Lin Xujia stared at Ye Yunchen intently, "Even if I make trouble for no reason, it's because I love you so much, you know?"

Hearing this, Ye Yunchen frowned immediately, Xia Yan was the only one in his play from the beginning to the end, as for Lin Xujia, it was nothing more than a friendship to him.

"I know what you're thinking, Yun Chen, why are you unwilling to recognize the status quo?" Lin Xujia said quietly.

"You don't need to intervene in the matter between me and Xia Yan."

"Yun Chen," Lin Xujia called out his name softly. After hesitating for a long time, he took out an envelope from his bag and put it in front of him. I knew about Ye Yunchen's movements from Xia Yan, but I didn't expect to get something special, that is, Xia Yan was often with Lu Zhengting in private.

Seeing that Ye Yunchen was unwilling to accept the envelope, Lin Xujia was not angry. She opened the envelope and held up the photos taken inside one by one before his eyes, "Ye Yunchen, why don't you dare to look at it? Look at the pictures in this photo. Who are they? It's Xia Yan and Lu Zhengting, oh, and Lu Zhengting's son, do you think the three of them look like a family?"

"Go away."

"Ye Yunchen, look at it, look at it, this is the person you miss, she might be lying in Lu Zhengting's arms right now, having sex with him, Ye Yunchen, I'll let you see!" Lin Xujia fiercely held the photo back In front of Ye Yunchen, he roared hysterically, his emotions became more and more agitated.

Seeing this, Ye Yunchen angrily raised his hand and patted it away, and the photos in Lin Xujia's hands were scattered all over the ground in an instant. I have to say that the person who took the photos secretly was a very skilled person, and any photo can make people feel that they are The love between the two is strong.

Lin Xujia tilted her head slightly, her eyes fell on the photo on the ground, a sneer hung on the corner of her mouth, "Can't you bear it just by looking at the photo?"

"Lin Xujia, you are crazy!"

"Yes, I'm crazy! I'm driven crazy by you! Why are you avoiding me? You know I've been thinking about how to make you stop avoiding me every day, and finally, I thought of it .”

"..." Ye Yunchen looked at the woman who was on the verge of madness in a vague way, and remained silent.

Lin Xujia blinked, moved closer to Ye Yunchen, and said with a smile, "From today onwards, if you still avoid me, I will tell Xia Yan everything that happened between us."

"Don't be silly."

"As long as you don't hide from me, I won't mess around." Lin Xujia knew that Ye Yunchen had compromised, and her mood became very happy in an instant. She jumped up suddenly, with her hands hanging on Ye Yunchen's neck, and her legs crossed. At his waist, he raised his head and stared down at the man with an ugly face.

"Why don't you smile?"

Ye Yunchen couldn't laugh at all at this time, and his heart was on fire. A lot of things in the company made him feel powerless, including the relationship between Xia Yan and Lu Zhengting. It made him angry, and he hated Lin Xujia who leaned on him so much, but he had to compromise.

Everything around him revived the inferiority complex buried deep in his heart. He put his hands on Lin Xujia's buttocks, squinted his eyes and suddenly pinched it hard. Lin Xujia's reaction was very excited. She lowered her head and hugged him The movement of the neck instantly changed to holding his cheek.

The two people who were fierce at the door stumbled into the living room and then into the room. Ye Yunchen looked at the naked woman under him in a daze, with a flash of cruelty in his eyes. He leaned over and hugged Lin Xujia tightly, and opened his mouth slightly. , a hoarse voice sounded in her ear, "Xia Yan, I love you..."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xujia's body, immersed in Ye Yunchen's gentleness, suddenly became stiff. She opened her eyes and stared fixedly at the man who was still sprinting on top of her at this moment, as if those emotional and gentle movements just now were not because of her. , Lin Xujia endured Ye Yunchen's fierce offensive while enduring Ye Yunchen's mental blow to her.

Could this be the love she asked for by putting down her self-esteem?
In the Xia family, Xia Minghui has been trying every means to obtain the relics left by Xu Guang from Xia Yan. However, Xia Yan is always with Lu Zhengting during this time, so he has no chance to do it at all, and then he suddenly changed his mind. After thinking about it, he handed the things in his hand to his secretary, and asked her to go out after a few whispered instructions.

The next day, the headline news in Jiangcheng's entertainment newspapers was the appearance of Lu Zhengting's mysterious girlfriend.

The photo on the front page happened to show Xia Yan's face very clearly. The background happened to be in a supermarket. The two of them held hands tightly. Lu Zhengting's son was sitting in the shopping cart with a smile on his face, and their expressions were like Couple in love.

This news instantly ignited every corner of Jiangcheng. As soon as Xia Yan walked out of the gate of the community in the morning, he saw reporters swarming towards her. Almost all of them held microphones in their hands and turned towards her. Xia Yan had never faced such a situation. I was frightened and stupid immediately.

She is completely clueless now, and she doesn't even know what happened.

"Miss Xia, have you and President Lu decided when to get married?"

"Miss Xia, please take a look at the camera and answer our questions, okay?"

"Miss Xia, can you tell me how you and Mr. Lu met?"

"Miss Xia..."

Xia Yan only has one feeling now, that is, there are buzzing voices in her ears, and she can't hear what they are talking about at all, and now she is very hot!Surrounded by a group of people, with no way forward or backward, and in a dilemma, she raised her hand and rubbed her temples, and remained silent for a long time.

"Please get out of the way, okay?" Xia Yan stretched out her hand with difficulty to push through the crowd and wanted to leave, but she didn't know that the skills of these people surrounding her were too high, so she had no choice but to bow down.

After struggling in the crowd for a while, just when she thought she was going to die here today, a group of tall and mighty men suddenly came from outside the crowd and walked up to her. She stared at these strange men in surprise , asked glutinously, "Who are you?"

"Miss Xia, please come with us."

Hearing this, Xia Yan glanced at the scary reporters around, and followed the group of men in black who suddenly appeared here without hesitation, and saw that they directly protected her in the middle, and those reporters couldn't get close to her, okay? Yi walked out, and before Xia Yan could thank her, she saw a very familiar Maybach parked not far away, she squinted her eyes slightly and looked at the license plate, Lu Zhengting...

There was a line of straight men in black standing behind her, feeling the surprised eyes from around her, the corners of her mouth twitched suddenly, she didn't know what kind of star she was filming here?Especially seeing the curiosity in that look.

She didn't dare to relax at all now, Xia Yan walked towards Lu Zhengting without hesitation, as soon as she got close to the car, the people behind her quickly walked up to her and opened the car door.


Xia Yan frowned, and caught a glimpse of the reporters following behind her. She had seen how powerful they were, how dare she face them now?Without even looking at Lu Zhengting, he quickly got into the car as fast as he could, closed the door, and directly ordered the driver in front, "Hurry up and drive."

Seeing this, Lu Zhengting couldn't help but smiled, and seeing the driver's gaze, he nodded slightly.

The car started and left in the sight of everyone. Xia Yan turned over and looked at the crowded people behind her. She was completely relieved until the distance was getting farther and farther away. She turned around and sat down, and caught a glimpse of Lu Zhengting's eyes on her. , She remembered what those reporters asked her just now, her face turned black, she stared at the expressionless man, and asked with lingering fear, "Why are the questions those people asked me about you?"

"What questions are they asking you?"

"When will you get married..." Xia Yan felt something was wrong in the middle of her words. These questions made her inexplicable, and she paused for a moment. Which part went wrong.

Xia Yan opened Weibo, clicked on hot news directly, read a few pages but found no useful news, clicked on hot topic again, and sure enough, the topic of Lu Zhengting's mysterious girlfriend jumped into the top five.Her face darkened for an instant, and she took a deep breath, telling her intuitively that the content inside had nothing to do with her.

After reading a few pages, Xia Yan felt as if she was surrounded by fireballs, her lungs were about to explode with anger.

"Do these people know that spreading rumors is against the law? Especially reporting things that don't match the facts!"

Xia Yan returned to the home page, zoomed in on the photo for a few more times, and said angrily, "How do you and I look like a couple in love? How do I look like I'm acting like a baby to you? There is something in your eyes Affectionate?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhengting squinted his eyes, looking at the angry Xia Yan blaming those unscrupulous reporters in a leisurely manner, and suddenly felt it was funny, Xia Yan caught a glimpse of Lu Zhengting's appearance at this time from the corner of his eye, and was even more angry Come on, stare at the culprit with wide eyes, "Can you still laugh? I am a victim, don't forget that you are a victim too!"

"It's better to admit it."

"Admit? Admit what?" Xia Yan blinked suddenly, unable to believe that what Lu Zhengting said was what he understood.

Lu Zhengting leisurely leaned back on the back of the chair, crossed his hands on his thighs, and looked very leisurely. Compared with Xia Yan's anxiety, he seemed not to take it seriously at all, "Admit our relationship."

As soon as the deep voice fell, the carriage instantly became very quiet. If Xia Yan's rapid breathing could be ignored, she closed her mouth tightly, looked at Lu Zhengting in disbelief, and then quickly shifted her gaze, holding herself Breathing, this incident came too suddenly, making her Meiyu slightly on guard.

Xia Yan forced herself to calm down first, and don't let Lu Zhengting interfere with her normal thinking ability. She was silent for a few seconds, and then she closed her eyes after returning to normal. He is not from the same world, so of course his words cannot be true, and she dare not believe it, or the latter is her truest thought.

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