Jiangcheng International Hotel.

Ning Xi, who was dizzy while supporting her head all the way, walked through the hotel lobby step by step, got into the elevator, opened the door, and sent her to the room by the way. The wound on the head is a bit dumbfounding.

Wen Wan lay motionless on her stomach, she thought that Ning Xi would find a medical kit to bandage her wound, but Ning Xi suddenly answered a phone call and left in a hurry, leaving her alone in this luxurious presidential suite, the hospital is her She insisted that she didn't want to go, because she didn't want to bandage the wound, and now she didn't want to stay here alone.

Wen Wan put her hands on her forehead, and cried in a muffled voice, with snot running out of her mouth, and she didn't forget to swear at the three words Fiennes.

The next day, Wen Wan was woken up by the doorbell after a drowsy sleep.She opened her eyes and looked around in a daze, only to remember that last night when she was tired from crying, she would directly dress like this and fall asleep on the sofa.

She stood up and stretched, and slowly went to open the door. Just as she opened the door, she didn't even see the man's face clearly, and the towel soaked in the ecstasy incense in the man's hand blocked her directly. Mouth and nose, after a few seconds, she completely lost consciousness.

Ning Xi was thinking about the Wen Wan in the hotel. After all, she was the eldest lady of the Wen family, and she was also the little girl she had grown up with. Since she was in Jiangcheng, it happened that he was also there, so she naturally wanted to take care of her.

Last night, whoever saw him and Wen Wan supporting him in the hotel didn't know the reason, and read him a book in front of Zhan Meng without asking why, which caused Zhan Meng to make a fatal phone call.

Today, he came with Zhan Meng.The two of them came to Wen Wan's suite and saw that the door was ajar, and felt bad.Ning Xi subconsciously pushed Zhan Meng behind, walked in front, and kicked the door open, there was no surprise in the room.

Everything is exactly the same as when he left last night, nothing has changed.Ning Xi looked at the house carefully, and found Wen Wan's phone on the carpet. After cracking her phone, she saw that the last person she contacted was a bastard, and immediately frowned, bastard?

Zhan Meng came to his side and caught a glimpse of the note on the phone, "Asshole? It should refer to Fiennes." As soon as the words fell, she snatched the phone from Ning Xi's hand, pressed the call button without thinking, and a beep sounded from the microphone voice, no one answered after a long time.

"What's the matter with Fiennes not answering the phone? Didn't he mean that he is Miss Wen's uncle? Something happened to this little niece, why doesn't this uncle answer the phone?"

Zhan Meng called two more times, and finally a non-mechanical voice came out of the microphone. She was taken aback for a moment, looked at the screen, and said calmly, "Something happened to Wen Wan."


"You are Fiennes?"


"Then your niece has an accident now, are you still so calm?"

"Then what tone do you want me to use to speak to you?"

"You're such a weirdo."

"Well, I see."

The phone was disconnected?Zhan Meng stared at Ning Xi dumbfounded, and asked weakly. "Do you know the head of the Fei family?"

"What's wrong?" Ning Xi asked.

"This guy is very calm and weird. Now I understand why he took Xu Yan away in that way." Zhan Meng threw the phone to Ning Xi, still unable to digest his attitude towards this matter.

On the other side, Fiennes had a cold expression on his face, and Feilai could feel the sudden drop of chill in the air beside him. The heating in the room made him unable to feel the heating at all. After waiting for a while, Fiennes suddenly said, "Fei Lai, you go to Jiangcheng immediately, and you must find Wen Wan's whereabouts within a day."

"Master, does the Wen family need to be notified?"

Fiennes shot over with cold eyes, and Fei Lai immediately made a gesture of shutting up, and turned to do things.

"Wait." Fiennes suddenly called to Fei Lai, this girl seemed to like playing tricks like disappearing with herself.

Fei Lai looked back at his elusive young master with a confused face, "Master, what else do you want to order?"

"No, hurry to Jiangcheng."

moody?Elusive, these are commonplace for Fiennes.


All of Lu's matters are now declared to be handled by Assistant Xiao temporarily.Lu Zhengting was waiting at home for Assistant Xiao to come to his door. When Ning Xi found him, he also told him about Wen Wan's disappearance.

"A member of the Wen family?"

"Yes. Lu Zhengting, Wen Wan is the apple of the Wen family's eye. If you help..."

"What does it have to do with me?" Lu Zhengting said lightly.

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, "Lu Zhengting, you really can't tell the stakes here?"

Lu Zhengting did not explain this, he was not waiting for someone from the Wen family, but another big fish.Sure enough, shortly after Ning Xi left, the phone he placed next to the coffee table vibrated a few times, and it showed an unfamiliar number.

Lu Zhengting squinted his eyes, picked up Xiong Xiong who was walking to him, and called softly in a low voice, "Son, do you miss your mother?"

Xiong Xiong nodded, he hadn't seen his mother for a long time.

After a while, when the phone rang for the second time, Lu Zhengting answered the phone casually, "Hello."

"I'm Fiennes."

Lu Zhengting's reaction was not surprised at all, it was very calm, what kind of schemes do two old foxes have with each other?If you can't imagine it, you can look at Lu Zhengting and Fiennes.

The phone call lasted half an hour.Lu Zhengting put down the phone very satisfied, while Fiennes put down the phone angrily.

Everything seemed to be in their calculations. When Fiennes left Jiangcheng, Ye Yunchen had already vomited out all the things he knew. To Fiennes, Ye Yunchen was already a person of no use value, so naturally discard it.

Ye Yunchen was imprisoned for many days. Only when he saw the sun again did he realize that the glorious era of the Xia family was completely over. Now the Xia family is not only a mess, but also riddled with holes. A thin layer of dust has accumulated on it.

It seems that he can only stay at home now and dare not go out. Xia Minghui's accident, Mrs. Xia's death, Lu Zhengting's coma, Xu Yan's disappearance, and now the entire situation in Jiangcheng seems to be in the hands of Yang Jinkuan. Constantly, overwhelmed...

And I don't know who spread the word, saying that Xia's current situation is caused by him alone, and also spread the news that he confessed to T6, Yang Jinkuan's people are now looking for him everywhere.

The dark night gradually came, and the cold and fierce wind whizzed by, making people panic.Most of the leaves on the roadside branches had already fallen, but the strong wind still felt that it was not enough, blowing these leaves tottering, and finally seemed to be unable to escape the fate of falling, falling to the ground, returning to dust or dust.

Every night, Lu Zhengting would stand by the window, staring at the north with deep eyes.Hope to see his beloved woman soon.

Dongshan Villa.

Jiang Mingxiu suddenly received a call from Ke Yaru. She was full of doubts. Hearing Ke Yaru crying on the phone, her heart softened and she agreed to meet her.

the next day.Jiang Mingxiu dismissed the bodyguards that Lu Zhengting had arranged beside her, and came to call the meeting place that Keya Ru had said. Tears flowed from Keya Ru's eyes, and she looked at Jiang Mingxiu with tears in her eyes, her eyes full of grievance and kindness. Forbearance.

"Yaru, you..."

Jiang Mingxiu hadn't finished speaking when she was interrupted by Ke Yaru's crying voice, "Auntie, I know I'm shameless to face you now, I'm really sorry about the matter of Zhengting, I don't know why things changed Become like that? If I had known that it would make Zhengting become like this, I would definitely not do such a thing."

"Yaru." Jiang Mingxiu swallowed her words several times, but she still didn't tell Keya Ru that Lu Zhengting was awake now.

Keya burst into tears, "Auntie, I have hurt Zheng Ting deeply, and I shouldn't have appeared in front of you, but I heard that Xu Yan was pregnant before he disappeared, and it was said that it was Zheng Ting's child. The matter weighed heavily on my heart, and I thought, Auntie, you should have the right to know."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mingxiu's face changed suddenly when he heard that he had something to do with Xu Yan, and his tone became a little harsh unconsciously.

"The child in Xu Yan's womb cannot be righteous, because..." Keya hesitated to speak, which made Jiang Mingxiu a little annoyed.

"Because of what?"

"Because the T6 on Zhengting's body needs abstinence before it is released."

"Is what you said true?" Jiang Mingxiu stared at Keya Ru intently, and asked in a cold voice.

"Auntie, I certainly won't lie to you. I've done a wrong thing, and now I just want to make up for the harm I caused to Zhengting." Keya Ru said, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, sobbing.

Jiang Mingxiu believed in Ke Yaru's words from the bottom of her heart. She thought for a moment, stretched out her hand to hold Keya Ru's hand, and said softly, "Yaru, don't worry, if what you said is true, I will never allow our Lu family to blood mixed with other blood!"

"Aunt... Zheng Ting, is he okay now?" Keya believed Jiang Mingxiu for more than half, and couldn't help a sneer in his heart, and then hid the hatred in his eyes, sobbing, "Can I... Go see Zhengting? I know my request is too much, but..."

Regarding meeting Lu Zhengting, Jiang Mingxiu still knew how important it was, and she immediately refused, "Zhengting is still in a coma, so we can avoid meeting him, what he needs right now is rest."


"Yaru, I can't help you with this matter."

Key Yaru's ultimate goal was to convince Jiang Mingxiu that the child in Xu Yan's belly was not Lu Zhengting's. She wanted to see Lu Zhengting, and also wanted to confirm for herself whether he was really in a coma or pretending to be in a coma. After all, she had been by Lu Zhengting's side for many years , although I can't guess his mind, but I can still understand a thing or two about his behavior.

Whether Jiang Mingxiu agrees or not is not important to her.

After meeting with Keya Ru, Jiang Mingxiu returned to Dongshan Villa with a cold face. A few days later, she went straight to Mingcheng, saw Xiong Xiong in the living room, and ordered someone to take off Xiong Xiong's hair.

Lu Zhengting rushed over when he heard the cries of Xiong Xiong, saw Jiang Mingxiu standing in the living room, hugged Xiong Xiong, looked at her and asked calmly, "Mom, why are you here?"

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