Yang Jinkuan locked himself in the room, and no one came in to talk to him. His mind was in a mess, and it was just a mess of paste. It was because he had seen too much, experienced too much, and lost in the process. Too much, that's why I have the idea of ​​hoping to live a peaceful life like this now.

Sometimes it is easy to live a life full of challenges, but sometimes it is very difficult to live a life full of peace.Often most of them live their lives involuntarily, and their lives are not what they expected.

He had to admit that he was tired, that's why he didn't want to go back to the past.It's just that all of this doesn't seem to be able to make what he wants come true.At this moment, the old ghost and all his brothers' expectations of him became a kind of burden, weighing heavily on him.

Keya Ru didn't know what Yang Jinkuan was thinking, and in her opinion, Yang Jinkuan's thoughts were not important, the most important thing was to help Yang Jinkuan regain his previous fighting spirit, and to be full of resentment towards everyone as before, because only in this way , he will not have scruples in doing things.

Her idea is very simple, that is to let all people return to the position they should return to, and those who step on her body and walk to happiness should all fall to hell, because that is where they should be.

Fingertips gently brushed Keyaru's scarred cheeks, she sat in front of the mirror again, looked at her ugly self in the mirror, closed her eyes quickly, and involuntarily recalled the past two years of life in her mind. The sour smell seemed to permeate the air, filling every place around her, she held her breath uncomfortably, and even wanted to interrupt these damn pictures.

"Go away! I want to forget all these memories! Damn it, don't show up in my mind again, I hate everything, I hate it!" Keya Ru yelled loudly, pounding his fists on the dressing table, and managed to get rid of it The reappearance of the picture made her extremely disgusted with her body, she immediately took off her clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

The cold water poured down from the top of her head, and the cold feeling spread throughout her whole body, like an electric current, but it was not numb, but trembling. She didn't know what she was holding in her hand, constantly After washing my body, I don't know whether the skin that gradually began to turn red was stimulated by the cold water or caused by her desperate rubbing.

It was already an hour after Keya came out of the shower and changed into clean clothes.She was expressionless, and appeared in the living room as if nothing had happened. Seeing the old ghost coming down the stairs, she sat on the sofa and asked nonchalantly, "Is he still the same?"

The old ghost was silent, but Keya Ru raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, "Idiot! You can't get over anything big!"

The old ghost looked deeply at Keya Ru, and seeing her dressed in disguise, he said coldly, "Are you going out again?"

"You can't control it!"

"Hmph, it seems that you took my words as a deaf ear. I said that you just hurt Lu Zhengting's daughter. They are looking for you everywhere. Are you going out now to seek death?"

Keya Ru pursed her lips. Of course, she knew that after she hurt his daughter, he would make people look for her everywhere. Maybe after finding him, he would cut her into pieces, or even this would not be able to eliminate the pain in his heart. anger.She crossed her legs, glanced at the old ghost, and said calmly, "If you didn't spoil my good deeds, I would have killed that child a long time ago."

The old ghost is too lazy to argue with this crazy woman.If it wasn't because they arrived in time, not to mention killing the child, even her own life would be lost. Such a big action this time not only disturbed Lu Zhengting, but also let Xu Su know. Yang Jinkuan always remembered the Xu family's love for her. His kindness, so if the Xu family gets involved, it will only be more difficult for them to make a comeback for Yang Jinkuan.

Keya Ruo didn't understand this, and the old ghost didn't bother to explain so much to her. In his opinion, as long as Keya Ruo didn't spoil their affairs, it was still acceptable there. The only difference was probably raising an idler.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and the day after tomorrow was the day of Li Xiumin and You Ran's wedding. The Lu family and Xu family in Jiangcheng received invitation letters from Li Xiumin one after another.Although they have seen such reports in the news, Li Xiumin and You Ran have never appeared in the same frame in front of the media, so most people simply think that these are just rumors.

After all, most of the rumors about wealthy families are more eye-catching, and using this kind of news to make headlines may be a means.

Xu Yan took the invitation letter and read it over and over several times. The names of Li Xiumin and You Ran were indeed written squarely on it. She read it right, but based on her understanding, how could You Ran be willing? Marry Li Xiumin again?Didn't she love Fiennes very much?Could it be that Youran rekindled his old relationship with Li Xiumin during his time with him?
Xu Yan fantasized alone, but saw Lu Zhengting, who was expressionless next to her, took the invitation letter from her hand, waved it in front of her eyes, then casually threw it aside, and said coldly, "What's so interesting about this?"

"Zheng Ting, don't be so rude, we still have to use the invitation letter to attend their wedding." Xu Yan bent down to pick up the things, and said unhurriedly, since it's You Ran and Li Xiu Min's wedding, Then these friends have no reason not to go.The phone suddenly vibrated a few times, and she took it out to see that it was Zhan Meng who was looking for them in the group.

Zhan Meng is still on location today, and it is estimated that it will be finished tomorrow. Now is her rest time. Obviously, she is looking for them in the group because of You Ran and Li Xiumin's marriage.

Zhan Meng asked, "What's the trouble again?"

Xu Yan thought for a while and replied, "I don't know, we just received the invitation letter, Mengmeng, are you too?"

Zhan Meng said, "Yeah, the Ning family doesn't know what's going on, Fiennes, has any of you contacted him?"

Xu Yan raised his head to look at Lu Zhengting, and asked suspiciously, "Do you think Fiennes will attend?"

Lu Zhengting glanced at Xu Yan lightly, and seeing her frown, he immediately showed a gentle expression, and said unhurriedly, "Of course Fiennes will attend, maybe he will also snatch people at the wedding."

"No way," Xu Yan asked in disbelief. Fiennes is robbing someone at the wedding?Mr. Fei must be the first person not to allow it, because such an act is too embarrassing to the Fei family, and Mr. Fei has long since been disappointed in Fiennes, and he no longer knows how to describe what he was once proud of. grandson.

Xu Yan tilted his head, still not knowing exactly what would happen at the wedding that day.She put her hand on Lu Zhengting's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Will you go?"

"What's the point of such a boring thing? It's better to stay at home with my daughter." The scars on Mumu's face have begun to fall off slowly. The medicine for removing the scars was brought by Xu Su. It is said that Ningnan did not I don't know where to search for it, but the effect is super good. After Mumu knew that she would not leave any scars, she felt much happier in an instant.

"Are you sure my daughter needs you to accompany me now?" Xu Yan was unwilling to expose him. Ever since Mumu knew that Ningnan gave her the medicine, she wanted to go to Ningnan every day these days, and brought some with her every time she came back. Gadgets are back, but you can't underestimate these gadgets, some of them have strange effects.

Mumu would study these little things in her room every day when she was free, how could she be in the mood to accompany Lu Zhengting?Xu Yan is like a lazy and cute kitten, gently clinging to Lu Zhengting's shoulder, with a gentle and sweet expression, paired with a bright smile, and a pair of crescent-like eyes, very cute.

"Go, Mumu is now accompanied by Ning's second child, she won't have time to talk to you, besides, don't you worry about letting me go alone?" Xu Yan blinked a few times, no doubt he was not talking to Lu Zhengting.

Lu Zhengting was silent for a few seconds, looked down at Xu Yan's head that had been rubbing against his shoulder, and said indifferently, "Do you really want to go? Going there is nothing more than watching some bloody drama, such as Fiennes snatching a marriage?"

"Fiennes and Youran are both our friends, Lu Zhengting, don't be so hard-hearted, don't you care about them? And I also want to see Youran, I don't know why Youran suddenly wants to marry That perverted Li Xiumin!"

A few months ago, when they left Jibei City, You Ran still looked like he couldn't accept Li Xiumin. Why did it come out that she was going to marry Li Xiumin in just a few months? There was a reason she didn't know, and the only thing she could think of was that Li Xiumin might have used some means to threaten Youran.

Lu Zhengting still didn't make a statement, Xu Yan got impatient waiting, straightened his body, raised his leg and stepped over Lu Zhengting's thigh, then sat on his lap, with his hands hanging around his neck, with a smirk. He said with a smile, "Lu Zhengting, as their friends, we received invitations to attend the wedding, right?"

Lu Zhengting nodded with a half-smile.

"But you don't want to participate now!"

"Yanyan, since I got the invitation letter, I don't seem to have said a word that I won't go?" Lu Zhengting suddenly asked back, Xu Yan was stunned, and thought about their idiot-like conversation just now, it seems that Lu Zhengting did not say that he would not go. In other words, he just said that going to a wedding is a very boring thing.

Xu Yan glanced at it, "You should tell me earlier, you are just kidding me."

"This time Li Xiumin and You Ran got married because they wanted to use You Ran to embarrass the Fei family. Li Xiumin has a purpose in everything he does. So you better not mess around when you go to Beicheng this time, you know? " Lu Zhengting's hand fell on the top of her head and rubbed it, she pushed Lu Zhengting's hand away angrily, and muttered softly, "I'm not a child."

Hearing this, Xu Yan suddenly heard a small laugh coming from behind her, she turned her head and saw Mumu, Ke Lu, and Ning Nan standing behind her, smiling!Why do they appear?Xu Yan stepped away from Lu Zhengting's lap and covered his face with his hands, what a shame!

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