The tea room is always a good place for women to chat about gossip and personal affairs. It can not only let you enjoy the sneaky excitement, but also pretend that you know it accidentally, and you don't want to ask about it on purpose. After all, there are many people in the tea room. , it seems excusable to accidentally say something from time to time.

Those who were still talking about Lu Yihan's gossip unscrupulously didn't notice Ke Lu's existence at all. It wasn't until she coughed a few times on purpose that they noticed that someone had appeared behind them, and the person who was still talking about it with gusto just now was here. After seeing Ke Lu, he immediately followed the deflated balloon and remained silent for a long time.

Ke Lu walked up to the woman who spoke the loudest just now, raised her chin amusedly, and said with a smile, "What is this? I didn't seem to say anything, and you made this grievance Look, I really feel pity, but I'm curious, where did you hear those words just now?"

"Young lady..."

"If you know how to call me Young Madam, then you should also know that Young Madam asked you a question, should you answer it?" Ke Lu usually still has a playful smile, and rarely speaks in a cold voice with a straight face like this time, It's just that she's been smiling all the time, but this partner isn't very cooperative and has been silent all the time. Is this to tell her that she's speechless?

Ke Lu waited impatiently. She stared at the woman's appearance for a while, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in her mind, "I remembered, you should be an intern at Lu's this year, right? If I didn't remember If it’s wrong, you should have graduated from Jiang University?”

"...Yes, I didn't mean to say something about Mr. Lu behind his back. It's just that this matter has been spread all over the school's forum. I thought that many people knew it before I said it out loud. I'm sorry, young lady. I will definitely keep my mouth shut next time and won't talk about things other than work."

"Don't be so serious, look like this, I'll ask you a question, you just need to answer it well, you can rest assured, I won't make things difficult for you." Ke Lu knew that things were not as simple as she thought, it turned out On the Jiangda forum, a person published an anonymous article, the content of which was how he seduced and seduced Lu Yihan, how he climbed into his bed, and married him.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lu Yihan and Xiao Yu are childhood sweethearts. If Ke Lu hadn't stepped in, Xiao Yu would not have been reduced to being Lu Yihan regardless of status. Han's mistress?
watt?Ke Lu found the Jiangda Forum website on her mobile phone. As expected, she read half of the article that could be put to the top by clicking on it. As the person involved, she felt that the person who wrote the story was really talented. Such a talented person is still anonymous. Sent, if she wasn't the person involved, she would have believed the storyteller.

Ke Lu watched with gusto, and when Lu Yihan came to look for her after the meeting, he saw her holding the phone and looking at something, frowning and raising her eyebrows from time to time, her expression was ever-changing, Lu Yihan thought she was talking Perform face changing for yourself.He walked over amusedly, took the phone from her hand, and said seriously, "Playing with the phone during work?"

"I have nothing to do when you are in a meeting, so I just look at my phone, and it's okay if I don't look at it. After looking at it, I realized that there are so many interesting things." Taking the mobile phone back from her hand, she stood up and stretched, and then asked leisurely, "Yihan, what expression would you have if you somehow got an extra mistress?"

"No, to be precise, what kind of mood do you have? Will you be particularly excited? It turns out that there is a mistress who loves you deeply and follows you regardless of status. waiting for you……"

Ke Lu's words made Lu Yihan confused. He put his mobile phone on the desk in doubt, thinking that it was Ke Lu who heard his side news from somewhere. Sometimes he was also very depressed. Some women The child seems to be really delusional, always making up some weird stories, saying that he loved them...

Most of the time, Lu Yihan didn't even know they existed.

Ke Lu didn't continue to tease Lu Yihan anymore. Anyway, she knew that she was the only woman beside Lu Yihan, and she also knew that Lu Yihan was still a baby when she was with her. Just thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel Feeling elated, she picked up the phone again, unlocked it, found the article she hadn't finished reading just now, and handed it to Lu Yihan, "You will understand after reading it."

It was so unpredictable that Lu Yihan thought about it.But he still took the phone without changing his face, thinking that Ke Lu handed it to him, so he must read it carefully, so he read it very carefully, and before finishing it, Lu Yihan Angrily, she slammed the phone on the table, and Ke Lu picked it up with great distress.

"Hey, mobile phones are innocent, Yihan, don't treat my mobile phone so rudely." l
"These are simply absurd."

"I know it's ridiculous, so I didn't even believe it. I just took it as an after-dinner chat. Look, don't you think the person who wrote the story is very talented? Especially here, when you and Xiao The two of Yu looked at each other affectionately, wow, my God, when I thought about that scene in my mind, it was still in the sea of ​​flowers, tsk tsk, I got goosebumps all over my body."

How could Lu Yihan accept being raped by a woman.He immediately called and asked Assistant Xiao to investigate the Jiangda Forum.Assistant Xiao received the task, and checked that there was no last night's task in his hands. When he heard that it was Jiang Da again, there was no need to guess, it must be Xiao Yu who caused some trouble again.

It was easy for Assistant Xiao to investigate the anonymous letter on the website. It took less than half an hour to find out who the anonymous person was. As expected, it was really Xiao Yu.However, the story is not finished yet, and Ke Lu always feels that there will be more exciting and exciting stories to be written. Although she can't understand Xiao Yu's brain circuit, this does not affect her curiosity about the development of the story.

Hearing that Lu Yihan asked Assistant Xiao to solve the matter on the forum immediately, Ke Lu stopped him without thinking, and said with a smile on his face, "Yihan, don't, I still want to see how the story will develop later. .”

"Watching your husband being raped by other women, don't you feel very happy?"

Ke Lu stroked and touched Lu Yihan's chest, and said lightly, "The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good. Any woman's husband will be very upset if he is raped by other women, and I will be very upset too. Angry, but you also know I'm curious, don't you think the story is wonderful?"

Even though in the story, Xiao Yu wrote herself as a cute and pitiful little girl, and as a vicious and scheming woman, it still couldn't affect her mood when reading the story.

"No, this kind of thing can't be let go."

To put it bluntly, Lu Yihan just couldn't accept that he was being raped. Just thinking about it in his head made him feel sick, let alone the person who raped him actually compiled this into a story and published it. He just saw A glance at the number of pageviews, hundreds of thousands!Before things get serious, it's best to kill them in the cradle early.

No matter how curious Ke Lu was, it was useless. With one word from Lu Yihan, Assistant Xiao directly asked someone to hack the Jiangda Forum, and then deleted all the articles that should be deleted, without leaving any traces. Yihan sighed, but there was nothing wrong with it. Thinking about it differently, if someone was secretly lusting after her in a place she didn't know, she would do the same.

When Lu Yihan walked out of Ke Lu's office, he didn't forget to say, "In the future, watch less stupid dramas, and those dirty things, you know?"

Ke Lu stuck out her tongue and head, and hummed, if she knew both the hero and heroine, she wouldn't bother to read it, such a word would bother her eyes and brain.

And Xiao Yu, who made an appointment with everyone to update the story at [-] p.m., opened the school forum and found that she couldn't log in. She tried several times to no avail. Not only that, even the articles she posted before It disappeared, and now the top one is "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces".

Xiao Yu angrily punched the computer. Seeing her crazy appearance again, her roommates subconsciously stayed away from her. They all read the forum, so they naturally added a pair of girls in their minds. In the scene of competing for a man, seeing her face so ugly at this moment, I thought she must have lost.

Xiao Yu forced herself to calm down and think about why this happened. Could it be that Lu Yihan knew about it?But that's not right, Lu Yihan probably doesn't know how to read the school's forum, so... Could it be Ke Lu?But she had also gotten along with Ke Lu before, and knew that she had never been interested in these school forums, so why would she watch Jiang University's forums on a whim now.

She probably didn't expect that the story she wrote would be read by so many people, and she even kept updating it.No matter who is doing something secretly to delete these articles, she is not worried, because she has already prepared a backup.She re-registered an account and started to update the story again. Today she published a memory about her childhood.

Ke Lu didn't hold out hope at first, and when she thought about it, she casually looked at Jiangda's forum, who knew that someone was updating it, and she was so excited, she was so smart that she didn't tell Lu Yihan, But I want to find someone to share, Mumu is too young to watch these unsuitable things for children, the best candidate is Mommy, Xu Yan.

When he got home, Xu Yan was still wondering why Ke Lu was yelling himself aside, but when she saw her take out her mobile phone and handed it to him, she glanced suspiciously, opened her mouth in surprise, and asked in disbelief , "Who wrote this story?"

"Mum, do you also think that the person who wrote the story is very talented?"

"Not only talented, but also very imaginative. For example, this matter, I have never been to this place, how could Xiaohan have been? And fluttering butterflies with her?"

"Yes, yes, I also think this person is very talented and has a particularly rich imagination."

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