Wumei began to help Cheng Yu find out the truth about what happened 30 years ago after his wound was almost healed. According to the information Cheng Yu found before, most of the people involved in it almost died, and some of the information accompanied them. Leaving and being buried in the soil made Cheng Yu feel like a headless fly, unable to find the right direction.

Cheng Yu knew that Baixiang would definitely make people watch their actions closely.

When Wumei opened the file, he suddenly frowned slightly. There was an old yellowed photo in the file. He held the photo in his hand and looked at it for a long time. Years ago matters.

Wumei picked up the photo and found Cheng Yu, but this person was sitting by the swimming pool with a cool face, basking in the sun, looking contented and in need of a beating.Wumei took off the sunglasses on his face, sat down slowly beside him, and then asked, "Are you investigating me or am I?"

"Me, but I have been investigating for so long, but any clues will be destroyed by my mother's people. What can I do now? Can I stop my mother's actions? Although I really want to find out the matter quickly, but now Those of us who are afraid to move are not as happy as lying here and resting."

Hearing this, Wumei's expression changed suddenly, she took out the photo and threw it on Cheng Yu's body, and said lightly, "You send someone to find the person in the photo, maybe she can answer you."

Cheng Yu suddenly sat up, picked up the photo, stared deeply at the person in the photo, rubbed his fingers slightly at the corner of the photo, pondered for a while, and asked, "Where did you find this photo?"

"It's in the information they just sent over."

Cheng Yu just wanted to say something about why I don't know, but was interrupted mercilessly by Wumei. He touched his nose with a smirk, and immediately got up and went back to the room to change clothes. He had seen this person in the photo before.

"where are you going?"

"Changing clothes, Wumei, you come with me, this person doesn't need to investigate, I know where she is." Cheng Yu said confidently, quickly went back to the room and changed clothes, then rushed down, seeing Wumei as expected Standing obediently by the pool and waiting for him, the corner of his mouth raised an uncontrollable smile.

Wumei saw him smiling so lasciviously at her, goosebumps all over his body stood up.He closed his eyes calmly on the surface, and walked in front, while Cheng Yu followed slowly.This time, none of them brought anyone with them, just to avoid alarming the enemy.

Cheng Yu's driving skills, how to say his driving skills, sometimes good and sometimes bad, sometimes when Wumei watched the cars passing by their bodies, his heartbeat would be fast in an instant, sometimes Cheng Yu suddenly turned sharply, It will give him the illusion that he is about to be thrown out of the car.

Riding in Cheng Yu's car is extremely risky.

Seeing that he was overtaking and running a red light again, Wumei couldn't help but say in a cold voice after holding back for a long time, "Drive slowly."

"Wumei, you don't seem to believe my driving skills? Let me tell you, my skills are definitely not bad, you can rest assured."

"Because of this, I can't rest assured at all."

It was originally said that Wumei was going to drive, but Cheng Yu took the lead and sat in the driver's seat, expressing strongly that Wumei's body is not suitable for driving, so he must come.In fact, Wumei's wound has almost healed a long time ago, so it's not as fragile as he said.

The wide road gradually turned into a narrow path, and the houses along the road gradually changed from high-rise buildings to retro bungalows. The road became narrower and narrower. Wumei rolled down the car window and looked at the sparse houses outside, silently Silent.

Most of these houses are vacant and have obviously not been lived in for a long time.If you drive any further, the car will not be able to drive in, so you can only rely on walking.Cheng Yu parked the car on the side of the road, turned off the engine, tilted his head and glanced at the confused Wumei, and said with a smile, "You'll find out if you follow me."

It's not that Wumei doesn't believe in Cheng Yu, it's just that he has never been to this place. It's very deserted and there is no smell of smoke. Compared with the tall buildings and bustling outside, this place seems too out of place.

Cheng Yu pulled Wumei's wrist and continued walking forward with a smile on his face.It wasn't until he saw a pair of red lanterns hanging high above the door that he slowed down and stopped slowly.Wumei's heart was a little confused, just because Cheng Yu took his hand and walked a long way by accident.Seeing him stop, he came back to his senses and asked, "Is this right here?"

Cheng Yu hummed.He narrowed his eyes, took a step forward, slightly bent his fingers, and knocked on the door lightly a few times.After a while, there was an old and hoarse voice, "Who is it?"

"Huh? Why don't you talk?" The old voice gradually approached.

With a "squeak" sound, the door suddenly opened from the inside to both sides, and a wrinkled hand was first exposed on the door panel. The skin on the hand was very loose, as if it was hanging loosely on the bone.

Wumei stared at the hand blankly, and after a short rest, she revealed an old man with white hair. Her face was covered with marks left by the years, and there were layers of wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Falling down, her eyes looked very small, and the skin on her cheeks was as loose as the skin on her hands.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The old man's eyes showed a trace of precaution, especially when he saw Cheng Yu, his cloudy eyes seemed to flash a flash of shock.

Cheng Yu caught the change in her eyes, put his hand on the door, and said with a smile, "Is Wenger there?"

"Wenger? What do you want her for?" The old man looked at Cheng Yu even more defensively.

"I'm looking for her to ask something." Cheng Yu communicated with the old man very patiently, as if if he was more polite, the defense shown by the old man would be eased. When they talked for a long time and couldn't come to an impasse, The old man's face suddenly changed, and he said coldly, "Wenger is dead."

"Why did Wenger die?" Cheng Yu interrupted Xiaozhi to move his feelings with reason, but Wumei stretched out his legs impatiently, with his heels pressed against the door panel. Even if the old man wanted to close the door, he had no choice but to do so When the two were dumbfounded, he pushed the door open with a little force, and the old man was lost, sighed, and let them in sideways.

Cheng Yu secretly gave Wumei a thumbs up, but Wumei just looked away blankly.

The old man walked slowly ahead, walked through the quiet corridor, and came to the living room. Cheng Yu saw three photos hanging on the wall.

"The person you are looking for is one of the photos above." The old man said slowly.

When Cheng Yu heard it, he was overjoyed.He casually took out the yellowed photo and put it in front of the old man, and said with a half-smile, "I think Wenger should be alive, how could he be dead?"

"Wenger, indeed, passed away a few years ago."

"Old man, maybe I should call you Wenger." Cheng Yu said the name unhurriedly.Wumei, who had been sitting on the stool since he came in, inadvertently caught a glimpse of the little pride on his face, and this face involuntarily showed a hint of pride.Not to mention Cheng Yu, from the first time he saw the old man, he knew that she was the person in the photo, Wenger.

The old man glared and refused to admit it, "I am not Wenger, you have mistaken me."

"Wenger, Wen Yuhe's own sister, the young lady of the Wen family, I don't know if I'm right?" Cheng Yu said with a smile, as if worried that she still wouldn't admit it, and then said, "A year ago, the Wen family's Wen Wan came here to look for you before, and five years ago, even Old Man Wen Wen Yuhe came to look for you in person."

Wenger narrowed her eyes, walked over carefully with a cane, and sat on the stool. She looked at Cheng Yu casually, as if she didn't feel the slightest panic when she was exposed. She was still calm, "Why did you find me?"

"It's easy to say, I just want to know something that happened 30 years ago." Cheng Yu smiled slightly, and then said, "I wonder if you still remember a woman named Baixiang?"

When Chad heard the name Baixiang, Wenger's face changed suddenly. The name was like a spell, reminding her of those painful things in the past.She stared at the door in rapt attention, Cheng Yu gave her enough time to think about it, and didn't rush her.And when Wumeng was not talking, she was extraordinarily quiet. Cheng Yu glanced at him, but still focused on Wenger.

"The name Baixiang has been in my heart for 30 years. I never thought that someone would come to her now. I don't know who you are? Why do you want to inquire about her?" Wenger admitted that he was indeed Wenger. He just looked at Cheng Yu being so young, but he didn't know what kind of relationship he had with Bai Xiang.

Cheng Yu said flatly, "She is my mother."

"It's no wonder. The first time I saw you, I thought you and Bai Xiang really looked alike."

Hearing that someone said that he and Bai Xiang looked similar, Cheng Yu couldn't help but frowned, as if he didn't want to admit it.After a while, Wenger raised his wrinkled hands and squeezed the cane, and said hoarsely, "Is your mother still alive?"

"Still alive."

"It's really unexpected. She still has the courage to survive when something like that happened." When Wenger said this, he sighed more, surprised that Baixiang was still alive, and sighed for what happened that year , There is also a hint of disgust and panic in the words.Even though 30 years have passed, this is still a nightmare for her now.

It was rare for Cheng Yu to sit beside him quietly and patiently, waiting for Wenger to give him an answer.

Wenger fell into memories for a long time, and said sadly and guiltily, "Back then, our Wen family and Fei family were sorry for Bai Xiang."

Cheng Yu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why? What did you do to her?"

"It's horrible. No matter how much time has passed, I feel scared when I think about what happened back then." Wenger lowered her head, covering the corners of her mouth in a daze, and her eyes were a little wet. Said bluntly, "Bai Xiang was originally the daughter of our Wen family, and her father is my elder brother, Wen Yuhe."

These words hit Cheng Yu's head like a bolt from the blue. He stared at Wenger in shock and asked in disbelief, "You said my mother is Wen Yuhe's daughter?"

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