"Xiao Jia..."

"I said, when we meet again, we won't sit and chat peacefully together." Lin Xujia said coldly, no longer looking at Xia Yan, raised his head and walked past her.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, and looked at Lin Xujia's leaving back calmly in his heart. She was indeed meddling in her own business.The relationship between her and Lin Xujia is just as Lin Xujia said, it will never be the same as before.

Sighing, Xia Yan vaguely heard the conversation of two nurses as he passed the nurses' station.

"I really don't understand what's going on in girls' minds now, you know? The girl who just left just now came to make a contraceptive ring at a young age."

"No way, maybe you read it wrong? That girl looks to be in her early twenties."

"How could I be wrong."

"Forget it, forget it, don't say it, if you are caught by the head nurse, you will have to be trained again."

Xia Yan didn't know if the young girl they were talking about was Lin Xujia, but her intuition told her that it was most likely Lin Xujia.After being checked out from the hospital, I saw Xiaohan sitting in the car as soon as I got in the car.

Xiaohan rested her cheeks in both hands, and stared at Xia Yan with flickering eyes, "Sister Yan, are you tired? Why do you look so melancholy?"

"It's okay, why is Xiaohan here?"

"I asked the bodyguard to bring me here, Sister Yan, since my father didn't want me to live with you, I miss you so much every day and want to see you every day."

"Come on, let me see if our Xiaohan secretly ate honey today, this little mouth is so sweet."

"Sister Yan, every word I say is my truth." Xiaohan said very seriously.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help pinching Xiaohan's pink cheeks, seeing him muttering a small mouth, he smiled immediately, reached out and brushed the hair hanging on his forehead behind his ears, "Seeing that you are so obedient today For your sake, Sister Yan will take you to eat cake, okay?"

"Okay, this is really good. But I want to eat the cake made by sister Yan even more."

"Okay, if that's the case, we have to go to the supermarket first, and some ingredients at home have been used up." Xia Yan used to make cakes because Xiao Lanzhi liked to eat them. After Xiao Lanzhi left, it was Xiaohan who liked to eat them, but this time Xiaohan was in the villa for a while, so she didn't bother to buy the materials when they ran out.

Xiaohan tilted her head, nodded and then shook her head suddenly, "I don't want it anymore, sister Yan has to take care of the baby now, so let's eat outside."

"It's okay, baby, now..."

"If I say no, then I won't." Xiao Han's stern face made Xia Yan feel as if he saw a small version of Lu Zhengting sitting next to him. This resolute attitude, tsk tsk, is really exactly the same as Lu Zhengting.

Xiaohan directly ordered the driver to drive to the cake shop.Xia Yan was speechless and had to let Xiao Han decide.

On the way to the cake shop, Xia Yan caught a glimpse of the serious face of the driver driving in front suddenly became more serious. She rubbed her stomach and asked cautiously, "What happened?"

"Miss Xia, we are being followed now."

"Being followed?"

"Yes, Miss Xia, please sit down with the young master."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yan's brain hadn't reacted, and the uneasiness in her heart became more and more obvious. She looked down and saw the small palm on the back of her hand, and stretched out a hand to touch Xiaohan's head, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm used to it. But sister Yan, you look so pale." Xiao Han said worriedly while holding her hand.

Xia Yan didn't know how to describe her current mood, the car suddenly swayed to the left and right, she reflexively hugged Xiao Han in her arms, and said nervously, "Don't be afraid, sister is by your side."

Hearing this, Xiaohan blinked her eyes, her face was much calmer than Xia Yan's, but after hearing Xia Yan's words, there seemed to be tears in her eyes, "Can I call you mother?"

Xia Yan stared at Xiaohan, holding back the tears that did not stay, and nodded silently.

As if in an instant, the car was hit violently with a whoosh. Xia Yan was protecting Xiao Han in his arms, while protecting his stomach. Before the driver had any time to react, a car suddenly drove over in front of them. A large truck was coming straight towards them, and it seemed to be getting faster and faster.

A violent sound slid across the sky, and the car Xia Yan and Xiao Han were riding in collided face-to-face with the large truck driving ahead. The driver turned the steering wheel at the last moment, which directly caused the car to overturn, and a few sparks were dragged around the car.At the last second of losing consciousness, Xia Yan still held Xiao Han tightly in his arms.

After receiving the driver's call, Lu Zhengting heard the sound of a collision coming from inside, and he stood up from his chair abruptly, so frightened that no one in the meeting room dared to speak, they didn't even dare to breathe, they all looked at each other, not knowing What happened.

After a few seconds of silence in the conference room, Lu Zhengting suddenly pushed away his chair, left the conference room eagerly, and directly ordered the driver to go to the hospital where Xia Yan had a pregnancy test.

Xia Yan was sent directly to the city hospital by ambulance, and when Lu Zhengting received the news, he immediately ordered the driver to turn around and go to the city hospital.When Lu Zhengting received the news, he immediately notified Ning Xi to let him investigate the cause of the accident.

The first person to rush to the hospital was Jiang Mingxiu. Xia Yan and Xiaohan were both sent to the operating room. Mother Chen accompanied Jiang Xiuming to wait outside the operating room. When he was pushed out, his face was very pale. Under Xia Yan's protection, he only suffered a little injury.

Knowing that Xiaohan was only slightly injured, Jiang Xiuming felt relieved, and stretched out his hand to touch the unconscious Xiaohan, wondering what he was thinking, but at this moment, no one thought that the matter was not over, is getting worse.

Xia Yanren was still in the operating room for rescue, but Lu Zhengting collided with a small car at the intersection because of speeding.

Jiang Mingxiu, who received the news, almost fainted. She had already lost a son, and could no longer bear the pain of losing another son.Lu Zhengting was also sent to the city hospital. At this moment, both Xia Yan and Lu Zhengting were in the operating room.

When Key Yaru arrived, she saw Jiang Mingxiu sitting on a chair with a pale face, and Chen Ma beside her was also silent.Xia Yan's operating room was suddenly opened, and the doctor hurriedly walked up to Jiang Mingxiu, and quickly said, "The patient's current situation is not optimistic, and the child in her stomach probably cannot be kept."

"Can't keep it? Why can't you keep it?" Jiang Mingxiu asked sullenly.

Ke Yaru, who stood beside Ke and did not speak, was very puzzled by Jiang Xiuming's sudden change of attitude. The doctor didn't leave much time for Jiang Mingxiu to choose before returning to the operating room.

Key Yaru helped Jiang Mingxiu back to the chair, and then asked Mama Chen to go back to the villa to make some chicken soup for Xiaohan.

In the quiet corridor, there were only Ke Yaru and Jiang Mingxiu. Jiang Mingxiu was displeased when she saw her hesitant to speak, and asked, "Yaru, is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

All of a sudden, the news that the chairman of the Lu Group and his fiancée had a car accident appeared on the covers of major newspapers in Jiangcheng.

Three days have passed, and the enthusiasm for the news has not diminished. Jiang Mingxiu has been in a bad mood. Lin Xujia has been by her side these days to help deal with these matters. Xiaohan woke up the next day, but her calf was scratched and some A mild concussion.

After Lu Zhengting woke up, he asked to see Xia Yan immediately, and not long after Lu Zhengting woke up, Xia Yan woke up.

He came to Xia Yan's ward, looked at the pale-faced person on the bed, couldn't hide the pain in his eyes, walked up to Xia Yan, took her hand and kissed her.Xia Yan slowly raised the hand holding the salt water to the stomach, and stared at the ceiling absently.

"The child is gone."

"There will be more in the future."

Xia Yan opened his eyes without blinking, not knowing what to say.She didn't want to believe that the baby was no longer in her womb, but when she woke up, she felt empty inside.

She said in a weak voice, "No one told me that the child is gone, but I can feel it myself. Do you believe it? Do you believe in a telepathy?"


"The child is gone." Xia Yan repeated again,
Lu Zhengting leaned over and kissed Xia Yan's forehead, and replied softly, "I know."

"Why is this happening?" Xia Yan closed his eyes and asked weakly with a choking voice.

Hearing this, Lu Zhengting looked at the helpless and sad face of the person in his arms with distress, wishing to kill the person who caused all this.

"It's all my fault, it's all because I didn't protect her properly, she left my stomach, she will definitely blame me, she is not a good mother... definitely will." Shaking her head, Xia Yan said to herself It seems that he has fallen into deep self-blame.

Xia Yan's mood is very difficult to stabilize, as long as she wakes up, she will fall into infinite self-blame, it is useless for anyone to say, she seems to be immersed in another world now, everything around her seems to be no longer the same as her There are relationships.

A week later, Lu Zhengting discharged Xia Yan from the hospital. Instead of taking Xia Yan back to Dongshan Villa, he returned to Xia Yan's apartment. Xiao Han's injuries were no longer serious, and Jiang Mingxiu took him back to the villa to take care of her. .

Ning Xi hacked into the traffic network immediately and got the video of the traffic accident on the highway bridge that day. The whole process was recorded in the video.Now this video is in Lu Zhengting's hands.

Lu Zhengting held the mouse and clicked pause. Ning Xi sat on the sofa beside him, glanced at him, and said, "According to the video, I have selected suspicious objects and handed them over to investigate."

"Well, if you have any news, let me know immediately."

"By the way, how is my sister-in-law doing now? Is it still the same as before?"

As for Xia Yan, Lu Zhengting has no way to get Xia Yan out of the predicament so far. Every day when Xia Yan wakes up at home, he is in a daze and doesn't talk to anyone. He is as quiet as if he has no sense of existence.

Ning Xi sighed, he can't comfort people at all, let alone comfort a man like Lu Zhengting, usually a fight is the best comfort.

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