Rong Bai's words were not much different from what he said during the marriage proposal before. Looking at Rong Bai gently, he saw him staring at her seriously, without taking his eyes off his side at all.Every time she faced Rong Bai like this, she always seemed a little overwhelmed, and sometimes Rong Bai would also see her entanglement, or even helplessness.

Using powerlessness to describe Wen Wan's feelings for him made Rong Bai feel very decadent in an instant.

Wen Wan pursed her lips and didn't answer Rong Bai's words, she didn't dare to look at Rong Bai, so she could only shift her gaze to another place, and then faced Rong Bai as if I didn't want to say anything.He has always been used to it, but this time, his words are more serious than ever before, making people feel powerless.

"Did you hear what I said? If you reject me this time, just play, I will never appear in front of you again." Rong Bai said again, expressing the meaning of his words very clearly , Wen Wan was stunned for a long time, did not recover for a long time, under his expectant eyes, Wen Wan squinted her eyes, and finally said lightly, "Okay."

Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed across Rong Bai's face, and he couldn't help thinking that Wen Wan agreed to marry him?Unexpectedly, before he had time to be happy, he heard Wen Wan say again slowly, "Rong Bai, I understand what you mean, so you go, just do as you said, and don't appear in front of me again after you leave gone."

"Are you serious?" Rong Bai asked in disbelief.

Wen Wan nodded expressionlessly, and then said, "Yes, in fact, I have always been serious, but you never believed it. Rong Bai, you are a very good person, and deserve better The woman who is with you is by your side, that woman will not be me, nor should it be me."

Rong Bai's face changed slightly, and he said suddenly, "Wan'er, you're not me, how do you know you won't be the person who should be by my side the most?"

"How should I put it, I feel as if no matter what I say, you can't understand what I mean. Well, these are not the most important reasons. In fact, there are other reasons. For example, you are treating me like this now. The reason is because I was a child, isn't it? But I am not, in my childhood memory, there is no such thing as you."

"So Rong Bai, don't waste your time on me."

Wen Wan still wanted to say that the last sentence was not worth it, but she later found out that no matter how she told Rong Bai, Rong Bai still remained expressionless, with no fluctuations on his face, and she even wondered if there was something wrong in his heart. As calm as the expression on his face?
Rong Bai stood up abruptly, approaching Wen Wan step by step, under her slightly terrified eyes, he still walked forward, walked in front of Wen Wan, and when she kept retreating, he stretched out his hand and hugged her waist, and then supported her waist, bringing her closer to him.

As soon as Wen Wan raised her head, she could see Rong Bai's face close at hand. She seemed to be able to hear Rong Bai's heartbeat, and even Rong Bai's gentle breathing. Even so, she didn't dare to raise her head. She didn't dare to look at Rong Bai's face, she was inexplicably afraid, because she was afraid of what Rong Bai would do to her at this time.

Wen Wan lowered her head, cautiously but with a little irritation, she asked, "Rong Bai, don't act foolish!"

"I don't know how to mess around, I just want to know if you really don't have the slightest interest in me." As soon as the words fell, Wen Wan hadn't realized the meaning of Rong Bai's words, and his chin was lifted by his hand When she got up, she stared at the infinitely magnified man with wide eyes in disbelief, and even forgot to breathe.

Rong Bai leaned over and kissed, seeing Wen Wan's eyes open, he put his hand on her waist to touch her eyes, as if whispering in her ear, "Close your eyes."

Wen Wan admitted that at this moment, she seemed to be a little moved by Rong Bai at this time, but it was only for a moment. Pushing Rong Bai away, raising her hand to wipe her lips continuously, she stared at Rong Bai angrily, and almost slapped him off.

With a smile on the corner of Rong Bai's mouth, he didn't feel annoyed when she pushed him away, but looked at her with a smile on his face and said, "Actually, you don't resist my being close to you."

"Rong Bai, you are really despicable!"

"Haha, despicable? I didn't do anything to you, how could you be despicable? And I was just testing whether you have feelings for me, but it turns out, Wan'er, you are always good at lying. Even now, your Your body is more honest than your words."

Wen Wan felt that it was a mistake for her to come and talk to Rong Bai about this idea from the very beginning.There is no need for her and Rong Bai to talk at all.After a pause, she straightened the clothes that were wrinkled by Rong Bai, looked at him with her head held high and said, "Rong Bai, I am very cautious now, and tell you very seriously, I don't want this third chance."

Rong Bai wiped the corners of his mouth, as if he was still feeling the lingering warmth left by Wen Wan on his lips. After hearing Wen Wan's words, he still had the same expressionless face just now, but the brown pupils were more brown than before. A sharp one.

"you sure?"


"You know I mean it this time."

"I know."

"You really don't want to try to accept me?"


Rong Bai only said "good" at the end, and didn't say anything more, and Wen Wan also knew that it was useless for her to stay here, so she walked away without looking back.Walking out of Rong Bai's house, Wen Wan didn't intend to go back to the inn right away, she just wandered outside for a while, and when she saw Ke Lu coming out, she quickly covered her melancholy expression.

Ke Lu walked over worriedly, stood in front of her and walked around, and was slightly relieved when she saw that she had not suffered any inhuman treatment. She took the initiative to take Wen Wan's arm and asked, "Are you serious about that person just now?" Right? Sister Wanwan, actually from the first time I saw you, I felt that you must have many stories, but I also knew that you would not tell them. "

"I don't have any stories about me."

"Look, I'm right, I just mentioned it, and your expression is so resistant. If I really came to ask you out of curiosity, wouldn't you have to drive me out of the inn immediately?"

Wen Wan shook her head and said, "That's not the case."

"Really? Do you know why I came here? Why don't I like any of these inns, but I just like you." Ke Lu saw Wen Wan staring at herself in doubt, raised a playful The smile continued, "Because, I saw someone write a story on a dating platform before, and the content of the story is said to be the innkeeper's personal experience."

"Really? Is there anyone else who is so boring to write other people's stories? Although I am surprised to hear you say that, I also know that such things exist, but I never like to read them, so you It’s useless to tell me, and I can tell you with certainty that the story you read is definitely not my personal experience.”

"Sister Wanwan, if I said that I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."


"Because your attitude is too abnormal. Maybe you should take a mirror to see your current expression, as if you are trying to separate yourself from the characters in the story."

"It's because you think too much, but I don't. Besides, you already have preconceived ideas, so no matter what I say, it seems to you to separate the relationship." The previous article was very popular on the Internet, gentle I also saw it, and when she watched it, she still remembered the past events. In fact, many things in the story are somewhat consistent.

But Wen Wan never thought of finding out the person who wrote the story.But later, because of Mr. Wen's relationship, he wanted to suppress everything related to himself, so this story was naturally not immune. Now I want to look for this article on the Internet, but I can hardly find any relevant information up.

Even bits and pieces of information are hard to find.

Wen Wan didn't want to go back to the inn, and didn't want to be alone, so she asked Ke Lu to accompany her around.She has been living in the ancient town of Licheng for almost a year, and she travels through these ancient buildings every day, watching the tourists come one after another.Ke Lu squinted at Wen Wan from time to time, but when she saw that she didn't want to talk, she immediately fell silent.

Ke Lu is a chatterbox. She can rarely calm down and walk aimlessly on the street like she is now. Many times she will find fun for herself when she is bored.Considering Wen Wan's feelings, she also knew that the relationship between the man who came just now and Wen Wan must be extraordinary, and she couldn't ask about the things in it.

Suddenly, Wen Wan didn't know what to think of, and said slowly, "I don't want to stay in Licheng recently, I plan to go to Jiangcheng tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I remember that your sweetheart seems to be in Jiangcheng, do you want to consider going there with me ?”

To be honest, Ke Lu was a little moved. She really wanted to agree, but I'm afraid she didn't have so much time, because she estimated that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, maybe tonight, her whereabouts should be found by her family. Then they will definitely take themselves back, and she wants to follow, but she is powerless.

She also thought about a problem that Lu Yihan had never contacted her, but she still missed him so much.

Wen Wan doesn't want to stay in Belvedere because there is still Rongbai in Belvedere.So she packed her luggage that night, handed over the inn to Zhang's mother, and slipped away by herself. Even Ke Lu didn't know that Wen Wan left overnight until the next morning.

If you drive from Licheng to Jiangcheng, it will take about eight hours.She wouldn't drive for such a long time alone, so she had to take a plane.Ke Lu ate the cake that Zhang's mother handed her, and murmured in a low voice, "Sister Wanwan is really anxious to leave here. There must be some kind of scourge here that makes her avoid it so much."

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