All the information in Li Xiumin's hands was obtained from Youran, but he didn't come forward to participate, but only half-disclosed the information to alert the government's attention.The project that had already started was stopped at this time.

Both the Hongren Group and the Fei Group have invested a lot of money in this. Now that they are suddenly stopped, the money will naturally be wasted. If it is handled well, the loss may be reduced.

When Fiennes came here today, he originally wanted to find a place of peace, but he never thought that Ning Xi would call him.

"Are you going to leave again after staying here for less than half an hour?" You Ran looked at Fiennes and asked calmly, with a hint of retention in his words.

Fiennes slowly raised his head to look at Yuran, trying to find other expressions on her face, but unfortunately, he didn't find the answer he wanted at all, but the reluctance in Yuran's eyes made him feel a little bit reluctant taste.

Time seemed to be standing still at this moment, and Fiennes sat on the sofa with a blank expression, staring at Youran intently, and she seemed surprised that she said such words to keep him again, and she belatedly Covering his mouth, he whispered, "It seems that I said something wrong again."

He wanted to leave suddenly, presumably there were other matters that he needed to deal with, but she kept him at this time, which seemed very ignorant to her.I don't know how long it took, You Ran sneered, pretending to be nonchalant and said, "Just go if you have something to do."

Anyway, she was used to living alone in this house.Whether he stayed or not was nothing but an uncertain matter.And she also gradually discovered that she seemed to be getting deeper and deeper in her feelings for Fiennes.

More than once, she dreamed of Fiennes in her sleep. In the dream, he was very gentle, looking at her with tenderness in his eyes, as if she was the treasure in his life, the woman he loved the most.

This feeling of being loved by him made her sleep in a dream, unwilling to wake up for a long time.

However, every time she wakes up and sees no one in this huge house, she will feel extremely lonely and uncomfortable, as if abandoned by the whole world, empty and quiet, except for the sound of her own breathing. No other voice was heard.

Sometimes, she even wondered if she was deaf.

"You come with me." Fiennes was silent for a long time, then said this sentence suddenly.

Hearing this, Youran raised his head in surprise, and looked at Fiennes in disbelief. The words just now came from his mouth. Did he want to go out with him by himself?

"Are you really willing to take me out?" You Ran asked a little cautiously, as if he was still worried that what Fiennes said was just a simple talk, and if he really wanted him to take him out, it would still be very unrealistic.

Thinking about it, it's also human nature for her to be suspicious of his attitude towards her being hot and cold, far and near.

"I'll give you 10 minutes." As soon as the words fell, there were footsteps.

You Ran didn't dare to delay, rushed to the room quickly, took the time to change clothes, then hurried down to see Fiennes still standing at the door, and was relieved, it turned out that he was still waiting for her, and she was really afraid of Fiennes Will leave, what I said just now was just talking.

Finally walked out of the villa.This feeling of breathing fresh air was so good, it made all the pores of her body relax.The main reason why she was in such a good mood was that Fiennes was willing to take her out.

"Where are we going now?"

Fiennes was driving, and when he heard her words, he answered calmly, "Ning's Group."

You Ran opened her eyes wide, and said with some trepidation, "Can you take me to the Ning Group?" She was not pleasing in their eyes, and she knew what role she played in their eyes.

Fiennes didn't say a word, but concentrated on driving, You Ran was making fun of himself, if he really cared about these things, he wouldn't decide to take her there, thinking of this, she leaned on the back of the chair, tilted He turned his head and looked at the scenery flashing by outside the car window.

These majestic buildings, bustling streets, and endless traffic are all pictures she is familiar with.Not knowing what came to mind, she suddenly asked in a low voice, "Fience, why? Why did you take me out?"

She seemed to have forgotten that Fiennes would never answer her nonsense questions, but as expected, he still didn't say a word and didn't answer.

Seeing that it was a red light, the car stopped slowly.

You Ran rolled down half of the car window, leaned on it with her head propped up, and stared intently at the people walking outside. Suddenly, she seemed to see someone.At this time, the person seemed to have noticed something, and immediately turned around to look over, her face changed slightly, and she quickly closed the car window.

"What are you doing?" Fiennes' cold voice suddenly sounded, and You Ran seemed taken aback, and quickly said with a sneer, "No, it's nothing."

Seeing this, he was a little skeptical, but seeing that she seemed to be back to normal again, and just changed to a green light, he didn't ask any more questions, but drove away directly.

You Ran's face was heavy, the person she saw just now seemed to be You Ran, but beside her, there seemed to be no figure of Li Xiumin.When her eyes looked over, she seemed to be looking over.

It was at that time that she rolled up the car window reflexively, she was afraid.What is she afraid of?Was he worried that Fiennes would ignore him when he saw her?

She didn't dare to think about the purpose of her actions just now.

"Get out of the car." Fiennes ordered.

You Ran was stunned for a moment, and casually unbuckled his seat belt, only to see that Fiennes had already got out of the car.

He walked in front, and You Ran followed absently.He took himself directly into the president's special elevator, and went straight to Ning Bei's office.The assistant seemed to know that they would come, and waited at the elevator door earlier.

You Ran walked behind, and when Fiennes appeared at the door of the office, she had already heard someone yelling curses inside, her heart tightened, and she stared at Fiennes' back with complicated emotions.

The scene she saw in the car just now kept replaying in her mind.You Ran was walking on the sidewalk alone, with no one around her, and she looked very depressed. She had a very bad premonition.But I can't find the right words to describe it.

"Fience, you bastard!" Ning Xi yelled at him.

Hearing this, Fiennes raised his head slightly, glanced at Ning Xi, and said indifferently, "En?"

"Fuck! Because of you, I was tricked by Cheng Yu. This is simply my great shame." Ning Xi saw You Ran walking in behind him as soon as he finished speaking, and said in surprise, "Why did You Ran follow him?" coming?"

Before You Ran could answer, she heard Ning Xi say slowly, "Sorry, I got the wrong person. Fiennes, why did you bring her here?"

Hearing these words, the smile on You Ran's face froze for an instant. She lowered her head silently and looked at the road under her feet. She knew that her appearance here would definitely cause some trouble.

She thought that Fiennes would just ignore it, or follow Ning Xi's words, but he actually said with a cold face, "She is mine."

"So?" Ning Xi asked without thinking.

Ning Bei rubbed his temples with a headache. The two easily quarreled when they met, probably because they were born with a disagreement.He coughed heavily, and then said, "Stop making troubles over such silly things, don't you realize that we have been teased by Cheng Yu all the time?"

Ning Bei's words caught the attention of both of them, and they finally paused on You Ran's question.

However, Ning Xi was a very talkative person. Just as he calmed down, he coldly glanced at You Ran next to him, and said again, "You said we were talking, and you brought her with you, are you telling me , do you trust her?"

You Ran looked at Fiennes silently. On the way here, she also wanted to ask this question, did he really believe in himself and brought her here, or did he want to take this opportunity to test himself?
She was waiting for Fiennes' answer, which could only prove that the result was just a disappointing one.Because Fiennes didn't want to answer at all.

The air froze again, filled with embarrassment.You Ran suddenly wanted to stand up and say, otherwise, I'd better go.But before she could speak, Fiennes hummed lightly.

Is this an admission that he believes in himself?
"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you. I think you're probably going to fall into the hands of a woman again. Don't make any trouble for me by then." Ning Xi said angrily, and then sat on the side with her arms folded. chest. Without even looking at the two of them.

Because of the amusement park, he is still angry and has nowhere to vent.

You Ran was shocked. In order not to embarrass Fiennes, she whispered, "Fience, I'll wait for you outside." After saying this, she walked out of the office directly.

Fiennes didn't stop her, so she seemed to feel better in her heart.She also doesn't walk around in the company at will, and Ning Bei's assistant followed her the whole time. She was a little bored, so she sat in a daze.

She was thinking, should she tell Fiennes what she saw just now, if he knew, he would definitely go to Yuran, what about herself?She was irritable and uncomfortable.

In the office, Ning Xi still looked at Fiennes with dissatisfaction, and said again after a few seconds of silence, "Fience, what have you been playing up to now?"

Take a dangerous woman with you, or a person whose origin is unknown.It is precisely because this Youran's background is so clean that no trace of flaws can be found, which makes them more suspicious. It is such a person, but Fiennes shows a strong interest in her.

Ning Xi knew what Fiennes was going to say, so she spoke first, "You have your own arrangements for her, don't keep saying that, even if she looks exactly like You Ran, she can't hide that she is a substitute fact."

"If you can't let go of Yuran, why don't you take her back?"

"This is not the topic of today's discussion. You still need to think about how to understand what Cheng Yu is going to do next." Fiennes said coldly, unable to understand Cheng Yu's thoughts, or if they could not know in advance what Cheng Yu would do next. Whatever you want to do here, it will happen again.

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