The child continued to shake his head, and his bewildered appearance attracted the attention of passers-by, but Fiennes turned a blind eye to it. He grabbed the child's shoulder and exerted force uncontrollably, causing the child to suffer from pain. Suddenly, he let out a loud cry .

Fiennes was dumbfounded.He looked at the child wiping his tears stupidly, what did he do?He didn't make a move, and he didn't threaten, so he could cry.After thinking about it, he let go, looked at the child with cold eyes, and said in a flat tone, "If you don't say it, I'll feed you to the dogs."

As soon as the words fell, the child not only burst into tears, but also trembled, crying, "I don't want to be picked up and fed to the dogs."

Fiennes' complexion changed drastically because the spectators around him regarded him as a human trafficker, and some wanted to call the police. The child cried very sadly. He was not good at coaxing the child. When he got impatient, he stood up and looked at the child condescendingly. The voice was low and intimidating, "If you cry again, I will feed you to the dog right away."

Well, this warning was really useful. The child stopped crying in an instant, but his shoulders were still shaking, and those who tried to call the police felt the fierce aura emanating from Fiennes, and fell silent with the discouraged ball. No sound, only dare to murmur softly.

He took a deep breath, clenched his hands, and could vaguely guess what was in the small black bag, and it was because of this that he wanted to see this person even more.

"Well, as long as you don't cry, I'll buy you candy." Fiennes said this awkwardly, and when he caught a glimpse of the child secretly looking up at him suspiciously, he was taken aback for a moment. , said angrily, "As long as you tell me, I'll buy you whatever you want."

The child smashed his mouth, stretched out his dirty hands, and began to snap his fingers and said, "I want candy, I want to eat, I want to eat meat, I want to wear new clothes, I want to eat ice cream..."

A few black lines appeared on Fiennes' forehead, and he opened his mouth, "I promise you, I will arrange someone to take you. Now tell me, where is that person now?"

"Over there." The child smiled and pointed to the way he came, "That coffee shop where my sister was standing there before."

coffee shop!He was so careless that he didn't notice it. Did she also arrive early?Why don't you show up?Do you have to be so sneaky?
Filled with doubts, Fiennes avoided the child and chased in that direction. When the child saw him running, he followed him without saying a word, and cried out behind him while running, "Brother, You promised to buy me food."


Fiennes ran to the door of the coffee shop, and ran around the surrounding area but failed to find the person he wanted to find. When he turned his head, he saw the child with a runny nose and panting behind him, and immediately stepped forward. Grabbing the child by the collar, he said fiercely, "How dare you lie to me?"

"Wow...don't feed me to the dogs, big brother, I didn't lie to you, I really didn't lie to you." The child waved his hands and stared at Fiennes with wide eyes in horror. Why did his big brother who bought candy turn into this man-eating appearance in a blink of an eye? He was very scared and didn't want to eat any more candy.

"You Ran! I know you're here. If you don't show up, I'll feed this kid to the dogs." Fiennes suddenly said coldly to the air, and everyone passing by him looked at him in horror. Looking at him, and quickly walked away from him, looking at him like looking at a lunatic.

Time stood still for a few seconds. Fiennes stood still, still leading the child in his hand. At this moment, You Ran was hiding less than five meters behind him. She leaned out cautiously, without blinking her eyes. The ground fell on him, her eyes were full of nostalgia and longing, but she dared not go out.

She was worried that Li Xiumin would know.She can sneak out this time, which means that she will not know when the next time will be.If Li Xiumin finds out, I don't know what the consequences will be.

But the child is innocent, suddenly, You Ran suddenly looked away, Fiennes obviously felt a hot gaze staring at him just now, why did it disappear in a moment?He carried the child expressionlessly and slowly walked in another direction, there were still three meters, two meters...

You Ran's heart was suddenly pulled into a ball, she tightly twisted the clothes on her chest with her fingers, and felt that Fiennes' breath was getting closer and closer to her, she couldn't help but want to run away, but she hadn't moved her legs yet, Fiennes who appeared suddenly grabbed her wrist, and her body threw herself into Fiennes' arms uncontrollably.

Familiar smell, familiar person, Fiennes dropped the child in his hand, hugged Yuran tightly, his chin rested on the top of her head, and smelled the familiar smell on her body, as if nothing had changed.

"Fiennes." You Ran hugged him tightly with both hands, wishing to insert herself into his body. This embrace made her think about it day and night, even in her dreams.

She buried her head in front of his chest, and the tears fell out uncontrollably, soaking Fiennes' clothes. It seemed like a century had passed before she said in a muffled voice, "If you didn't see me, did you Don’t you really feed children to dogs?”

"We finally met, so don't talk about these unimportant things."

"Fiennes, I'm not by your side, you seem to be the same again." You Ran left his embrace, raised his hand to gently caress his cheek and his eyebrow.

And there was a bright-eyed child standing beside him. He was looking blankly at the two people who were hugging tightly in front of him, and said softly, "Big brother, you promised to take me to buy candy."

Fiennes directly took out a hundred-dollar bill, and said straightforwardly, "Go buy it yourself, if you don't have enough, call this number." Then he handed Fei Lai's phone to him.

Seeing that the child didn't understand, You Ran squatted down patiently, explained to him softly, and told him carefully before letting him leave.At this moment, there were only the two of them left. Suddenly, it seemed that they had nothing to say, and the atmosphere fell into a strange atmosphere.

When did their relationship become like this?You Ran didn't know what to think of, her heart suddenly brightened, she looked at Fiennes affectionately, and said softly, "She is in France, you are going to France to save her, right?"

Fiennes couldn't help being taken aback by You Ran's words. He was taken aback for a moment, then quickly covered up the surprise in his eyes, and said, "You Ran, it's more or less because of me that she became like this, I can't let her..."

You Ran pursed her lips, turned her back to Fiennes, smiled slightly, and interrupted him, "I know, you never want a woman to suffer because of you, so you think that everything she suffers is because of you, you To save her, I understand."

But...youran's words didn't speak, and what people think is not as perfect as he thinks, Fiennes is always unwilling to hurt the people around him, but he doesn't know that the people around him have a thousand threads with him Innumerable relationships, staying out of the matter, probably none of them can do it.

As gentle as she is, so is she, even that woman.

Probably all the women who fell in love with him were like this.

You Ran smiled, turned to look at him again, pondered for a moment, and said, "I know she's in France because I got the news from Li Xiumin, I just guessed that you wouldn't just stand by, actually, I thought as long as If I hand that thing over to you, you will temporarily dispel this idea, but now it seems that it is useless."

"Ran Ran."

"You don't need to explain to me, just go, I will always support you, but I also hope that you will come back safely, okay?" You Ran held Fiennes' hand, "I know I can't stop you, But have you ever thought about whether this is their conspiracy?"

You Ran wanted to say this before, but she didn't have any evidence. She was found out just after hearing something that day. After that, Li Xiumin seldom talked about these things at home, and Cheng Yu didn't even show up at home. She had no way of inquiring about the news.

Fiennes replied firmly, "Even if it's a conspiracy, I will get her out."

You Ran nodded and didn't say another word. She didn't know what else she could say to stop Fiennes. That woman betrayed Cheng Yu because of Fiennes, and even gave her life for him. What qualifications did she have to stop him? He went to save her?You Ran lowered her head, the only thing she could do was to do her best to help Fiennes.

"I'm leaving. If Li Xiumin finds out that I'm missing, I'll be in trouble." You Ran said in a low voice, but Fiennes held her hand behind his back, kissed her on his lips, with a look of shame on his face.



The two spoke at the same time, and couldn't help smiling as soon as they finished speaking. They both understood what was in each other's mind, and You Ran knew that she couldn't stay here anymore. She looked at Fiennes reluctantly. , broke free from his hand, turned around and ran into the crowd, disappearing into the vast crowd.

Fiennes suddenly clutched his chest, his heart twitched inexplicably, as if he would lose something precious.

He looked back silently, turned and walked to the other side, he said sorry to You Ran countless times in his heart, saving her is what must be done.

He was driving alone on the city road, the traffic was busy, and the endless stream of images came into his mind. He was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and the other hand was holding the pendant that You Ran gave him, without even blinking an eye.

This is the key kept by the Fei family.Fiennes returned home casually, and Chad was taken aback when he saw a child with pink makeup sitting on the sofa. At this moment, Fei Lai came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, holding a steaming Seeing the young master coming back, he quickly asked, "Master, do you want to eat?"

"No." Fiennes glanced at the child again and asked, "Who is this child?"

"Master, this is the child you told me just now." Fei Lai also wondered why their young master suddenly gave him a child to take care of.

The child smiled when he saw Fiennes, and couldn't help but jumped off the sofa and rushed to him, hugged his thigh, and said with a smile, "Big brother, where's sister?"

Fiennes' eyes changed, and Fei Lai rushed forward quickly, picked up the child and put it on the sofa, and asked in a deep voice, "Master, have you gone to see your wife?"

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