Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 770 The Appearance of Rong Bai

The word "cold war" made Ning Nan feel sad. He would rather Xu Su quarrel with him. If it didn't work out, he would just fight. At worst, he would send himself to Xu Su. A beating would be fine. In a few days Another hero.But Xu Su didn't like what he wanted, he was not noisy, and it seemed that his daily life was repeating the appearance of the previous day.

In fact, not only Ma Daha like Ning Nan noticed Xu Su's strangeness, but also Lu Zhengting and Xu Yan.He couldn't figure it out, and finally had no choice but to ask Lu Zhengting for help. He wanted to find Xu Yan at first, but the trick she gave him to deal with Xu Su was not practical at all.

Asking Lu Zhengting for advice is already a bad idea for him.

Ning Nan received Lu Zhengting's advice, but his face turned red. He glared at Lu Zhengting, and cursed in a low voice, "Not serious!"

Xu Yan pulled Lu Zhengting's hand curiously, and whispered in his ear, "What did you tell Ning Nan to make him leave angrily like this?"

"Give him a trick."

"What trick? Make Ning Nan so... downcast, as if he's a little scared." Xu Yan didn't think of an appropriate adjective for a moment, and he was stunned for a long time before finishing a complete sentence.Unexpectedly, Lu Zhengting pursed his lips, smiled faintly, and looked mysterious.

The next day, Ning Nan changed from his gloomy and gloomy appearance a few days ago, and when he appeared in the corridor, he was full of smiles. When he saw Lu Zhengting, he rarely showed a smile. Xu Yan looked at him curiously, and said with a smile, "The sun came out from the west. ?”

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about?" Ning Nan approached Xu Yan with a smile, glanced at Lu Zhengting again, gave him a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "Lu Zhengting, I didn't expect you to be so hurtful at ordinary times. It's still useful."

Needless to say, Xu Su must have been coaxed by Ning Nan's brashness.

How could Xu Su not be seen where Ningnan appeared?No, in less than 10 minutes, Xu Yan and Ning Nan were quarreling happily when they saw Xu Su walking down the stairs in a poignant manner with no expression on his face, and walked directly to Ning Nan, his eyes full of affection again. drown.

Seeing this, Xu Yan couldn't help sticking out his tongue. Looking at Ning Nan, the bastard seemed to be getting more and more embarrassing.

After Xu Su appeared, their painting style changed instantly.

"Yesterday, Mr. Rong sent someone to say that he has received news that Fiennes will start at eleven o'clock tomorrow night."

"He and Fei Lai?" Ning Nan asked suddenly.He didn't understand why Fiennes was making such a fuss, and he didn't understand why he rescued that woman, even though she had saved him and Xu Yan not long ago.

But in his opinion, that woman has always been an undercover agent sent by the other party to them, and their position is hostile from beginning to end. To waste all this energy now is undoubtedly not wasting their manpower, and it is undoubtedly exposing their identities strength.

Xu Su and Lu Zhengting looked at each other, because they were here to help Fiennes, so Mr. Rong would never arrange his own manpower to help Fei's family. His ability to reveal the news was already the maximum limit.Therefore, only a few of them can participate in the next arrangement. Mr. Rong only promised to protect the safety of Xu Yan and Ningnan within his scope.

With this guarantee, Lu Zhengting and Xu Su no longer have any worries.The Cheng family would never go to the Rong family to arrest people.

"It means that you and Xu Su are the only ones going to do tomorrow night?" Xu Yan asked loudly in surprise, she stared at Lu Zhengting intently, put her arms around his arm, and said quickly, "Just the two of you, I'm very worried, why don't we ask Mr. Rong for a hand?"

"Yanyan, you forgot that the Rong family said that they would not intervene in the affairs of the other three families. It is not easy for him to provide us with information." Lu Zhengting gently comforted Xu Yan. Of course he understood Xu Yan's worries, but this There was no time to delay, Fiennes tried to take You Ran away from many killers with his own power, it was like hitting a stone with a pebble.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Yan was so worried.She is unwilling to let Lu Zhengting take the risk, but it is even more impossible for Xu Su to take the risk alone. If she is not bad at it, she can accompany him, but the truth is always cruel, and her skill will only become a burden for them , let alone help.

"Mr. Rong, is there really no room for negotiation?" Xu Yan believes that as long as Mr. Rong agrees to make a move, they have a 70.00% chance of success. "Why don't I tell the old man that he has always liked me? ?"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yan wanted to find Mr. Rong, and when she turned around, she saw the kind butler walking towards them. She looked at him without thinking and said, "Uncle Rong, you can take me to see Mr. Rong." ?"

"Mrs. Lu, the master knows what you are going to do, so he specially asked me to come here to tell you, don't bother, he won't agree."

"Uncle Rong, take me to see the old man first, okay?"

"Mrs. Lu, stay at home and wait for their good news. With the skills of Mr. Lu and Mr. Xu, they won't be as inferior as you think."

Lu Zhengting took Xu Yan's hand and looked at her seriously, "I can rest assured only by staying here."

Xu Yan shook her head. She really wanted to tell Lu Zhengting that she wanted to be by his side, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed silently. She blinked her eyes with tears in her eyes, "Then you must come back safely. , I will wait for you here."

Even though Ning Nan was worried about Xu Su's actions, he didn't show it. Instead, he stared at Xu Su arrogantly, gave various orders, and even said in front of them. A sentence that made Xu Yan burst into tears, "If Fiennes refuses to leave, then you just leave him alone. The most important thing is to get out safely first."

"Keep the green hills, and don't worry about running out of firewood."

Xu Yan smiled and nodded, then suddenly reached out and grabbed Lu Zhengting's collar tightly, pulled him in front of his eyes, and told him, "You must come back safely, if you really can't be rescued, then you must not go to die .”

She knew that when she entered Longtan this time, she was facing professional killers. Even if Lu Zhengting and Xu Su could fight ten against one, they would lose because of the small number of people.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed.

Xu Yan and Ning Nan stood at the door, like two husband-watching stones, staring intently at the two people who were going away and gradually disappearing into the night.After a pause, Xu Yan whispered, "Ningnan, are you really not worried about Xu Su?"

Hearing this, Ning Nan rolled his eyes, "How could I not be worried?!"

Xu Yan suddenly turned around and raised her eyes to look at Ning Nan. She always felt that Ning Nan had been too calm these two days, as if she would really stay here honestly and wait for their return, but in fact, she faintly It feels wrong, Ning Nan is not such an obedient person.

She couldn't think of a reason, so she just stood at the door and watched...

The dark night sky seemed to be illuminated by the neon lights of the city. From a distance, it looked like a planet in the vast universe, emitting dazzling light. The slightly cold wind whizzed past and brushed against Xu Yan's ears. She has been buttoning the edge of the corner of her clothes, sometimes looking at the night sky anxiously, sometimes closing her eyes in worry.

However, as soon as she closed her eyes, the image of Lu Zhengting being injured and bloody involuntarily appeared in her mind.

Forget it, I can't think about it anymore, and I can't scare myself. She is destined to be unable to sleep tonight, and Ningnan must not be able to sleep either. She just went to find Ningnan, and the two of them could have a companion at any rate.

Thinking of this, she left the room, found Ning Nan's room, and knocked on the door lightly a few times, but no one opened the door?Ning Nan won't fall asleep, will he?Could it be that he was so worried about Xu Su?She didn't believe it.After a while, she bent her fingers again and knocked on the door a few times, but there was still no movement.

Could it be... Xu Yan frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the door, and tried to twist it, but it was not locked. Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly opened the door. Where is Ning Nan in this room?She walked up and down the room, but she couldn't find Ning Nan's figure after searching around. A thought flashed in her mind. Could it be that he followed them secretly while they were not paying attention?

Ning Nan, since he planned it long ago, why didn't he tell her?She stood discouraged in the room and attracted the housekeeper. She turned around in dejection, looked at the housekeeper, and said aggrievedly, "They all left me here, and I can't help at all."

The housekeeper looked at Xu Yan kindly, and said calmly, "Madam Lu, they just don't want you to take risks with them."

"I know." But what's the use of knowing?She still couldn't help, and even Ning Nan secretly followed, while she was still belatedly staying here and sighing.She really shouldn't be.

"You are Lu Zhengting's darling, how could he be willing to let you take risks?"

This voice... so familiar!Xu Yan walked out of the room in a daze, only then did she see the person standing behind the butler talking, her eyes widened, she came back to her senses, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"


She asked another stupid question, this is Rong Bai's home, if he doesn't appear here, where should he appear?
Rong Bai glanced at Xu Yan indifferently, then turned and went downstairs blankly, seeing this, Xu Yan followed without thinking, and asked, "Rong Bai, have you been in France all this time?"


"Then do you know that we've been looking for you all this time?" Xu Yan said quickly, he didn't expect that the crowd would search for him thousands of times, but he was by their side.Her question made Rong Bai frowned uncontrollably.

Rong Bai was deeply shocked by Wen Wan's death, and Wen Wan's funeral was settled in the country. He did go to all the places Wen Wan had mentioned to him, and saw the scenery that she had always wanted to see but could not. Before she had time to go, he lived a gentle life during that time.

He didn't return to France until half a month ago.

Xu Yan knew that it was not enough to ask Mr. Rong to help. Seeing Rong Bai at this time, she thought that Rong Bai would be easier to talk to than Mr. Rong, so she couldn't help but said, "Rong Bai, you can arrange people to help them here."

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