Seeing this, Li Ru was completely stunned by fright, not knowing what to do now.Xu Yan hugged his stomach with both hands, barely looked down at the water that had flowed to his knees, his brows were furrowed instantly, and he said, "Legs, legs...belly..."

Li Ru quickly lowered her head to look at Xu Yan's knee, and the beige water made her react suddenly.She stood up abruptly, before she had time to think about anything, she rushed into the conference room and roared, "Lu Zhengting, Xu Yan, Xu Yan..."

As soon as the three big characters Lu Zhengting came out of her mouth, she instantly felt surprised eyes from all directions, and only then did she realize that she just called Mr. Lu's name directly...

She wished she could slap herself.She wasn't Xu Yan, and she was tired of being called by his full name in front of such a person!

Seeing her panicked look, Lu Zhengting couldn't care about her calling his full name, "What happened to Xu Yan?"

"Xu Yan, her water broke..."

This is just great.Lu Zhengting directly threw a bunch of people into the conference room and stared blankly. He rushed into the office in a panic, and suddenly saw Xu Yan nestled helplessly on the sofa. The assistant yelled, "Call for a taxi!"

"Mr. Lu, the ambulance is on its way."

"How soon will they be there?"

Assistant Xiao quickly raised his hand to look at the time, and replied, "About 15 minutes."

Hearing this, Lu Zhengting cursed in a low voice, picked up Xu Yan and walked outside, "What are you waiting for! Why don't you hurry up and prepare the car?"

Assistant Xiao went to the parking garage to drive the car out and parked it at the entrance of the company. Lu Zhengting carried Xu Yan all the way down from the elevator and ran wildly. Putting Xu Yan on the back seat, he took another big step and pushed Assistant Xiao away. Not even fastening the seat belt, starting the engine, picking up speed...

The car flew out with a whoosh.

Lu Zhengting ran four red lights in a row, followed by traffic policemen, and the alarm followed him all the way.He glanced at the traffic policemen from the rearview mirror, and suddenly, speeding up again, overtaking, running red lights, and causing traffic jams were all his masterpieces.

Assistant Xiao has notified the hospital to make all the preparations in the shortest possible time.When Lu Zhengting sent Xu Yan to the hospital, there was already a row of important doctors standing in front of the hospital.

Xu Yan was laid flat on the trestle bed, and she tightly clenched Lu Zhengting's hand in fear and nervousness, never letting go, from the entrance of the hospital to the entrance of the operating room.

"Lu Zhengting, I'm afraid..." Xu Yan said weepingly.

"I will always be by your side, don't be afraid."

"I'm still afraid..." Xu Yan kept repeating that he was afraid, and Lu Zhengting's hand had already been scratched with several strangle marks.

Xu Yan didn't dare to enter the operating room, no matter what others said, she just wouldn't let go.

The obstetrician and the dean standing next to him looked at each other in blank dismay, and the nurses behind them didn't dare to take a breath.

Lu Zhengting suddenly stood up straight, and roared in a low voice, "What are you standing there for?"

"This..." Didn't Miss Xu dare not enter the operating room?
"Let me prepare everything, I will follow in." Lu Zhengting said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone's faces became ugly.

The obstetrician and gynecologist took a step forward hesitantly, "Mr. Lu, this operating room is no joke."

Lu Zhengting's face was livid, and he said coldly, "Do you think I'm joking?"

The obstetrician and gynecologist tried to say something to dispel Lu Zhengting's thoughts, but the dean, who had been silent all this time, stopped her and ordered everyone to prepare.

Lu Zhengting followed only to the operating room, half of Xu Yan's hanging heart fell, and the other half was still hanging.

The operating room was icy cold everywhere, and the anesthesiologist gave her anesthesia, and Xu Yan gradually lost consciousness, lying on the operating table and falling into a deep sleep.

Wearing a surgical gown, Lu Zhengting stared intently at the scalpel in the doctor's hand. He heard the creaking sound of the instrument, and frowned instantly.

A nurse is not very good at resisting stress, especially when facing Lu Zhengting, she accidentally raised her eyes and glanced at his frowning movement, and when she handed something to the doctor, her hand suddenly trembled, and she almost dropped the thing on the ground. on the ground.

Seeing this, Lu Zhengting's fierce eyes shot at her.

In the closed environment of the operating room, it was already depressing, but the presence of Lu Zhengting only deepened the depressive atmosphere.

Halfway through the operation, the child just happened to be taken out of Xu Yan's stomach. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and prepared for the aftermath. As a result, the anesthetic injected into Xu Yan's body gradually lost its effect.

Xu Yan suddenly grabbed Lu Zhengting's hand tightly. Before Lu Zhengting saw the child, he quickly turned his head to look at Xu Yan whose eyelashes were trembling slightly, and immediately leaned nervously by Xu Yan's ear and said, "Baby, baby... "

"It hurts..." Xu Yan moved his mouth, and only uttered one word for a long time.

As soon as Lu Zhengting heard it, he asked the people in the operating room, "Who can tell me why the effects of the anesthesia wear off so quickly?"

The doctor kept silent and continued the suturing work without any influence. The nurse standing opposite her couldn't ignore Lu Zhengting's strong aura, and almost hiccupped and made a mistake again.

"Where's the anesthetist?"

The doctor probably couldn't take it anymore, and couldn't help but said, "Boss Lu, the suture will be over soon, please stop yelling here, and it will affect our normal work."

Lu Zhengting was stunned for a second.

Seeing that his words had worked, the doctor said again, "Mr. Lu, you have to investigate after the operation is over. If you affect our work, I have no choice but to ask you out."

As soon as the doctor's words fell, several veins popped up on Lu Zhengting's forehead instantly. Xu Yan's consciousness was slowly recovering. She half-opened her eyes in a daze, and said weakly, "Don't go..."

Lu Zhengting compromised, not to the doctor, but to Xu Yan.

The suturing operation finally ended in Lu Zhengting's silence.Later, Xu Yan passed out from the pain directly.After Lu Zhengting came out of the operating room, he glanced at the crumpled baby that the nurse carried in front of him, and said in confusion, "This is my son?"

Xu Yan was pushed into the top ward and did not wake up until night.

Lu Zhengting stayed by the bed the whole time, completely unaware of what the people outside were talking about.

Li Ru asked Yang Qi to make soup at home, and when she went downstairs to get it, when she passed the nurse's station, she happened to hear some nurses chatting about what happened in the delivery room this morning.

"I heard that there is going to be an accident in the hospital this time. Doesn't it mean that Mr. Lu's wife gave birth in our hospital this morning? I don't know what the anesthetist did. The effect of the anesthesia didn't last until the end of the operation."

"Isn't it? Mr. Lu's wife was awakened by the pain directly on the operating table. I heard from the nurse who was doing the operation that Mr. Lu's face was so dark that he wanted to drag them all out and kill them."

"So exaggerated?"

"Exaggeration? You probably didn't see it. Dr. Zou went to the director immediately after the operation, and he had to give Mr. Lu an explanation."

"Oh my God, don't you guys think it's very romantic? I never thought Mr. Lu would love his wife so much even though he is usually cold."

"Don't fantasize about it, Mr. Lu, his love is only for Xu Yan."

"Tch, can I tell you it's okay?"

"You think I don't know what you're thinking? Do you think Lu always likes you?"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, the other person couldn't help interrupting with a smile, "There's something you don't know."

"what's up?"

"The first moment Mr. Lu saw the baby turned out to be disgusting. At that time, I happened to go to see Dr. Zou, and I overheard it. Mr. Lu's tone was still very puzzled."


After listening to it for a long time, Li Ru only thought the last one was funny.

She walked to the door of the ward, glanced at the situation inside through the small window above, and was terrified and didn't know how to face Mr. Lu and Xu Yan.

Li Ru hesitated at the door for a long time, holding the handle of the door, took a deep breath, he would die sooner or later, if he was going to the battlefield, he would hold his head high.

As soon as the door opened, Li Ru met Lu Zhengting's gaze, and shivering slowly spread from the bottom of her heart to her whole body. She tightened her fingers and held the thermos cup, neither advancing nor retreating, nor saying a word. Lu Zhengting was terrified by that frightening expression on his face.

"Lu, Lu, Mr. Lu..." Li Ru stood still and said stutteringly.

"En?" Lu Zhengting's cold attitude made her heave a sigh of relief.

"I, I am, look at Xu Yan..."

If Xu Yan didn't wake up again, Li Ru felt that he would be directly killed by Lu Zhengting's cold eyes.She stood tremblingly, not daring to move, raised the thermos in her hand, unable to utter a word for a long time.


Lu Zhengting turned his head in an instant, fixed his gaze on Xu Yan's trembling eyelashes and eyes that rolled once or twice, held Xu Yan's hand, and whispered, "Baby, are you awake?"

"Hmm..." Xu Yan squeaked again.


Li Ru was embarrassed and didn't know whether she should leave or stay where she was. It was the first time she saw such a gentle Mr. Lu. The difference from his usual frosty face was too big, and she couldn't get used to it.

Xu Yan slowly opened his eyes, and the first person he saw was Lu Zhengting. She blinked, and opened her mouth to speak extremely slowly, "It hurts me to death."

Lu Zhengting didn't hear clearly, and stared at Xu Yan suspiciously.

"I'm never going to have kids again..."

After Xu Yan was sent to the hospital, he couldn't use much strength, so he did not have a natural delivery but a caesarean section, which caused her to stay in the hospital for half a month. In the first week, Lu Zhengting was in the hospital every day, even Official affairs are taken to the hospital for processing.

Later, Xu Yan couldn't stand it any longer, and there were only a lot of people who came to the ward to report, and the assistant ran back and forth between the hospital and the company.Lu Zhengting has to take care of her these days besides dealing with work matters, his complexion is not as good as before.

After half a month, Xu Yan finally got the doctor's permission to be discharged from the hospital. She almost ran as fast as a wild horse.

In the past half a month, when Xu Yan was confinement at peace of mind, Lu Zhengting had already found the pharmacist who injected her with anesthesia. Although it was just a small accident in the eyes of the hospital, the other party was Lu Zhengting, and it was fundamental to deal with it hastily. impossible.

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