Yuzhou.Xia Yan and Zhan Meng drove all the way from Jiangcheng, and stayed in the cities and towns along the way for a few days. Xia Yan didn't know when Zhan Meng prepared the fake ID card. I really think her preparation is very good.

She hadn't thought of preparing a fake ID card at all. If she used her own ID card, Lu Zhengting would definitely find her within a day, and it wouldn't be like now. The two of them are still casually outside, completely unaware that Jiangcheng has turned into a mess. .

When Xia Yan went out, she left her mobile phone at home, and then bought a new mobile phone and registered a new mobile phone number. This is what Zhan Meng asked her to do.

Xia Yan is the first time she has come to Yuzhou since she can remember. There is a big difference between Yuzhou and Jiangcheng. The economic development of Yuzhou is not comparable to that of Jiangcheng, but this city feels very quiet. There seems to be a gentle magic power, and I can't help but be attracted by it.

Yuzhou seems to have applied for the water town in the south, but although Yuzhou is near the water, it is not completely a water town. From a high point, Yuzhou seems to be protected by mountains, with overlapping peaks Ups and downs, on the top of the mountain, you can see the thick clouds floating on the top of the mountain very clearly.

Such a picture is hard to see in Jiangcheng. If there is a difference between Yuzhou and Jiangcheng, it is that Yuzhou is a livable city, with bustling streets but an orderly feel.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhan Meng opened her hands and closed her eyes, feeling the clouds flying past her ears. She was in a very happy mood. She smiled and said to Xia Yan on the other side, "Yuzhou is really a very Beautiful city."

"Yes." Xia Yan imitated Zhan Meng's movement and wanted to open her hands. Although she was not afraid of heights, she was still a little timid standing on this mountain peak. Looking down, she would see an abyss. If she accidentally fell down It is broken to pieces.

Zhan Meng opened her eyes quickly, walked carefully to Xia Yan's side, touched her hand with her elbow, "I came to Jiangcheng, and I realized why your mother is so gentle."

"Since when did you say that?"

"I just said that."

Xia Yan showed Xiao Lanzhi's photo to Zhan Meng. It is undeniable that she was amazed the moment she saw the photo. In her opinion, Xiao Lanzhi's appearance is not very attractive, but she has a kind of smart beauty. , even though the years have left traces on her body, she still can't hide her aura.

"But since I was sensible, my mother didn't tell me too much about her family."

"No way? How do you know your mother's hometown?"

"I probably still remember the reason why I was curious when I was a child. I had to pester her to tell me. Maybe I was annoyed by me, so I told me." Xia Yan recalled the incident of pestering Xiao Lanzhi when he was a child, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily twitched. With a smile.

When I was young, my father and mother were still there, and with her, the family of three was really happy. Those days should be the happiest time for her.

Until Xu Guang passed away, Xiao Lanzhi married Xia Minghui instead, and she also went to Xia's family.

Since then, her life has changed drastically.

Zhan Meng glanced at the place full of mountain ash, puffed her cheeks and blew at the position, a cloud of dust was thrown up in an instant, and rushed to her face. She raised her head and looked at Xia Yan dumbfounded, only to see Xia Yan's eyebrows and eyes Turning around, she pretended to be nonchalant and patted the ground, "Come and sit."

Xia Yan didn't refuse, and walked over on tiptoe. In an instant, her feet almost stepped on the ground. If Zhan Meng hadn't grabbed her hand quickly, she wouldn't have dared to think about it. Xia Yan sat on the ground in shock. Dare to move indiscriminately.

"Xia Yan." Zhan Meng originally wanted to ask about what happened in Jiangcheng, but she thought that if she accidentally touched Xia Yan's wound, it would be troublesome. After thinking about it, she gave up.

"What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I think the two of us are really free enough, we got up at four or five o'clock to climb the mountain, just to watch the sunrise."

Xia Yan smiled. When she saw the morning glow piercing through the thick clouds and shining on the mountain peak, her heart was extremely peaceful, and there was not even the slightest noise in her ears.She didn't know if it counted as purifying the mind, or rather experiencing nature.

"It's getting late, let's go down."

"En." Xia Yan nodded, put her hands on the ground, thinking of the sudden situation just now, she seemed extra cautious.

After coming down from the mountain, the two of them got into the car and drove back to the city.Instead of staying in a hotel, they stayed in a homestay with good online reviews.

The owner of the homestay is a couple about 40 years old. The proprietress looks much younger, but the couple treats them very well and often invites them to dinner, and the relationship between them is very good in their opinion.

At least Xia Yan was a little envious.

The life she longs for is to be with the one she loves, even if life is simple and ordinary, it doesn't matter.It's just that she fell in love with someone she didn't love, and shattered all her fantasy life.

Because Zhan Meng didn't like to live in the same room with others, they each opened a room.The first thing Zhan Meng did when she returned to her room after eating was to turn on her computer. As she expected, Ning Xi had already hacked her computer and wanted to set a tracker on her computer.

Seeing this, Zhan Meng snorted coldly, "How can I not know what you want to do? If you want to know where I am, I won't tell you."

Zhan Meng's hands pressed back and forth on the keyboard extremely quickly. She finished a series of codes, and finally grinned slightly, and turned off the computer with a "snap".

After taking a good nap and waking up, Xia Yan had already changed into cooler clothes and was sitting downstairs in the flower hall outside having tea with the proprietress.

"Little girl, you are not from Yuzhou, are you?"

"I'm half a Yuzhou native, my mother is from Yuzhou."

"It turned out to be like this. Isn't it a bit unsuitable for the weather in Yuzhou? The weather in Yuzhou is like this every year at this time. It will still feel cold in the morning, but it will feel a little hot at noon, and the temperature will be low again at night." It suddenly dropped by about ten degrees."

"I can still get used to it, lady boss, can you tell me about Yuzhou?"

"If you want to know about Yuzhou, you really asked the right person. I am a native of Yuzhou and have been here for more than forty years."

Xia Yan listened to the proprietress talking about the past of the city of Yuzhou with great interest, and she didn't even know when Zhan Meng came down.

"What are you talking about? Are you talking so happily?" Zhan Meng yawned and asked lazily.

Xia Yan looked up at Zhan Meng, and asked suspiciously, "Are you awake? Are you too tired? After arriving in Yuzhou, you spent almost fifteen hours sleeping 24 hours a day."

Hearing this, Zhan Meng looked at Xia Yan in disbelief, pulled away the chair next to her and sat down, "I've been sleeping for so long? It doesn't make sense, I used to love to sleep too, but it's not like now. "

"Then do you feel any discomfort?"

"No, I feel like I can eat, drink and sleep, everything is very normal."

Xia Yan looked at Zhan Meng suspiciously, seeing that she was also very confused, so she simply didn't get entangled in this topic, and continued to drag the proprietress to talk about the past in Yuzhou.

"Miss Boss, what did you just say? You mean 20 years ago?" Xia Yan suddenly stood up from the chair excitedly, staring at the Mistress with wide eyes, her sudden gesture startled the Mistress .

"Yes, yes, about twenty years ago, I can't remember the exact time, the youngest daughter of our richest man in Yuzhou disappeared suddenly, but some people said that it was because of her I fell in love with a poor boy, and my family didn't allow me to elope."

Zhan Meng was drinking water, and when she heard the words of the proprietress, she spit out the water from her mouth. Xia Yan hurriedly handed her the tissue in front of her, and whispered, "Why are you reacting so badly?"

"Hey, Xia Yan, my reaction is not as exciting as yours just now. I'm just curious why people still elope? Such an old-fashioned and romantic thing, to be honest, if it is possible, I would like to experience it. "

When the proprietress heard Zhan Meng's words, she couldn't help laughing, "You little girl, you really want to experience everything, in fact, if this kind of thing really happened to you, you wouldn't say that. "

"So, it's because I haven't experienced it before that I want to experience it."

"Zhouzhou, come here."

Hearing this, the proprietress raised her head and replied to the person who called her, "What's the matter? I'll be right there." After a pause, she glanced at the two of them, "Talk slowly, I'll go to work first."

Zhouzhou is the nickname of the proprietress, and also her husband's exclusive nickname for her.

Xia Yan and Zhan Meng smiled at each other, shaking their goosebumps at the same time.


Because of Xia Yan's disappearance, Ningnan and Xu Su originally planned to go back to Beicheng, but now they are not going back. In the past half a month, Lu Zhengting almost searched Jiangcheng and even the surrounding cities. .

He can be sure that Xia Yan has not left China.People in Beicheng also searched for it to no avail.

Ning Nan and Ning Xi sat facing each other. Ning Nan's complexion was fine, but Ning Xi's complexion was much worse. Seeing that Lu Zhengting's face was covered with haze, Ning Nan could only poke Ning Xi and asked, "Your complexion So ugly? Don't tell you that the woman is gone too?"

"What am I a woman? Where can I get a woman?"

"Just blow it, you and Zhan Meng."

"She and I are just ordinary friends."

"You're a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, just show off to me here, if Zhan Meng is chased away, you'll cry." Ning Nan slipped to Xu Su's side after saying this.

"We've checked all the suspects now, but we still haven't found Xia Yan."

"If you don't find it, keep looking until you find it." Lu Zhengting said coldly.He didn't believe that Xia Yan could really disappear completely under his nose.

"Do you think she will use a fake ID card?" Ning Nan said this suddenly, which instantly attracted Lu Zhengting's attention.

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