"No, I still have things to do."

"No, you have to sit here and eat with me now, think about it, I'm very lonely eating alone." Wen Wan clasped her hands together on her chest, looking at him pitifully.

He frowned, and the manager who had already left appeared out of nowhere, and said gloomyly, "Zhang Yuan, you just stay here to eat with Miss Wen, I won't count you as absent from work."

Hearing this, he glanced at the manager gently and approvingly, he was very discerning and promising.

Wen Wan returned to her seat, and signaled Zhang Yuan to sit down. Zhang Yuan hesitated for a long time, and finally sat down helplessly. From time to time, she glanced at Wen Wan from the corner of her eye, and saw that her eyes were following her not far away. The people at that table.He thought about it secretly, as if he understood something.

Fiennes suddenly turned around, turned around gently, stared at Zhang Yuan, and asked stammeringly, "You, how long have you been working here?"

"Less than a week." Zhang Yuan said seriously.

"No wonder I think you are very unfamiliar. It turns out that you have not been here for a long time, so it's normal that you don't know me."

Zhang Yuan didn't know what to say, because he felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, but Wen Wan's thoughts were obviously there. He was staring at a certain place in a daze with a smile on his face, but when Fiennes looked back, he had a problem with the angle , causing Zhang Yuan to look at Wen Wan very affectionately in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, he felt very uncomfortable, but his strong self-control and determination made him choose to be indifferent to it.

The woman sitting opposite him is beautiful, graceful, beautiful, and has the unique sexy charm of a woman. From the appearance, she fits the appearance of the dream person in many men's minds, not only In this way, there is a touch of elegance in her gestures, giving people a more noble temperament.

Compared with nobleness, Wen Wan doesn't think she will lose to her, but compared with appearance, although she is extremely confident in her appearance, the aesthetics of men and women are completely different concepts. Come to think of it, She turned around and sat upright, staring at Zhang Yuan very seriously.

"Do you think that woman is beautiful?"


Gentle fingers pointed carefully at the woman opposite Fiennes, "That's her."

"It's beautiful."

"Who is more beautiful, me or her?"

"The two of you have different styles, and naturally give people different feelings, but their charm values ​​are similar."

"Speaking politely, you mean that she and I are on equal footing, and each has its own beauty, right?" Wen Wan said angrily, it was no different if she heard it or not.

"Everyone's aesthetics are different, so I think it's better to answer your question like this."

Wen Wan frowned, "You can only choose one of us, who do you think is the most beautiful?"

"Her?" Zhang Yuan just uttered a word from his mouth when he received gentle white eyes, so he pondered for a moment and changed his words, "Naturally, your beauty has improved to a higher level."

"Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?" Wen Wan smiled and asked again, "If you were asked to choose a wife, who would you choose?"

Zhang Yuan was stumped by this question. According to his inner thoughts, he would not choose either. The girl he likes does not need to have a beautiful appearance, as long as she has a good personality, gentleness, generosity, and talent.Wen Wan was still waiting for his answer, he thought for a while, then said weakly, "Go ahead."

"Remove the word bar." Wen Wan said happily, "Have a vision!"

Zhang Yuan drank his saliva, he had internal injuries but couldn't show it.Wen Wan felt that his words were very interesting, so she thought about him chatting to pass the time, and glanced at Fiennes from time to time, wondering what the hell he and that woman could not finish talking for so long?Seeing that woman smiling like a flower, she really wanted to overturn the table.

Fiennes said very little, in fact, it was always women who spoke.

"Mr. Fei, if I look for you next time, will you come out and meet me?"

"Huh? It depends on your mood."

"Uh... well, I hope Mr. Fei can always be in a good mood, so will he see me more?"


Wen Wan leaned forward and waved to Zhang Yuan, "What do you think they are talking about?"

"do not know."

"You're a man, don't you know?"

"You are also a woman, do you know what she is talking about?" Zhang Yuan's patience was almost exhausted by Wen Wan, and he replied angrily in an instant, and Wen Wan was also stunned by his words for a long time before he could react.

Fiennes looked at all directions and listened to all directions. Ever since Zhang Yuan and Wen Wan sat together, he began to be absent-minded.At this moment, his phone rang.Fiennes glanced at the woman on the opposite side apologetically, picked up the phone and walked a certain distance before answering it.

"Master, our cooperation with Ruichen was taken away by Master Biao's people."

"I see, put the project down temporarily and wait for me to come back to deal with it."

"Yes, master." Fei Lai hesitated for a while on the phone, and asked weakly, "Master, are you still on a blind date?"

"Get lost." Fiennes said the word slowly in a cold voice, without giving Fei Lai a chance to speak, he hung up the phone instantly.

Fiennes returned to his seat. He walked in all the way just now, and his eyes followed Wen Wan's figure all the time. Seeing that she and Zhang Yuan had a very happy chat, he felt as if he had overturned the vinegar jar, not that she was weak. Did you even need someone to help you get out of bed?Still refreshed and chatting with other men now?
Zhang Yuan was keenly aware of a sharp gaze staring at him. He pursed his lips, with a stiff smile on his face, and found that the person staring at him was the man Wen Wan said was boring, coquettish, coquettish, and venomous. .

Wen Wan didn't know what Fiennes said to the woman, but the woman suddenly got up and walked towards the gate with her bag.She folded her hands on the back of the chair, stared at Fiennes' back with her round eyes, thoughtful, did Fiennes say something she shouldn't have said that offended her?
If this is the case, then of course she is very happy.

Zhang Yuan raised his wrist to look at the time, touched the table with his fingers, and tapped lightly a few times, "Miss Wen, I should go."


"Because it's time to get off work."

Wen Wan frowned, looked back at Zhang Yuan, and waved quickly, "Okay, let's go."

Just after she finished saying this, Fiennes suddenly turned his head and turned his gaze to this side, gently grabbed Zhang Yuan's hand without saying a word, and said in a panic, "Hey, don't go, for now don't go."

"But I'm off work."

"I'll give you overtime pay, okay?" Wen Wan said while grabbing his hand and not letting go.

All of a sudden, Zhang Yuan stood still, and was so silent that he stopped talking.A voice so low that she could even hear it in her dreams resounded above Wen Wan's head.

"Is it fun?"

Wen Wan's body froze suddenly, squatting halfway between the sofa and the table, her hand still holding onto Zhang Yuan's hand and not letting go, she raised her head cautiously, glanced to the right, and saw Fiennes lowering his head slightly, coldly His eyes were staring at her, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be instantly as cold as the ice and snow outside.

"Fei... oh, little, uncle, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." Wen Wan gritted her teeth and mustered up the courage to stand up. Her head just touched Fiennes' chin, and she didn't After thinking so much, he bumped into it. Fiennes didn't even frown as if he didn't feel any pain. On the other hand, her forehead was blushed.

Zhang Yuan has two completely different concepts towards Fiennes. He is very self-aware, knowing that he is in the way, he secretly squeezes Wen Wan's hand away, and then carefully prepares to take the opportunity to slip away, but Wen Wan's reaction is very quick to grab again Hold his hand.

"Uncle, don't think that I'm following you, look, this is my boyfriend, called..." Wen Wan turned her head and looked at Zhang Yuan in warning, her mouth moved, and then said, "Zhang Yuan , This is my uncle, you can call me uncle too."

Fiennes had a cold face, his eyes fell on the clasped hands of Wen Wan and Zhang Yuan, and he said expressionlessly, "I don't have such a big nephew."

"But you have a niece my age, uncle!"

Zhang Yuan saw Wen Wan's appearance of driving ducks to the shelves, his heart was really full of waves, especially when he saw the sharpness in Fiennes' eyes, this was probably not just to drive ducks to the shelves, but to ruthlessly put them on the shelves. Send to the guillotine.

Wen Wan doesn't allow Zhang Yuan to move around, and naturally doesn't allow him to resist.She held her head high and said to Fiennes confidently, "Uncle, are you eating with my aunt?"

Fiennes raised his lips, "Well, next time you come to meet your aunt together."

"No." Fiennes' words made Wen Wan out of breath, and wanted to call her to see that woman!Deliberately find a response for her!

Wen Wan pulled Zhang Yuan and looked at Fiennes unceremoniously, "Uncle, my boyfriend has to go back to school, so let's go first."

"I'll send you."

"No, I'll drive by myself." Wen Wan bluntly refused, and dragged Zhang Yuan away forcibly, seeing him hesitate to speak, Wen Wan gave him a hard look, warning him not to talk nonsense.

Fiennes looked at the figure gradually disappearing in front of the hotel, and suddenly snapped his fingers in the air. The manager suddenly came out from the side with a flattering expression on his face, "Master Fei, what do you want?"

"Who was that person just now?"

"Oh, his name is Zhang Yuan, he is a sophomore at Peking University Business School, and he just came to work this week."

Fiennes nodded silently, then looked at the manager with a gossip expression, his expression suddenly became awe-inspiring, the heating in the room dropped to zero in an instant, the manager silently sweated for himself, and before he could speak, he found a reason Leave this place of right and wrong.

"Ding Ding Ding-"

Fiennes was worrying about something gentle, when the phone rang, he picked it up casually, and it was Lu Zhengting's voice on the phone.Feisen attacked Beicheng, while Jiangcheng, Yang Jinkuan and Ye Yunchen joined forces again, and after New Year's Day, they began to attack Lu's.

Unexpectedly, according to Lu Zhengting's investigation, the person behind Ye Yunchen is Fei Sen. Now Fei Sen is fighting openly and secretly with Fei Ensi, and he definitely doesn't want any trouble in Jiangcheng.

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