Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 760 The Person Without Weaknesses

Cheng Yu's unfeeling towards women was never just talking about it. Before this woman's incident happened, no one had ever seen him be gentle towards any woman.The servants and bodyguards at home have long been familiar with the strangeness, and after he issued the order, they strictly carried out it.

This video was shown by Ning Xi to Xu Yan. Under the high-definition video, Xu Yan hadn't seen Cheng Yu's almost perfect figure before he was blindfolded by Lu Zhengting, and a piercing voice sounded beside his ear, " Nothing to see."

Xu Yan blinked, not quite understanding Lu Zhengting's words, so he asked, "Why are you covering my eyes?"

"You don't need to watch these pictures." As soon as the words finished, Lu Zhengting glanced coldly at Ning Xi, and saw that Ning Xi turned off the video dumbfounded, and then agreed, "Yes, little sister-in-law, you didn't mind watching these pictures. Why don't you go and take a rest?"

Zhan Meng was originally on vacation, but was on a business trip after receiving a temporary assignment.Ning Xi really wanted to follow, but there was no way.And Xu Yan seemed a bit boring at home alone, probably only in such a matter, Lu Zhengting would let Xu Yan leave temporarily.

"What are you doing? I've seen everything, so there's nothing to cover up." Xu Yan stretched out his hand and opened Lu Zhengting's fingers, and said angrily, "Besides, I'm watching in a civilized way, so don't even think about it. Dirty, okay?"

"Dirty?" Ning Xi's expression was slightly ferocious, as if he was aggrieved. He didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but Lu Zhengting didn't want to accept it.

Of course, he only dared to think about these words in his heart and think in another way. If the person standing here was Zhan Meng, he probably wouldn't allow Zhan Meng to see these ugly pictures.

After Xu Yan said something to Lu Zhengting, his face was not very good. He took Xu Yan's hand and said lightly, "I'll be here first today." Since Xu Yan is unwilling to leave, then he will go with him. That's fine. .

"I don't think you two have thought about my feelings at all." Ning Xi said quietly, he has been eating dog food all the time, that's fine, but what do you mean by coming here beforehand today?It's been less than half an hour since they started, so it's about to end?
Isn't this a joke?
Lu Zhengting strongly demanded to leave, but he couldn't resist Xu Yan's insistence on staying. After a long stalemate, he continued according to Xu Yan's intention.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes at Lu Zhengting speechlessly, and then clicked on the video again.Xu Yan stared intently at the woman who was ruthlessly thrown at the door, and said with some injustice, "This Cheng Yu regards women as playthings, and is a fighter among scumbags."

Lu Zhengting and Ning Xi looked at each other, and then both looked away. Fortunately, they were not very keen on women's affairs, so they didn't leave much romantic debt outside, but they forgot the most important one The woman, Keya Ru.

This woman is amazing. Not only is she involved with Lu Zhengting, she even has an inexplicable first love relationship with Ning Xi.

Xu Yan didn't know what he was thinking of, so he slapped the table with a crisp sound, Ning Xi immediately raised his eyes to look at Lu Zhengting in fright, and the latter looked at Xu Yan calmly as he had experienced many battles. He said calmly, "Looking at these pictures makes me feel dirty."

Xu Yan smiled, "Hehe, I thought you would think this woman is really pitiful."

"Sister-in-law, isn't this what you think?" Ning Xi poured another fire.

"Hmph, I'm looking at women, and seeing a woman humiliate me like this, of course I feel sorry for you, but you men are different. Isn't it that I feel pity for such a scene? Can't wait to lend a helping hand?"

Ning Xi roared, "I'm wronged, little sister-in-law, I definitely don't think so in my heart, you must never tell Mengmeng like this, you also know Mengmeng's temperament, if she knows, she will definitely strip me."

Xu Yan snorted coldly, "I didn't mention you, I just took my seat blindly when I heard it." After she said this, she walked out of the study in a state of dismay, not even paying attention to Lu Zhengting. She saw this woman and didn't know why Keyaru would come to mind.

Lu Zhengting quickly followed, took Xu Yan's hand, and asked inexplicably, "Yan Yan, did that picture make you sick?"

"Hey, well, why do you think a woman has to do such a self-defeating thing? A man like Cheng Yu looks like an uncontrollable wild horse at first glance. He only loves weeds, but he doesn't know how to love wild flowers." Xu After thinking about it, she felt that she was meddling in other people's business. She raised her head to look at him, and sighed faintly, "Hey, I miss my son. Go discuss it with Ning Xi."

The subtext, she was going to call her son.

They don't know how long they will stay in Beicheng yet, but they have been in Beicheng for such a long time, and they haven't seen their son or daughter call to say hello, Xu Yan felt quite uncomfortable thinking about this.

She dropped Lu Zhengting and went to the living room.Picking up the phone, he called his eldest son Lu Yihan who was far away in Jiangcheng.

Lu Yihan was sitting in the office, and when Chad received Xu Yan's call, he couldn't restrain his excitement, and even spoke with a hint of joy in his tone, "Mum, you finally remembered to call your son. "

"Hey, Yihan, you can also call Mommy."

Lu Yihan really wanted to say, come on, the night before they left Jiangcheng, Lu Zhengting specifically warned them not to call Xu Yan if they had nothing important to do, disturb her rest, and disturb their honeymoon.

That's right, from Lu Zhengting's point of view, as long as there are no sons, it's a two-person world between him and Xu Yan.

"It's nothing. The company has a lot of things to do during this time, so it's very busy."

"Is everything okay at home?" Xu Yan asked.

Lu Yihan waved at the secretary, who consciously postponed the meeting for half an hour, and then left the office silently.He held the phone, thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Mum, don't worry about the family, Xiong Xiong and Xiaomei are fine."

"Haven't the two of them ever thought of calling me?" Xu Yan asked aggrievedly, seeing that Lu Yihan was silent, she said again, "If my father and I are not here, the sky will be turned upside down for you two."

The corner of Lu Yihan's mouth twitched. He had heard these words from Xu Yan when he was a child, but he didn't expect to hear them from Xu Yan again after so many years. How long will you stay in Beicheng?"

"I don't know for the time being. Things here are a bit complicated." Xu Yan didn't elaborate, firstly because she didn't have a thorough understanding of the matter, and secondly because she didn't want to bring danger to the children at home.While the two were chatting, she finally urged, "Yihan, you are the eldest in the family, and the responsibility of taking care of your younger siblings falls on you. During this time, you should work harder..."

"Mum, you don't need to tell me, I will take good care of my younger siblings."

Xu Yan was most relieved to leave the matter to Yihan.She chatted about other things, then quietly hung up the phone, hey, she really wanted to appear in front of her now, Xiong Xiong was the person who looked the most like Lu Zhengting, it was simply carved out of the same mold.

But Xiong Xiong is cuter than Lu Zhengting, because she can be rounded and flattened by her.

"Master, we are under surveillance."

Cheng Yu had just changed into clean clothes and came down from the second floor when he heard the unpleasant news. The smile on his face disappeared, and he couldn't help frowning. He didn't know what to think, and then he relaxed his brows and said lightly, "nothing."

"Master, are you not worried that they will know our whereabouts?"

"If you want to know my whereabouts, you have to see if they have the ability." Cheng Yu uttered nonsense, causing the eyes of the people behind him to stare at him adoringly.There is no doubt that his innate kingly aura is evident, and those around him are full of admiration for him.

Cheng Yu enjoyed it very much, but he didn't care too much.

He straightened his clothes, paused for a few seconds, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a smirk in his narrow eyes, "It's time for us to meet Young Master Li."

When Wumei was still in China, Wumei usually contacted Li Xiumin. He rarely came forward, but with Wumei's current situation, he had to do it by himself.He doesn't like Li Xiumin, or in other words, he doesn't like all people who are trapped in love, no matter men or women.

But such a person is also the best person to use for him.

Once a person has feelings, it means that he has weaknesses.A strong man does not allow weakness.

Cheng Yu is such a person, he will not allow the word failure to appear in his life dictionary.What he wants is to take everything into his own hands.He enjoys the process, as well as the successful outcome.

No one questioned his words, and the housekeeper made arrangements for him to travel in less than 5 minutes.

As soon as Cheng Yu walked to the entrance of the villa, he saw a car parked outside. This was one of his favorite cars. After he got into the car with a smile, he directly ordered the driver to drive.

Li's villa.

Li Xiumin originally drove back at the company as soon as he received the news that Cheng Yu was coming home.When he rushed back, he happened to see Cheng Yu and You Ran in the back garden, sitting side by side under the umbrella. He was standing a little far away and couldn't hear what they were talking about. Immediately, he walked forward without thinking.

Cheng Yu didn't even turn his head, and said with a smile, "Young Master Li came back so soon, it's really beyond my expectation. Could it be that he was worried that I would harm your wife?" He couldn't help raising his eyes and glanced coldly.

"I believe Cheng Yu won't lay hands on a woman. I don't know what Cheng Shao came to find me in person?"

"Well, I just feel like I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to see you. In my opinion, should we catch up here, or go to the study to catch up?"

"Study." Li Xiumin said without hesitation.

You Ran glanced at Li Xiumin again, she lowered her head to make a false impression that she was a little scared, carefully placed her hands by her sides, and pulled at the corners of her clothes.Seeing this, Li Xiumin looked away calmly, and said coldly to the servant who took care of Youran, "Why don't you hurry up and help Madam go back to the room to rest?"

Cheng Yu smiled hehe, You Ran stood up slowly, let the servants help him turn around and walk into the living room.Li Xiumin looked back at Cheng Yu who was smiling, and said flatly, "Please."

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