Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 642 Peach Blossom 1 Blossom 5

Who can imagine that a man and a woman lie in bed and do nothing?If it's not that the man has a physical problem, then it's that the woman's charm is not enough to awaken the desire in the man's heart.

Ke Lu was lying on the bed next to Lu Yihan who was sleeping sideways. She didn't quite understand that the two of them were definitely in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship now, so why did they have so many scruples?It was a matter of course to make it like this.She was very depressed, and she was even more depressed when she saw that Lu Yihan closed his eyes tightly and ignored her.

The more Ke Lu made a fuss, Lu Yihan couldn't bear it.Only he himself knows how much he longs, and this girl Ke Lu knows to torment herself.Pretending to sleep is the only way he can avoid the current situation at this time.

Ke Lu was already mentally prepared for what happened tonight, but things backfired, and none of the things she wanted to happen happened.Seeing that she finally stopped tossing and fell asleep, Lu Yihan gently let her go, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed to go to the bathroom.

The ice-cold water poured down from the top of his head, and he woke up instantly, his brain consciousness was clearer than ever.The consequence of taking a cold shower is that the body cannot bear the stimulation of ice and fire.

The next day, Ke Lu was woken up by a phone call. She subconsciously reached out and groped under the pillow, picked up the phone without even looking at it, and only heard the voice of join on the phone. Turning over and sitting up, "What did you say?"

"I apologize to you for the nonsense yesterday, so we will have a meal together at noon later, it will be regarded as an apology."

"Join, just rely on the friendship between the two of us, there is no need for this, I don't take it to heart at all, so don't take it to heart either."

"Lulu, you must be very angry, right? That's why you refuse to eat with me."

Ke Lu complained silently in her heart, she didn't go to eat with join because she was angry, it was all because she knew that join was a drunkard who didn't want to drink, he wanted to make amends was fake, and wanted to see Lu Yihan was the truth of.

"Join, he will go to the airport later, the time is not enough."

"Why did he leave? Didn't he come to accompany you?" Join asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Ke Lu rolled her eyes, looked at Lu Yihan who was also woken up by the phone, and said, "Oh, yes, but he doesn't have much time to stay here, it's very urgent."

"Why don't we come out to eat now?"

Ke Lu gritted his teeth. Lu Yihan had already lifted the quilt and got up to tidy himself up. Ke Lu used his arm as a pillow last night. After sleeping on it all night, his whole arm was numb.He raised his hand a little and frowned slightly. Seeing Ke Lu looking over, he put his arm down again, turned and walked into the bathroom.

Ke Lu covered the microphone, gritted her teeth fiercely at Join on the other end of the phone and said, "Brother, Lu Yihan is my boyfriend, can you stop attacking him? He doesn't like you."

"Lulu, how can you say that? You're not Lu Yihan himself, how do you know he won't like my style? Besides, don't be so nervous, I just want to have dinner with you."

Lu Yihan never understood what Ke Lu said to him at that time, until now, when they were sitting in front of Join, he saw that there was admiration or even admiration in his eyes, and he couldn't help but shiver for a moment.In order to be able to eat with them, join is also very hard, directly set the place to eat near the airport.

After eating this, you can go to the airport right away.It can satisfy the join without delaying Lu Yihan.

"Yihan, why don't you stay longer this time?" Join asked.

Lu Yihan heard join calling him Yihan, frowned, and pursed his lips and said, "I have something to deal with."

"Oh, when will you come next time? You can tell me when you come, and I will pick you up when the time comes." Join was very enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that Lu Yihan felt scared.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll find Lulu directly."

"No trouble, no trouble, Lulu's boyfriend is my boyfriend."

"Cough cough cough! Join, are you sure there's nothing wrong with that?" Ke Lu pinched his throat and asked heavily.

All he thinks about is Lu Yihan, so he doesn't care about what Ke Lu is thinking, he automatically ignores her, his peach blossom eyes are fixed on Lu Yihan, even in front of Ke Lu, He also dared to discharge Lu Yihan, so angry that Ke Lu almost had the urge to throw him out.

"Join, immediately, immediately, put your hand off Lu Yihan's!"

join didn't take it seriously, and even wanted to hold Lu Yihan's hand, but even putting it on it couldn't satisfy his imagination about Lu Yihan in his heart.Ke Lu waved join away angrily, and said coldly, "Join, he is my boyfriend, you can't fight me."

The corner of Lu Yihan's mouth twitched, which means he understood what Ke Lu said before, she is not the type that join likes, because the type that join really likes is a man like Lu Yihan.He dislikes join even more now, and he can't bear it in his heart when he touched his hand just now.

When he stood up suddenly, Ke Lu thought he was angry, and hurriedly asked, "Where do you want?"


what?No need to ask, Ke Lu also knew that most of the time he was going to wash his hands.She turned her head and looked at Join apologetically, at first she thought it seemed a little ugly, but unexpectedly Join stared obsessively at Lu Yihan's leaving back, her eyes really wanted to stick to it.

"Join, you are too much."

"Lulu, don't be so serious. I just like your boyfriend. Don't worry, I won't rob you. Besides, if I really want to fight, where is my opponent with your boyfriend? It must be every minute." It was taken by me."

"Join, if you look at Lu Yihan unscrupulously like this, don't you worry about your family getting angry? If I remember correctly, he really hates you staring at other men. If you continue like this, believe it or not I'll call him right away." Ke Lu used this to threaten him before, but it was always a try.

"Oh, whatever you want. By the way, I kindly remind you that he changed his mobile phone number. If you have his new number, then go and file a complaint."

"No, what's the matter with you two?" Ke Lu's mobile phone has stored four or five phone numbers of Join's boyfriend. Every time the two of them quarreled, they would change numbers, and for a long time the two of them would call each other. Don't contact the other party, wait for someone to remember, and contact again.Ke Lu is no stranger to it.

After Lu Yihan came back from the bathroom, Join's presumptuous eyes didn't restrain himself, and he even wanted to sit next to Lu Yihan, but Ke Lu was so angry that she wouldn't allow Join to sit here even if she killed her. It was an hour and a half before Yihan boarded the plane, and it was rare for Ke Lu to be so eager to send Lu Yihan away.

Next time, she must go back to China to find Lu Yihan, and never dare to let Lu Yihan come to Boston. Everyone here is very courageous, and they want to go no matter what happens when they see the person they like. Just flirt, Lu Yihan is such a simple, cute and handsome man, it's too easy for a man who doesn't flirt with them to fall into their pocket.

Ke Lu and Lu Yihan lingered at the boarding gate for a while, but they were envious of joining. When Lu Yihan entered the boarding gate, Ke Lu was still standing outside and refused to leave. It's too uncomfortable.She really wanted to go back to Jiangcheng with Lu Yihan like this, the place without him was not warm at all, and it was bitingly cold.

Lu Yihan was quiet when he came and went, but lively when he left.When he returned to New York, it took him an hour to adjust. Assistant Xiao knew that he had just returned from Duton, and wanted to persuade him to go back to rest, but Lu Yihan himself was unwilling. He expected to stay in the United States for three years. , Waiting for Ke Lu to go back together after graduation.

But now it seems that the US branch does not need to be in charge by himself, which means that it is enough for him to stay in the branch for a maximum of one year.

I don't know where Ke Lu found out that she was in New York. After she found out, she flew directly to New York to find Lu Yihan. The two met a little awkwardly, but Ke Lu was more angry. Of course, there is still a trace of uncontrollable excitement in my heart.

It turned out that she and Lu Yihan were so close, she thought there was really a Pacific Ocean between them.Well, since Lu Yihan is in New York, if she wants to see him, she can just fly over to see him, which is much more convenient.Even so, there was still anger in her heart.

But asking the bottom line is not Ke Lu's style, as long as she knows that Lu Yihan is very close to her, she will be very happy. At this time, she can't wait to cling to Lu Yihan, and she doesn't want to leave him for a second.

Ke Lu went to New York every three days, which was serious enough to arouse Ke's father's suspicion. He always ordered Ke Lu to meet Lu Yihan again, so knowing that Ke Lu would go to New York whenever he had time, So they immediately asked people to investigate what it was that attracted Ke Lu's attention so much in New York.

Ke's father's investigation quickly alarmed Lu Yihan, and the two had another private phone call. After the phone call ended, Lu Yihan handed over the work to someone else, and then returned home.

It was estimated to be three years, but in less than a year, he returned to China.In Ke Lu's view, New York without Lu Yihan is not prosperous enough or attractive enough. She no longer runs to New York every other day, but obediently stays in Boston to complete her studies.

Three years, in Ke's father's words, is no different from time flies like an arrow, it passed in the blink of an eye.If you can't wait for three years, then there is nothing worth nostalgic about such a relationship, and it can't stand any test.

Ke Lu has always felt that such words sound like nonsense, but there is no way, this is her father, how can she dare to refute?There was no chance of rebuttal at all.

Three years later.Jiangcheng International Airport.

Ke Lu looked happy, dragging a suitcase in her hand, and came out of the exit in a casual and unrestrained manner. Her shiny curly hair was blown by the breeze, and her sunglasses covered most of her face. She flicked her hair, and a faint sigh The aroma hit the nose of others, leaving a faint aftertaste.

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