Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 762 Do You Believe This Chapter?

"Are you awake?" Li Xiumin stayed by You Ran's side, and only when he saw her wake up with his own eyes would his hanging heart drop.His tone was as gentle as water, he was no longer furious as before, and the way he looked at her was very gentle.

You Ran blinked, and calmly turned his head away from him, even if he saw the regret in his eyes, so what, their relationship and situation would not change.Her and Li Xiumin's positions are opposite, and her heart will always be on Fiennes.

However, Li Xiumin still couldn't see Youran's heart clearly, maybe even if he could, he chose to turn a blind eye.

"Can you leave? I want to be quiet." Is this voice my own?You Ran couldn't believe it, the voice was extremely hoarse, like a man's voice, slightly deep, her throat was very uncomfortable, and she coughed lightly, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Li Xiumin must have hurt her throat when he grabbed her neck earlier.

You Ran turned her back to him, and that fiery gaze stared straight at her. She couldn't ignore him as naturally as he did. She closed her eyes tightly, pursed her dry lips, and asked in a low voice, " I don't even have the right to be quiet now?"

"You Ran, as long as you stay by my side obediently, I can give you whatever you want."

"You go."

Li Xiumin is very extreme in his behavior and actions, especially when it comes to You Ran.Seeing that Youran didn't want to see him, he still stubbornly sat by the bed, quietly staring at the back of her head in thought.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Xiumin heard the sound of gentle breathing, he was surprised, then got up and walked out of the room slowly.

There are far more things to do next than he imagined, and the time he wants to be with her will become very little.When Li Xiumin leaves, he leaves early and returns late. The only thing that remains the same is that he will visit Youran before going out, and will visit her in his room after he returns at night.

Youran's situation is worrisome.And Fiennes was also very worried about Qi Ruyan's matter.

Of course, Fiennes paid a visit yesterday to ensure the safety of his mother.Mr. Qian met him very generously, and the two of them were at war with each other, and in the end, Fiennes did not meet Qi Ruyan as he wished.

There is only one request from the Qian family, and that is the Fei family's necklace.

As long as Fiennes can take it out, then Qi Ruyan can come back safely, if not, then Fiennes will never expect to see his mother again in this life.

Ning Xi was probably unlucky, every time he hit the muzzle of a gun, Fiennes went to Qianjia to be stimulated, and Ning Xi ran up to him eloquently, and didn't know what to say. Enraged him, the two fought, while Fei Lai was on the sidelines, pondering whether he should step forward to fight, or help the young master, two against one?

In the former, the result of his going to fight is that the young master and Ning Sanshou will confront him, and then he will become a living sandbag. In the latter, the young master will definitely not want others to join, so even if he wins Ning San If it is less, it will appear that the victory is invincible, and he will still be the one who will be injured.

Based on the above, Fei Lai nodded silently, and he was still watching the battle.

Just when the two of them were fighting so hard, you punching me, Lu Zhengting slowly got out of the car with Xu Yan, Lu Zhengting's face was paralyzed, it was impossible to find the ups and downs of expression on his face, only Xu Yan Staring dumbfounded at the entangled two people, standing beside Fei Lai, touched him, and asked suspiciously, "What are they doing this for?"

Fei Lai thought for a while, and because Lu Zhengting was watching, he noticed that Xu Yan was a little closer to him, so he moved to the side without thinking, then lowered his voice, and said the matter again.

Upon hearing this, Xu Yan glared at Ning Xi who was suddenly suppressed by Fiennes, and said two words angrily, "It deserves it."

Hearing this, Ning Xi looked at Xu Yan abruptly, and shouted that he was wronged, "Sister-in-law, I just said a word, who would have thought his reaction would be so big."

"You know that Fiennes is very taboo, but you want to hit the gun, so what are you asking for your own death? Hey, I said you, should you stop? This is enough, it's time to calm down Bar."

They didn't even listen to her words. She put her hands on her waist, glanced back at Lu Zhengting, and ordered domineeringly, "Zhengting, go and separate them."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Zhengting smiled instantly, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Xu Yan.The deep eyes are filled with tenderness and a slight smile, Xu Yan is the only person who dares to order him to do things so openly and can make him do it willingly.

Xu Yan sensed that something was wrong, she quickly put down the hand on her waist, stretched her brows, raised a flowery smile and looked at Lu Zhengting brightly, not only that, she also took his arm, smiling and dangling With his arm, he said coquettishly, "Zhengting, are you really not going to stop them? There is no one else who can stop the two of them here except you."

She was saying that Lu Zhengting was the most skilled among those present, Fei Lai lowered his head silently, without saying a word.

Xu Yan smiled sweetly again, "Go, go, if you don't stop them, I don't know when the fight will end."

When Xu Yan softly called him Zhengting, Lu Zhengting's whole heart was broken. How could he let his Xiaojiao and his wife down?Not to mention, just now she boasted that she was better than both of them.

Although she was proud in her heart, on the surface, she was still calm and composed. If Xu Yan hadn't caught the smug flash in his eyes, she would have almost believed that he wasn't secretly having fun.

After a while, Lu Zhengting saw that the time was almost up, so he rushed in briskly and joined the fight between the two with lightning speed, while Ningnan and Xu Suchad, who came casually for a walk, were also surprised when they saw this scene.

Ning Nan has always been watching the fun without thinking it's a big deal. When he saw that Ning Xi was also involved, he found the best place to watch the battle, smashed his mouth, and said loudly to Ning Xi, "Sir, how can you Use this trick? Hey, I said that you are the third young master of the Ning family, and you are actually at a disadvantage. If the eldest brother is here, you will definitely be thrown into the army for retraining..."

"Look, if you lose, won't it embarrass our Ning family?" Ning Nan immediately clapped his hands and applauded when he saw that Ning Xi fought back vigorously and hit Fiennes with a punch in the chest impartially.

Seeing this, Xu Yan looked at Xu Su wanting to cry without tears, but Xu Su's eyes looking at Ningnan were very doting, so she couldn't expect Xu Su to take care of Ningnan, he shouldn't do it just for Ningnan to see Just join the battle as much as you like, and it will really be a one-pot at that time.

"Ning Nan, can you just shut up?" Ning Xi took a breath, without even looking at him, and said loudly, these bastards made him dizzy.If he hadn't moved so fast just now, Fiennes would have kicked his leg with that kick.

"You are the third child, no matter how old you are, how dare you talk to your second brother like that." Ning Nan laughed.

As a bystander, Xu Yan thought that she couldn't watch it any longer, so she directly grabbed Ning Nan and said angrily, "Second Ning, you have to correct your habit of watching the excitement!"

"Hahaha, isn't it because of Lu Zhengting?" With Xu Su by his side, Ning Nan was supercilious, and was not afraid of the others at all. Anyway, Xu Su was behind everything.

How could Lu Zhengting make Ning Nan really enjoy watching it so much? He hadn't become serious before. Now that Ning Nan and these bastards were here, he would just fight quickly and stop them as soon as possible.

As it turned out, it was obvious that Fiennes and Ning Xi couldn't stand Ning Nan's supercilious look, and before Lu Zhengting could stop them, both of them stopped at the same time, and then the three of them all set their eyes on Ning Nan.

At this time, Ning Nan was not afraid at all. He walked up to Xu Su and stood beside Xu Su calmly, like a well-behaved and docile Persian cat. In front of Ning Nan, as long as Ren Jun is happy.

Xu Yan gave Ning Nan a hard look, stood beside Lu Zhengting, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Lu Zhengting hummed in a low voice, and Ning Xi answered angrily, "What can he do? He's making mud inside."

On the other hand, it was obvious that their situation was more severe. Fiennes had small bruises on the corners of his mouth and eyes, while Ning Xi was really miserable. Not to mention the bruises on the corners of both of his eyes. The corners of her mouth were scratched, and her cheeks were slightly red.

He couldn't look directly at his handsome face being treated as a sandbag by Fiennes, and was about to make another move, but Fiennes turned around and left without even looking at him.Yes, just leave, without a cloud, clean and tidy.

Ning Xi pointed at his leaving back angrily, and growled, "Didn't it be agreed that you won't slap your face when you fight!"

Lu Zhengting put his arms around Xu Yan, glanced at him with proof, and said calmly, "You also believe this?"

Xu Su remained silent and didn't make any comments. Ning Nan talked a lot. He walked over and put his arms around Ning Xi's shoulders, and said gloatingly, "Such a wonderful thing, I must share it with you, third child, come on, the two of us Take a photo together... I don't seem to understand the photo, why don't you come over and let's take a video and I'll send it to them."

"Get out!" Before Ning Xi finished speaking, his fists were already striking. Xu Su was standing on the other side, but he observed Ning Nan's situation anytime and anywhere, knowing that Ning Nan's skills were only average. Suddenly, he appeared beside Ning Nan, grabbed Ning Xi's hand, and pulled Ning Nan behind him.

Ning Xi was dumbfounded, Xu Su didn't make a move easily, and would frighten others as soon as he made a move.

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke, really can't afford to provoke, at this moment, he misses Zhan Meng terribly, because Zhan Meng's toughness has made men like them retreat.

Rubbing his cheeks, he took the lead and walked in front. The second child always liked to taunt, but after having Xu Su, he just twitched every day, and after causing trouble, Xu Su would consciously clean up the mess for him.

In Xu Su's eyes, there is absolutely no other person except Ning Nan. As long as there is Ning Nan, his eyes are extremely doting and gentle.

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