Waiting for Wen Wan to wake up, the first person she saw was the cold-faced Hades Fiennes. She blinked a few times, unable to believe that Fiennes was looking at her. She moved her mouth, moved her arms, and moved The wound on her back suddenly caused her to grin her teeth in pain.

"It hurts." Wen Wan looked at Fiennes pitifully, this wooden man didn't know how to help himself.

Fiennes stood beside the hospital bed with an unchanged posture, his deep eyes fixed on Wen Wan tightly, and after a long stalemate like this, Wen Wan really couldn't stand the invisible pressure Fiennes exerted on her, as if She did an outrageous thing, and she was very aggrieved.

"Do you still know the pain?"

"I am a flesh-and-blood person. The knife stabbed a hole in my body. Can I not be in pain?"

"Why did you leave Beicheng without permission and bring Xu Yan back to Jiangcheng? Do you think that with your ability, you are not afraid of the whole world?"

"I'm an injured patient now, so it's fine if you don't feel sorry for me, and you still blame me so seriously, and even though I was reckless at the time and didn't tell you in advance, I did my best to protect Xu Yan afterwards! Otherwise, you How do you think I got this injury?" Wen Wan was very aggrieved, and before Fiennes could speak, she continued talking cracklingly.

"Fiennes, I knew you didn't want Xu Yan to get hurt, so I was so afraid of pain that I didn't care to protect her. Now it's good. Do you think that I'm just dispensable in your heart?"

Hearing this, Fiennes was taken aback for a moment, he was clearly talking about the injury, yet why was Wen Wan dragged it onto Xu Yan again, and even talked about whether she was important to him.The change of the topic shocked him, and after thinking about it for a while, he gradually came up with an idea.

"I am your uncle, of course you are not dispensable in my heart."

"Fiennes, you're a bastard! I don't want to see you." Wen Wan was excited and spoke very quickly. Even the pain from the wound couldn't relieve her inner pain. Does this mentally retarded man understand her intentions? ?

Fiennes was a little sullen, but considering that she was injured now, he calmed down and said calmly, "Then you take care of your injury, and I'll leave first."

"Fiennes, where are you going? Are you going to see Xu Yan?" Seeing that he was really going to leave, Wen Wan couldn't care about anything, so she rolled over and sat up enduring the pain, grabbed the quilt, and yelled at him road.

To be precise, he really wanted to see Xu Yan in the next ward. At that time, he was nervous and gentle, but he ignored Xu Yan. After thinking about it, Fiennes nodded and hummed.

Wen Wan was furious, she picked up the pillow and threw it at Fiennes angrily, don't you know that women are always duplicity?Who wants you to go see Xu Yan, she is still very fragile and needs someone to be with her, if you tell her the fuck, she is going to see another woman now, will she feel better?
Fiennes looked deeply at Wen Wan, and finally left the ward without saying a word.Wen Wan was sitting foolishly on the hospital bed by herself, the tears were really annoying, she wasn't sad at all, and she didn't want to cry, but her lacrimal glands were well developed, the tears couldn't be controlled.

Fei Lai was left here by Fiennes to take care of Wen Wan. As soon as he came in, he saw Wen Wan crying, and his face suddenly became unpredictable. I heard that women at this time are very scary, so he was particularly concerned. Walking to Wen Wan's side cautiously, he asked cautiously, "Miss Wen, is the wound too painful? Do you want me to call for you?"

"What's it called? How painful can the wound be? You are a bastard just like your young master." Wen Wan said while crying with a runny nose.

"Miss Wen, aren't you the most afraid of pain? How about I find a doctor to show you? You see that your mood fluctuates so much. If you accidentally touch the wound, it will be bad, maybe to be punished again.”

Wen Wan felt that it was fine for Fiennes to torture herself alone, and he also arranged for Fei Lai, who was as mentally retarded as him, to take care of her by her side. Wasn't this intentional to cause trouble for her?She was really about to be driven crazy by the two masters and servants.

Fei Lai silently felt that it was necessary to tell the young master about this situation, so when he returned to Fiennes at night and told the situation, Fiennes' expression was really unpredictable, because he had never been able to guess the young master's thoughts IQ still can't be guessed.

"What happened after that?"

"I called the doctor later, but Ms. Wen insisted on not allowing the doctor to examine her, so it didn't matter in the end."


"But after the doctor left, Ms. Wen was very quiet, and she didn't say anything when I asked her." Fei Lai said doubtfully, Wen Wan's talkativeness usually can't stop, so how could she stay by herself quietly? The last day, and still not talking, this is not to suffocate her.

Fiennes suddenly sighed faintly, "Let her go."

This is up to her, Fiennes really just left her gentle for two days.In the past two days, Fiennes still went to the hospital every day, and stayed in Wen Wan's ward for no more than half an hour. Wen Wan didn't speak, and he stood quietly on the side, and then went to the next door when the time was almost up ward.

Because he had to spend twice as long in Xu Yan's ward, which had seriously aroused Lu Zhengting's dissatisfaction.Xu Yan's health is fine, so he can be discharged after three or four days in the hospital.

This day, Xu Yan happened to be able to get out of bed for a walk. After knocking on the door, Fiennes sat down on the sofa with his hands folded in front of his chest. on the edge of the lips.

Seeing this, Xu Yan frowned, looked at Fiennes thoughtfully, and suddenly smiled. The situation of that day appeared in his mind. Even if a person can pretend again, but when he really falls in love with someone Sometimes, eyes can't deceive people.Even at that time, she was so nervous that she couldn't figure out anything, but she was right, there was an expression on Fiennes's face that she had never seen before.

Panicked, like a child.

Fiennes noticed that Xu Yan's eyes were fixed on him, so he couldn't help asking, "What are you looking at?"

Xu Yan smiled and said nothing, touched his slightly protruding belly with both hands, and said softly, "Since you're worried about her, why don't you stay there longer?"

"It's only natural for my uncle to worry about my niece, so don't think about it wrong."

"It's funny, Fiennes, I'm not interested either, what are you explaining in such a hurry?" Xu Yan looked at Fiennes teasingly. After getting along with him these days, she knew that Fiennes was a man. An extremely rational man, he does things vigorously and swiftly, and his IQ is indeed high, but his IQ in dealing with feelings seems to be lacking.

"I'm not explaining, but stating a fact." For some reason, Fiennes' serious expression suddenly made Xu Yan feel amused.

When Lu Zhengting brought Xiong Xiong and Erdan into the ward, he heard him say this, and he didn't have the time to think about what he was talking about. Just seeing him appear in Xu Yan's ward again, he was already out of breath Come on, there is an urge to pack Fiennes and throw it out.

"Mom, Xiong Xiong hasn't seen you for a long time."

Xu Yan hugged Xiong Xiong in her arms, her eyes were full of tenderness, she gently stroked Xiong Xiong's little head, and asked softly, "Does Xiong Xiong really miss mom?"

"Of course, I don't think about food or tea every day..."

Before Xiong Xiong finished speaking, Xu Yan suddenly put his hand on Xiong Xiong's belly and pinched it lightly, "Xiong Xiong, you seem to have gained weight during the days when you didn't think about food or tea."

Oops.Xiong Xiong hugged Xu Yan's arm, looked back at Lu Zhengting pitifully, and then turned his head to look at Xu Yan, "Mom, Uncle Ningnan said, if I starve my body to death because I miss my mother, I will feel distressed at that time. Mine is still mom."

So this is why you gain weight?The corner of Xu Yan's mouth twitched, and he pinched the tip of Xiong Xiong's nose with his fingers, "Uncle Ningnan is right."

Xu Yan already knew about Xiong Xiong from Lu Zhengting. The video Key Yaru sent her was a synthetic video. After he went to Beicheng, he kept Xiong Xiong by Xu Su's side. As for why Xiong Xiong suddenly followed Ningnan In Yuzhou, he didn't say anything, and Xu Yan didn't bother to ask, as long as Xiong Xiong is safe and sound, she can rest assured.

"Where's Xiaohan?"

"It's still in Yang Jinkuan's hands."

Lu Zhengting has been arranging for people to search for Xiaohan's whereabouts, but Yang Jinkuan hid Xiaohan's whereabouts too deeply, especially after Xiaohan sent him a message, they have not received any news now, and even if I searched based on the source of the phone call, but no useful results were obtained.

Fiennes felt that Xu Yan's ward was too noisy today, and he was about to leave when he was in a bad mood. He just walked out of the ward, and as soon as he looked up, he looked at Lu Zhengting with unknown meaning. The two currents converged in the air, afraid that the air would suddenly be quiet.

Lu Zhengting turned his head and saw the interaction between Xu Yan and Xiong Xiong, and thought of the child in her belly, and suddenly felt a sense of completeness in life.

On the other side, Fiennes left the hospital and got in the car back to the hotel. He closed his eyes and rested his mind. What appeared in his mind was a gentle and quiet appearance like a porcelain doll, and his heart twitched suddenly.

Mi, the driver in front, accidentally saw him covering his heart, and asked quickly, "Master, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, just concentrate on driving."

Fei Lai stared intently at the silent Wen Wan, feeling extremely anxious. Will a person's temperament change drastically after being injured?

"Miss Wen, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll ask someone to arrange it right away. "


"Miss Wen, do you want to get out of bed and take a walk? The doctor said you can walk properly now..."


"Miss Wen, how about I call the young master?" As soon as Fei Lai finished speaking, he keenly noticed a slight change in Wen Wan's expression.As soon as he saw this expression, he knew that only the young master could seriously affect Miss Wen's emotions. After thinking about it, he really turned around and walked out, and then called his young master.

The phone call ended quickly, and the result was different from Fei Lai's imagination.Fiennes said the truth, and answered with um, so what is the situation now?

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