Pampered wife and sultry: the president lightly pets

Chapter 336 The situation is critical

Fiennes looked down at the child who was running towards him, subconsciously dodged aside, Xiao Han fell to the ground abruptly, he turned his head and saw the bodyguard who was chasing him, and quickly raised his head to look at the stranger in front of him. man.


Fiennes didn't like children, very much.He squinted in distaste and walked straight past.Xiao Han pursed his lips, very depressed, but the situation behind him could no longer allow him to think too much, without thinking, he reached out and hugged the thigh of the bodyguard behind Fiennes, and suddenly yelled at the terminal hall, "Kids are being trafficked!" .”

The act of abducting and trafficking children and women is an unforgivable crime in the eyes of most people, especially in public, abducting and selling children openly attracted everyone's attention at this moment, and everyone turned to this side coming.

Xiaohan seized the opportunity, quickly let go of her hands, bent down and hid in the crowd.Fiennes was suddenly surrounded by a group of people, and there was no way to go. The bodyguards following him were trying their best to evacuate the crowd, but when the bodyguard who was chasing Xiaohan rushed up, he grabbed one of them by the collar and asked angrily. , "Where's the young master?"

Not to mention Fiennes' bodyguards, even Fiennes himself was in a dazed state. It wasn't until the police showed up that the matter calmed down. Jiang Mingxiu, who came up later, looked at Fiennes sullenly, and scanned Police glance.

"My grandson is missing at the airport. You should immediately send someone to find it for me. If you can't find it, you will be complained!" Jiang Mingxiu paused, then turned around and growled at a group of bodyguards who had done nothing but failed , "What are you still doing here in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and get the young master back for me?"

Xiaohan, who escaped smoothly, was at the exit of the airport at this time, looking at the people coming and going, his mobile phone must have been dropped while running just now, sister Yan said they were on the way to the airport, but she didn't say where they were meet you!Xiaohan stood there anxiously, turned her head and saw the policemen passing through the airport, frowned, and slipped away again.

Jiang Mingxiu was sitting in the VIP lounge. When she saw Lu Zhengting calling, she didn't intend to answer it. There was a bodyguard beside her. There were several staff members standing in the lounge. Jiang Mingxiu put the phone on silent and put it on the Next to him, he picked up his coffee and took a sip. When the bodyguard came back, he stood up abruptly.

"Have you found the young master?"

"Madam, not yet, but we suspect that the young master has already left the airport."

"Leaving the airport? How is it possible!"

In the other lounge, Fiennes sat on the sofa with a sullen expression on his face, his eyes slightly squinted, and he seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but he was actually in a state of anger.The bodyguard standing next to him tightly closed his lips, not daring to take a breath. The atmosphere in the whole lounge was extremely dull and depressing.

"Have you found that child?" Fiennes asked coldly.

"No, but I found the kid's cell phone." The bodyguard handed the cell phone to Fiennes.

Fiennes took the phone and swipe it lightly. The unlock code was incorrect. He squinted and threw it to the person behind him, "Unlock it."

"Master, the last call record was ten minutes ago, and it was for sister Yan." After the bodyguard unlocked it, he saw the call record and said sternly.

"Find me this child." Fiennes hates children and the feeling of being surrounded by crowds, but all these annoying things happened to him just 1 minutes ago, and until now, he still feels unlucky .

The entire airport security personnel, the police, and the two teams of bodyguards were all just looking for a child with a bigger fart, and no one would believe it if they told it.

"Master, someone is calling."

Fiennes squinted at the caller ID, saying sister?He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and when he was about to pick up the phone, the phone was hung up suddenly.

Xiaohan is penniless, he used to be a spendthrift, and his mantra was that my dad is rich, but now he suddenly feels a kind of despair and sadness brought about by not having money.When he was sad, someone behind him suddenly covered his mouth with something, and he fell unconscious within a few seconds.

The bumps in the car made Xiaohan feel very uncomfortable, and it almost made him vomit out what he ate all day.He opened his eyes, but there was still darkness in front of him. He tried to stretch out his hands and feet, but found that his hands and feet were bound and he couldn't move at all. Fortunately, he still had his mouth to move all over his body.

"Who are you that dare to kidnap me?" Xiaohan tilted her head, as if not worried about her current situation.

Xiaohan didn't know if there was anyone around him. His only feeling was that the car was always in motion, and this person's driving skills were to be tested. The shaking from side to side was really too strong.

The first person to know Xiaohan's whereabouts was Fiennes. He held Xiaohan's cell phone and stared at the words "Sister Yan". ?"

"Need to investigate?"

Fiennes pursed his lips and put the phone on the table, "No need."

When Jiang Mingxiu received the news, the car carrying Xiaohan had already driven onto the Bayi Bridge. There were very few vehicles on the Bayi Bridge. It was easy but difficult to catch up. It took too much time and could only be seen from the surveillance. The license plate number of the car, and then track it.

Xu Yan rushed into the waiting hall in a hurry, followed closely by Lu Zhengting, and the two came to the waiting room. Jiang Mingxiu finally saw a slight change on Lu Zhengting's face.

"Zhengting, Xiaohan was taken away."

Lu Zhengting has already received the news that Assistant Xiao is also leading people to Bayi Road to surround him.Facing Jiang Mingxiu, Xu Yan complained. In her heart, Xiaohan was like her own son. If something happened to Xiaohan, she didn't know how to forgive herself.

Lu Zhengting comforted Xu Yan, but Jiang Mingxiu's eyes suddenly fell on Xu Yan. She blamed all the responsibility on Xu Yan. Just now she calmed down, she became excited again in an instant. She pointed at Xu Yan and said a word. After a pause, "It's all because of you, a woman. If Xiaohan hadn't been arguing to see you, nothing would have happened to him!"

"If something happens to Xiaohan, don't worry about it!"


Xu Yan was speechless. She didn't think what Jiang Mingxiu said was right. After a pause, she looked at Jiang Mingxiu without a trace of timidity, "Auntie, what's the point of our arguing about who is wrong and who is right now? Isn't the most important thing to hope that Xiaohan will come back safe and sound?"

"You don't need to pretend to be kind here, a woman, it's all because of you that these things happened."

Xu Yan frowned, and sometimes felt that things like language were really powerless, "Auntie, even if it's my fault, it's more important to find Xiaohan now, if you think you're going to scold me now , in exchange for Xiao Han’s safe return, then you can scold her.”

Hearing this, Jiang Mingxiu was instantly furious, and said angrily at her, "What's your attitude? Are you saying that I'm putting the blame on you?"

"I don't, that's not what I meant at all." Xu Yan explained for a long time, but he couldn't change Jiang Mingxiu's deep-rooted opinion of herself. Her blind retreat only made her go further. Lu Zhengting, who was answering the phone next to him, looked at Jiang Mingxiu with a cold face.

"You don't want Xiaohan to have an accident because of this, so you can either wait quietly for news, or fly back to the United States immediately, Auntie, I respect you, not only because you are Lu Zhengting's mother, but also because you are an elder, but It doesn't mean that I can be accused by you at will."

Xu Yan's words temporarily blocked Jiang Mingxiu's mouth, and the lounge became a little quieter.

When the news came again, Xiao Han had already been sent to the hospital in critical condition.

Lu Zhengting hurried to the city hospital with Xu Yan and Jiang Mingxiu.At the door of the operating room, Assistant Xiao saw Lu Zhengting walking over with a cold expression on his face, and immediately took a few steps forward with a serious expression.

"Boss Lu, young master, he was hit by a car."

"Who did it?"

"Xia Siyue, she is also being rescued now."

Xu Yan's face changed suddenly when he heard Xia Siyue's name, and Jiang Mingxiu immediately put on a face, staring at Xu Yan as if with flames in his eyes, "You woman's heart is too vicious, how dare you let your sister hurt you?" My grandson! I won't just let this matter go!"

"Assistant Xiao, where is that woman now?"

Assistant Xiao hesitated to speak, "Operating room."

"Go and get the dean for me, I want them to terminate the operation on that woman immediately!" Jiang Mingxiu was furious.

Assistant Xiao secretly glanced at the expressionless Lu Zhengting below, and was about to speak when the door of the operating room was suddenly opened from the inside. The nurse who came out hurriedly said, "Who is Lu Yihan's parent?"

"I'm his father."

"I'm his grandma."

Xu Yan was pushed aside by Jiang Mingxiu and almost fell to the ground.

"Which of you has RH-negative blood? People with this blood type come with me. The patient has lost too much blood and needs blood transfusion urgently. The blood bank..."

When Jiang Mingxiu and Lu Zhengting heard about the blood transfusion, they froze in place for an instant. The two looked at each other in blank dismay. Lu Zhengting immediately made a decisive decision and ordered Assistant Xiao to bring Keya to the hospital.

Fortunately, Assistant Xiao got an order from Lu Zhengting today to send Keya Ru abroad, and now she is downstairs in the car with someone guarding her.

Keya was very worried when she knew what happened to Xiaohan.But because she didn't get a good rest for several days, her face was extremely haggard.Running too fast just now, her body suddenly went limp, and happened to fall on Lu Zhengting's body. She raised her head slightly, took a deep look at Lu Zhengting, and turned to look at the nurse.

"I am RH negative blood, transfuse my blood."

"You come with me."

Xu Yan stood next to the wall, leaning against it with a slanted body. After knowing Xiao Han's blood was RH negative, Lu Zhengting and Jiang Xiuming's reactions, and only Ke Yaru's matching blood type, this series of events seemed to have nothing to do with her. She stared blankly at the red light at the door of the operating room.

After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

Ke Yaru and Xiaohan were pushed out by the nurse at the same time.Xu Yan stared intently at Xiao Han's pale face and closed eyes, and couldn't hold back his tears. Seeing this, Jiang Mingxiu turned around and glared at Xu Yan, "Get out of the hospital right now."

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