Ning Xi and Ning Nan's love and killing each other attracted everyone to maintain an attitude of onlookers. Even a lively person like Xu Yan couldn't help but feel bored after knowing about them.

Ning Xi knelt on the keyboard that day and told Zhan Meng verbatim about her past relationship history.The consequences can be imagined. In the end, he didn't dare to make jokes with Zhan Meng for a whole month, and even his playful smile had to be weighed.

Regarding this, Ning Xi swore that she would never just settle with Ning Nan.He must have black history, and he must be able to find more important black history and send it to Xu Su.

There is also Xu Su, this unreliable brother-in-law, who is so careless that he will fall wherever the wind blows.The most black-bellied person is none other than him.

Ning Xi turned grief and hatred into strength, and finally found a clue through his unremitting efforts.That day when he came out of the study, he happened to see Zhan Meng who was leading his son out of the room, his serious face was instantly covered with a warm smile.

Zhan Meng looked away as if nothing had happened, his son's sympathetic eyes fell on him, and he silently raised his head to look at his mother who was still motionless, and sighed speechlessly, his mother was still angry, who made his father so stupid that he really did it all the time? Say it to your mother without missing a word.
"Mommy, aren't you going to take me out?" Ning Yuemeng whispered, his little fingers scratched Zhan Meng's palm lightly, and then said, "Mommy, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my stomach." Comfortable."

At first glance, his son was more caring and knew how to create opportunities for him. In the time without Zhan Meng's company, he was counting the minutes and living every day into the year.

Ning Yuemeng is definitely Ning Xi's caring little padded jacket. Seeing that Zhan Meng didn't speak, he quickly broke away from her grasp and trotted back to his room. When he closed the door, he still kept an eye open and opened a small The crack in the door, I want to see how the two of them develop.

Ning Xi hesitated, because he was really intimidated by Zhan Meng's tough attitude. That day she forced herself to kneel down and explain the matter clearly. He thought that would be the end of it, but unexpectedly, she ran to sleep with her son , leaving him alone in the vacant room.

This situation is completely out of his expectation, who knows that Zhan Meng would care so much about him and Keya Ru.

Seeing that there were only the two of them in the corridor, Zhan Meng turned around and went downstairs without thinking.She hasn't gotten over that hurdle yet.If Ning Xi hadn't told her honestly, she wouldn't have known that he liked Keya Ru so much back then.

This is not going to work, Zhan Meng is stuck in a dead end, no matter what the people next to him say, she can't listen to it, and Ning Xi can't even say a word in front of her.

asshole!Zhan Meng cursed in her heart.At this moment, Ning Xi suddenly rushed down, grabbed Zhan Meng's hand, and said solemnly, "Mengmeng, why don't you believe me? I was playing with Keyaru back then."

"Playing on the spot? Tsk tsk, can you still get drunk at the bar every day on the spot? Can you still live or die?"

It's all because of his own mouth. Zhan Meng would not be angry when he heard these things, but who would have expected her to be so angry, he just shot himself in the foot with a rock.

Zhan Meng shook off Ning Xi's hand, and asked in a cold voice, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Hearing this, Ning Xi thought it was Zhan Meng giving him a chance, so he began to organize words in his mind, but at this moment, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly remembered, not only that, he thought that answering the phone was not as important as Zhan Meng Important, after he hung up the first time, he called again.

The address displayed was Jiangcheng.

Zhan Meng glanced nonchalantly, and happened to see the word Jiang Cheng, and saw that Ning Xi refused to answer the phone in front of her, so she shook off Ning Xi's hand again without thinking, looked at him coldly and said, "It seems that this The call came at a bad time."

This... Ning Xi held the mobile phone like a hot potato. Seeing that Zhan Meng was about to leave, he had to hold her back and pick up the phone in front of her. Turn on the phone to amplify, so that Zhan Meng can also hear it.

"Ning Xi."

These two words made Ning Xi almost go out of his body. He looked at Zhan Meng tremblingly. Hell, good things don't work, bad things work, Keya Ru actually called her at this moment!Doesn't this make him speechless?

"Hehe." Zhan Meng smiled, raised her eyebrows and said, "So it's your first love." Zhan Meng bit the word first love very clearly, and her tone couldn't help being much heavier, which made Ning Xi shiver.

Under the control of fear, Ning Xi said coldly into the phone, "You made a wrong call."


To Ning Xi, Keya Ru is not his first love. She is just his young and ignorant person, she is of no importance, and she can't be compared with Zhan Meng's status in his heart at all.

Zhan Meng knew, but she still couldn't screw it up.She sighed dumbfoundedly, and asked, "You should ask her what she wants from you."

"No, no, nothing about her has nothing to do with me. The most important person in my heart is you."

Zhan Meng rolled her eyes, as if she was looking at a mentally handicapped person, and said slowly, "Ke Yaru won't call you for no reason. Since she came to you, she must want your help. Why don't you refuse so quickly? Waste her mind."

"Mengmeng, I know you feel uncomfortable, all this is my fault."

"Forget it, I can't tell you clearly, don't stop me now, my son is not feeling well, I want to go up and have a look." Zhan Meng came down to get the first aid kit, and Ning Xi had already delayed some time.

Ning Xi grabbed Zhan Meng carefully, and asked aggrievedly, "Are you still angry now?"


"You're obviously angry!" Ning Xi refused to let go, Zhan Meng's eyes widened, and she didn't look at her when she spoke, her tone of voice was still as cold as ever, it was serious talk, and she was still angry.

Zhan Meng, who hadn't calmed down yet, didn't want to face it again.

Zhan Meng stared at Ning Xi impatiently and said, "If you don't want me to be angry, just get rid of Keyaru's affairs quickly." Always letting things go like this, maybe something big will happen in the future, but Keyaru is not A fuel-efficient lamp, seeing what she did to Xu Yan, she gritted her teeth in anger.

To be honest, she has never seen any woman who is so persistent in feelings like Keya Ru.If she knew that Ning Xi didn't have her own existence in her heart, she would definitely not be like this.

But Keyaru's brain structure is different from theirs, and she just likes to pursue something that doesn't belong. If she can't get it, the first thing she thinks of is destruction.

Now they have more important things to do, and Zhan Meng doesn't have so much time to get angry about these boring things.

Ning Bei got the news from Ning Xi, and immediately went to see Fiennes.

At this time, Fiennes was staying in the other courtyard, except that Qi Ruyan would come out to see his son for a while, after that, he rarely stepped out of the room, and usually chanted scriptures in the room.

Fiennes sat under the tree and watched the autumn leaves fall in all directions, feeling inexplicably melancholy in his heart, as if recalling the days when he and Youran were together.Ning Bei thought about it afterwards, and called Ning Xi together.

"You are here."

Ning Bei looked deeply at Fiennes, with a heavy expression on his face, as if he didn't know how to say something.He stared at Fiennes for a long time before he heard him say slightly sadly, "Fience, Wen Wan is dead."

Fiennes was taken aback for a moment when he poured the tea. The warm water overflowed from the cup, left the table, and dripped on his lap. Then he came back to his senses. He put down the cup expressionlessly, and said seriously Looking at Ning Bei, he asked, "What did you say?"

Did he just say, is Wen Wan dead?
"Wen Wan, she died last month." Ning Bei and Wen Wan's relationship is not bad. After hearing that she died, he couldn't believe it. It is conceivable that Fiennes should have heard the news. How unbelievable.

Good people just die like this.

"Where's Rongbai?!" Fiennes remembered that when he went to see Wen Wan, she was still fine, how could Yin and Yang be separated in a blink of an eye.

Ning Bei patted Fiennes on the shoulder solemnly, as a consolation, "No one has seen Rong Bai since Wen Wan died. But before that, he went to Jiangcheng to meet Lu Zhengting and Xu Yan. .”

Ning Xi couldn't help but see Wen Wan's smiling face involuntarily. After Wen Wan's death, even if the Wen family's bloodline really disappeared, the entire Wen family completely disappeared in Beicheng.

There is no more Wen family in Beicheng.

"Meet Lu Zhengting and Xu Yan? What did Rong Bai want with them?" Fiennes asked suspiciously.

"I don't know." Ning Bei replied.

Only Lu Zhengting knew Rong Bai's purpose in this matter.But he had no intention of contacting them at this time, because after learning about the treasure, he took out the necklace that Rong Bai gave them, and had been observing the necklace.

In the past, Xiao Han would join her, and she especially liked to eat the cakes she made. Later, there were more and more children in the family, and she thought they would all like to eat them. Unexpectedly, both Xiong Xiong and Mu Mu inherited Lu Zhengting's dislike of sweets.

Despite this, she is still tirelessly researching the methods of various cakes, especially during this time, she seems to be immersed in the fun of making cakes, making cakes in different ways every day, and the person who joins in every time is still Xiaohan, by the way And Cole.

Xu Yan happily came to the study with the finished cake, and saw the shiny necklace in Lu Zhengting's hand, and asked in puzzlement, "I said, what are you doing staring at a necklace all day? What's wrong with it?" Is the mystery not working?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhengting suddenly stood up, opened the curtain of the study, and held up the necklace. The dazzling sunlight shone on the necklace, as if it penetrated the necklace pendant in an instant, and he seemed to understand.

"What the hell are you doing? Don't you suspect that this necklace is still weird?"

"Well, it's weird, but it needs to be confirmed again." Lu Zhengting said seriously, but the question now is how to prove what he thinks?
In Fiennes' hands, he had never seen a necklace similar to this one in his hand.

Xu Yan stared at Lu Zhengting for a long time, but was completely ignored. She said with a half-smile, "Lu Zhengting, do you think you can stop eating cakes like this?"

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