Xia Yan took a shower, put on pajamas, changed yesterday's clothes and threw them into the washing machine before returning to her bed carelessly, smelling the familiar smell, she calmed down slowly, pulled up the quilt and put Covering his head, he lay on his side, curled up into a ball.

"Xia Yan, get up, get up..."

Xia Yan finally fell asleep, when a loud voice rang in her ears, she opened her eyes slightly, rubbed her sleepy eyes, looked at Lin Xujia's enlarged face that suddenly appeared above her head, and woke up with a jolt.

"You better have important things!" Xia Yan's temper is easy-going in the eyes of most people. Although he is a bit cold at times, he is still a good-tempered person in general.However, no matter how good-tempered a person is, if someone wakes her up when she just fell asleep, she can't help but get angry when she wakes up.

Xia Yan's serious expression made Lin Xujia involuntarily startled.She pulled Xia Yan's quilt and whispered, "You didn't sleep last night?"

"You woke me up just after I fell asleep, what's the matter with you?" Xia Yan yawned, squinting at Lin Xujia.

"Where did you go last night? Are you with Lu Zhengting?"

"You woke me up just to ask about this?" Xia Yan rolled his eyes, closed his eyes and leaned back straight, fell on the bed and continued to sleep.

"Xia Yan, don't sleep yet, did you mention my matter to Mr. Lu last night?"


"Xia Yan! Did you ask for me?"

Unable to stand Lin Xujia's voice like a cannonball, Xia Yan sat up suddenly, put his head in his hands, and scratched his hair carelessly, "Lu Zhengting didn't come back at all last night."

"Really?" Lin Xujia stared suspiciously at the sleepy Xia Yan, and shook her shoulders, "You didn't lie to me? But since he didn't come back, why do you still look sleepy and look like I'm very sad?" Tired?"

"Oh my god, my eldest lady, these words are truer than pearls." Xia Yan automatically ignored the words behind her, even if she wants to open her eyes now, she still needs courage, she is really sleepy and struggles to open her eyes .

Lin Xujia frowned and stared at Xia Yan intently, "Xia Yan, I heard that the recruitment of the Lu Group will end today, why don't you call Mr. Lu now, and you can talk on the phone."

Hearing this, Xia Yan shook Lin Xujia's hand vigorously, "Xiao Jia, do you really want to join the Lu Corporation? If you don't join the Lu Corporation, you won't be able to survive?"

"Xia Yan, you..."

"You don't know how high Lu's requirements are for his employees. Isn't this result within our expectations?" If the other party is not Lu Zhengting, maybe Xia Yan would be willing to choose to help Lin Xujia, but the other party is Lu Zhengting. , this man is too dangerous for her, what happened last night is still vivid in her memory.

She is not very courageous, but she has self-knowledge, so she has never been willing to have any relationship with him. When she was in the Xia family, she had no choice but to do so, but now...

Lin Xujia looked at Xia Yan with a serious face, a little angry, "Xia Yan, it's just a phone call, I'm your good friend, don't you want to help?"

"Xiao Jia, don't embarrass me."

"Okay, I won't make things difficult for you." Lin Xujia looked at Xia Yan without blinking, with a cold expression, "You go on sleeping, I'm going out first."

Xia Yan didn't see the ruthlessness and anger in Lin Xujia's eyes when he turned to leave.Seeing that the door of the dormitory was closed, she lay back on the bed and found that she couldn't fall asleep even with her eyes closed.Thinking that she would report to the internship company in two days, she got up helplessly, turned on the computer, logged into her mailbox, and there was an unread email.

Xia Yan held the mouse and clicked it a few times, and opened the unread email, he was stunned, unbelievable!How can this be!She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, hoping that she had read it wrong, but the mail appeared in her sight without moving.

She received a notice from the Lu Corporation!

What's all this?

Xia Yan sat on the chair in a daze, staring at the screen. With her resume, it was impossible for her to be hired by the Lu Corporation!Lin Xujia who had left suddenly came back, walked to Xia Yan's side, glanced at the content displayed on the screen, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Xia Yan, should I congratulate you for being hired by the Lu family?"

"Small, why are you back?"

"Do you really don't want to see me come back now? I really can't imagine that a person who keeps saying that Lu's threshold is impossible to enter at our level is now hired by Lu's." Lin Xujia sarcastically said.

"I don't know what's going on here."

"Hmph, Xia Yan, should I believe your words?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan knew that no matter what she said, Lin Xujia would not be able to hear her. She thought about it, saw Lin Xujia picked up her things and was about to leave, and immediately said, "Xiaojia, wait a minute."

"What else do you want to say?" Lin Xujia clasped her arms around her chest with anger on her face. Seeing her take out her mobile phone, she mocked, "Are you so interesting?"

Xia Yan grasped the phone and quickly found Lu Zhengting's number, which he had saved with his phone last time. She never thought that she would call him in this situation.

When the phone was dialed, there was a heavy beep.

Xia Yan made two or three phone calls in a row, but no one answered.


This man, Lu Zhengting, usually appeared in front of him when he was free, but now he didn't answer his calls when he had something to do!
Lu Corporation, conference room.

Lu Zhengting glanced coldly at everyone in the meeting room, as if a cold air lingered in the air around everyone, Lu Zhengting tapped the table with a black pen in his slender fingers, leaned forward, "Director Mu, The plan you are responsible for is handed over to me on the last day of this week."

"Mr. Lu, the person in charge of MI Company will be in Jiangcheng in a week."

"I'll arrange this when the time comes."

The door of the meeting room was suddenly opened, and Lu Zhengting frowned slightly when he heard the secretary who suddenly barged in. The secretary handed the phone to Lu Zhengting, and whispered in his ear.

Hearing this, Lu Zhengting took the phone, glanced at the missed calls displayed on the screen, stood up from the chair expressionlessly, and said solemnly to everyone, "Take a break for 10 minutes."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Zhengting held his mobile phone and dialed Xia Yan's number to call back, then slowly left the meeting room and returned to the office.

Lin Xujia's aggressiveness made Xia Yan almost couldn't hold back his temper, and directly attacked.Hearing the phone ring, she glared at Lin Xujia, saw that it was Lu Zhengting's call, took a deep breath, and turned on the speakerphone directly.

"Mr. Lu, I would like to ask when did your company reduce its requirements for recruiting personnel?"

"Xia Yan, what do you want to express?"

"That's it. My friend and I submitted resumes to your company before. Our resumes are similar. Why was I hired while my friend..."

"Xia Yan, are you questioning our company's selection requirements? If you want to find out, you can directly contact the Human Resources Department."


Sitting on the leather chair, Lu Zhengting twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, raised a smile, and interrupted Xia Yan again, "I believe in their decisions and standards."

"But my friend..."

"It can only mean that she didn't meet Lu's requirements." Lu Zhengting said to the person on the phone indifferently, and then added, "Lu's newcomer report time is tomorrow morning at [-] o'clock."

Xia Yan was still thinking about what to say, but Lu Zhengting hung up the phone directly.She looked at the blacked-out screen and Lin Xujia who was flushed with anger, feeling very complicated.

"The show is over?"

"Xiao Jia, I really don't know how this happened." Xia Yan felt as if he couldn't explain it now.

The man who caused the trouble hung up the phone at this time, looking at the phone in a particularly happy mood, and Xia Yan's tone of being about to explode was so funny.He was amused at the thought of her sneaking away that morning.

After Lu Zhengting came out of the office, he glanced at the trembling secretary standing outside the door, and went back to the conference room expressionlessly, continuing the discussion just now.

Seeing this, the secretary immediately relaxed.If it wasn't for Lu Zhengting's hand-picking last time, she still couldn't remember the name Xia Yan. When she saw Xia Yan calling in continuously, she struggled for a long time before deciding to go into the meeting room and tell Lu Zhengting why she was so frightened. , because Lu Zhengting dislikes being interrupted suddenly during meetings.

During the meeting, Keya Ru sat on the lower left side of Lu Zhengting. His every move fell into Keya Ru's eyes. She knew that Lu Zhengting's habit in meetings would allow him to stop the meeting and answer the phone. This call must be very important. .

After the meeting was over, Key Yaru followed Lu Zhengting to the meeting room, thinking about how to find out who the caller was, but before she brought up the topic, Lu Zhengting's sharp eyes swept across the room. He came over and stopped her words in an instant.

Seeing Lu Zhengting enter the office, she stood there and kicked her feet, and saw the secretary coming out of his office, walked up to her without thinking, and blocked her way, "Secretary Zhou, the person who called in just now Is it a partner of the company?"

Hearing this, Secretary Zhou looked at Keyaru in embarrassment, hesitated for a while, but heard her sternly say, "Aren't you a partner of the company?"

"Mr. Ke, Mr. Lu's matter, I..."

"You just came to the company? Don't you know the relationship between me and Mr. Lu?" Keya Ru glared at Secretary Zhou, and said, "You have been in the company for almost three months, don't you know enough about the company's situation?"

As the director of Lu's finance department, Ke Yaru, without Lu Zhengting's knowledge, warned those women who had fantasies about Lu Zhengting from time to time in the company. When dealing with relationships, she always had something to say, hinting at other things. People randomly guess that since ancient times, where there are women, there must be gossip, and Keya Ru uses these gossip news to spread the unusual relationship between her and Lu Zhengting in the company.

Secretary Zhou looked at Key Yaru and said in a low voice, "It's a woman named Xia Yan who called Mr. Lu."

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