Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 446 Happiness Comes Too Suddenly

Bella just came back from a trip. Wen Wan originally agreed to pick up the plane, but she forgot about this matter, and with the matter of Fiennes, she would have completely forgotten about it. If she hadn't called herself Phone, when she thinks about it, she doesn't even know it's the year of the monkey.

Fei Lai came over to hand her the water, but Bella hesitated for a second before taking it. Fei Lai smiled at her, then walked to the other side in silence, as if deliberately keeping a distance from her, making her It's not right to stand still and walk, or not to go. She has been choosing difficult households since she was a child, and the most annoying thing is making choices.

The insurance company came very quickly, at least they only had to wait for ten minutes. This is the first time for Bella to encounter this kind of thing, and she is not very clear about the process of handling it, so she left it to the insurance company, and Fei Lai didn't know what he said, she only saw the person standing in front of him He nodded and bowed vigorously.

Bella raised her hand and glanced at the time, and instantly remembered that her parents were still waiting for her at home. She briefly explained the matter and took a taxi away. She originally wanted to tell Fei Lai, but seeing that he was busy, I didn't want to disturb him.

After Fei Lai made arrangements, he didn't see Bella, and he was still a little puzzled.

And Wen Wan stayed in the car for a few minutes after hanging up Bella's phone, no matter whether her IQ was online or not, before she saw Fiennes with her own eyes, her heart was hanging in the air and never fell to the ground .After a pause, she thought for a few seconds and called Fiennes.

calling?Who is he calling?
Wen Wan rolled down the car window, looked up from her angle, and could vaguely see if the lights in the apartment were on.Not seeing the hope in her heart, she was inevitably a little disappointed. Just when she was about to drive to another place to look for it, she took a closer look and saw that the light was on.

Wen Wan immediately drove the car happily into the parking garage of the community, and then quickly took the elevator back to the apartment.Fortunately, the key to the apartment is still in her hand, so there is no need for Fiennes to open the door.

When she stood at the door holding the key, her mood changed again.What if Fiennes didn't want to see himself?She is humiliating herself again?In just a few seconds, thoughts in her mind were flying all over the sky, and she couldn't control herself.

Think about it, Wen Wan keeps giving herself psychological hints, all because Fiennes was injured, he is not only the person she loves, but also her uncle in the eyes of outsiders, it is not natural for a niece to care about her uncle what?
Ever since, Wen Wan gritted her teeth, squinted her eyes and inserted the key into the door hole, turned it a few times, and the door was opened.A ray of light came into view.She entered the room and lightly put the keys on the shoe cabinet, without even changing her shoes, she went directly to the living room, only to see Fiennes sitting on the sofa with his arms folded in front of his chest.

Wen Wan was shocked and asked, "Didn't you have a car accident? Why are you still sitting here like a normal person, why don't you go to the hospital for a checkup?"

Fiennes cast a cold glance at Wen Wan, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

", don't you often say that you are my brother-in-law? It's okay for my niece to care about my brother-in-law, right?" With this kind of result, she felt that she was sick.

"Niece cares about uncle?" Fiennes snorted coldly, with disdain in his tone.

Wen Wan, Wen Wan is even more angry, "Yes, I know you are pregnant with a beauty now, and my niece is just a dispensable decoration. If that is the case, then I am leaving, you go find your beauty to care about you , how are you?"

After Wen Wan finished speaking, she left. Looking at Fiennes' haughty and cold appearance, she decided that he was definitely not injured, and that Fei Lai must have taken the matter too seriously on purpose.Now that she has figured it out, she doesn't want to stay here anymore.

When Fiennes saw that she was leaving, his face became even colder, "Stop, I let you go?"

"Uncle, do you still want to play a game of double flying?" He said indiscriminately, completely without considering the consequences of saying this, and naturally Fiennes did not expect her to say such a thing.

"You are so young, who taught you this?"

"Grandma is born smart and self-taught, she doesn't need others to teach her."

"Wen Wan, come here."

"Come here? Uncle, are you dizzy? I'm not your beauty, are you sure you're asking me to come here?" Wen Wan put her hands in her pockets and said with a sneer.

Fiennes was stunned and held his breath in the throat, so angry that he almost spat blood.Their atmosphere became more and more weird, but Wen Wan pretended not to notice it, and continued to provoke Fiennes like this.


Fiennes suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his chest, and hummed softly. The living room was already very quiet, and the two of them hadn't spoken for a while, so it was a groan. The groan could naturally reach Wen Wan's ears clearly. inside.She took a few steps forward, seeing his posture, her expression changed, she rushed to him, and asked anxiously, "You are hurt."

"Just a little thing."

"Injuries can be big or small. No matter how small the wound is, if you treat it carelessly, it will become very serious. Can you stand up? I will accompany you to the hospital."

"Don't go."


"Wait for it to heal on its own."

"Fiennes, are you a child? You still need to be coaxed when you go to the hospital? Don't you know that you are injured now?"

Fiennes frowned. Now he was actually being described as a child by a kid. The shadow area in his heart was growing infinitely. Hearing what Wen Wan said, he also felt like a person who was left out in the cold. The child who urgently needs gentleness to please.

That's what he said, but Fiennes would never admit that.

Fiennes insisted not to go to the hospital, and Wen Wan couldn't do anything with him for a while, remembering that there was a medicine box under the TV cabinet, she sat down Fiennes, and she quickly ran to the TV cabinet to open the drawer and took out the medicine The box then returned to its original position, and under Fiennes's fierce resistance, she even unbelievably stripped his clothes off.

Wen Wan took off his blouse, and from the moment he exposed his slender and tender neck, she had already started slamming like a deer, her heart beating faster, her face blushing, and Fiennes continued to let him be at his mercy as if nothing had happened, lowering her eyes from time to time to scan After a glance, my heart is full of indescribable spring breeze.

"Why are you wearing so many clothes?"

"Because of the cold."

Gentle and embarrassing, she unbuttoned him carefully, worrying about touching his wound, but at the same time kept hinting to herself that no evil should be seen.But no matter how she hinted, Wen Wan felt that her mouth was dry and her whole body was hot.

Wen Wan was dumbfounded when Fiennes exposed her entire upper body.She stared at the position he was covering just now, moved her mouth, and asked suspiciously, "This is the position you covered just now, right? Strange, why is there no wound?"

Before Fiennes could answer, Wen Wan suddenly patted herself on the head, "It must be an internal injury, it seems that you still need to go to the hospital."

A few black lines slid across Fiennes' forehead, and suddenly, he bent down slightly, reached out to hold Wen Wan's hand, helped her up, and motioned her to sit beside her.Wen Wan followed his movements without knowing why.

Fortunately, the heater was turned on in the room, so even if Fiennes didn't wear clothes, she wouldn't feel cold. On the contrary, she felt a little hot, but she decided that her clothes were too thick and had nothing to do with the beauty in front of her eyes.

Fiennes remembered that he was also in the apartment last time, but it was only in Wen Wan's room. They almost ended the ambiguous relationship that lingered before them because of Wen Wan's so-called boyfriend's concerned phone call. breath.

"What do you want to do?" She looked at Fiennes gently and steadily, with shyness about what might happen next in her shining eyes, but in fact, in her heart, it was fanatical, and she even wished that Fiennes would move quickly One point, don't whine like a woman.

Throw her down quickly.She kept repeating this sentence silently in her heart, but Fiennes was not as she wished, and he was hesitant to proceed to the next step, just sitting and staring at her.

Wen Wan's eyes were almost sour, but Fiennes was still in deep thought. She looked back angrily, and said angrily, "Fience, what are you doing? Just pretend to be sick to stare at me? "

He pursed his lips and didn't answer, and then saw Wen Wan standing up angrily, staring at him condescendingly, his heart tightened, just when he was thinking about whether he should take the initiative, Wen Wan suddenly leaned down righteously, Squinting his eyes, he kissed carelessly.

But she never expected that Wen Wanlai wanted to kiss, but ended up kissing his nose because she couldn't see it.Wen Wan didn't dare to move, and she didn't know where to put her hands that had nowhere to rest.The corners of Fiennes's mouth were slightly curved, thinking it was very funny, and when he sensed that Wen Wan wanted to retreat, he turned back immediately.

He closed his eyes, but he was able to find Wen Wan's lips accurately. Wen Wan opened her eyes suddenly, staring at the drunken man with a bewildered expression, her heartbeat was so fast that she could no longer control it.

Wen Wan put her hands around Fiennes' neck, her legs wrapped around his waist involuntarily, she leaned forward, and stuck tightly to his body.

Fee house.Fei Sen was sitting in his study reading a book.He was reading the book because it was related to his mood at that time, and at this moment he was holding the Art of War by Sun Tzu in his hand.The computer on the desktop was always on, and suddenly there was a jingle. He closed the book casually, then stretched out his hand to hold the mouse, moved the mouse slowly, and clicked on the interface.

Feisen clicked on the email he had just received, and saw the photos and information on it. He was in a good mood. He got up and put Sun Tzu's Art of War back on the bookshelf. He stood in front of the window and looked thoughtfully at the white snow falling outside. He opened the window, and a gust of wind blew snowflakes into the study.

Unexpectedly, my cousin, who has never been close to women, is like an ordinary man, unable to refuse beauty. I am curious, do you want a country or a beauty?

Feisen stood by the window for a long time. He frowned and returned to the desk again, replying to an email with only two words, the media.

The next day, early in the morning, Wen Wan and Fiennes, who were sleeping, were awakened by the ringing of their mobile phones.

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