously.

When Cheng Huaiqing saw Zhao Lingxi's eyes looking at him, he put away the sadness deep in his eyes, lowered his head slightly, and looked seriously into Zhao Lingxi's eyes: "You look like this, so I can't guess what you're thinking. , I'm really sad."

Cheng Huaiqing's words hit Zhao Lingxi's heart word by word. If Cheng Huaiqing was as cold-faced and domineering as before, she could still convince herself to calm down.

However, after they reconciled this time, Cheng Huaiqing treated her more and more like a stone with its sharp corners smoothed, so round that it made people reluctant to say a word about him.

Looking at Cheng Huaiqing in front of her, Zhao Lingxi couldn't help but feel that she was being stupid again. Since she promised her that day that she would go through with him regardless of ups and downs, how could she be shaken just because of one sentence?
After thinking it through, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Lingxi's face, he tiptoed, and pressed a kiss on Cheng Huaiqing's pointed chin.

He smiled and said: "What's the matter, you think too much."

As he spoke, he pushed Cheng Huaiqing's arms hard with his small hands, and said with a light smile, "If you hold me like this, we won't be able to eat tonight."

Cheng Huaiqing looked at the bright smile in Zhao Lingxi's eyes. The warm yellow light shone into her eyes. She smiled like a cunning fox. Cheng Huaiqing suddenly felt at ease.

Let go, took Zhao Lingxi's big hand, pressed a kiss on her forehead, whispered in her ear: "But, what should I do if I want to eat you more"?
Zhao Lingxi's face was reddened by Cheng Huaiqing's sudden words, she tapped Cheng Huaiqing's chest with her little hand, quickly picked up the plate on the table, turned around and went to the kitchen.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi who was still so shy, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

His Ling Xi is always like this, pretending to be strong on the surface, but inside he is just a little girl.

Zhao Lingxi quickly finished the meal, and when she came out of the kitchen, she had two extra plates of golden rice in her hands.

"Not coming yet? It's time to eat." He waved to Cheng Huaiqing who was sitting on the sofa not far away, "Come quickly and try the golden egg fried rice I made. It's made with the leftover rice at noon. I know if it's delicious or not."

With that said, he pulled out a chair and sat beside the dining table.

Cheng Huaiqing walked over and looked at the rice grains wrapped in golden eggs on the dinner plate, his eyes flickered, why did Zhao Lingxi make eggs so golden?But when he made it, he became the ghostly look just now.

Zhao Lingxi looked at Cheng Huaiqing's hesitation, gave him a small hand, and asked him to sit down next to her: "Come and taste it, is it delicious?"
Under the soft light, Zhao Lingxi's small face glowed softly.

Cheng Huaiqing swallowed, and sat down without worrying about the "fried eggs" just now.

He scooped up a large spoonful of golden egg fried rice and stuffed it into his mouth. The rice in his mouth was not completely swallowed. He turned his face and looked at Zhao Lingxi, who was chewing slowly, and said vaguely: "As expected of my family, Ling Xi, who cooks in person, everything he cooks is so delicious."

After speaking, as if to verify his words, he swallowed the rice in his mouth and took another big mouthful.

Regarding Cheng Huaiqing's childish behavior, Zhao Lingxi just smiled, continued to eat, and enjoyed this rare quiet time.

After a meal, Zhao Lingxi brought the finished dishes to the kitchen, ready to clean up what Cheng Huaiqing had tossed about, like a kitchen after a devil entered the village.

Shaking his head helplessly, he prepared to start and pack up his things for departure.

As soon as she put the apron on, Cheng Huaiqing also walked in, took the rope of the apron from Zhao Lingxi's hand, and tied it for her.

Looking at the mess in front of him and the broken dishes on the floor, he smiled awkwardly and said, "I really didn't expect that cooking a meal would be more difficult than fighting a war."

Zhao Lingxi listened to Cheng Huaiqing's words, the corners of his mouth curled up helplessly, he turned to look at Cheng Huaiqing, and said with a smile: "Did the sun come out from the west today? There are still things in this world that you find difficult"?
Listening to Zhao Lingxi's jokes, Cheng Huaiqing poked his strong nose with his index finger helplessly, tapped Zhao Lingxi's eyebrows, and said with a smile: "So in the future, I can only work hard on my wife, and cook for me."

After speaking, he reached for another spare apron.

Listening to the words "my wife" that Cheng Huaiqing spit out naturally, Zhao Lingxi felt a piece of honey melt in his heart, and a sweet smile appeared on his face.

Seeing Cheng Huaiqing put an apron on his body, he said, "Why are you wearing it when you have nothing to do?"
Cheng Huaiqing saw that Zhao Lingxi knew the consultant, smiled and said, "I'm here to help you!"
Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's answer, Zhao Lingxi pulled his face, and said a little stiffly: "You should go take a bath first."

Let Cheng Huaiqing help her here, she was afraid that Cheng Huaiqing would help more and more.

However, Zhao Lingxi just thought about these words in his heart.

Hearing that Zhao Lingxi rejected his offer, Cheng Huaiqing paused behind the hands tied with the apron rope, put his head on Zhao Lingxi's shoulder, and said ambiguously, "I don't want to help you pack up quickly, and then..."

He didn't say what he said later, but he lightly licked Zhao Lingxi's small earlobe with his lips, the meaning in his words was self-evident.

Zhao Lingxi's ears were already sensitive, but after being teased by Cheng Huaiqing, his body stiffened instinctively, his face and neck were burning with fever.

The current her is not letting Cheng Huaiqing stay in the kitchen, nor is it not letting him stay in the kitchen.

Cheng Huaiqing looked at Zhao Lingxi's movements, a smirk flashed in his eyes, and there was a smile in his voice: "What are you still doing there? Hurry up and tidy up, I can't wait..."

Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's excited words, Zhao Lingxi couldn't help turning his stiff body.

However, before she went to the most severely affected cabinet, she heard a "crash", and all the dishes that hadn't been washed just now fell to the ground, and a flower bloomed on the not-so-clean ground. Pure white flowers.

Along with the plate, Cheng Huaiqing had just spent half a day making fried eggs that fell to the ground.

The black fried egg was very textured and rolled on the ground a few times before spreading flat on the ground, mixed with the white porcelain flowers.

Zhao Lingxi glanced at Cheng Huaiqing, who was standing awkwardly by the cabinet, and couldn't help but rubbed between his brows, "You'd better go out first, as long as I'm here."

If Cheng Huaiqing continues to "help" in the kitchen, I'm afraid tomorrow, everything in her kitchen will need to be replaced with new ones.

"I..." Cheng Huaiqing's eyes fell on the porcelain flowers on the ground, and his big hands in rubber gloves stopped before touching his nose.

"It's okay, you go out first, I will clean up here soon." Looking at Cheng Huaiqing's hesitant look, Zhao Lingxi said, but just as the words came out, seeing the ambiguous smile on Cheng Huaiqing's face, her face flashed After a moment of embarrassment, the little hand quickly blocked his mouth.

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