Really tired, really tired.

In the face of such a servant, she was still cautiously on guard so that she would not play tricks on herself secretly. Women are not ordinary creatures. She is also a woman herself, and sometimes she can't see what a woman is thinking in her heart.

This is probably the problem of a century.

You Ran will stay in the room, and since ten o'clock in the evening, he has been unable to sleep because of the deafening thunder and blinding lightning outside.She lay on the bed tossing and turning, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

Suddenly, she remembered.She also seems to be particularly afraid of rainy nights with thunder and lightning.The person Fiennes is thinking about now is not himself, but another Yuran.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing at herself, what was she expecting in her heart?It seemed that he really wanted Fiennes to appear here.

She turned over and sat up, hugged her knees with both hands, and leaned against the head of the bed. Just as she was meditating, the anklet on her ankle suddenly lit up like last time, like a twinkling star.She thought for a while, then reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table, as expected, it was Wumei who was looking for her.

She stared at the phone in a daze, and was a little dazed looking at the message from Wumei for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, the message seemed to have been deleted.She touched the phone again, and it was gone.

That message just disappeared before her eyes without even a trace.

Then there was another message, which You Ran opened suspiciously, and it happened to be connected to the screen on the other side, and the person who appeared in the screen was Fiennes, who was eating with her just now.

This the home of Li Xiumin and You Ran.Fiennes was sitting in the car at this moment, her eyes were full of loneliness, her heart suddenly felt sad, and she twitched violently for a moment.

When she didn't see it, she seemed to be able to deceive herself, thinking that he was busy with other things, but when she saw Fiennes waiting there with such a lonely expression, she could no longer deceive herself.

She squeezed the phone tightly, and asked the person on the other end of the phone, "Can I change someone?"

"No." This was Wu Mei's answer to her.

In fact, she knew it was impossible without asking.Wasn't it because of my face that Wumei chose me back then?There was a time when she would hate this face and this name so much.

She threw the phone aside, and only said in her heart, "I hope I can end the task soon and finish these things."

But at this moment, Wumei stared at the previous message on the phone with a gloomy expression.She said to change!Which means she has other feelings for Fiennes.

Cheng Yu sat next to him, with a half-smile, "That guy Fiennes is always easy to fascinate women."

In the words, I don't know whether it was sarcasm or praise, but the expression that was always sleepless became more and more sinister. The wine glass in his hand was suddenly placed on the table, and the wine spilled out, almost touching Cheng Yu's body.

"Why are you so angry?" Cheng Yu said jokingly, "Don't tell me, this woman has special meaning to you."

Hearing this, Wumei's cold eyes swept over, and the previous smile suddenly disappeared. Cheng Yu pursed the corners of his mouth disapprovingly, and heard him say lightly, "Did I hit the mark?"

Wumei stood up blankly and left upset.Cheng Yu stared intently at his leaving back, and suddenly said loudly, "Don't neglect to investigate the treasure." As soon as the words fell, he couldn't help but laugh first.

He looked at the red wine spilled on the table, what a waste.

The violent storm, lightning and thunder blasted the dark night sky, black and white intersected, the dark clouds were gradually cut apart, and the moon was still not visible.In November, Beicheng is always flooded with rain, and there is a chance of rain every few days, but lightning and thunder are not always accompanied.

In the first second of lightning, Li Xiumin finished his work, walked out of the study and came to the room.The child did not follow them, but was in another room, under the care of a full-time nanny.

When he came in, he happened to see Yuran coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel, and his hair was still dripping wet. He stood at the door for a moment, he had seen this scene many times, so Yuran was used to it, and he was very calm walked up and down in front of him.

Smelling a fragrance, Li Xiumin involuntarily grabbed Youran's hand, and seeing that there was still lightning outside, he said in a deep voice, "Blow dry your hair."

You Ran took a cold look, broke free from his grasp, turned around, picked up the hair dryer and sat in front of the dressing table, drying his hair with his back to Li Xiumin.The deafening thunder outside the window was like a jackhammer, hitting her heart heavily, making her terrified.

Gentle and strong arms suddenly came from behind to the front, hugged her, and pulled her into his embrace.You Ran froze for a moment as she held the hair dryer, and the smell of Li Xiumin filled her surroundings, and she couldn't help frowning.

At some point, the hands on her lower abdomen were slowly moving upwards, and they were about to touch her chest. Youran stood up in shock, and Li Xiumin was caught off guard. He staggered, almost fell to the ground.

She put down the hair dryer, glared at Li Xiumin angrily, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just doing what a normal couple should do."

"Are you and I a normal couple?" You Ran asked back abruptly, only to see Li Xiumin's face changed slightly, and a sternness flashed in his eyes.

Every time, she could successfully stir up Li Xiumin's anger, and then shook her hand, not caring about anything.No matter what the reason was, it seemed that she could be sure that Li Xiumin would not do anything to her.

Li Xiumin withdrew his frustrated hands, put them on both sides, stared at Youran coldly, snorted suddenly, and said, "Don't expect Fiennes to be here now, the woman next to him suffered a lot because of him." Two knives, he will only stay by that woman's side now."

"What did you say? What do you mean she was stabbed twice for Fiennes?" You Ran suddenly grabbed Li Xiumin's neck and asked loudly.

"Only Fiennes knows about this." Li Xiumin grabbed her hand with his backhand, pulled her into his arms again, took a deep breath, and said in a cold tone that made her feel scared, "Fience is really There are women."

A gentle look suddenly appeared in her mind, she raised her hand and waved towards Li Xiumin's cheek without thinking, while he turned sideways and held her wrist with the other hand, "You Ran, enough is enough , my patience with you will not always be as it is now."

"I really want to hurry up to the day when you lose patience with me." You Ran said without thinking, such days are too tormenting, she never worries about her plight, but sinks into the life of worrying about Fiennes.

Li Xiumin suddenly raised his hand and slapped You Ran on the face, "You should never think about this day! Even if I lose patience with you, I will keep you by my side and torture you slowly."

As soon as the words fell, someone knocked on the door suddenly, Li Xiumin opened the door expressionlessly, and then slammed the door with a livid face.He came to Youran again, grabbed her neck with one hand and came to the balcony.

The originally closed window was suddenly opened by Li Xiumin, most of her body was hanging outside the window, the pouring rain fell on her face, at this moment, Li Xiumin's body suddenly bent down and kissed her.

Mixed with the dripping rain, the more she struggled, the more violent Li Xiumin became. Half of the bath towel on her body had been torn off by him, and the cold wind blew in, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on her exposed skin instantly.

You Ran pressed her elbows against his chest vigorously, her resistance stimulated Li Xiumin, the more she resisted, the more excited Li Xiumin became, she had no choice but to bite his lip, faintly The smell of blood spread slowly between their lips and teeth.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder and the sound of wind whistling past his ears, Youran's fear continued to deepen, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss.She tried all her strength and couldn't break free, so she could only accept her fate in the end.

Li Xiumin readily tore off the bath towel that wrapped her body, climbed onto her chest with one hand, and pinched her neck with the other, his warm breath was extinguished by the rain, bringing coldness.

Her body is sometimes hot and sometimes cold.She finally gave up.

And when she tilted her head, opened her eyes slightly, and caught sight of the very familiar car outside the door of the villa downstairs, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and her whole body was extremely cold.

It's Fiennes!It's him!
She kept clenching her teeth, even if Li Xiumin penetrated her body at that moment, she didn't make a sound, but when she saw Fiennes walking out of the car in the rain and looking over, she couldn't help I couldn't help crying.

Li Xiumin didn't seem to know it, and kept repeating those red-faced movements.

In the dark night, the rain blurred the vision, but a sudden light illuminated the dark night between You Ran and Fiennes.

Her naked and round shoulders were clearly visible, and he seemed to be able to see the movements of the man pressing on her.The only thing he couldn't see clearly was whether she was sad or happy.

He just stood there quietly, letting the rain soak his clothes, he didn't know when You Ran and Li Xiumin would enter the house.You Ran didn't know when he left.

It was a night destined to be long.It rained all night.Fiennes raised his head, watched the lightning flash above his head, and a thought arose in his heart, why the lightning failed to strike him.

An umbrella suddenly appeared on top of his head, the hair in front of his forehead was wet by the rain, and it was applied to his forehead. He raised his head expressionlessly, and looked at this face that should not have appeared here, with dim eyes. There seems to be a flash of light in the eyes in an instant, and it is like a fleeting meteor, which can no longer be caught.

"Let's go back." You Ran said softly while holding an umbrella.

Fiennes stood motionless. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and pushed away the person next to him. Youran fell to the ground unpreparedly. The umbrella fell away from him, and his palms rubbed against the ground, causing slight pain, but the hand on the ground happened to be that Only the injured hand, she felt as if the wound had burst open.

"Get out!" Fiennes stared at her sharply and ordered.

Anyway, her body was already wet by the rain, so she didn't bother to open an umbrella, but just stared at him with the same sharp eyes.

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