The anticipation in Xiaohan's eyes made Xu Yan reluctant to refuse. She was hesitating whether to nod, but in her heart she subconsciously treated Xiaohan as her own child.

Before she could speak, she heard Xia Siyue's mocking voice behind her, "It's the first time I've seen you dreaming of being the stepmother of someone else's child before marrying Lu Zhengting."

Xu Yan turned his head and stared sharply at the coquettishly dressed Xia Siyue. Her dress was becoming more mature and sexy, but she was becoming more and more elegant. From the corner of her eye, she saw Xiaohan's angry expression, and said coldly, "Inside After staying for a while, I still haven’t learned well.”

"Why am I here has nothing to do with you?" Speaking of this, Xia Siyue's face turned green and pale. When they go to bully other people, they can't help but tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Those people are simply inhuman.The most profound thing in her memory is that there was a new woman who was pretty good looking. After the prison guards left, those women swarmed up to surround the woman and tore her clothes until she was completely useless. One thing covers it.

She didn't dare to recall what happened later, seeing these things happen one after another with her own eyes, she gradually became numb from fear at the beginning.She stayed there for three full months, and during these three months, she lived like a year, and she didn't even know whether it was day or night outside.

Xu Yan didn't know what Xia Siyue had gone through, but she could feel the growing coldness on her body. She lowered her eyes, narrowed her eyes and sharpened her eyes, "Xia Siyue, do you know that you will never be on your own?" Find the reason on your body, even this time is no exception."

"Hmph, Xia Yan, do you know what I hate the most about you? You always put yourself on a high ground to judge others. Do you find reasons on yourself? It's ridiculous."

"Different people naturally treat you differently. I don't think you need to be treated in the right way." Xu Yan seldom loses to others. Usually, she finds it troublesome and feels that one thing more is worse than one thing less. But that doesn't mean she's shy.

Hearing this, Xiao Han didn't care about Xia Siyue's gloomy expression at all. She couldn't help but stretch out her small hands to applaud, and then taunted Xia Siyue, "My father has liked sister Yan all his life, and sister Yan won't be my mother? Do you still want to be my mother?" My mother? Isn’t this wishful thinking? I’m afraid no one will believe me if I tell you.”

Xiaohan's words were like a sharp knife piercing Xia Siyue's heart. The last thing she wanted to see in her life was Xu Yan's happy life, but God wanted to oppose her.

Xia Siyue's eyes narrowed into a line, and Xu Yan saw her move a step forward, and quickly stood up in front of Xiaohan, staring at her coldly, "Xia Siyue, I advise you to do nothing right now." Do it, or I can let you go back again."

"Threat me?" Xia Siyue stopped walking, she was a little taller than Xu Yan, so when she looked at Xu Yan, she always looked down, which seemed to give her some advantage.

"So what if you threaten you? What do you dare to do to me?" Xiaohan took Xu Yan's hand and walked out from behind, as if she had returned to the attitude she had towards the manager in the mother and baby store before, with a shocking look at her young age. Domineering.

Undoubtedly, Xia Siyue was not intimidated by Xu Yan, but was intimidated by Xiaohan's aura.She really didn't dare to do anything to Xiaohan lightly. Xiaohan was Lu Zhengting's son, and she was afraid and hated Lu Zhengting's methods.

Xia Siyue looked away silently, lifted the bag on her right wrist, lowered her eyes slightly, hating Xu Yan, "Don't think that with Lu Zhengting backing you, you can be unscrupulous, you may not have heard of 30 years Hexi 30 Nian Dong, we still have a long time, I have plenty of time. Wait for the day you beg me."

"Please? I think you're daydreaming too much and can't see reality clearly." Xu Yan taunted back with a funny face.

Xia Siyue was out of breath, and stared at her fiercely, "Let's wait and see, I want to see who will have the last laugh."

Xu Yan replied irrefutably, "I'm also looking forward to it."

Xia Siyue snorted coldly, turned around and left here angrily, she only had one crazy thought in her mind now, and that was that Xu Yan's happiness was too dazzling.

Xu Yan didn't take the incident to heart, but he couldn't help but think that although Jiangcheng is not as vast as the capital, the daily flow of people is tens of millions of people. Why does she always see these horrible things in such a big city? things and people.

The two rested for a while, then Xu Yan took Xiaohan to some other mother and baby stores, and bought some items needed for babies, one for each male and female, many of the toys were personally selected by Xiaohan, Xu Yan Yan saw the same anticipation and joy on his face as her own.

As the afternoon approached evening, Xu Yan received a call from Lu Zhengting. There was an engagement tonight, so he couldn't come back to have dinner with them.Xu Yan listened quietly, and couldn't help telling him in a low voice when he hung up the phone, "Drink less alcohol at night, your alcohol capacity is really not very good."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a deep laughter on the phone. After a pause, Lu Zhengting said with a smile, "If they insist on making me drink?"

Xu Yan replied subconsciously, "Then why don't you take Ning Xi with you? Doesn't he claim to never get drunk after a thousand cups?"

"Ning Xi can't help much." Lu Zhengting said ruthlessly, Ning Xi was sitting beside him, gnashing his teeth in anger, what could he do?Then you take it with you to make your own hair?
Holding a skirt in both hands, Xiaohan looked at Xu Yan excitedly and asked, "Sister Yan, which of these two do you think looks better?"

Although Xiaohan is young, she has her own unique views on fashion. She carefully observed the two skirts. To be honest, she thinks they are both beautiful. The two skirts are of different styles, one is ladylike, and the other is Cute style, but one thing in common is that they are all decorated with lace.

Xu Yan covered the microphone, and suddenly asked Xiaohan who was serious and waiting for his answer, "Xiaohan, do you like lace very much?"

Why else would he always choose everything with lace accents.

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, then quickly recovered, and rolled her eyes at Xu Yan, "Sister Yan, lace is very popular this year, besides, I believe my sister will definitely like lace very much."

Seeing the enigmatic confidence on Xiao Han's face, Xu Yan couldn't help but asked weakly again, "Why are you so sure that the one in my belly must be my younger sister, and why are you so sure that she will like lace?"

"Because she is a princess in my heart, and I want to give her all the good things in the world."

Xu Yan patted Xiaohan's head, Xiaohan can say these words at such a young age, so will he still be able to do it when he grows up?Isn't the ability to flirt with a girl a big deal?

To be honest, she felt that she was about to be melted by Xiaohan's caring and sweet words.

She was still immersed in Xiaohan's smile, but when Jud heard Lu Zhengting's somewhat dissatisfied voice on the phone, he remembered that she hadn't hung up the phone yet.

"What did you say?"

Lu Zhengting rubbed his temples with a headache, and repeated what he said just now, "It's useless to bring Ning Xi along?"

Ning Xi raised her leg and kicked Lu Zhengting's chair back, and said angrily, "I'm not going, anyway, I won't be able to help."

No one paid any attention to him when he spoke, and Lu Zhengting's attention was still focused on the phone. He was bullied by Lu Zhengting in Jiangcheng, so let's go back to Beicheng.

Seeing Xiaohan handing the two skirts in his hand to the shopping guide with a bright smile, Xu Yan said proudly, "Wrap up all the things I just said and send them to Mingcheng."

"Xiaohan..." It was too late for her to stop, because Xiaohan boldly asked to take out a gold card from her schoolbag and hand it to the shopping guide with a blank expression.

After swiping a few times, the bank card quietly returned to Xiaohan's hand.

Xu Yan closed his eyes speechlessly, this habit of spending money lavishly must have been inherited by Lu Zhengting, remembering Lu Zhengting who had been neglected by him, he immediately said to him angrily, "If you can't avoid it, just drink." After a pause, Something flashed through her mind, and she added with a nonchalant smile, "I really can't think of anyone in Jiangcheng who would dare to force you to drink."

After Xu Yan finished speaking, he ignored Lu Zhengting and hung up the phone.

This is looking for trouble when there is nothing to do, and nonsense.With his status, who dares to force him to do something he doesn't want to do?What's more, his black belly and penny must be reported. Those people think that Lu Zhengting will be thankful for not making trouble for him. Who would be so stupid as to send him to the door.

In this world, there are always some stupid people who like to do stupid things.

Ning Xi heard Xu Yan's last words before hanging up the phone very clearly. Seeing Lu Zhengting's constipated expression, he burst out laughing. He knew that only Xu Yan could cure Lu Zhengting of this scourge.

Lu Zhengting put away the phone as if nothing had happened, glanced lightly at Ning Xi behind him, and did not make any comments on his performance.

Lu Zhengting really couldn't escape the party tonight, he knew that the other party was someone who was very interested in wine and beauties, so he specially called Ning Xi up, why did he call him up?accompany wine.

Lu Zhengting kept these two words in his mouth and didn't say them until the party was over. Ning Xi lay half-lying in the back compartment with blurred eyes. Lu Zhengting smelled the smell of alcohol in the compartment, and instantly showed disgust. , his head was dizzy and he didn't know what he was muttering.

The driver squeezed his lips tightly, not even daring to breathe.

Ning Xi's drinking capacity was indeed not a bragging, but the real thing. He just rested in the car for a while, then regained his energy, and looked at Lu Zhengting lazily.

"Someone gave you a beauty tonight, why don't you want it?" Ning Xi teased.

"Are you sober?" Lu Zhengting pretended not to hear him, and said calmly.

Ning Xi flicked her hair in a gesture she thought was very handsome, then tilted her head and replied, "It's almost there."

"That woman, I have sent someone to your villa, enjoy it tonight."

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