On this day, Ke Lu happened to be idle, so he took Mumu out for shopping.There is a lot of population movement in the shopping mall, and Xu Chengyun followed the two of them, in the name of being a flower protector, but after the whole journey, Ke Lu felt that Xu Chengyun seemed to be following Mumu all the time, seeing someone about to run into Mumu, He hurried over and pulled Mumu away.

These are all small things, and they didn't need to be mentioned, but when Ke Lu saw Xu Chengyun's love for the girl at such a young age, he felt that the child had grown up, and he was definitely the master of the peach blossoms again. Reminiscent of her family's Lu Yihan, he is cold, ruthless, and has no manners towards girls, but he loves himself.

Ke Lu walked in front alone, and couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.I bumped into someone accidentally, and that person didn't respond. Even if Ke Lu apologized to her, she ignored her, which made her a little embarrassed. When Xu Chengyun saw it, he held Mumu's hand, walked up immediately, and asked .

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was thinking about things just now, and I bumped into that person without paying attention." Ke Lu looked at the person wearing a peaked cap who didn't even care about being bumped by herself and left in a hurry, and suddenly felt her back. It seemed a little familiar, but for a while, I couldn't remember where I had seen her.

Shopping should be something that all girls like to do, and Mumu and Ke Lu are no exception.Ke Lu took Mu Mu to each clothing store, and Xu Chengyun was the one who was responsible for carrying things for them. After walking for an afternoon, the two of them finally felt a little tired and planned to find a place to sit and rest.

When they were sitting and eating, Ke Lu suddenly came up to Mumu and whispered, "Do you feel that someone is following us along the way?"

Mumu bit the straw and shook her head for some unknown reason. She had a good time and didn't find anyone else following them, but she always believed in Ke Lu, so after hearing what she said, she chose to be on the safe side. He turned his head and leaned in front of Xu Chengyun, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Xu, have you noticed that someone has been following us all the way?"

"Mumu found out too?" Xu Chengyun frowned. He felt that since Ke Lu bumped into that person, there seemed to be someone following them all the time, but he had carefully observed the surrounding situation and found no suspicious person. , he thought it was an illusion caused by his being too sensitive. At this moment, when Mumu talked about it again, he was even more sure that someone was following them.

Ke Lu took a bite of the cake. They didn't bring bodyguards when they came out today. One reason was that she and Mumu didn't like being followed by bodyguards. It didn't feel like they were protecting themselves, but they seemed to be spying on themselves, so they all made the same choice. Give the bodyguard a break and bring Xu Chengyun with him.

Now it’s not just Ke Lu who feels strangely, even Xu Chengyun also feels this way. Ke Lu suddenly waved at the two of them, beckoning them to get closer, and then whispered like a thief, “It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time. Hurry up and withdraw." The actions of the three of them have already attracted the attention of the people around them.

Just as Ke Lu picked up her bag and was about to leave, a waiter in business attire walked up to her and asked with a smile, "Miss, is there anything we can do for you?"

Ke Lu shook her head, muttered a few words, then winked at Mu Mu and Xu Chengyun, and hurried away.

The feeling of being followed did not change because they left the mall. Ke Lu always felt that this matter was not very simple, so she patted the back of the driver's seat and said quickly, "Go to the Lu Group."

The car was still the one they had come, but the driver was no longer the one who followed them.The driver turned around slowly, stared at Ke Lu and smiled.Seeing this, Ke Lu reflexively hugged Mumu in her arms, and Xu Chengyun moved forward without saying a word, protecting the two of them behind.

"Who are you?" Xu Chengyun said coldly.When he became serious, he still looked like Xu Su.

The driver said with a smile, "I just use money to do things for others, and someone wants to see you." The word you was said by the driver to Mumu in Ke Lu's arms, which means that someone wants to see Mumu.

Ke Lu knew how much they valued Mumu, so she definitely didn't dare to let her have an accident. She kept Mumu in her arms, the space in the car was limited, and the door was locked, and the car was still driving. Tried to roll down the window, but it didn't work.While staring at the driver, Xu Chengyun quickly flipped from behind to the front co-pilot.

"I'm only responsible for taking you there, so you'd better not do anything now, or if I don't pay attention later, all of you will be buried with me, you know?"

What the driver said made sense.The car just happened to be driving on the viaduct, and there was a steady flow of vehicles on the viaduct. Ke Lu looked at the cars passing by outside, thinking about what would happen if they jumped off the car.Ke Lu calmed down slowly, and then remembered that there is such a great invention as the mobile phone, she didn't know to contact Lu Yihan!
This person is so unlucky that even drinking water will get stuck between his teeth.This is about Ke Lu. She carefully took out the phone and took a closer look. The phone is only [-]% lit?watt?She must have forgotten to charge it when she went out, and she was looking at her phone while sitting and eating just now, which caused this to happen.

She hasn't found Lu Yihan's number yet, and she has been praying in her heart, hoping that she can persist until she contacts Lu Yihan before turning off the phone. The final result proves that her usual behavior must not be very good, otherwise why is she at the most critical point? At that time, the mobile phone turned off without shame.

What's the use of a mobile phone without electricity?Ke Lu said viciously, but suddenly there was an itch in her waist, and she saw Mumu stretch out a small hand, holding a lighted mobile phone in her hand, her face was immediately stained with joy, and then she heard Mumu He whispered, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have a status system in my phone, and I have sent a message to my father just now."

"Daddy will come for us."

Ke Lu really wanted to give Mumu a compliment, she just forgot all these things in a hurry.Why is it not easy for her to calm down when there are other people around her?If it was kidnapping, then she should not be afraid at all, anyway, she has experienced it before.Just when she was thinking wildly, she saw Mu Mu raised her head again and blinked at herself.

This girl is really courageous, and now she dares to play with her face.

With the driver's words first, Xu Chengyun did not dare to continue arguing with him.

"Be careful!" Ke Lu saw the car suddenly crashing to the side, and she yelled reflexively in fright. She and Mu Mu leaned to the side. In order to prevent Mu Mu from getting hurt, she had been protecting her with her body.

When Lu Zhengting heard the phone ding, he already knew that it was Mumu's distress signal, and this one was for Mumu only.Because Mumu was taken away by Ye Yunchen since she was born, in order to prevent Mumu from being taken away again inexplicably, Lu Zhengting installed a positioning system in her mobile phone after she was found.

Lu Zhengting didn't tell Xu Yan the news because he was worried that she would be too worried. He happened to be with Xu Su at this time, so he immediately drove and followed the location instructions.

"The signal is gone here, Zhengting, it looks like the phone is no longer on Mumu's body." Xu Su said expressionlessly.Their peaceful life was too long, so they never expected these things to happen suddenly. They were caught off guard and paused. He immediately called Ning Xi. Apart from mobile phone location, he still had other ways to find Mumu's Location.

Xu Su glanced at Lu Zhengting, who also installed a micro-locator in Mumu's body.Fortunately, with this method, they can accurately find the place where they left it last.

Lu Zhengting and Xu Su stopped the car and looked at the strange yet familiar white villa in front of them.This was once the home of Yang Jinkuan.Counting the days, Yang Jinkuan should have come out of it. At the beginning, someone wanted to protect him, so he only needed to stay in prison for ten years. They also received news that Yang Jinkuan performed well, so commutation of sentence is very likely. of.

Xu Su looked at Lu Zhengting expressionlessly, and asked, "He came out?" He and Ning Nan had only returned from the United States for a few days, and he didn't pay much attention to Yang Jinkuan's affairs, so he asked Lu Zhengting.

Lu Zhengting frowned, and said, "I haven't received any news." It was precisely because he hadn't received any news, and when Mumu and the others were taken away again, he felt that this was a bit strange.

However, they sat in the car and thought so much that they didn't want to get out of the car and take a look.Lu Zhengting unfastened his seat belt and opened the car door. The front of the door was covered by a large amount of free-growing weeds. Stepping on it was like stepping on cotton. He took a few steps forward cautiously. There were no cars nearby, nor Did not see their figure.

Lu Zhengting walked into the gate slowly, and suddenly there was a beeping sound. His eyes were sharp and his expression became more serious. At this moment, the door of the villa opened suddenly. Mumu stretched out his head, looked at Lu Zhengting, and shouted shouted, "Daddy, I'm here."

Hearing this, Lu Zhengting looked over gloomyly, he stepped on the ground, these beeping sounds could not be bombs, because he already knew who took Mumu away.He continued to walk forward without changing his face, and walked to the place where Mumu stuck out his head just now, stretched out his hand to push open the door, and stepped in.

"Father." Mumu shouted at Lu Zhengting, her neck was being strangled, it was very uncomfortable, and she was still shouting at Lu Zhengting at the top of her voice, when the person who controlled her saw her like this, he subconsciously tightened his grip arm, and growled in a low voice, "If you keep making noise, I will strangle you to death."

"Ke Yaru! How dare you touch her!"

As soon as the words fell, she looked deeply at Lu Zhengting. There was even a trace of obsession in her eyes, but it was quickly covered up. She knew that Mumu was the only bargaining chip in her hand. After a few seconds of silence, she raised her head slightly, and said coldly Staring at Lu Zhengting, he said, "I thought you had already forgotten me."

"Let Mumu go."

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