Seeing Xiaohan's confident expression, Xu Yan seemed to be certain that she was carrying a girl.

Lu Zhengting didn't chase after them after they left the study, but stayed in the study to deal with matters. Fortunately, today is New Year's Day, but the focus is still on the annual meeting in a few days.At this year's annual meeting, he will definitely let Xu Yan attend the banquet as the hostess of the Lu family. In order to avoid accidents at the annual meeting, the planning department has been constantly checking for the past few days.

Lu Zhengting received a call from Fiennes, knowing that Feisen could no longer sit still in Beicheng, and wanted to take advantage of the days after New Year's Day to do something.Ning Xi returned to Beicheng, and Ning Nan brought Xu Su back to Beicheng at this time, so for their enemies, it was the best time to attack Lu Zhengting.

Lu Zhengting is well aware of these hidden traps, but he is not a person who accepts everything.He was sitting on the leather chair, and from the corner of his eyes, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a shadow passing through the gap under the door, and sneered.

Xia Siyue stood outside, her ears pressed tightly against the door.Xu Yan thought that today was New Year's Day, so he gave all the servants in the family a holiday, that is to say, there are only five of them in this huge villa.

Xu Yan played with Xiao Han and Xiong Xiong in the back garden. She just said that she wanted to go back to her room because she was not feeling well. She learned from Xu Yan that Lu Zhengting is in the study now, so she sneaked here boldly Come on, try to see if you can find out what he's been up to lately.

Ever since she disappeared from the hospital last time, Xia Siyue had a vague feeling that Xu Yan had started to be wary of her, and getting information from Xu Yan was not as easy as she thought.

She couldn't hear Lu Zhengting's voice very clearly, but she could still hear some of it. She roughly memorized a few key words that she thought were key words. In order to avoid being discovered, she didn't dare to stay at the door for too long, and returned to her room Finally, he picked up his phone and edited a simple text message to an unfamiliar number.

A few seconds later, the phone dinged, and it was a notification sound that the message was sent successfully.

Xia Siyue sat on the bed, put her phone on the bedside table, thought about it, and lay down on the bed first.

back yard.

Xiong Xiong really hasn't seen Xiaohan for a long time, since he saw Xiaohan, he has been very attached to him, and he never leaves him. Wherever Xiaohan goes, he will follow him, never letting go of a drop.Xiaohan's face was always full of happiness, Xu Yan felt that Xiong Xiong was a very competent brother.

"Brother, don't go too fast, I won't be able to keep up." Xiong Xiong Xiaopao followed him, stopped to catch his breath after a few steps, and then shouted at the back in front of him, seeing Xiaohan stop, he Only then did he start trotting to keep up, grabbing Xiaohan's sleeve.

What Xiong Xiong said to Xiao Han was dick at most.Before Xiaohan was not in Mingcheng, Xu Yan was in Beicheng, and Lu Zhengting was going to Beicheng, so he was sadly sent to Xu Su's side, and met his new brother Erdan.

Xiaohan has seen douchebags, but she rarely communicates with them, so she doesn't know much about them.Now when he heard Xiong Xiong talking about Er Dan, he suddenly became interested, and asked about Er Dan enthusiastically.

"Last time Uncle Ning took Erdan Gege and me to the set to play, and there was an uncle with a beard who liked Erdan Gege and asked him to act in TV..."

"Has he acted?"

"No." Xiong Xiong said with a smile.

Xiao Han then asked, "Why?"

"Because Brother Erdan was scared away by that uncle, and later Uncle Ning Er said he would take us to the set, but he didn't go because of threats and lures."

Hearing this, Xiao Han laughed, "So Erdan is so fun."

"Yeah, brother Er Dan is very kind to me, and he will give me everything. Unfortunately, he returned to Beicheng with Uncle Ning Er and Uncle Xu Su. I don't know when he will come to Jiangcheng again."

"It seems that Xiongxiong is living happily without me."

Xiong Xiong pouted and said in a low voice, "Brother, if I'm unhappy, you will be unhappy."

"Little devil, who told you? Seeing you have such a happy life makes me sad." Xiaohan sighed sadly with a straight face, and said quietly.

Seeing this, Xiong Xiong scratched his hair, "Really?"

"I lied to you." Seeing that Xiong Xiong asked so seriously, Xiaohan changed the subject and said with a big laugh.

Xu Yan stood by the flowers and looked at the time. It was getting late, and the servants at home were all on vacation by her, which meant that she needed to make dinner tonight.Fortunately, the food purchased at home is delivered by a dedicated person early in the morning.

"Xiaohan, you take your younger brother to play, you all have to be careful, you know?"

Xiao Han turned her head and nodded at her, then took Xiong Xiong to the glass room.The glass room is almost full of Xu Yan's idle paintings. Without the guidance of a professional teacher, the things she draws still have a good shape, but the shape is a bit scattered, but the use of color is exceptional. boldness.

Xu Yan went to the kitchen, took out the apron behind the door and tied it around her waist. For the convenience of cooking, she took off her coat and only wore a sweater with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The ingredients were taken out of the refrigerator and placed next to each other in an orderly manner, waiting for them to be ready, and she began to process them one by one.

Originally, before Jiang Mingxiu came to make trouble in the morning, she deliberately asked Lu Zhengting to bring Jiang Mingxiu to the villa to celebrate the New Year together, but now even if she wanted to invite Jiang Mingxiu, she would not come.

Lu Zhengting stepped out of the study.Standing in the corridor, with his hands on the railing, looking down thoughtfully, no one knows what is going on in his mind right now.Xia Siyue came out of the room when she heard the sound, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Lu Zhengting's back. She narrowed her eyes, and just a simple back view could make her feel distracted.

Lu Zhengting's charm is fatal to every woman. Even if he stands motionless like a statue, he still has the charm to attract women.It's not that Xia Siyue never thought of getting Lu Zhengting before, but Lu Zhengting is a high-ranking person who has never been controlled by ordinary women.

But no one thought that the person who controlled Lu Zhengting would be such an unknown woman as Xu Yan.

She looked at Lu Zhengting's back in a daze.All of a sudden, Lu Zhengting turned around and stared at Xia Siyue with burning eyes. She was startled, and her heart was in a state of turmoil. Feeling the sharp gaze, she couldn't help shivering.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Zhengting asked coldly.

"I... I thought I'd come out and help my sister when I got better. It's not convenient for her to have a big belly now. I didn't know you would stand here, brother-in-law, so..."

"In the future, if you have nothing to do, stay in your own room and avoid going out."

Xia Siyue was afraid that Lu Zhengting would see his flaws, so she tried to avoid any eye contact with him when speaking. After a long silence, she asked silently, "Brother-in-law, do you really dislike me?"

Lu Zhengting glanced at Xia Siyue expressionlessly, then snorted coldly, "You just need to know that the reason why you are here is because of Xu Yan."

Xia Siyue gritted her teeth tightly, Lu Zhengting's mouth was full of Xu Yan, and his true feelings were as deep as the sea.She suppressed the anger in her heart, and replied submissively, "I see."

Lu Zhengting didn't even look at her, he walked past her and went downstairs to the kitchen to find Xu Yan.The lighting above the kitchen was on, and the shadow of the light just hit the top of Xu Yan's head. At this moment, Xu Yan used a rubber band to comb his hair, which he loved most.

Xu Yan lowered her head, concentrating on handling all the ingredients. This was the first time they had been together for so long, and it was the first New Year's Eve as a family. Of course, she hoped that everything could be the best.

Bright lights illuminated the entire kitchen, Xu Yan did things in an orderly manner, not in a hurry or rough, Lu Zhengting leaned against the door, with his hands in his trouser pockets, his tender eyes locked tightly on Xu Yan, he felt that sometimes Seeing her doing things seems to be looking at a beautiful landscape painting, or dynamic.

I don't know when a light snow fell outside the window. The snow fluttered white and fell on the window sill. It accumulated more and more, and slowly solidified into ice.Xu Yan sometimes looked up out of the window, and sometimes looked at the things in her hands with a serious and gentle expression. Whenever she looked up, there was always a gentle smile on her rosy cheeks.

Lu Zhengting was fascinated by the sight, so he walked towards Xu Yan involuntarily, and gently stretched out his hand to wrap around her waist from behind. He just used a little strength to wrap Xu Yan in his arms, Xu Yan was caught off guard, and said A shallow exclamation.

"Don't make trouble, I still have a kitchen knife in my hand, if you accidentally drop it later, be careful of your feet." Xu Yan said with a smile.

Without saying a word, Lu Zhengting bent down, put his head on Xu Yan's shoulder, and secretly kissed her on the cheek openly.Xu Yan felt that his beard was scratching her neck a little itchy, so he shrugged, put down the kitchen knife, and said dumbfoundedly, "Stop making trouble, I can't do things anymore."

"Why is it inconvenient for me to hold you like this?"

Xu Yan rolled his eyes and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Something seems wrong with you tonight."

"What's wrong?"

"It seems to be particularly clinging to me."

Lu Zhengting did not refute Xu Yan's words, but just like Xiaohan in the afternoon, he rubbed against her neck, Xu Yan dodged subconsciously, but he grabbed her waist.Don't let her move.The preface was very helpless, and suddenly felt like raising an older son. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but free a hand to touch Lu Zhengting's head.

"Hey, how about you do it?"

"You stay with me."

"What do I stay with you to cook? What about watching you do it?"

Lu Zhengting nodded his head as a matter of course, "Well, stay and watch me cook."

Xu Yan thought for a while, then turned around and raised her hands to hang on Lu Zhengting's neck, her eyes as bright as stars looked at him tenderly, her rosy lips glowed with luster, she pouted, pulled Lu Zhengting down, and looked at him Lips, kiss them face to face.


"It's over now, isn't it?"

Lu Zhengting locked onto Xu Yan's lips with unfinished intentions, pondered for a moment, and said slowly in a hoarse voice, "Is this little favor just to satisfy me?"

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