After many days, Fiennes suddenly received a call from Wen Wan, and didn't think much about it, thinking that she would only find him after she had figured it out.Knowing that she wanted to see him, Fiennes agreed without hesitation, and made an appointment at the fountain in Central Park.Wen Wan wrapped herself up tightly, she was sitting by the fountain, seeing Fiennes slowly approaching from a distance, a look of uneasiness quickly flashed in her eyes.

"Master, isn't it good for you to follow Miss Wen like this?"

"Shut up! Don't you find that Wen Wan is a bit strange these two days?" Rong Bai who was hiding in the dark said seriously, since Wen Wan suddenly woke up so early that morning, he has already noticed that Wen Wan's behavior is weird .

"Master, look over there." The secretary pointed at the gentle Fiennes, and said in surprise, "It turns out that Miss Wen is here to see Fei Shao." As soon as the words fell, he realized what he had just said It would definitely make the young master very angry. He closed his eyes and dared not speak any more, and his whole body was filled with a sense of coldness and prey.

Rong clenched his fist and punched the ground. The reinforced concrete floor seemed to be mocking his self-indulgence. The secretary grabbed his hand. The skin on the knuckles of his fingers had been scratched, and a little blood flowed out. He quickly took out his hand. After wiping with a paper towel, Rong Bai quickly withdrew his hand and said coldly, "I'm not that weak."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and started to walk towards Wen Wan, but was grabbed by the secretary. He stared back and said, "How dare you stop me?"

"Master, you are being impulsive now. When you go out now, don't you tell Miss Wen that you are following her?"

"She's meeting Fiennes behind my back now, and still cares about me following her? Let go of me and don't stop me."

"Master, don't be impulsive. Let's take a look again. Maybe Miss Wen came out to find Fei Shao with something to say, and it's not what you think, to keep things secret."

Rong Bai stood still angrily, staring coldly at Wen Wan and Fiennes who didn't know what to say next to the fountain. He put his hands on both sides and his fists creaked.

"Wanwan, I thought you would never contact me again in your life." Fiennes looked at Wenwan tenderly and said with a smile.

Wen Wan smiled, and said lightly, "Why? You are my uncle after all, and I won't stop contacting you for the rest of my life. It's just that you met me today, does You Ran know?"

"I didn't tell her." Fiennes hesitated for a while before answering slowly.

Hearing this, she smiled bitterly and asked, "Uncle, you have changed a lot, you are more gentle than before." She understood Fiennes' character, she had always been cold-hearted and indifferent to everyone. She didn't dare to get too close to him because she was intimidated by the fear that erupted from his body, but now, she had already clearly felt the gentle side of Fiennes.

Thinking about it gently, it seems that the only person who can change Fiennes is Youran.How much of it is because of love, she no longer has the energy to explore.

Wen Wan thought about it, looked around, and saw no suspicious person, she pondered for a while, and then said slowly, "I received a call the day before yesterday, and that person wanted me..."

"Ding ding ding——" the phone rang suddenly, and Fiennes waved his hand to interrupt Wen Wan's words. He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Fei Lai calling. Now he is with You Ran, and You Ran has been in a month When it was found out that she was pregnant before, he was worried about You Ran's safety, so he asked Fei Lai to protect him with him.

Now that Fei Lai called, Fiennes was already feeling uneasy.

"Master, Madam was taken away." Fei Lai's voice was urgent, and he seemed a little weak.

Fiennes was furious and growled, "What happened?"

Fei Lai quickly explained the matter. You Ran was going to the hospital for a maternity check-up today. It was originally planned that Fiennes would accompany her in the afternoon, but because Fiennes suddenly received a call from Wen Wan, he wanted to postpone it for a day. , but Yuran felt that it was nothing serious, so he arranged Fei Lai by Yuran's side. Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the parking lot of the hospital, a group of people rushed out and took Youran away.

Fiennes hung up the phone, stared at Wen Wan with unclear eyes, and said, "You Ran was taken away."

"You, how could my aunt be taken away suddenly?"

"Wanwan, why did you ask me out today?" Fiennes still asked this question, but Wen Wan's reaction was very calm. She turned her back to Fiennes and took a deep breath.

"I said I have nothing to do with this matter, will you believe me?" said Wen Wan indifferently, Fiennes was silent for a few seconds, then turned and left, he was going to find You Ran.

Seeing this, Wen Wan saw that there was no voice behind her for a long time, and she turned around to find that there was no one there.There were tears in her eyes, and she tried not to let them fall, but it seemed that no matter what she did, the tears were disobedient, and she knelt down weakly, her arms hugging her knees tightly.

Suddenly, she felt a shadow cast down, she raised her head slowly, and saw Rong Bai who appeared there for some reason, she stood up involuntarily, threw herself into Rong Bai's arms, and burst into tears.It was strange, she didn't know why she was crying so sadly, was it because Fiennes left without saying a word or because she saw the change in him with her own eyes?

Because none of this has anything to do with her.

"I'll take you home." Rong Bai put his arms around Wen Wan's waist, hugged her in his arms, walked to the other exit of the park, and boarded the car parked there.When Rong Bai saw Wen Wan crying so sadly, he suddenly felt that the things he wanted to figure out before were no longer important, because he saw the result.

Rong Bai sent Wen Wan back to Wen's house, and then brought her back to the room, when he was about to leave, Wen Wan suddenly grabbed his hand, squinted her eyes, and whispered, "Can you stay with me? "

As long as it is a gentle request, Rong Bai will never refuse.

On the other hand, no matter how fast Fiennes rushed to the hospital, the fact that Youran was taken away could not be changed. When he arrived at the hospital, the police had already sealed off the area, and they are now collecting evidence at the scene.Fiennes walked up to the old man, and before he could speak, the old man picked up the crutch in his hand and hit Fiennes heavily.

"You bastard! You knew that You Ran was going to have a maternity checkup, but you let her come alone!"

"Grandpa, finding Youran is the most important thing now. Where's Fei Lai?" Fiennes looked around but couldn't find Fei Lai, only to see the old man glaring at Fiennes bitterly.

"Fei Lai was stabbed five times and was sent to the operating room just now."

Fiennes narrowed his eyes, the other party obviously came prepared for this incident, I am afraid that Wen Wan's going out at this time is also one of their plans.But now Youran is missing and no clues can be found. Feilai is in a coma and his life is in danger.

The only person who has ever seen Youran taken away is Fei Lai, but now Fei Lai has been transferred to the intensive care unit after he came out of the operating room, because a knife directly stabbed him in the heart, and whether he can survive depends on how well he can survive within two days. Can't wake up.The doctor's words are not very hopeful.

Fei Lai was seriously injured and You Ran disappeared, which was enough to upset Fiennes.The situation of Yuran who was taken away was not as miserable as they imagined. On the contrary, the person who took her away would not hurt her.Because Youran knew this person, she was sitting in front of him at this moment.

"Why are you the first to break your oath?" Li Xiumin grabbed You Ran's hand, quickly approached her, and asked coldly.

You Ran was startled suddenly, she stared at Li Xiumin who was close at hand, and said painfully, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry and it's over? Yu Ran, do you know the things I did for you? You don't know anything, but you broke our oath so cruelly!"

"Xiu Min, I can explain."

"Explain? Do you think I'm stupid, and still believe your words? Look at your appearance now. I heard that you are pregnant. It's Fiennes' child." Li Xiumin suddenly put his hand on You On Ran's stomach, he said with a half-smile, with a hint of danger in his tone.

Youran was very scared, and almost blurted out Fiennes' name, but Li Xiumin knew Yuran too well, so when she stopped suddenly when she had a conditioned reflex to speak, he pinched her chin, He said viciously, "Do you really want Fiennes to rescue you? Let me tell you, it's impossible! He's with his little niece now."

"Xiu Min, you think too much, I know you won't hurt me."

"Really? You are too confident." When Li Xiumin heard her call him Xiumin, a sweet picture from before flashed in his mind, but it was soon filled with hatred. He let go of his hand and took a step back , said sharply, "Don't call me Xiu Min anymore, the more you call me like that, the more I hate you."

"Don't you wonder why Fiennes left you to meet Wen Wan? If you are curious, I can tell you, oh, I forgot, I heard something before, Fiennes and Wen Wan Have an affair? Hehe, you know this kind of person who won't even let his niece go, You Ran?"

"Xiu Min, Fiennes and Wen Wan don't have any blood relationship."

"Hahaha, I don't care whether they are related by blood or not, but I can tell you another thing in a friendly way. Fiennes and Wen Wan had sex before." Li Xiumin said haha ​​to himself Laugh out loud.

You Ran's body trembled slightly, she didn't know about it.She looked at Li Xiumin dully, and asked in disbelief, "You, Li Xiumin, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Youran's helpless look, Li Xiumin smiled even more happily, and then motioned to the secretary to bring the things over. He tore open the outer packaging, took out the photo and flung it ruthlessly in front of Youran, smiling brightly. He said, "Do you want someone to identify whether this photo is a composite?"

The words were full of sarcasm, You Ran glanced at the photo on the ground, "I want to get out of here."

"I said you can leave?" Seeing her standing up, Li Xiumin held her shoulders without thinking, lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I won't allow you to leave here."

"I have to get out of here."

Li Xiumin snorted coldly, "Are you leaving in such a hurry, are you worried that Fiennes will find you, or are you worried about Fiennes and Wen Wan?"

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