Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 417 Ye Yunchen from Chapter [-]

"Who the hell is coming to see me at this time?"

"It's Ye Yunchen." The person who came in to report hesitated to say his name, and suddenly felt that the gaze falling on him became more and more stern.

"Ye Yunchen?" Yang Jinkuan gritted his teeth and popped these three words out of his mouth. It was because of him that T6 was exposed, and it was also because of him that the leak made things like this. He sent so many people to look for him but they couldn't find it. , but now he sent him to his door looking for death!

"Let him in!"

Ye Yunchen was led into the room. He saw Yang Jinkuan who was sitting still and staring at him dangerously. He smiled lightly and sat down on the empty seat next to him without asking others' opinions, with his hands on his lap.

"Ye Yunchen, it seems that you have found a new master now, so you dare to appear here blatantly." Yang Jinkuan coughed a few times, but fortunately his wound healed fairly quickly, and now he looks like a normal person, with a slight expression on his face rosy.

"Mr. Yang's condition looks very good, but I don't know if it is really as tough as I see it on the surface."

Yang Jinkuan's words are correct, that is, Ye Yunchen has indeed found his next family, and there are people behind him to support him, so he took the initiative to show up in front of him so unscrupulously. Thinking back a few days ago, when the Xia family had an accident, Ye Yunchen was like a mouse crossing the street , hiding in Tibet every day, even wandering in every corner of the city without hesitating to be with drug addicts.

Later, when he received the news and rushed over, he was already a step too late, and he couldn't find Ye Yunchen at all, but seeing his high-spirited appearance now, he couldn't help but sneer.

"What are you thinking?" Ye Yunchen asked coldly.

"Mr. Ye, I'm afraid that the nobleman forgets things too much. During the time you disappeared, I have had people take good care of your parents."

"Your people took my parents away?" After being taken away by Feisen, Ye Yunchen didn't get half of the benefits as expected. Instead, he was locked up in an unknown place for a month or two. , he saw with his own eyes that wave after wave of corpses were transported outside by trailer, and he didn't know what the final result of waiting for them was.

That place, he can only say is a hell on earth, and the people who come out of it will probably never want to go back in their entire lives.

With Feisen's permission, he was released. In fact, it was useless to ask him anything, because he didn't know anything about it. What he clearly said was that if he betrayed Feisen, What will happen to it.

Ye Yunchen narrowed his eyes and asked deeply, "Where are my parents now?"

"Are you in a hurry? Why don't you tell me your purpose for coming to me first." Yang Jinkuan sat upright and looked at him solemnly.

Hearing this, Ye Yunchen narrowed his eyes and said seriously, "I can help you get the evidence from Lu Zhengting."

"Just to help me get evidence? Ye Yunchen, are you so kind? Just tell me your purpose."

"Of course, you know better than anyone else that I owe it to someone to become like this, so I naturally hope that Lu Zhengting can die early than anyone else."

Yang Jinkuan obviously didn't believe his words, and Ye Yunchen continued without changing his expression, "Lu Zhengting not only took away the person I like, but also ruined my career. Isn't this enough to turn into hatred in your eyes, Mr. Yang? Think Mr. Yang It was also because of this that killed Lu Zhengting's elder brother, Lu Jingshen, didn't he?"

Yang Jinkuan's face changed, and the old ghost standing beside him suddenly shouted loudly, "Ye Yunchen!"

Ye Yunchen raised his eyebrows with a smile, and said to Yang Jinkuan, "Mr. Yang, this dog should be tied up better, or else it will be released casually like now, and it will bite people as soon as it is caught. I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble."

Furious, the old ghost took a step forward, as if he was going to beat Ye Yunchen, but Yang Jinkuan suddenly reached out to hold him down, winked at him, then stood up on the chair, his coat covered his wound, he raised the corners of his mouth, A cruel smile appeared, "It's useless for you to talk fast here, let alone I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mr. Yang is the real noble who forgets things. I thought Mr. Yang would never forget these things. After all, Mr. Yang seems to have lost his beloved woman because of this incident."

Yang Jinkuan's face suddenly became very serious, every word Ye Yunchen said was inseparable from what happened that year, he thought that this matter would always be buried in his heart, no one would know.The beloved person that Ye Yunchen said was Ke Qinglan.

The old ghost coughed heavily, and turned to Ye Yunchen with a cold face, "What is your purpose?"

"My purpose has always been very clear. Just now I accidentally said something about Mr. Yang's sadness just to better demonstrate my purpose of appearing here. It's not my fault. It shouldn't be a hostile relationship, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, Mr. Yang, you should know better than me."

There was something in Ye Yunchen's words, of course Yang Jinkuan could understand.At first he thought that the person Ke Qinglan liked was a poor boy, so he let her go. From his point of view, Ke Qinglan would belong to him sooner or later. Later, when he knew that Lu Jingchen was the son of a rich family, he gradually had feelings for it. sense of crisis.

Ke Qinglan loves Lu Jingshen very much, and he can see it. On the one hand, he tends to think that he is not strong enough to compete with him, and on the other hand, he hopes that the Lu family will not accept Ke Qinglan.Every day he saw the two of them loving each other, his mind was full of jealousy, and he was going crazy with jealousy.

Just when he felt that he should let go of this relationship to bless Lu Jingshen and Ke Qinglan, he suddenly learned from Keya Ru that the Lu family had always refused to accept Ke Qinglan's background and her as a person.

Because of this incident, he rekindled hope.Gradually, he made a name for himself, gained the respect of the old man of the Xu family, and made his name smoothly all the way.

Suddenly, one day, he received a task to go to the abandoned warehouse to pick up the goods from the connector. As a result, he was notified when he arrived at the warehouse, and the people there temporarily canceled it.When he came back, he saw Xia Minghui sneaking over there, curiosity made him subconsciously follow, but he found that he seemed to be trying to hide something.

The land next to the warehouse was taken by Lu Jingchen from the government and planned to be developed as a high-end community.Because of Lu Jingshen's involvement, he paid special attention to this matter, and it was precisely because of his attention that he discovered Xia Minghui's secret. He indirectly guided Lu Jingshen to discover this matter, and then followed suit to let him Xia Minghui knew.

Everything was within his plan, but as expected, Xia Minghui, with a guilty conscience, took advantage of Lu Jingshen's investigation, and repeated his tricks, destroying all the evidence with a fire.

This matter was a secret in Yang Jinkuan's heart. He always thought that no one would know, but Xia Minghui was not easy to fool. After killing Lu Jingshen, he secretly investigated and found himself.

Keya led Xiaohan out of the room and didn't even know what they were doing in the living room, but just seeing Ye Yunchen, she walked down the stairs with a mocking face, slowly He came to Yang Jinkuan's side without hesitation, and glanced at Ye Yunchen proudly, "Why are you here?"

Ye Yunchen smiled without saying a word, got up and walked out, the old ghost took a big step forward, trying to block his way, Yang Jinkuan coughed a few times, stopping his behavior.

Only Ke Yaru, Yang Jinkuan, and Xiao Han were left in the huge house. The old ghost was a ghostly existence, and Ke Yaru always ignored him.She let Xiaohan move within her sight, and then sat down beside Yang Jinkuan. Although she was puzzled, she asked without changing her face, "What is he doing here?"


"Hmph, if you don't tell me, I won't know?" Keya Ru said coldly, Yang Jinkuan didn't say anything, she had her own way to find Ye Yunchen to understand the situation.

The nickname of Little Han, Little Devil, goes with him no matter where he goes. In the Yang family, except for Ke Yaru who made him a little more obedient, no one else could do anything to him no matter how hard or soft they were.

The old ghost was one of the people who really wanted to strangle Xiaohan to death, and he stumbled a lot in Xiaohan's hands.

Yang Jinkuan stared at the smiling Xiaohan and couldn't help being lost in thought. When Xiaohan smiled, his brows and eyes were crooked, reminiscent of Ke Qinglan's youthful appearance.Xiaohan is not afraid of him, but when he feels his eyes directly on his body, he will involuntarily get goosebumps all over his body. He can't tell what kind of eyes it is, but he feels disgusted when he looks at him.

That's right, it's disgusting.Xiaohan even thought about whether he had a tendency to abuse children.

After Xu Yan came back from the hospital after seeing Xia Siyue, she was obviously a little depressed. The most she did at home now was to play with Xiong Xiong. Lu Zhengting had to deal with the parking lot. Although he didn't alert the police, he still needed to destroy the evidence.He is almost two points and one line, home and company.

After receiving the news, Ye Yunchen appeared again.Lu Zhengting didn't have any opinion on this, but after Ning Xi knew about this, he became restless and ran to Lu's Group excitedly.

Assistant Xiao saw him in such a prosperous state, before he had time to stop him from going in, he rushed into Lu Zhengting's office like a gust of wind.

Lu Zhengting raised his head and stared at Ning Xi who suddenly barged in, and the head of the data department followed his gaze, Weiwei, and looked up at Ning Xi with a frozen smile on his face.After a few seconds of silence, Lu Zhengting interrupted the awkward atmosphere.

"You go out first."

The head of the data department walked out of the office with a pile of file analysis forms on the table with his head slightly lowered. When he passed by Ning Xi, he smiled and called out in a low voice, "Master Ning."

Ning Xi waved his hand, and when he heard the sound of closing the door behind him, his serious image immediately collapsed. He was sitting on the sofa swaggeringly, with his legs crossed casually, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Lu Zhengting, Ye Yunchen is back again, you Did you get the news?"

It's strange that he didn't receive this kind of news.

"Is this what you came for?"

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think I come to your crappy place? Every time I come, it's not good."

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