Dressed in plain clothes, ordinary and without distinction, the family teacher defined Xia Yan as a servant of the Lu family, so she spoke even more bluntly, "If you have nothing to do, go out."

Hearing this, although Xia Yan was dissatisfied, thinking that she was Xiaohan's tutor, she finally endured it and prepared to go outside.

"By the way, you will bring me a glass of orange juice later, and take the cake away."

Xia Yan was slightly taken aback, thinking about what to do, Xiaohan, who was sitting on the stool obediently eating the cake, raised her head from the cake, "Mr. Li, do you know who you are ordering?"

Li Li, who was named by the little devil, was stunned, and shook his head sympathetically.

"She's my father's girlfriend, you dare to order her around, you're dead." Xiaohan stuck out her tongue and licked the cream on the spoon, and said in a calm voice, "You saw the wound on her hand?" Right? When my father saw it, he felt very distressed."

Xia Yan listened dumbfounded to Xiaohan's serious nonsense, and the feeling of spinning suddenly came up, she staggered, and caught a glimpse of Li Li, who was still ordering her as usual just now, staring at Xiaohan in disbelief. .

Li Li didn't expect that Xia Yan would be Lu Zhengting's girlfriend, and Xia Yan herself didn't expect that she would be Lu Zhengting's girlfriend.

Only Xiaohan was like a normal person, still eating the cake, eating it very happily.

After Xiaohan ate the cake, as he said, he did his homework at a fast speed, and sent away the tutor who hadn't reacted before leaving. Xia Yan turned around and immediately turned to Xiaohan, "Xiaohan, you can't do it next time." Say I'm your father's girlfriend, you know?"

"Children are not allowed to lie."

"Xiaohan, you're so cute."

"Well, so Xiaohan is right, sister Yan is dad's girlfriend."


"You are still young and don't understand what a girlfriend means."

"I know, it's the boyfriend and girlfriend who are going to get married."

"..." This statement made Xia Yan speechless. After thinking for a while, he decided to explain this question to Xiaohan in another way, "Xiaohan, I am your father's female friend."

Hearing this, Xiao Han rubbed her stuffed stomach, "Isn't that just the same meaning? I don't understand why you adults insist on making it so complicated."

Xia Yan decided to change the topic, "Are you full?"

"It seems a little bit." Xiaohan looked at Xia Yan wrongedly, the stomach made him feel uncomfortable, and he wanted to vomit.

Xia Yan glanced at the time, and it was not too late. Before she came, she found a lake not far from the villa. She reckoned it was also an artificial lake, twice as large as that of Jiangcheng University.

Xia Yan led Xiaohan out of the villa and walked slowly to the artificial lake. She had just passed by before, and only knew that there was a big lake here.When I got closer today, I found that the water in the lake was crystal clear, and it seemed that a large piece of colorful pebbles could be seen underwater, which were messy but glowed brilliantly under the light. The lake was surrounded by plants of various shapes Flowers, she is not familiar with the types of flowers. She can't name most of the flowers here. She only knows that they bloom delicately and are full of fragrance, which permeates the air and can be smelled from far away.

Xiaohan seems to be here for the first time, and her eyes are full of curiosity. There are a few butterflies of different colors on the blooming flowers, flapping their wings, as if they are picking powder.Xiaohan smiled and slowed down her pace, approaching the butterfly on the flower with light footsteps little by little, reached out her hand quickly, and squeezed the butterfly tightly in her hand.

"Xiaohan, the butterfly will die if you behave like this." Xia Yan walked to Xiaohan's side and opened his clenched hand. wing.

"Sister Yan, what should I do? I don't want it to die." Xiaohan looked pitifully at the butterfly in her hand, then at Xia Yan.

"Let's put it on this flower first, maybe she'll be fine after a while."

Hearing that, putting the butterfly on the flower, Xiao Han stared wide-eyed, staring at it without blinking, from slow to fast gradually, he was relieved, Xiao Han glanced at the palm of his hand, the palm of his hand The powder that fell from the butterfly body still remained in it.

The butterfly vignette dissipated quickly.Xia Yan took Xiaohan for a walk by the lake, who knew that there were a lot of mosquitoes in the grass, and wondered if they thought Xiaohan's blood was fresher and his meat was tenderer, so they only bit Xiaohan.

Originally there was a pavilion on the lake in front, Xia Yan wanted to take Xiaohan there to sit there, but seeing that Xiaohan's body was full of mosquito bite bumps, she didn't hesitate any longer, just hugged him and walked to the Lu residence.

When he returned to the Lu residence, Lu Zhengting hadn't come back yet.She hurriedly carried Xiao Han to the bathroom, put some antiseptic medicine in the water, after taking a bath, she found the anti-itch ointment from the first aid kit, and after reading the instructions, she began to apply the medicine to Xiao Han.

Xiaohan's most serious problem was on her arms and calves. Counting down carefully, her entire body was bitten by more than a dozen pimples.

"Sister Yan, I'm so itchy."

"Don't scratch, it won't itch after you take the medicine." Xia Yan rubbed the pimple with a cotton swab and scratched it gently a few times.

She didn't think about it. In the summer, mosquitos like to gather in the grass and near the water, and she even took Xiaohan there.

When Lu Zhengting came back, Xia Yan had already given Xiao Han the medicine, and the itching on his body had also stopped, but now he was still slightly red and swollen.

"Sister Yan, can you give me my long-sleeved pajamas in the closet to wear, this short-sleeved pajamas can't appear in front of Dad." Xiaohan said sadly.

Hearing this, Xia Yan felt even more guilty. Xiao Han's thoughtful behavior really touched her little heart ten thousand points.

Lu Zhengting frowned slightly when he saw Xiaohan appearing in the stairwell in long clothes and trousers, "Xiaohan, come here."

"Father, why did you come back so early today?" Xiaohan glanced at the time and it was less than seven o'clock. Usually, when Lu Zhengting came back, it was either ninety o'clock or past midnight.

"Well, on this hot day, are you dressed like this?"

"The air conditioner in the room is turned on a bit, I'm cold." Xiaohan stared at Lu Zhengting with innocent and cute eyes, so sincere that no one could doubt his words.

Lu Zhengting looked directly at Xiao Han with deep eyes, and nodded clearly.

At this moment, Xia Yan, who had no idea about the living room downstairs, had no idea that Lu Zhengting was back.

Because when I helped Xiaohan take a bath just now, because of his prank, the water overflowing from the bathtub wet the hem of her skirt, and Xiaohan suddenly jumped, and the full tank of water exploded, Xia Yan He was caught off guard by water splashing on his face.

She couldn't wear her wet clothes anymore, so Xiaohan hurriedly ran to Lu Zhengting's room in her little slippers, opened the closet, picked up a shirt, and dashed back to her room, Pass the shirt to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan had no choice but to wear Lu Zhengting's shirt on her body. Lu Zhengting's height was about 1 meters by visual inspection, but her height was about 1 meters. This shirt was worn from Lu Zhengting's body to his waist Now it's almost up to her hips when she wears it.

She stood in front of the mirror, and the heat covered the mirror. She raised her hand to wipe it, and saw in a trance that the whole face of the person in the mirror was rosy and shiny, with slightly wet hair on her shoulders. It was not buttoned up, and the slender and fair neck was slightly pink.

Suddenly, I remembered the time when I fell asleep in the bathroom...

His face turned red in an instant.

She took her clothes and was going to ask Mama Chen to dry them. Thinking that Lu Zhengting must have not come back at this time, she felt a big stone in her heart. Standing up and turning to face her man, she gasped for an instant.

Damn!Didn't Xiaohan say that Lu Zhengting came back very late recently?

So what did she see?
Xia Yan blinked vigorously a few times, then shifted her gaze in disbelief to Xiao Han who poked her head out from behind Lu Zhengting and looked at her with a smile, and the two talked silently.

"Didn't you say that your father came back very late?"

"I don't know why it's so early today."

"Little Han!"

"Sister Yan, calm down, anything in this world is possible."

Xia Yan's eyes widened, is there still time for her to slip away?
Lu Zhengting's deep gaze saw Xia Yan wearing his shirt, plus his half-wet and half-dry hair, and no makeup on his face, his whole person was pure and beautiful.A strange light flashed in the black and white pupils, bright like stars, quiet like moonlight, and elusive like the deep sea.

Xia Yan froze in place stupidly, her fingers under the clothes were tightly intertwined, she secretly glanced at Lu Zhengting in embarrassment and nervousness, her cheeks were flushed, "Mr. Your clothes, I'm sorry for that."

"No need." Lu Zhengting's voice was low, hoarse and sexy.

Hearing this, Xia Yan's heart trembled suddenly. She couldn't stand Lu Zhengting talking to her in such a voice. The hairs all over her body stood up, and she quickly said, "I want to, I'm bothering you too much, I'll go find it now Mama Chen, dry your clothes."

"Mother Chen is off work."

"The dryer is broken."

Lu Zhengting and Xiao Han said in unison.Xia Yan's face darkened, Chen's mother's off work time is 08:30 in the evening, and it's only before eight o'clock, what kind of shift is Chen's mother in?Dryer broke?She clearly remembered that she helped Mother Chen dry Xiaohan's clothes two days ago when she had nothing to do, so the quality of this dryer is so poor?

Xiaohan showed her small head and smiled mischievously, "Sister Yan, I forgot to tell you, the dryer broke down yesterday."

"Then I'll use a hair dryer." Xia Yan smiled calmly, the dryer is broken, could it be that the hair dryer is also broken?

"Only Mother Chen knows where the hair dryer is." Lu Zhengting said to Xia Yan expressionlessly.

"I clearly remember that Chen's mother doesn't get off work until 08:30!"

"Mama Chen has something to do at home, so she left early."

Facing this wonderful pair of father and son, Xia Yan's heart stopped trembling, and he was about to be blown up.

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